THE FEEDING DYNAMICS OF OUT-MIGRATED AGE-0 CHINOOK SALMON (ONCORHYNCHUS TSHAWYTSCHA) IN LAKE ONTARIO A Thesis Presented to the Faculty of the Graduate School of Cornell University in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Science by Nicholas Dino Principe May 2005 © 2005 Nicholas Dino Principe ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to examine gastric evacuation, feeding chronology, daily ration, growth, diet, and prey selectivity of recently out-migrated young-of-the-year (YOY) chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) in Lake Ontario. To determine gastric evacuation rates, chinook salmon ranging from 40-80 mm in total length, were fed to satiation and maintained at 10, 13, 16, or 19oC in the laboratory for 24 hours. Five fish were sampled randomly every four hours from each temperature treatment and the complete digestive tract (CDT) contents were removed. The CDT contents and the remainder of each fish were subsequently dried and weighed. Results show that evacuation rate (R) was dependent on temperature, with estimates of R ranging from 0.214·h-1 to 0.352·h-1, at 10oC and 19oC, respectively. Field sampling for daily ration estimates was conducted on five dates from May 21 – June 25, 2001. Sub-yearling chinook salmon were captured using a seine near the mouth of the Salmon River, beginning 30-60 minutes after sunrise and continuing at approximately 4-hour intervals for 24 hours. Estimates of mean daily ration ( D ) were derived using the Eggers (1977) model. Results showed that gut fullness varied significantly (p < 0.05) with both date and time of day, but there was no indication of synchronous diel variability in gut fullness between dates. Because D did not vary as a function of date (p > 0.05), an overall D (28.3 g dry wt·100 g dry wt-1·d-1) was calculated using the grand mean for all five sampling dates. Daily ring counts of sagittal otoliths revealed that in 2001, YOY chinook hatched between February 21 and April 2, and exhibited a mean growth rate of 0.65 mm·day-1. The early spring hatch dates indicated that the captured chinook salmon were naturally produced, as 2001 hatchery chinook hatched in November. For diet analyses, out-migrated YOY chinook salmon, along with potential prey items, were sampled biweekly, at dusk, at two near-shore sites (i.e., Sandy Creek and the Salmon River) in Lake Ontario from April – July of 2000. In 2001, weekly diet and prey sampling was conducted from April – July at the Salmon River site only. On five dates from mid-May to late-June 2001, prey and fish samples were collected throughout the day to assess diel shifts in prey availability and selection. Mid-water and surface prey sampling was conducted using a 1000 µm neuston net pulled across the surface and parallel to the shoreline in water about one meter deep. Out-migrated, age-0 chinook salmon were captured using a seine concurrent with prey samples in both 2000 and 2001. Results showed that YOY chinook salmon in Lake Ontario were primarily diurnal feeders as indicated by both a decrease in gut content wet weight and the lack of identifiable prey in stomach samples examined after midnight. Sub-yearling chinook sampled at dusk at both sites in 2000 and 2001 fed heavily on aquatic taxa, with mature chironomids constituting the bulk of the diet. Similarly, chinook salmon sampled during the day at the Salmon River site in 2001 consumed at least 71% aquatic taxa. Moreover, there was little evidence of a diel diet shift. Although amphipods, homopterans, and developing chironomidae often dominated the prey samples, daytime diet data collected at the Salmon River site in 2001 revealed that mature chironomidae remained the most frequently consumed prey. Strauss’s (1979) index of prey selection (L) revealed that in general, YOY chinook actively selected (L = 0.30.5) for chironomidae, while negatively selecting for non-chironomids. This study shows that naturally produced chinook salmon are thriving in the near-shore areas of Lake Ontario and consequently have an excellent chance to recruit to the lake’s Pacific salmon fishery. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH Nicholas Principe graduated Summa Cum Laude from North Carolina State University (NCSU) in December 1998 at the age of 31. There he received a B.S in Fish and Wildlife Science and minored in Environmental Science. He completed an independent study of largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides) mark-recapture success in 1998 with his undergraduate advisor and former Cornell doctoral student, Dr. Richard Noble. In addition, while at NCSU, he worked closely with Dr. Randy Jackson on young-of-the-year largemouth bass recruitment variability in reservoir systems using otolith daily aging. In February 2000, Nick began his M.S. studies in the Natural Resources Department at Cornell University as a New York Sea Grant (NYSG) Scholar working on a large collaborative study of Lake Ontario salmonines. There he was co-advised by Dr. Clifford Kraft and Dr. Edward Mills, Director of the Cornell Biological Field Station (CBFS). In addition, Dr. Randy Jackson, a senior research associate at CBFS, was chosen to serve as an ad hoc member of Nick’s thesis committee. After completing two successful field seasons of data collection on the feeding dynamics of age-0 chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) in Lake Ontario, Nick applied for and received the prestigious Thesis Completion Award from NYSG. He also won an award for the best student paper at the New York Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Annual Symposium in Canandaigua, NY in January 2002. From July 2002 – August 2004, Nick worked full-time as a biometrician at the Stroud Water Research Center in Avondale, PA. There he was responsible for the data management and statistical analyses of various ecologically related studies, such as the monitoring of water quality through macroinvertebrate indicator species in several watersheds surrounding New York City. iii Nick successfully defended his thesis on January 13, 2005 and will graduate from Cornell University with a M.S. in Fisheries and Aquatic Science in May 2005. He is currently teaching in the Biology Department at Ursinus College in Collegeville, PA. iv ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Funding for this research project was provided by New York Sea Grant. Without them, this effort would not have been possible. With such a large collaborative effort, such as the one that I undertook during my graduate work at Cornell University, it becomes difficult to recall the countless number of people that were involved directly or indirectly in the project. However, there are several people that I would like to personally thank and if I left anyone out, please accept my apologies and be assured that I am eternally grateful to all that were involved. First, I would like to thank the members of my thesis committee, including my thesis advisors, Drs. Clifford Kraft and Edward Mills, and my former Wolfpack brethren, Dr. Randy Jackson, for their continued intellectual, professional, and personal guidance throughout the duration of my graduate studies. I would also like to acknowledge the efforts of those that assisted me in the field or in the laboratory including the two other Sea Grant Scholars working on the “Salmonid Project,” Micah Dean and Nate Smith, our super field technician, Mike Putnam, and my two outstanding summer interns, Mark Leao (2000) and Angie Patterson (2001). I also owe a debt of gratitude to Dr. Patrick Sullivan, whose team leadership was unwavering and whose willingness to share his unrivaled bio-statistical prowess with not just me, but everyone else on the Salmonid team, was greatly appreciated. Also, thank you to Robert Elliott, of the National Marine Fisheries Service in Green Bay, Wisconsin, for being kind enough to share his experience of capturing young chinook salmon in the Great Lakes. For without his help, we would have been v hard-pressed to collect enough fish samples to make this project such a resounding success. Of course, I must also thank Charlie Dow, of the Stroud Water Research Center, who generously provided me with the time, motivation, and statistical assistance while I trudged my way through the many drafts of this thesis. Last but certainly not least, I owe the most sincere thanks to my wife Gabrielle for her love, patience, fortitude, emotional support, and complete munificence not only throughout my graduate education, but also throughout my life. To my children Isabella and Dominic…daddy loves you. vi TABLE OF CONTENTS Biographical sketch…………………………………………………………………...iii Acknowledgments…………………………………………………………………..…v List of figures………………………………………………………………………….ix List of tables…………………………………………………………………………..xi Chapter One - Introduction Background…………………………………………………………………….1 Goals and objectives…………………………………………………………...5 Chapter Two - Daily ration and growth of out-migrated, naturally produced, age-0 chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) in Lake Ontario Introduction…………………………………………………………………….7 Methods…………….…………………………………………………………10 Study site.……………………………………………………………..10 Gastric evacuation…...…………………………………………….….12 Fish capture and transfer……………………………………...12 Acclimation.…………………………………………………..14 Experimental protocol………………………………………...14 Calculation of evacuation rate………………………………...15 Daily ration………………………………………………………..….16 Growth………………...……………………………………………...17 Results…………….…………………………………………………………..18 Gastric evacuation…...…………………………………………….….18 Evacuation rate model………………………………………...19 Daily variation in CDT.……….……………………………...19 Daily ration……………………………….…………………………..22 vii Growth……………………………….……………………………….23 Discussion……….…………………………………………………………....24 Chapter Three – Diet and prey selection of out-migrated age-0 chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) in Lake Ontario Introduction…………………………………………………………………...29 Methods…………….…………………………………………………………31 Study site.……………………………………………………………..31 Prey collection, 2000...…………………………………………….….32 Fish collection, 2000...…………………………………………….….33 Prey collection, 2001...…………………………………………….….34 Fish collection, 2001...…………………………………………….