AMGEN France

Call for research project proposals
on Genetic Renal Diseases - AIRG-France 2012
The French Association for Information and Research on Genetic Renal Disease (AIRG-France) is launching its
annual call for proposals to support research projects on "Genetic Renal Diseases" in the following areas:
Pathophysiology, Diagnosis, Epidemiology or Treatment.
The call AIRG-France 2012 is focused on three genetic diseases as detailed below:
1. Alport syndrome: The call is granted with a budget of € 120,000 over three years at a rate of € 40,000 per
year to fund in 2012, 2013 and 2014 innovative projects targeting the disease (Ref. SA 2012 -14 AIRGFrance).
2. Autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease (ARPKD): The call is granted with a budget of € 45,000
over three years at a rate of € 15,000 per year to fund in 2012, 2013 and 2014 innovative projects targeting
the disease (Ref. PKR 2012-14 AIRG-France).
3. Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney (ADPKD): The call is granted with a budget of € 30,000 over
one year to fund innovative projects in 2012 and focused on the disease (Ref. 2012 PKAD AIRG-France).
Eligibility requirements:
• Funding for each disease will be awarded to one or more teams involved in clinical research or basic science
in a laboratory or a public hospital in France or abroad.
• The foreign teams filling an application must include collaboration with at least one French team. A letter
should be provided.
• The annual project funding (ADPKD) will be awarded at the beginning of the project on the basis of a
commitment to producing a final report.
• Funding for multi-year projects will be awarded by annual tranches on the basis of annual progress's reports.
• The funding request may involve equipment or operation.
Applicants should send a draft of 10 pages maximum, written in French (or English for foreign teams) including
a summary of the scientific project, the composition of the team, five recent publications from the team and a
detailed budget. The project coordinator will be a researcher or a hospital professional. The application will be
accompanied by a commitment from him/her to write a summary of the research work for educational purpose
aimed at members of the AIRG-France at the end of the research. In addition, research recipients must
acknowledge the support of AIRG-France in all scientific communications related to their award.
Project proposals must be e-mailed before the 20th of June 2012 to the President of the France-AIRG to eaddress: . Simultaneously, a signed copy (paper) will be sent to the following
address: AIRG-France BP 78 75261 PARIS Cedex 06 FRANCE
Projects will be evaluated by a jury selected by the Scientific Council of the AIRG France, involving international
experts identified for their ability to appreciate the quality of the project, its relevance in the international context,
and the match between financial demand and work. The jury's recommendations will be forwarded on
September 15, 2012 to the Board of AIRG-France which will decide the final allocation of grants. The results will
be communicated to applicants in October 2012.
For more information, contact the secretariat of the AIRG France:
Daniel Renault
President France-AIRG
Correspondance : AIRG-France - Boite Postale 78 - 75261 – PARIS Cedex 06
Association loi de 1901, créée en 1988, reconnue d’Utilité Publique
Représentant des usagers dans les établissements publics de santé
N° SIRET : 494 281 801 000 14
Correspondance : BP.78 – 75261 PARIS CEDEX 06
Siège Social : 34 rue SERPENTE -75006 PARIS TEL : 01 53 10 89 98 /