0. TITLE / name(s) section number (this is first page of your project) 1. An Executive Summary (goals and major findings). this part should be about 3/4 to 1 page and state: what the question is you are trying to answer your response variable, your factors and levels, how you randomized, how many replications you did and if you blocked on any factor it should summarize your statistical results: which terms were and were not statistically significant in both your models main conclusions A table of contents. 2. A description of the reason for your study. WHY is this study of interest , what did you expect to learn 3. A statement of how your a priori expectations for the study turned out. how did you think it would come out before doing the experiment 4. What you did and how you did it (in enough detail that your instructor could replicate it if he wished, without having to ask you for more details of exactly what equipment and materials were involved, how they were used, etc.). You may need to include sketches of the physical apparatus used. 5. A list of the raw data you obtained and circumstances surrounding their collection (order of collection, randomization, etc. and DESIGN MATRIX, raw data table should have one column as order of the runs or trials). 6. Appropriate statistical analyses of the data (use graphics as well as numerical summaries). ALL project should include stats by each factor ,mfit, mplot and side by side boxplots by each factor so if datastructure is called b from b=readfile then stats(b.y,b.x1) and stats(b.y,b.x2) mfit(b.y,b.x1,b.x2) mplot(b.y,b.x1,b.x2) bplot(b.y,b.x1) bplot(b.y,b.x2) EACH PROJECT NEEDS THE TWO ANOVA MODELS OR THE TWO REGRESSION MODELS THAT WERE IN YOUR APPROVED PROPOSAL if ANOVA remember to use class statement and to include interaction term, also do a rplot by X1 and by X2 where X1 and X2 are factors 1 and 2, you need rplots by X1 and by X2 if REGRESSION do at least main effects and interaction terms, model Y = X1 + X2 + X1*X2 , also do a rplot by X1 and by X2 where X1 and X2 are factors 1 and 2 to see if other terms need to be added to model or if log(Y) is appropriate rplot by x1 rplot by x2 for each model say which terms are significant give R^2 and standard error for each model compare the two or more models, indicate which gave higher R^2 and if differences in which terms were significant For regression or ANOVA be sure to include R^2 and std error for each model, also more than one model should be tried, say you also try with log(Y) to see if increase R^2 in the text you should say what the relative importance of the factors is from mfit from M plot and side by side boxplots is an interaction suggested ( did it end up being significant in ANOVA or regression ?) is mean change linear , is data in boxplots highly skewed? ... from means table: which treatment gave the HIGHEST mean reponse ? the SMALLEST mean response? give the prediction for these treatments using the mfit results, also from your best regression model if you did regression instead of ANOVA 7. A statement of the practical implications of your study. what's the take home lesson from your study, main conclusions 8. A discussion of further questions raised by your study (that might be investigated in a subsequent experiment). such as if you were doing project again what would you change, what other factors might be looked at, should levels of factors be changed, did experiment suggest some new questions to explore 10. copy of your APPROVED project proposal paste into word doc or pdf a copy of your approved proposal ------------------------------------------------------------all project must be sent as pdf or .doc files or docx files (odt files will be deleted and not count as project submission) naming format if Ichiro and Matsui were project partner then they would sent 3 files to me at bmasmith@ncsu.edu with " ICHIRO_MATSUI PROJECT" in the subject line attachments: Ichiro_Matsui.pdf (the project) Ichiro_Matsui_data.txt ( the data file with columns being X1 X2 Y runorder) Ichiro_Matsui_proposal.doc ( copy of APPROVED proposal)