….35 Prey selectivity...…………………………………………….………..37 Results…………….…………………………………………………………..38 Nocturnal feeding, 2000………………………………………………38 Prey, 2000…………………………………………………………….39 Diet, 2000……………………………………………………………..42 Prey, dusk 2001……………………………………………………….46 Prey, daytime 2001………………………………………………..….47 Diet, dusk 2001……………………………………………………….50 Diet, daytime 2001………………………………………………..…..52 Prey selectivity, dusk 2000-2001………………………………....…..54 Prey selectivity, diel 2001………………………………....………….55 Discussion………………………………....………………………………….56 Bibliography……………………………....………………………………………….60 viii LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1.1 Lake-wide stocking levels of chinook salmon in Lake Ontario (1967-2002)……………………………………………..2 Figure 2.1 The Salmon River study site near Pulaski, NY where sub-yearling chinook salmon were collected for evacuation rate and daily ration estimation in 2001…………………………………………………….11 Figure 2.2 Schematic of raceway, stock tank, and supplemental water supply for controlled laboratory trials to estimate evacuation rate of age-0 chinook salmon in 2001……………………………………..13 Figure 2.3 Mean gut fullness of out-migrated age-0 chinook salmon captured near the mouth of the Salmon River in Lake Ontario in 2001……………………………….21 Figure 2.4 Mean daily ration of age-0 chinook salmon captured in near-shore habitat near the mouth of the Salmon River in Lake Ontario in 2001…………………………...22 Figure 2.5 Hatch-date frequencies for age-0 chinook salmon captured near the mouth of the Salmon River in Lake Ontario from May – June 2001….….………………....24 Figure 3.1 Chinook salmon seining stations located along the southern coast of Lake Ontario. The Sandy Creek site, west of Rochester, NY was sampled in 2000, while the Salmon River site, located near Pulaski, NY was sampled in both 2000 and 2001…………………………………………………………………...32 Figure 3.2 Mean wet weights of stomach contents and percentage of empty stomachs of out-migrated age-0 chinook salmon captured after dusk on May 16, 2000 near the mouth of the Salmon River in Lake Ontario, NY……………………………………………38 ix Figure 3.3 Relative abundance (%) of amphipods, chironomid adults, chironomid larval/pupae, other aquatic prey, and terrestrial organisms in both the field and the stomachs of age-0 chinook salmon sampled at dusk near Sandy Creek in Lake Ontario during May – June 2000….………………….45 Figure 3.4 Relative abundance (%) of amphipods, chironomid adults, chironomid larval/pupae, other aquatic prey, and terrestrial organisms in both the field and the stomachs of age-0 chinook salmon sampled at dusk near the Salmon River in Lake Ontario during May – June 2000.……………………………………………………..46 Figure 3.5 Relative abundance (%) of amphipods, chironomid adults, chironomid larval/pupae, other aquatic prey, and terrestrial organisms in both the field and the stomachs of age-0 chinook salmon sampled at dusk near the Salmon River in Lake Ontario during May – July 2001…………………..…………………………………..52 Figure 3.6 Pattern of selectivity of chironomidae by age-0 chinook salmon captured at dusk near Sandy Creek in 2000 and the Salmon River in 2000 and 2001………………………………………………………...55 Figure 3.7 Diel pattern of selectivity of chironomidae by age-0 chinook salmon captured near the Salmon River in 2001…………………………….……………………………56 x LIST OF TABLES Table 2.1 Design and number of incidental mortalities of age-0 chinook salmon immediately prior to laboratory experiments of evacuation rate.…………………………...14 Table 2.2 Comparison of observed and predicted gastric evacuation rates for age-0 chinook salmon fed adult chironomidae at four water temperatures…...…………………..19 Table 2.3 Summary of sampling conditions used to estimate daily ration for out-migrated age-0 chinook salmon collected near the mouth of the Salmon River in Lake Ontario in late May through June 2001.………………………….………………………...20 Table 2.4 Comparison of evacuation rate and daily ration among various salmonine species as estimated by several previous studies………………………………...25 Table 3.1 Number and size of out-migrated age-0 chinook salmon collected from Lake Ontario for stomach examination in 2000………………………….…34 Table 3.2 Number and size of out-migrated age-0 chinook salmon collected near the mouth of the Salmon River, Lake Ontario at dawn, midday, and dusk in 2001……….…….……………………………...36 Table 3.3 Relative abundance (%) of prey items sampled at dusk using a 1000 µm neuston net near Sandy Creek in Lake Ontario in 2000……………………….….40 Table 3.4 Relative abundance (%) of prey items sampled at dusk using a 1000 µm neuston net near the Salmon River in Lake Ontario in 2000………………….……………………………………………….41 Table 3.5 Relative abundance (%) of prey items consumed at dusk by out-migrated age-0 chinook salmon near Sandy Creek in Lake Ontario in 2000………………….……………………………………43 xi Table 3.6 Relative abundance (%) of prey items consumed at dusk by out-migrated age-0 chinook salmon near the Salmon River in Lake Ontario in 2000……….………………..…………………….…44 Table 3.7 Relative abundance (%) of prey items sampled at dusk using a 1000 µm neuston net near the Salmon River in Lake Ontario in 2001………………..……….………………..…………………….…47 Table 3.8 Relative abundance (%) of prey items sampled at dawn and midday (time, 1400) using a 1000 µm neuston net near the Salmon River in Lake Ontario in 2001…..…………..…………………….…48 Table 3.9 Relative abundance (%) of prey items consumed at dusk by out-migrated age-0 chinook salmon near the Salmon River in Lake Ontario in 2001……….………………..…………………….…50 Table 3.10 Relative abundance (%) of prey items consumed at dawn and midday (time, 1400) by out-migrated age-0 chinook salmon near the Salmon River in Lake Ontario in 2001…..…………………….…53 xii CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION Background The chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha), also known as the king salmon, is the largest of all the Pacific salmonids, typically attaining weights of 13 to 18 kg and lengths of nearly 100 cm (Smith 1985). Chinook salmon are anadromous, as well as semelparous, and they spawn either in the spring, summer, or fall in their native ranges, with most offspring out-migrating from their natal streams into ocean waters within the first year of life (Scott and Crossman 1973). Chinook salmon grow quickly and individuals usually reach sexual maturity within the first two to four years (Scott and Crossman 1973). In North America, the chinook’s native range extends from southern California, north to Point Hope, Alaska and in Asia, chinook range from Hokkaido, Japan north to the Anadyr River (McPhail and Lindsey 1970; Major et al. 1978). Through intensive stocking programs, chinook salmon range extensions have also been established in other parts of the world. For example, introduced chinook salmon have been returning to the South Island in New Zealand to spawn since the early 1900s (Unwin 1986) and landlocked, as well as limited anadromous returns have been reported in southern Chile (Lindbergh 1982). Moreover, thriving populations of chinook salmon have been established in the Laurentian Great Lakes since about 1968, after many failed stocking attempts dating back to 1873 (Smith 1968; Christie 1974). In Lake Ontario, as with the other four Great Lakes, chinook salmon were originally stocked for the purpose of establishing a put-grow-and-take fishery, with little expectation of natural reproduction in a landlocked, freshwater environment (Parsons 1973). As the popularity of the new sport fishery began to increase rapidly throughout the 1970s, the number of chinook stocked annually lake-wide into Lake 1 2 Ontario also increased from about 100,000 in the late 1960s to a peak of about 4,500,000 in 1984 (Parsons 1973; Jones et al. 1993; Figure 1.1). Number stocked (1000s) 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 1967 1972 1977 1982 1987 1992 1997 2002 Year Figure 1.1. Lake-wide stocking levels of chinook salmon in Lake Ontario. New York data from Eckert (1998). Canadian data courtesy of Tom Stewart, Assessment Supervisor Ministry of Natural Resources, Lake Ontario Management Unit, Glenora Fisheries Station, RR #4, Picton, Ontario K0K 2T0. Stocking levels in 2000-2002, courtesy of Dan Bishop, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, 1285 Fisher Avenue, Cortland, NY 13045-1090. However, beginning in the early 1980s, evidence of reduced alewife (Alosa pseudoharengus) abundance, the chinook’s preferred prey, in Lakes Michigan and Ontario produced new concerns about increased stocking levels and the long-term sustainability of Pacific salmon populations (Kitchell and Crowder 1986; Stewart and Ibarra 1991; Rand et al. 1994a). Consequently, many researchers began to examine the survival, growth, and bioenergetics of pelagic Pacific salmon in Lakes Michigan 3 and Ontario. For example, Stewart and Ibarra (1991) presented evidence that the Lake Michigan salmonine community was stressed, based upon finding a decrease in salmonine growth and survival, a shift in diet to less preferred prey items, and an increase in bacterial kidney disease. Similarly, in Lake Ontario during the 1980s, Rand et al. (1994a) reported that because of declining prey numbers and condition, chinook salmon would have to greatly increase consumption rates to sustain high growth rates that had been consistently achieved. In response to these concerns, annual stocking rates of chinook salmon (i.e., 1,600,000 lake-wide in 2000) were reduced in Lake Ontario from their mid-1980s peak (Eckert 1998; Schaner et al. 2000). As researchers studied the bioenergetics of chinook salmon and measured mortality rates based on spawning returns of stocked fish in the Great Lakes (e.g., Stewart and Ibarra 1991), several researchers began to report significant natural reproduction of chinook salmon occurring in some Great Lakes tributaries. For example, Johnson and Ringler (1981) documented that substantial natural reproduction of chinook salmon was occurring in the Salmon River, a large tributary of Lake Ontario located near Pulaski, New York. Similar observations of naturally reproducing chinook salmon were reported from three other Great Lakes, including Lake Michigan in the early 1970s (Rybicki 1973; Taube 1974), Lake Superior in the early 1980s (Kwain and Thomas 1984), and Lake Huron in the 1980s (Powell and Miller 1990). Despite the presence of naturally produced chinook salmon in the Great Lakes and their potential contribution to the fishery, little information is available regarding the early life history of naturally produced chinook salmon in the Great Lakes. Furthermore, the diet and bioenergetics of out-migrated, naturally produced young-ofthe-year (YOY) chinook salmon in the Great Lakes have not been closely evaluated. 