SOC 279: Globalization Midterm review sheet Nicole Hala Spring 2011 The midterm exam will consist of two sections: I. Key Terms. You will be asked to define 7 out of 10 terms (in a few sentences or paragraph) selected from the list below. Each item will be worth 8 points, for a total of 56 points. II. Short responses. You choose 4 out of 6 questions and answer them in one or more paragraphs. Each item will be worth 11 points, for a total of 44 points. (All questions will specify the relevant author/title, so you do not have to worry about memorizing author names and matching them with course material.) The exam will cover the following key terms (IN BOLD ITALICS) and the key arguments (i.e., those discussed in class and/or highlighted in the lecture slides) from the material below: Debating Globalization General Introduction, pp. 1-5; Introduction, pp. 9-10. GLOBALIZATION / DETERRITORIALIZATION Ch. 1, "The Hidden Promise: Liberty Renewed" (Micklethwait and Wooldridge) NATION-STATE / ZERO-SUM GAME / CRONY CAPITALISM / COMMUNITARIANS / ANOMIE Ch. 2, "How to Judge Globalism" (Sen) WESTERNIZATION Ch. 3, "From the Great Transformation to the Global Free Market" (Gray) WASHINGTON CONSENSUS / THE GREAT TRANSFORMATION / THE ENLIGHTENMENT THESIS / COUNTERMOVEMENTS Ch. 4, "Jihad vs. McWorld" (Barber) MCWORLD / JIHAD / SOFT POWER Ch. 5, "The Clash of Civilizations" (Huntington) CIVILIZATIONAL CONSCIOUSNESS Ch. 7, "Sociology of the Global System" (Sklair) WASHINGTON CONSENSUS / TRANSNATIONAL CORPORATION (TNC ) / TRANSNATIONAL CAPITALIST CLASS (TCC) / CULTURE-IDEOLOGY OF CONSUMERISM * "The Rise of the New Global Elite" The Atlantic (Freeland) PLUTOCRACY / OLIGARCHY / PHILANTHROCAPITALISM Experiencing Globalization Ch. 13, "How Sushi Went Global" (Bestor) CONSUMERISM / CORE & PERIPHERY / BRAND EQUITY Ch. 14, "McDonald’s in Hong Kong" (Watson) LOCALIZING ADAPTATIONS / CENTER (CORE) & PERIPHERY Ch. 12, "The Global Ecumene" (Hannerz) CENTER (CORE) & PERIPHERY / BEENTO / BUSH / DIASPORA / CULTURAL BROKERS / CREOLIZATION Ch. 17, "Strategic Inauthenticity" (Taylor) GRIOT / MBALAX / YOUSSOU N'DOUR Economic Globalization Ch. 18, "Commodity Chains and Marketing Strategies: Nike and the Global Athletic Footwear Industry" (Korzeniewicz) COMMODITY / GLOBAL COMMODITY CHAIN (GCC) / SUBCONTRACTING / SEMIPERIPHERY Ch. 20, "Incensed about Inequality" (Wolf) GREEN REVOLUTION / ECONOMIC LIBERALIZATION / GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT (GDP) / GDP PER CAPITA / GLOBAL INEQUALITY / WITHIN-COUNTRY INEQUALITY / BETWEEN-COUNTRY INEQUALITY Ch. 21, "Is Globalization Reducing Poverty and Inequality?" (Wade) NEOLIBERALISM / PURCHASING POWER PARITY (PPP) 2