4 Most studies of the feeding dynamics of YOY chinook salmon have focused on riverine and estuarine habitats, particularly in the Pacific Northwest (Peterson et al. 1982; Rondorf et al. 1990; Muir and Coley 1996;) and in New Zealand (Sagar and Glova 1987, 1988). In the Great Lakes, research has centered primarily on the growth and bioenergetics (Goyke and Brandt 1993; Rand et al. 1994a; Mason et al. 1995; Rand and Stewart 1998), predator-prey interactions (Stewart et al. 1981; Jones et al. 1993), and diets (Brandt 1986; Jude et al. 1987; Diana 1990) of post-smolt (> 4 g) chinook salmon occupying the pelagic zones of these large lakes. A small number of studies have examined the early life history of chinook salmon in the Great Lakes. For example, from the early 1980s to the early 1990s, Michigan researchers examined the contribution and distribution of naturally produced chinook salmon in Lake Michigan tributaries (Carl 1982; 1984; Seelbach 1985; Zafft 1992; Heese 1994). Also, Elliott (1994) reported on the diet of both stocked and naturally produced YOY chinook salmon in the near-shore waters (< 3 m) of Lake Michigan and Johnson (1981; 1983), in Lake Ontario, examined the diets of recently out-migrated hatchery chinook and the diets of naturally produced chinook residing in tributaries. During the course of their research, Elliott (1994) and Johnson (1983) determined that recently out-migrated chinook salmon remained in the near-shore waters of Lake Michigan and Lake Ontario, respectively, for up to several weeks before moving offshore as smolts. However, little is known about the relative health and potential survival of these naturally produced fish occupying shallow water refugia in the Great Lakes. Understanding the feeding ecology and bioenergetics of naturally produced chinook salmon in the Great Lakes can provide additional insights into the ability of Lake Ontario to sustain chinook salmon populations. 5 In addition, since the stocking of Pacific salmon began in Lake Ontario over 30 years ago, significant ecosystem changes have occurred that could ultimately affect the success of the Pacific salmon sport fishery. For example, after decades of unabated phosphorus loading from urban sources (from about 1940 – 1970), nutrient management strategies implemented through the 1972 Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement resulted in substantial declines in phosphorus loading during the 1980s (Hartig et al. 1991; Schelske, 1991). These phosphorus declines coupled with the filtering activity of recently invading mussels (i.e., Dreissena polymorpha and Dreissena bugensis) will likely result in a decrease in primary productivity, thus reducing growth and biomass of planktivorous alewife (Hartig et al. 1991; Mills et al. 1993). These lower food web alterations could ultimately result in a reduction of growth and production of Pacific salmon in Lake Ontario (O’Gorman et al. 1997). Therefore, it is imperative that fisheries managers are cognizant of the contribution of naturally produced chinook salmon to the overall predator biomass in Lake Ontario before making decisions about annual stocking levels. This research was initiated to provide information regarding the feeding dynamics of naturally produced YOY chinook salmon in the Great Lakes. Moreover, the knowledge gained from this study contributes to a better overall understanding of the juvenile ecology of Pacific salmonines in lentic systems and will hopefully lead to more educated decisions regarding future management goals and stocking programs of Pacific salmonines in the Great Lakes. Goals and Objectives The goal of this study was to examine the feeding dynamics of recently outmigrated, naturally produced YOY chinook salmon in Lake Ontario, using a combination of field observations and controlled laboratory experiments. The objectives of this study were to examine: 1) the feeding chronology, daily ration, 6 gastric evacuation, and growth of YOY chinook salmon in Lake Ontario (Chapter 2) and; 2) the diet, prey selectivity, and feeding patterns of recently out-migrated YOY chinook salmon in Lake Ontario (Chapter 3). For this study, I examined YOY chinook salmon in the New York waters of Lake Ontario during the spring and summer of 2000 and 2001. In 2000, two study areas were established along the Lake Ontario shoreline that were each sampled biweekly: 1) near the mouth of the Salmon River, near Pulaski, New York; and 2) near the mouth of Sandy Creek, about 50 km west of Rochester, New York. In 2001, only the Salmon River area was studied and samples were collected on a weekly basis. I distinguished between hatchery and naturally produced YOY chinook salmon in Lake Ontario using comparative otolith daily aging. CHAPTER TWO DAILY RATION AND GROWTH OF OUT-MIGRATED, NATURALLY PRODUCED, AGE-0 CHINOOK SALMON (ONCORHYNCHUS TSHAWYTSCHA) IN LAKE ONTARIO Introduction Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) exhibit the fastest growth rate and the greatest forage demand of all the Pacific salmonines stocked in the Laurentian Great Lakes (Stewart et al. 1981). In Lake Ontario, Rand et al. (1994a) found that adult chinook salmon fed almost exclusively on large alewife (Alosa pseudoharengus; >120 mm) and consumed about 2.2 – 3.2 percent of their wet weight per day. However, a decline in the abundance of large alewife in Lakes Michigan and Ontario during the 1980s and early 1990s, coinciding with a rise in Pacific salmon stocking rates, raised concerns about the long-term sustainability of Pacific salmon populations in the Great Lakes (Kitchell and Crowder 1986; Stewart and Ibarra 1991; Rand et al. 1994a). These concerns, coupled with the chinook’s popularity as a sport fish, led to many studies of the bioenergetics of stocked Pacific salmon in the Great Lakes (e.g., Stewart et al. 1981; O’Gorman et al. 1987; Rand et al. 1994a; 1994b; Rand and Stewart 1998; 1998b). However, these studies have focused primarily on post-smolt chinook, coho (O. kisutch), and steelhead (O. mykiss) occupying the pelagic regions of the Great Lakes. Previous studies of the energy intake of small young-of-the-year (YOY) chinook salmon (< 4 g) have focused on riverine environments in the Pacific Northwest (e.g., Kolok and Rondorf 1987) and in New Zealand (e.g., Sagar and Glova 1988). Similarly, bioenergetic evaluations of other YOY Pacific salmon found in the Great Lakes, (i.e., coho and steelhead), have been conducted exclusively in lotic 7 8 systems, as both species reside at least one year in their natal streams before outmigration (Seelbach 1985; 1993). Previous studies have shown that YOY Pacific salmon in lotic habitats are opportunistic feeders, relying heavily on terrestrial and aquatic insects located at the air-water interface (Johnson 1981; Rondorf 1987; Sagar and Glova 1988). Although the energy intake of YOY Pacific salmonines in lotic systems has been described, it is unknown whether results from these studies are comparable to the scoured littoral regions of the Great Lakes, where the air-water interface is subjected to frequent high winds and intense wave action (Wetzel 2001). A common method used by fisheries scientists to quantify daily energy intake is to estimate mean daily ration (i.e., average food intake per day). Estimation of the daily ration of fish has been used by researchers to examine questions related to competition (e.g., Parrish and Margraf 1990), differential growth and survival (e.g., McGurk 1984; Walsh et al. 1988; Boisclair and Leggett 1989), predation pressure on prey communities (e.g., Boisclair and Leggett 1985; Ruggerone 1989; Buckel and Conover 1997), and habitat suitability (e.g., Swenson 1977; Hayward and Margraf 1987; Angradi and Griffith 1990). Daily ration can be evaluated from in situ experiments (e.g., Kolok and Rondorf 1987; Sagar and Glova 1988), laboratory feeding trials (e.g., Elliott 1975; Wahl and Stein 1991), or from a combination of both methods (e.g., Mills and Forney 1981; Amundsen and Klemetsen 1988). Eggers (1977) defined mean daily ration as the product of the mean gut fullness for the day ( F ), the gastric evacuation rate prevailing for that day (R), and the number of hours in a day (24). The gut fullness index ( Ft ) for each individual fish is the ratio of the weight of gut contents and fish weight. Thus, the mean gut fullness for the day is the average gut fullness measured over a certain number of evenly spaced intervals, usually three or four hours, for an entire 24-hour period (Boisclair and Leggett 1988). In many cases, there is a tendency for gut fullness data within each 9 interval to be skewed positively; therefore, either the median or transformed data from each interval is sometimes used to calculate daily ration rather than the arithmetic mean (Amundsen and Klemetsen 1988; Parrish and Margraf 1990b; Hayward 1991). Moreover, to minimize the risk of missing a feeding period and to reduce the biases associated with this error, gut fullness is often calculated using the weight of the complete digestive tract (CDT = stomach + intestine) contents (Boisclair and Leggett 1989; Boisclair and Marchand 1993). For those fish that exhibit an exponential rate of decline in mean gut fullness over time, the gastric evacuation rate (i.e., rate at which a food item passes through the body) is calculated as the slope of the relationship between the natural logarithm of food content and time for fish evacuating food during a field or laboratory experimental trial (Eggers 1977; Persson 1979; Boisclair and Leggett 1988). Studies have shown that the gastric evacuation rate differs for every species and can depend on many variables including water temperature, prey type, fish size, stomach volume, and stress (Noble 1973; Mills et al. 1984; Boisclair and Leggett 1988). In order to control for some of these variables, many researchers have used laboratory feeding trials to determine gastric evacuation rate rather than in situ methods (e.g., Boisclair and Leggett 1985, 1988, 1989; Trudel and Boisclair 1993; Johnston and Mathias 1996). Three primary objectives were addressed in this study. They were: 1) to determine gastric evacuation rates for YOY chinook salmon at multiple temperatures in the laboratory, then use those results to develop a predictive model of gastric evacuation rates for YOY chinook salmon captured in the field at various temperatures; 2) to estimate the mean daily ration of out-migrated, naturally produced, YOY chinook salmon captured in Lake Ontario using a combination of the Eggers (1977) model and the gastric evacuation model; and 3) to measure short-term growth 10 rates and assess hatchery versus natural origin of out-migrated YOY chinook salmon using a combination of otolith daily aging and length at capture data. Methods Study Site Daily ration was estimated (May – June 2001) for recently out-migrated, naturally produced, YOY chinook salmon occupying near-shore waters south of the mouth of the Salmon River (near Pulaski, New York), near its confluence with Lake Ontario. The Salmon River, which is home to New York State’s largest salmon hatchery, is known for substantial natural reproduction of Pacific salmon (Johnson and Ringler 1981). Coarse sand substrate dominated the study area, with little or no available natural or artificial refuge from predation and a maximum depth of approximately one meter. Evacuation rates for YOY chinook salmon were estimated by means of controlled laboratory experiments conducted at the Cornell Biological Field Station (CBFS) in Bridgeport, New York. Out-migrating chinook salmon used for the evacuation rate component of the study were collected on June 5, 2001 via shoreline seining along the Salmon River, just upstream from the Lighthouse Marina (Figure 2.1). 11 Lighthouse Figure 2.1. The Salmon River study site near Pulaski, NY. Chinook salmon captured at Site 1 were used in evacuation experiments and at Site 2 for daily ration estimation. 12 Gastric Evacuation Fish capture and transfer Young-of-the-year chinook salmon, ranging from about 35 – 70 mm in total length (TL), were collected from the Salmon River using a 1.2 x 36 m delta knotless bag seine. The seine had 0.95 cm mesh in the first 10.7 m of each wing and 0.32 cm mesh in the remainder of the seine. Field water temperature at the time of capture was approximately 14oC. All captured fish were placed immediately into several large plastic bags containing chilled lake water and pure oxygen. The fish were then transported to the CBFS, where approximately 40 individuals were placed in each of four isolated holding bays contained within two separate temperature-controlled MinO-Cool raceways (Figure 2.2). The raceways were 208 x 55 x 53 cm and each held approximately 600 L of water. Each holding bay was 63 x 55 x 53 cm and was covered and divided from the remainder of the raceway with a 1-mm mesh screen. Initial laboratory water temperature was 13oC. Surplus chinook salmon were placed in a separate 1500 L holding tank at 13oC and were used to replace incidental mortalities from any of the four experimental bays. In addition, a separate 1500 L tank containing de-chlorinated water was used to maintain consistent water levels in the two raceways during the study period. Bay 1 Drain Bay 3 H C H C H Bay 2 F Bay 4 F C Stock Tank H = Heater F = Filter C = Chiller Figure 2.2. Schematic of raceway, stock tank, and supplemental water supply for controlled laboratory trials to estimate evacuation rate of YOY chinook salmon, early May through June 2001. Raceway 1 Valves Raceway 2 - Supplemental Water Supply F 13 14 Acclimation Water temperatures in both raceways were maintained at 13oC for the first week and were then adjusted by 1oC per day until the respective experimental temperature (i.e., 10, 13, 16, or 19oC) was attained. These experimental temperatures were selected because they approximated the range of water temperatures observed near the mouth of the Salmon River in Lake Ontario from May – June 2000 (i.e., 9 – 21oC). All fish were acclimated at their respective experimental temperature for approximately one week prior to the feeding trials. During the acclimation period, all chinook salmon kept in the laboratory were fed once daily to satiation with Ziegler No. 3 hatchery crumble acquired from the Salmon River Hatchery. Overall incidental mortality for the duration of the study was less than 10%, of which approximately 65% occurred within two days of capture and transfer (Table 2.1). Table 2.1. Design and number of incidental mortalities of YOY chinook salmon immediately prior to laboratory experiments of evacuation rate. Incidental mortalities were immediately replaced with fish from the supplemental stock tank. Bay Temperature (oC) Number of fish in trial Size class mm (TL) 1 2 3 4 Total 10 13 16 19 — 38 38 38 38 152 45–62 40–60 47–67 57–80 40–80 Number of incidental mortalities first 48 hours 3 4 1 3 11 Total number of mortalities 5 4 3 5 17 Experimental Protocol Immediately prior to the beginning of each evacuation rate trial, experimental chinook salmon were starved for 48 hours. After the starvation period, three fish were sampled at random from each bay, measured to the nearest mm (TL), and dissected to ensure that the CDT was empty. Then, from about 0600 – 0630, the remaining fish 15 from each bay were fed to satiation with frozen adult chironomids (mean body length = 2.9 mm; se = 0.09) that had been collected from Oneida Lake, NY prior to the experiments. This prey type and corresponding size range was selected for these experiments because of the abundance of similar prey in the diet of out-migrated, YOY chinook salmon in Lake Ontario (Chapter 3). Immediately after feeding, all uneaten prey items were removed from each bay using a siphon and a dip net. About 30 minutes after feeding, five fish were sampled at random from each bay, measured to the nearest mm (TL), and dissected to remove the CDT contents. The CDT contents and the remainder of the fish were then placed in separate aluminum weighing dishes and dried to constant weight at 60oC for 72 hours (Bowen 1996). The sampling procedure was repeated for each temperature at four-hour intervals for a 24hour period. All dried material was weighed to the nearest 0.0001 g. Controlled variables were prey type, prey size, and fish length, while the manipulated variable was water temperature. Calculation of Evacuation Rate The gut fullness (Ft) of each fish sampled at time t was determined using a variation of Boisclair and Leggett’s (1988) gut fullness index in equation 1: G (1) Ft t 100 Pt where Gt is the dry weight (grams) of the CDT contents and Pt is the dry weight of the fish (grams). Several authors (Bajkov 1935; Elliott 1972, 1975; Persson 1979, 1982; Boisclair and Leggett 1988) have demonstrated that in fish with a distinct stomach, gut fullness decreases exponentially when fish are deprived of additional food: (2) F(t 1) Ft e RT 16 which, in its logarithmic form is: (3) ln F(t 1) ln Ft RT where Ft and F(t 1) are the mean gut fullness at the beginning and end of time interval T (4 h), respectively. The evacuation rate, R, is estimated as the slope of the correlation between ln Ft and time (Persson 1979; Boisclair and Leggett 1988). Daily Ration Field sampling for daily ration estimates was conducted on five dates, spanning a six-week period from late spring to early summer in 2001. Recently outmigrated, naturally produced, YOY chinook salmon were captured using a 1.2 x 36 m delta knotless bag seine, with a 0.95 cm mesh in the first 10.7 m of each wing and a 0.32 cm mesh in the remainder of the seine. Seining began 30 – 60 minutes after sunrise and was then conducted at approximately 4-hour intervals for no more than a total of 20 hours for each sampling date. Water temperature was noted at the beginning of each interval for all sampling dates. For each of the five sampling dates, a minimum of six YOY chinook salmon were randomly selected from each interval for daily ration estimation. When necessary, a maximum of two consecutive seine hauls were conducted at any one interval to reach the minimum sample size. Upon capture, the fish were anesthetized using MS-222, then immediately preserved in 90% ethanol. Within 36 hours of capture, CDT contents and fish were placed in separate aluminum weighing dishes and dried to constant weight at 60oC for 72 hours. The gut fullness (Ft) of each fish sampled at time t was determined using equation 1. Estimates of mean daily ration were derived using the Eggers (1977) model: (4) D F R 24 where F is the mean gut fullness of all fish collected during the sampling date, R is the evacuation rate, and 24 is the number of hours per day. Sample interval gut fullness data were normalized using an arcsine-square root transformation (Hayward 1991). 17 The standard error (SE) associated with the daily ration estimates was calculated using the following equation for multiplying two independent variances (Zar 1999): (5) SE ( DT ) var( F R) 24 2 where DT is the mean daily ration estimate at temperature (T), F is the mean gut fullness for the day, R is the evacuation rate prevailing for the day, 24 is the number of hours per day. The variance (var) of the product of F and R is defined by the equation (Zar 1999): (6) var( F R) 2 var( F ) 2 var( R) where is the estimate of evacuation rate at temperature (T), and is the mean gut fullness per day. Growth In order to differentiate between naturally and hatchery-produced YOY chinook salmon, an additional 15 YOY fish were sampled at random from each date (i.e., 75 total) for otolith analysis. Individual hatch dates were estimated for each fish by counting daily growth rings on the sagittal otoliths using a compound microscope at 40x magnification. Otoliths were attached to microscope slides, sulcus side up, using heated Crystal-bond® plastic adhesive and then gently wet-sanded until flat (approximately 2-3 minutes) using fine grit sandpaper (Neilson and Geen 1986). A total of four counts, performed by a single reader, were made for each fish’s otolith and the mean of the four counts (i.e., number of post-hatch days) was recorded. Mean growth rate (mm·day-1) from emergence until capture was calculated by dividing the mean length at capture (mm TL) by the number of post-hatch days. 18 Results Gastric Evacuation Although every attempt was made to control for fish length between the four experimental temperatures, incidental fish growth which occurred between the first temperature tested (10oC) and the last temperature tested (19oC), resulted in a significant difference in fish lengths among the four temperature groups (F3,24 = 92.50; p < 0.0001). Follow-up group contrasts using a Tukey’s studentized range test showed that fish lengths did not differ between 10oC and 13oC (M = 50.8 mm and 51.5 mm TL, respectively). However, the mean fish length of 56.2 mm TL for the 16oC group and 67.7 mm TL for the 19oC group were significantly different from all other groups (p < 0.05). Thus, the colinearity between fish length and temperature (i.e., as temperature increased, fish length also increased) resulted in a situation where length could not be considered an additional independent variable (Zar 1999). Therefore, any effect of length on evacuation rate could not be determined for this experiment. In addition, the size range of chinook across all four experimental temperatures (40-80 mm TL; Table 2.1) was well within range of previous studies that showed a constant evacuation rate relative to fish length for large YOY fish (e.g., Mills et al. 1984). Gastric evacuation rate (R) was dependent on temperature, with estimates of R ranging from a low of 0.214, to a peak of 0.352·h-1, at 10oC and 19oC, respectively (Table 2.2). 19 Table 2.2. Comparison of observed (Robs) and predicted (Rpred) gastric evacuation rates and corresponding standard error (sRpred) for YOY chinook salmon fed adult chironomidae at four water temperatures in the laboratory. All values of Robs were significant (p < 0.0001). Bay Temperature (oC) 1 10 2 13 3 16 4 19 Robs 0.214 0.266 0.276 0.352 Rpred 0.193 0.252 0.310 0.368 sRpred 0.011 0.014 0.017 0.021 Moreover, there was a significant overall relationship between evacuation rates across all four temperatures (multiple comparison test for slopes; GLM method; F3,20 = 3.08; p = 0.05). Since there was no significant difference in y-intercepts among the four temperatures (multiple comparison test for y-intercepts; GLM method; p = 0.45), the y–intercepts were assumed to be equal in the evacuation rate model. Predicted estimates of gastric evacuation rates based on the resulting linear model of evacuation time were comparable to the observed evacuation rates for YOY chinook salmon in the laboratory experiments. Evacuation Rate Model The general linear model used to predict evacuation rate was found, using multiple linear regression, to be: (7) ln F 1.7052 (0.0193 T ) t where (0.0193 T) is the slope of the relationship between the natural log of gut fullness (ln F ) and time (t). Moreover, the model was significant (F1,26 = 315.05; p < 0.0001) and accounted for 92% of the variance in R. Daily Variation in CDT Mean water temperature ranged from 12 – 19oC and mean fish length increased from 47.6 to 63.0 mm TL over the sampling period (Table 2.3). 20 Table 2.3. Summary of sampling conditions used to estimate daily ration for outmigrated YOY chinook salmon collected near the mouth of the Salmon River in Lake Ontario in late May through June 2001. Date Number of fish May 21 June 6 June 12 June 18 June 25 Total 36 60 60 60 50 266 Size class mm (TL) Mean water temperature (oC) 36–63 43–65 44–85 50–75 53– 75 36–85 12 15 17 19 18 16 Number of intervals with chinook : total number of intervals 4:6* 6:6 6:6 6:6 5:6** 27:30 * intervals 3, 4, and 6 had six, zero, and zero chinook, respectively ** interval 6 had zero chinook Back-transformed mean gut fullness values ranged from 2.95 g dry·100 g dry-1 on June 25 to 4.78 g dry·100 g dry-1 on June 6. Gut fullness varied significantly with both date (F4,239 = 37.56; p < 0.0001) and time of day (F5,239 = 10.20; p < 0.0001), while non-synchronous diel variability in gut fullness between dates was indicated by the significance of the interaction term (F17,239 = 9.26; p < 0.0001; Figure 2.3). 21 8 6 4 May 21 2 0 8 Mean gut fullness index (g dry · 100 g dry-1) 6 4 June 6 2 0 8 6 4 June 12 2 0 8 6 4 June 18 2 0 88 66 June 25 44 22 00 0 1 0600 2 1000 3 1400 4 1800 2200 5 0200 6 5 6 7 0600 Time of day 1 2 3 4 7 Sampling interval Figure 2.3. Mean gut fullness of out-migrated, YOY chinook salmon captured near the mouth of the Salmon River in Lake Ontario, late May through June 2001. Error bars represent 95% confidence intervals. 22 Individual contrasts using a Tukey’s studentized range test showed that there was no significant difference in mean gut fullness between May 21 and June 6 or between June 12 and June 18 (p > 0.05), however all other contrasts among dates were significant (p < 0.05). In addition, gut fullness varied with time of day on May 21 (F1,34 = 15.92; p < 0.001), June 6 (F1,58 = 7.16; p < 0.01), and June 18 (F1,58 = 20.90; p < 0.0001), while June 12 and June 25 showed no significant diel trend (p > 0.05). Daily Ration Mean daily ration (g dry wt·100 g dry wt-1·d-1) ranged from 24.62 (± 2.79) on . June 25 to 33.27 (± 3.70) on June 6 (Figure 2.4). 38 Mean daily ration (g dry wt·100 g dry wt -1·d-1) 36 34 32 30 28 26 24 22 20 21-May 28-May 4-Jun 11-Jun 18-Jun 25-Jun Date Figure 2.4. Mean daily ration of age-0 chinook salmon captured in near-shore habitat near the mouth of the Salmon River in Lake Ontario, late May through June 2001. Error bars represent 95% confidence intervals. 23 Scheffe’s (1953) multiple contrasts revealed that the peak in mean daily ration on June 6 was significantly different from the lowest daily ration estimate, which occurred on June 25 (p < 0.05). However, paired contrasts between May 21, June 12 and June 25 showed that mean daily ration did not vary significantly between dates (p > 0.05). Because of the lack of a time trend across the sampling period (ANOVA; p > 0.05), I estimated an overall mean daily ration (28.3 ± 3.18 g dry wt·100 g dry wt-1·d-1) for the six-week study period by calculating a grand mean for all five sampling dates. Growth Evaluation of sagittal otoliths revealed that the estimated hatch dates of YOY chinook salmon in Lake Ontario in 2001 ranged from February 21 – April 2, 2001, with the majority of fish emerging between February 28 and March 20 (Figure 2.5). Because the hatching period of the 2001 stocked chinook salmon originating from the Salmon River Hatchery was in November 2000 (NYDEC Salmon River Hatchery, pers. comm.; April 2002), it was concluded that chinook captured for daily ration estimation in 2001 were naturally produced. 24 25 n = 75 Frequency 20 15 10 5 0 2/21-2/27 2/28-3/6 3/7-3/13 3/14-3/20 3/21-3/27 3/28-4/3 Hatch date Figure 2.5. Hatch-date frequencies for age-0 chinook salmon captured near the mouth of the Salmon River in Lake Ontario from May – June 2001. Age-0 chinook salmon sampled in the near-shore waters of Lake Ontario had a mean growth rate of 0.65 (± 0.018) mm·day-1. Moreover, there was not a significant relationship between mean growth rate and date of capture (p > 0.05), indicating that chinook hatching in late March grew at the same rate as fish hatching earlier. Discussion Although our predicted evacuation rate at 14oC for YOY chinook salmon was greater than that obtained by Kolok and Rondorf (1987) at the same temperature, our estimate compared favorably to that observed by Elliott (1975) for juvenile brown trout (Salmo trutta) at 15oC (Table 2.4). 25 Table 2.4. Comparison of evacuation rate and daily ration among various salmonine species (—, not reported). Study Species Mean wet weight (g) Evacuation rate (R:h-1) Daily ration estimate O. tshawytscha 0.6 — 20% of dry weight at 10oC Brett (1971) O. nerka 4 — 17% of dry weight Elliott (1975) Salmo trutta 1 0.283 at 15oC 16.4% of dry weight at 15oC — 10-18% of dry weight 0.152 at 14oC 5.5 kcal.g-1 at 14oC Davis & Warren (1968) Healey (1979) Kolok & Rondorf (1987) O. keta O. tshawytscha age-0 17 Sagar & Glova (1988) O. tshawytscha 4 0.152 at 14 C Principe (2004) O. tshawytscha 1.6 0.271 at 14oC o 8.3% of dry weight at 14oC 25.4% of dry weight at 12oC One possible explanation for this difference in evacuation rate estimates is that our evacuation rates were estimated, as were Elliott’s (1975), using controlled laboratory feeding experiments on conditioned fish, which exhibited minimal signs of stress in their behavior. Conversely, Kolok and Rondorf (1987) estimated evacuation rate from field observations, which could have resulted in lower estimates of evacuation rate. Freshly captured fish are often highly stressed, which tends to suppress evacuation rate (Swenson and Smith 1973; Thorpe 1977). Because of the variability of methods for estimating and reporting mean daily ration (e.g., dry weight vs. weight wet of fish) and the overall lack of information 26 regarding daily consumption of YOY chinook salmon in the literature, few studies are available with which to directly compare our daily ration estimates. Our estimate of mean daily ration (25.4% of dry body weight at 12oC) for out-migrated, YOY chinook salmon in Lake Ontario was greater than estimates obtained by Sagar and Glova (1988) in New Zealand (8.3% of dry body weight at 14oC). However, our estimate of daily ration is comparable to those predicted by Davis and Warren (1968) for YOY chinook salmon (about 20% of dry body weight at 10oC) and by Elliott (1975) for YOY brown trout (16.4% of dry body weight at 15oC) (Table 2.4). Some of the dissimilarity between the results of our study and estimates from Sagar and Glova (1988) can be explained by three important differences. First, their estimate of daily ration is based on a much lower evacuation rate (0.152·h-1 at 14oC from Kolok and Rondorf 1987), than that predicted by our model at 14oC (0.271·h-1), thus resulting in a much lower daily ration estimate for Sagar and Glova (1988). Second, the mean gut fullness for YOY chinook salmon in the Rakaia River, where Sagar and Glova (1988) conducted their study, was about 2.4 g dry·100 g dry-1, much lower than our average gut fullness of 3.9 g dry·100g dry-1 over the six-week sampling period. Some of this difference in gut fullness is probably due to our use of the heavier CDT contents, rather than the stomach only, as used by Sagar and Glova (1988). More importantly, however, this difference in gut fullness could likely be attributed to differences in prey availability, as a number of researchers have suggested that food supply may be the limiting factor in daily ration in young salmon. For example, Healey (1979) estimated daily consumption to be approximately 10 – 18% of dry body weight for age-0 chum salmon (O. keta) in the Nanaimo Estuary, British Columbia, while Godin (1981) estimated daily consumption to be about 6.6% of dry body weight for juvenile pink salmon (O. gorbuscha) in Hammond Bay, British 27 Columbia. In both cases, the authors suggested that these daily consumption estimates were greatly suppressed due to limited food supply. Finally, Sagar and Glova (1988) used chinook salmon that were almost threefold heavier than those used in our study (4 g versus 1.6 g; Table 2.4). Daily ration decreases substantially as a function of size, such that larger fish, as used by Sagar and Glova (1998), would have a much lower estimated daily ration than smaller fish (Brett 1971; Elliott 1975). For example, Brett (1971) estimated a daily ration of about 17% of dry body weight for a 4 g juvenile sockeye salmon (O. nerka), but only 4.3% for a 216 g fish. Similarly, Elliott (1975) found that a 1 g brown trout would consume about 16.4% of dry body weight per day, while a 200 g brown trout would consume only 4.8% of dry body weight. Our growth estimate of 0.65 (± 0.02) mm·day-1 compares favorably to high growth rates exhibited by YOY chinook salmon residing in food-rich estuarine environments along the Pacific coast of the U. S. For instance, Kjelson et al. (1982) estimated growth rates of approximately 0.53 – 0.86 mm·day-1 in the Sacramento – San Joaquin River Estuary and Federenko et al. (1979) estimated growth rates of about 0.62 mm·day-1 in the Nitinat River Estuary. However, Kjelson et al. (1982) noted that tagged chinook salmon fry grew faster in the estuary than in the river. Although observed growth rates for YOY chinook salmon in Lake Ontario are similar to those found in estuarine environments, it is difficult to know how these growth rates compare to chinook salmon from other freshwater environments, since there is a paucity of information regarding YOY chinook growth in freshwater (Healey, 1991). However, if our growth rates are indeed higher than those found in other freshwater environments, particularly riverine habitats, some of that difference could be explained by the higher daily rations found in our study than in those conducted in riverine environments (i.e., Sagar and Glova 1988). 28 Results from this study show that recently out-migrated naturally produced YOY chinook salmon occupying the near-shore waters of Lake Ontario had an exceptionally high daily ration and exhibited rapid growth rates. This high food consumption rate, as many authors have suggested, is most likely the result of excellent food availability in the near-shore habitat. Clearly, rapid growth of young chinook salmon entering the harsh near-shore environment of Lake Ontario would greatly enhance the survival of these vulnerable fish, as they would quickly attain a large enough size to emigrate offshore, thus escaping near-shore predation and improving their ability to consume piscine prey, such as alewife and rainbow smelt. Furthermore, as previous studies have suggested (e.g., Kitchell and Crowder 1986; Stewart and Ibarra 1991; Rand et al. 1994), overexploitation of fluctuating alewife populations in the Great Lakes by overstocked salmonines could lead to an inability to sustain current salmonine population levels. Lakewide declines in the salmonine sport fishery would have a considerable negative impact on the local economy of the lake communities. For this reason it is imperative that the contribution of naturally produced chinook salmon to the lakewide salmonine fishery be assessed prior to the planning of future annual chinook salmon stocking programs in Lake Ontario. CHAPTER THREE DIET AND PREY SELECTION OF OUT-MIGRATED AGE-0 CHINOOK SALMON (ONCORHYNCHUS TSHAWYTSCHA) IN LAKE ONTARIO Introduction Alewife (Alosa pseudoharengus) and rainbow smelt (Osmerus mordax) are the predominant prey of large chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) throughout the Laurentian Great Lakes (Brandt 1986; Jude et al. 1987; Diana 1990; Rand and Stewart 1998). Although it has been documented that small young-of-the-year (YOY) chinook salmon tend to remain in shallow (< 2 m) near-shore waters in the Great Lakes for several weeks immediately following out-migration from spawning tributaries before dispersing offshore (Johnson and Ringler 1981; Elliott 1994), very little is known about the sub-yearling chinook’s food habits during this critical period. However, the food habits of YOY chinook salmon have been studied extensively in riverine and estuarine habitats throughout the Pacific Northwest (e.g., Becker 1973; Reimers et al. 1978; Levy and Northcote 1981; Kjelson 1982) and in New Zealand (e.g., Sagar and Glova 1987; 1988). In the Pacific Northwest, several researchers have found that out-migrating chinook salmon tend to remain in estuaries to feed on aquatic and terrestrial invertebrates for a period of time before emigrating to the ocean (e.g., Reimers et al. 1978; Healey 1980; Kjelson et al. 1982). Moreover, most of these studies have shown that juvenile chinook salmon are opportunistic, diurnal feeders, preying on crustaceans, amphipods, and insects in the water column and at the surface. For example, Becker (1973) reported that adult chironomids (5863%) and larval chironomids (17-18%) comprised the majority of the diet of YOY chinook salmon in the Columbia River. Similarly, Levy and Northcote (1981) reported that larval and adult chironomids were the most dominant prey of YOY 29 30 chinook salmon occupying the Fraser River marshes. On the other hand, Kjelson (1982) found that YOY chinook salmon fed extensively on zooplankton, including cladocerans and copepods, and adult insects, such as dipterans and homopterans, in the Sacramento-San Joaquin River delta. Contrary to other studies, Bottom (1984) observed that YOY chinook salmon fed actively at night on amphipods (i.e., Corophium and Eogammarus) in the Sixes River estuary. In New Zealand, where introduced chinook salmon have reproduced naturally since the early 1900s (Unwin 1986), studies have shown that YOY chinook tend to be opportunistic, diurnal feeders, preying on aquatic insects in the spring, especially Deleatidium nymphs, and emerging terrestrial insects in the summer (Sagar and Glova 1987; 1988). Much like the literature from the Pacific Northwest and New Zealand, diet studies of YOY chinook salmon in the Great Lakes suggest that sub-yearling chinook rely on aquatic and terrestrial insects during the first summer following emergence. For example, Johnson (1981) reported that YOY chinook salmon in a tributary of the Salmon River at the eastern end of Lake Ontario fed primarily on aquatic prey, mainly ephemeropterans (64%) in May, but switched to a diet of mostly terrestrial insects from June – September. Johnson (1983) later found that recently stocked chinook salmon fed primarily on aquatic and terrestrial insects, such as adult dipterans and coleopterans, as well as fish eggs, while occupying the shallow, near-shore areas of Lake Ontario in early summer. Similarly, Elliott (1994) found that out-migrated YOY chinook salmon in the near-shore waters of Lake Michigan fed primarily on terrestrial insects in the spring and summer, with Bythotrephes and larval fish becoming an important diet item by late summer. The goal of this study was to describe the feeding habits of recently outmigrated YOY chinook salmon occupying the shallow near-shore waters of Lake 31 Ontario. The objectives of this study were to: 1) examine the diet and prey selection of YOY chinook salmon in two geographically distinct regions of Lake Ontario (i.e., near the mouth of the Salmon River, near Pulaski, NY and near the mouth of Sandy Creek, near Rochester, NY); and 2) identify diel feeding patterns of out-migrated YOY chinook salmon near the mouth of the Salmon River, in Lake Ontario. Methods Study Site From April – July of 2000, out-migrated YOY chinook salmon, along with potential macroinvertebrate prey items, were sampled biweekly at two near-shore sites in Lake Ontario. The first site was near the mouth of the Salmon River, just west of Pulaski, New York and the second site was located near the mouth of Sandy Creek, approximately 50 km west of Rochester, New York (Figure 3.1). Both sites consisted of four sampling stations distributed along the shoreline, with two stations on either side of the tributary mouth. In 2001, weekly diet and prey sampling was conducted from April – July at the Salmon River site only. 32 Figure 3.1. Chinook salmon seining stations (1-4) along the southern coast of Lake Ontario. The Sandy Creek site, west of Rochester, NY was sampled in 2000, while the Salmon River site, located near Pulaski, NY was sampled in both 2000 and 2001. At both sites, Station 4 was situated approximately 2500 meters from Station 3. Prey Collection, 2000 Mid-water and surface prey sampling was conducted at dusk using a 4.88 m neuston net, with a mouth opening of 0.5 x 1 m, and a mesh size of 1000 µm. The neuston net was pulled by hand across the surface and parallel to the shoreline, in water about one meter deep, for a distance of approximately 35 m and at a rate of approximately 0.5 m·sec-1. Two replicate tows, each separated by approximately 100 m, were conducted at the two stations closest to the mouth of both the Salmon 33 River and Sandy Creek tributaries and the contents of each tow were placed immediately in 70% ethanol for preservation. The prey specimens were later separated by major taxonomic groupings (Borror et al. 1989) and individual head capsules were counted using a stereo microscope at 10X or 20X magnification. Fish Collection, 2000 Fish sampling at both the Salmon River and Sandy Creek sites began in midApril and continued through late-July and was conducted approximately biweekly at the two sites for a total of 16 weeks, beginning with Sandy Creek on April 15th (Table 3.1). Out-migrated, age-0 chinook salmon were captured using a 1.2 x 36 m delta knotless bag seine, with 0.95 cm mesh in the first 10.7 m of each wing and 0.32 cm mesh in the remainder of the seine. The seine was hauled in a semicircular fashion, with one end held at the beach. Three replicate seine hauls, each separated by approximately 100 m, were conducted at each sampling station (i.e., 12 seine hauls per night) beginning about 30 minutes after sunset and continuing throughout the night until all replicates were completed (i.e., typically between 0300 and 0500). A random sample of YOY chinook salmon were retained for diet analysis from each replicate seine haul and placed immediately on dry ice to avoid further digestion of stomach contents. Usually about 12-24 hours after each sampling effort, YOY chinook total length was measured to the nearest mm (TL), wet weights were taken (0.1g), and stomachs were removed and placed in 90% ethyl alcohol. All ingested prey were later identified to major taxonomic groups (Borror et al. 1989) and counted using a stereo microscope at 10X or 20X magnification. For macroinvertebrate prey items, only individual head capsules were counted. 34 Table 3.1. Number and size of out-migrated age-0 chinook salmon collected from Lake Ontario for stomach examination in 2000 (―, no sampling; n/a, not applicable). Sandy Creek Salmon River Total Length (mm) Mean ± s.d. Range ― ― ― Week of 18-April No. ― No. Empty ― 24-April 1 0 41 n/a 11-May 20 1 76.2 16-May ― ― 22-May 14 30-May Total Length (mm) Mean ± s.d. Range 37.0 1.9 34-39 No. 6 No. Empty 0 n/a ― ― ― ― ― 5.0 68-86 ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― 19 1 46.9 9.1 38-74 0 74.7 5.5 65-88 ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― 20 0 51.3 8.7 39-82 7-June 38 0 79.2 5.4 62-88 ― ― ― ― ― 13-June ― ― ― ― ― 20 0 62 7.4 48-75 19-June 12 0 91.8 7.6 74-100 ― ― ― ― ― 27-June ― ― ― ― ― 20 0 72.5 4.5 60-79 29-June 5 0 93.4 11.7 75-103 ― ― ― ― ― 11-July ― ― ― ― ― 6 1 74.3 8.2 65-87 24-July ― ― ― ― ― 6 0 82.0 7.0 74-93 90 1 79.9 9.42 62-103 97 2 59.5 14.5 34-93 Prey Collection, 2001 Mid-water and surface prey were sampled, preserved, sorted, and counted using the same techniques as in 2000. However, to assess changes in prey availability throughout the day, two replicate neuston hauls were conducted at Station 2, just south of the Salmon River mouth, on May 21, June 6, June 12, June 18, and June 25, during each of the three distinct chinook sampling periods (i.e., dawn, midday, and dusk). 35 Fish Collection, 2001 Sampling was conducted approximately once per week at the Salmon River site from mid-April to mid-July, for a total of 13 weeks. Out-migrated YOY chinook salmon were captured using the same techniques as in 2000, except that only two replicate seine hauls were performed at each of the four seining stations, instead of three (i.e., eight seine hauls per night). In addition to dusk sampling, daytime collections were made at Station 2 on five dates (i.e., May 21, June 6, June 12, June 18, and June 25). On these five dates, a random sample of 10 chinook were retained for diet analysis at three distinct time periods: approximately 30-60 minutes after sunrise (dawn); about 1400 (mid-day); and about 30 minutes after sunset (dusk; Table 3.2). Chinook retained for diet analysis were placed immediately on dry ice to avoid further digestion of stomach contents. All ingested prey were later identified to major taxonomic groups and counted using the same methods as in 2000. 36 Table 3.2. Number and size of out-migrated age-0 chinook salmon collected with a seine near the mouth of the Salmon River in Lake Ontario in 2001 (d=dawn; m=midday; dk=dusk). Date Total Length (mm) Mean ± s.d. Range No. No. empty 16-April 3 1 67.0 51.2 36-126 23-April 6 0 39.2 1.5 37-41 30-April 13 0 64.2 32.5 37-117 7-May 9 0 51.9 25.1 38-118 16-May 4 0 46.0 5.4 40-53 21-May (d) 10 0 49.3 5.8 41-61 21-May (m) 8 0 54.1 11.2 41-72 21-May (dk) 10 0 66.4 7.7 50-80 1-June 20 0 47.9 4.7 40-58 6-June (d) 10 0 50.3 5.6 42-61 6-June (m) 10 0 51.4 5.8 47-62 6-June (dk) 10 0 51.9 4.1 46-58 12-June (d) 10 0 53.1 4.1 47-62 12-June (m) 10 0 58.6 6.0 50-68 12-June (dk) 10 0 62.2 5.3 55-68 18-June (d) 10 0 62.9 5.4 55-68 18-June (m) 10 0 63.9 5.6 57-77 18-June (dk) 10 2 63.2 4.5 56-70 25-June (d) 10 0 60.1 5.9 49-68 25-June (m) 10 0 63.7 4.8 56-72 25-June (dk) 10 0 67.9 5.4 56-75 16-July 21 4 74.1 7.3 61-87 23-July 4 0 73.3 7.1 66-83 228 7 58.8 14.4 36-126 37 Prey Selectivity Strauss’s (1979) linear index of food selection was used to assess prey selection by age-0 chinook salmon in Lake Ontario because of the often extremely low sample sizes of prey captured in the neuston net in 2000 and 2001 relative to the number of prey found in the age-0 chinook stomachs. Strauss' index is well suited for these situations because of the inherent normal distribution of the linear index that exists even in situations where the prey and diet samples are very unequal (Strauss 1979). Thus, as Lechowicz (1982) reported, Strauss’ index is not prone to skewness in the sampling distributions and is less likely to give extreme selectivity values in the presence of low sample sizes, as do other commonly used indices (e.g., Ivlev 1961, Chesson 1978, and Vanderploeg and Scavia 1979). Strauss (1979) described the calculation of the linear index of food selection (L) in equation 1: (1) L = ri – pi where, ri is the proportion of prey in class i in the diet and pi is the proportion of prey in class i in the environment. Possible values range from +1 to –1, with positive values indicating active selection and negative values indicating avoidance or inaccessibility. Strauss (1979) also described the estimated sample variance of L in equation 2 (2) s2(L) = ri(1-ri)/nr + pi(1-pi)/np where nr is the total number of prey found in the diet and np is the total number of prey found in the environment (df = nr + np-2). For all selectivity analyses performed in this study, the most commonly consumed taxa, mature chironomidae, was pooled with larval chironomidae, while all other taxa were considered non-chironomidae. However, only chironomidae index 38 values were reported, since results are mirrored (e.g., +0.35 and –0.35) when only two taxa are used in Strauss’ selectivity index. Results Nocturnal Feeding, 2000 In order to determine the extent of nocturnal feeding and to assess the need for mid-season changes in sampling protocol, I examined the stomachs of 80 YOY chinook (M = 44.1 mm TL; Range = 38-74 mm) salmon captured between 2120 and 0.025 50 0.020 40 0.015 30 Weight % Empty 0.010 0.005 20 10 0.000 Percentage of Empty Stomachs Wet Weight (g) 0410 at the Salmon River site on May 16, 2000 (Figure 3.2). 0 21:20 23:45 1:50 4:10 Time Figure 3.2. Mean wet weights of stomach contents and percentage of empty stomachs of out-migrated YOY chinook salmon captured after dusk on May 16, 2000 near the mouth of the Salmon River in Lake Ontario, NY. Error bars represent 95% confidence intervals. 39 Subsequent analyses showed that stomach wet weight declined significantly after dusk (F3,59 = 3.82; p = 0.01; ANOVA) and that there was also a significant decline in stomach wet weight between 2345 and 0150 (F1,59; p = 0.01). Moreover, the percentage of empty stomachs increased sharply as the night progressed (i.e., 2120 = 0%; 0410 = 45%). In general, stomach contents were also unidentifiable in fish captured after midnight, indicating a cessation of fresh prey consumption after dark. Therefore, based on these data, it was concluded that out-migrated YOY chinook salmon did not feed actively at night in Lake Ontario. Subsequently, only chinook salmon captured during the day through 2300 were used for diet analyses in 2000 and 2001 (including May 16, 2000 samples). Prey, 2000 Mature chironomidae were the most abundant taxa collected in the neuston tows on all dates at the Sandy Creek site in 2000, with the exception of June 29, when larval and emerging chironomidae were the most prevalent invertebrates captured (69.6%; Table 3.3). Prey samples taken on April 24 at Sandy Creek were disregarded because of fouled neuston samples due to malfunctioning field equipment. 40 Table 3.3. Relative abundance (%) of prey items sampled at dusk using a 1000 µm neuston net near Sandy Creek in Lake Ontario in 2000 (n, total number of prey items; —, not present). 11-May 22-May 7-June 19-June 29-June n = 22 n = 13 n = 24 n = 177 n = 56 Prey type Aquatic Organisms Amphipoda Collembola Diptera Chironomidae £ Chironomidae Other £ Cercopagis spp. Coleoptera £ Ephemeroptera £ Fish eggs Fish larvae Leptodora Oligochaeta Trichoptera £ Zygoptera £ Total % aquatic Terrestrial Organisms Arachnida Coleoptera Diptera Ephemeroptera Hemiptera Homoptera Hymenoptera Odonata Trichoptera Total % terrestrial 22.7 — — — — — — — — — 9.1 68.2 — — — — — — — — — — 100 7.7 69.2 — — — — — — — — — — 76.8 8.3 62.5 — — — — — — — 8.3 — — 79.1 12.4 61.0 1.1 — — — — — — — — — 74.5 69.6 23.2 — — — — — — — 1.8 — — 94.6 — — — — — — — — — 0 7.7 15.4 — — — — — — — 23.2 — 12.5 — 4.2 — — 4.2 — — 20.9 1.1 8.5 — — 11.9 — 1.1 — 2.8 25.5 — — — — 5.4 — — — — 5.4 £ Indicates taxa that were either larvae, nymphs, or pupae In contrast to the Sandy Creek site, prey samples at the Salmon River site in 2000 were more variable, with amphipoda dominating in May (84.1% on May 16 and 44.4% on May 30) and Leptodora becoming more prevalent in June and July (Table 41 3.4). Prey samples taken on April 18 were disregarded because of fouled neuston samples due to malfunctioning field equipment. Table 3.4. Relative abundance (%) of prey items sampled at dusk using a 1000 µm neuston net near the Salmon River in Lake Ontario in 2000 (n, total number of prey items; —, not present). 16-May 30-May 13-June 27-June 11-July 24-July n = 44 n = 36 n = 36 n = 20 n = 687 n = 22 Prey type Aquatic Organisms Amphipoda Collembola Diptera Chironomidae £ Chironomidae Other £ Cercopagis spp. Coleoptera £ Ephemeroptera £ Fish eggs Fish larvae Leptodora Oligochaeta Trichoptera £ Zygoptera £ Total % aquatic Terrestrial Organisms Arachnida Coleoptera Diptera Ephemeroptera Hemiptera Homoptera Hymenoptera Odonata Trichoptera Total % terrestrial 84.1 — 44.4 — — — — 15.0 1.0 — — — 2.3 — — — — — — 13.6 — — — — 100 — 41.7 — 2.8 — — — — 8.3 — — — 97.2 2.8 58.3 — — — — — — 30.6 — — — 91.7 5.0 45.0 — — — — — — 5.0 — — — 70.0 1.2 54.3 0.6 — — — — 0.3 2.6 — — — 60.1 — 22.7 — 13.7 — — — 4.5 59.1 — — — 100 — — — — — — — — — 0 — — 2.8 — — — — — — 2.8 — — 8.3 — — — — — — 8.3 — 10.0 — — — 5.0 10.0 — 5.0 30.0 0.1 2.9 1.6 0.1 29.0 0.4 3.5 0.1 2.2 39.9 — — — — — — — — — 0 £ Indicates taxa that were either larvae, nymphs, or pupae 42 Diet, 2000 A total of 187 out-migrated YOY chinook salmon captured at the Sandy Creek (90) and Salmon River (97) sites were examined for stomach analysis in 2000, with chinook captured at the Sandy Creek site being much larger (M = 79.9 mm TL; S.E. = 8.4) than the fish captured at the Salmon River site (M = 59.5 mm TL; S.E. = 6.1; Table 3.1). However, chinook captured at both sites fed almost exclusively on aquatic taxa, with mature chironomidae constituting the bulk of the diet throughout the study period (Tables 3.5 and 3.6). Chinook salmon captured on June 27 at the Salmon River site were the only exception, as they consumed 58.8% terrestrial prey and fed on a wide array of taxa, including hemiptera (29.4%), hymenoptera (24%) and amphipoda (10.7%; Table 3.6). 43 Table 3.5. Relative abundance (%) of prey items consumed at dusk by out-migrated age-0 chinook salmon near Sandy Creek in Lake Ontario in 2000 (n1, total number of fish examined; n2, total number of prey items; *, <0.1%; —, not present). 24-April 11-May 22-May 7-June 19-June 29-June n1 = 1 n1 = 20 n1 = 14 n1 = 38 n1 = 12 n1 = 5 n2 = 7 n2 = 427 n2 = 535 n2 = 1419 n2 = 648 n2 = 437 Prey type Aquatic Organisms Amphipoda Cladocera Diptera Chironomidae £ Chironomidae Other £ Coleoptera £ Ephemeroptera £ Fish eggs Fish larvae Trichoptera £ Zygoptera £ Total % aquatic Terrestrial Organisms Arachnida Coleoptera Diptera Hemiptera Homoptera Hymenoptera Total % terrestrial — — — — 0.2 — — — 0.5 — — — — 100 — — — — — — — 100 0.2 97.2 0.2 — — — 0.2 — — 97.8 — 96.1 — — — — — — — 96.3 0.1 89.8 — — — — — * — 89.9 0.1 65.6 — — — — — — — 66.2 — 94.2 — — — — — — — 94.2 — — — — — — 0 — 1.2 — 0.5 — 0.5 2.2 — 0.9 1.3 — — 1.5 3.7 0.2 2.7 2.1 1.6 0.5 3.0 10.1 0.9 4.6 0.9 23.5 1.4 2.5 33.8 — 0.5 1.6 0.5 0.2 3.0 5.8 £ Indicates taxa that were either larvae, nymphs, or pupae 44 Table 3.6. Relative abundance (%) of prey items consumed at dusk by out-migrated age-0 chinook salmon near the Salmon River in Lake Ontario in 2000 (n1, total number of fish examined; n2, total number of prey items; *, <0.1%; —, not present). 18-April n1 = 6 n2 = 20 Prey type Aquatic Organisms Amphipoda — Cladocera — Diptera Chironomidae £ 50.0 Chironomidae 50.0 Other £ — Coleoptera £ — Ephemeroptera £ — Fish eggs — Fish larvae — Trichoptera £ — Zygoptera £ — Total % aquatic 100 Terrestrial Organisms Arachnida — Coleoptera — Diptera — Hemiptera — Homoptera — Hymenoptera — Total % terrestrial 0 16-May n1 = 19 n2 = 638 30-May n1 = 20 n2 = 563 13-June n1 = 20 n2 = 549 27-June n1 = 20 n2 = 1084 11-July n1 = 6 n2 = 124 24-July n1 = 6 n2 = 178 0.5 69.0 3.2 — — — 10.7 — 2.4 — 2.2 — 0.9 27.6 0.9 — — — — — — 98.9 — 92.5 0.7 — — — — — — 96.5 — 96.0 — — — — — — — 96.0 17.6 12.9 — — — — — — — 41.2 1.6 79.8 — — — — — — — 83.8 1.7 93.8 — — — — — — — 97.8 — — 0.3 0.5 — 0.3 1.1 — 1.2 0.9 0.9 — 0.5 3.5 — 1.3 0.9 0.9 — 0.9 4.0 0.2 3.2 — 29.4 1.9 24.0 58.8 — 3.2 0.8 8.9 — 3.2 16.1 — — 1.1 1.1 — — 2.2 £ Indicates taxa that were either larvae, nymphs, or pupae Chinook salmon feeding at dusk at both Sandy Creek and the Salmon River sites in 2000 ate predominantly mature chironomidae, even though prey samples indicated that mature chironomidae were not always the most abundant prey item in neuston samples collected from near-shore waters (Figures 3.3-3.4). 45 100 Terrestrial A 80 Other aquatic 60 Chiro-M Percent composition 40 20 Chiro-L Ap 0 100 B 80 60 40 20 29-Jun 22-Jun 15-Jun 8-Jun 1-Jun 25-May 18-May 11-May 0 Time Figure 3.3. Relative abundance (%) of amphipods (Ap), mature chironomids (Chiro-M), chironomid larval/pupae (Chiro-L), all other identified aquatic prey, and all terrestrial organisms in both the field (A) and the stomachs (B) of YOY chinook salmon sampled at dusk near Sandy Creek in Lake Ontario during May-June 2000. 46 100 A Terrestrial 80 Other Aquatic 60 Percent composition 40 Chiro-M Amphipods 20 Chiro-L 0 100 B 80 60 40 18-Jul 4-Jul 27-Jun 20-Jun 13-Jun 6-Jun 30-May 23-May 16-May 0 11-Jul 20 Time Figure 3.4. Relative abundance (%) of amphipods, mature chironomids (Chiro-M), chironomid larval/pupae (Chiro-L), all other identified aquatic prey, and all terrestrial organisms in both the field (A) and the stomachs (B) of YOY chinook salmon sampled at dusk near the Salmon River in Lake Ontario during May-June 2000. Prey, dusk 2001 Mature chironomidae were the most abundant taxa in the dusk prey samples at the Salmon River site in 2001, with the exception of late June and July, when larval fish, Cercopagis, oligochaeta, and Leptodora became noticeably more abundant (Table 3.7). 47 Table 3.7. Relative abundance (%) of prey items sampled at dusk using a 1000 µm neuston net near the Salmon River in Lake Ontario in 2001 (n, total number of prey items; —, not present). 7-May Prey type n = 72 Aquatic Organisms Amphipoda — Collembola — Diptera Chironomidae £ — Chironomidae 94.4 Other £ — Cercopagis spp. — Coleoptera £ 1.4 Ephemeroptera £ — Fish eggs — Fish larvae — Leptodora — Oligochaeta — Trichoptera £ — Zygoptera £ — Total % aquatic 95.8 Terrestrial Organisms Arachnida — Coleoptera 1.4 Diptera 2.8 Ephemeroptera — Hemiptera — Homoptera — Hymenoptera — Odonata — Trichoptera — Total % terrestrial 4.2 21-May n = 21 6-June n=9 12-June n = 39 18-June n = 21 25-June n = 11 16-July n = 47 23-July n = 94 23.8 — — — 2.6 — — — — — — — — — — 47.6 — — — — — — 14.3 — — — 85.7 33.3 66.7 — — — — — — — — — — 100 7.7 28.2 — — — — — — — 10.3 2.6 — 51.3 — 71.4 — — — — — — — — — — 71.4 — 27.3 — — — — — — 9.1 27.3 — — 63.6 — 25.5 — 4.3 — — — 42.6 6.4 14.9 — — 93.6 8.5 2.1 — 14.9 9.6 — — 7.4 23.4 28.7 — — 94.6 — — 14.3 — — — — — — 14.3 — — — — — — — — — 0 — 15.4 15.4 — 7.7 10.3 — — — 48.7 — — 14.3 — — 4.8 9.5 — — 28.6 27.3 — 9.1 — — — — — — 36.4 — — 4.3 — — — 2.1 — — 6.4 2.1 — — — — 1.1 1.1 — 1.1 5.4 £ Indicates taxa that were either larvae, nymphs, or pupae Prey, daytime 2001 Amphipods dominated during dawn and midday periods in the May prey samples, while the remainder of the daytime prey samples were quite variable, with either mature chironomidae, homoptera, or chironomidae larvae/pupae dominating the prey samples in June and July (Table 3.8). 48 Table 3.8. Relative abundance (%) of prey items sampled at dawn and midday (time, 1400) using a 1000 µm neuston net near the Salmon River in Lake Ontario in 2001 (n, total number of prey items; —, not present). 21-May 6-June 12-June dawn midday dawn midday dawn midday n = 89 n = 38 n = 37 n = 127 n = 42 n = 72 Prey type Aquatic Organisms Amphipoda 69.7 Collembola — Diptera Chironomidae £ 2.2 Chironomidae 23.6 Other £ — Cercopagis spp. — Coleoptera £ — Ephemeroptera £ — Fish eggs — Fish larvae — Leptodora 1.1 Oligochaeta — Trichoptera £ — Zygoptera £ — Total % aquatic 96.7 Terrestrial Organisms Arachnida — Coleoptera — Diptera 2.2 Ephemeroptera — Hemiptera 1.1 Homoptera — Hymenoptera — Odonata — Trichoptera — Total % terrestrial 3.3 50.0 — — — — — 2.4 — 4.2 — 10.5 28.9 — — — — — — 2.6 2.6 — — 94.7 8.1 86.5 — — — — — 2.7 — — — — 98.3 0.8 94.5 — — — — — — — — — — 95.2 40.5 23.8 — 2.4 — — — — — 14.2 — — 83.3 16.7 38.9 — — — — — — — 4.2 4.2 — 68.1 2.6 2.6 — — — — — — — 5.3 — — — — — — 2.7 — — 2.7 — — 1.6 — — 0.8 2.4 — — 4.8 2.4 — 7.1 — — 4.8 2.4 — — 16.7 1.4 2.8 4.2 — 13.9 8.3 1.4 — — 31.9 49 Table 3.8 (Continued) 18-June 25-June dawn midday dawn midday n = 177 n = 27 n = 15 n = 94 Prey type Aquatic Organisms Amphipoda Collembola Diptera Chironomidae £ Chironomidae Other £ Cercopagis spp. Coleoptera £ Ephemeroptera £ Fish eggs Fish larvae Leptodora Oligochaeta Trichoptera £ Zygoptera £ Total % aquatic Terrestrial Organisms Arachnida Coleoptera Diptera Ephemeroptera Hemiptera Homoptera Hymenoptera Odonata Trichoptera Total % terrestrial 1.1 — 3.7 — — — 2.1 — 2.3 20.3 — — — — — — — — 1.1 — 24.8 18.5 63.0 — — — — — — — 3.7 — — 88.9 13.3 60.0 — 6.7 — — — — — — — — 80.0 12.8 45.7 — 4.2 — 2.1 — 1.1 — 22.3 — — 90.4 — 14.7 14.7 — — 39.0 6.8 — — 75.2 3.7 3.7 — — — — 3.7 — — 11.1 — — 6.7 — 13.3 — — — — 20.0 — — 6.4 — — 3.2 — — — 9.6 £ Indicates taxa that were either larvae, nymphs, or pupae 50 Diet, dusk 2001 Out of a total of 228 (M = 58.8 mm TL; Range 36-126 mm) out-migrated YOY chinook salmon captured at the Salmon River site in 2001, 130 (Range 36-126 mm TL) were sampled after dusk and examined for diet analysis. As in 2000, chinook collected after dusk consumed mostly aquatic organisms (> 74%; Table 3.9). Table 3.9. Relative abundance (%) of prey items consumed at dusk by out-migrated age-0 chinook salmon near the Salmon River in Lake Ontario in 2001 (n1, total number of fish examined; n2, total number of prey items; —, not present). 16-April n1 = 3 n2 = 27 23-April n1 = 6 n2 = 86 30-April n1 = 13 n2 = 615 7-May n1 = 9 n2 = 482 16-May n1 = 4 n2 = 50 21-May n1 = 10 n2 = 322 1-June n1 = 20 n2 = 118 40.7 — 1.2 — — — 0.2 — — — 21.7 — — — 7.4 40.7 — — — — — — — 88.9 — 97.6 — — — — — — — 98.8 — 98.9 — — — — — — — 98.9 — 98.0 — — — — — — — 98.2 — 94.0 — — — — — — — 94.0 — 76.4 — — — — — — — 98.1 19.5 77.1 — 0.8 — — — — — 97.5 — — — 7.4 — 3.7 11.1 — — 1.2 — — — 1.2 — — 1.0 — — 0.1 1.1 — — 1.6 — — 0.2 1.8 — — 6.0 — — — 6.0 — — 1.9 — — — 1.9 — — 0.8 — 0.8 0.8 2.5 Prey type Aquatic Organisms Amphipoda Cladocera Diptera Chironomidae £ Chironomidae Other £ Coleoptera £ Ephemeroptera £ Fish eggs Fish larvae Trichoptera £ Zygoptera £ Total % aquatic Terrestrial Organisms Arachnida Coleoptera Diptera Hemiptera Homoptera Hymenoptera Total % terrestrial 51 Table 3.9 (Continued) 6-June n1 = 10 n2 = 428 12-June n1 = 10 n2 = 402 18-June n1 = 10 n2 = 176 25-June n1 = 10 n2 = 284 16-July n1 = 21 n2 = 115 23-July n1 = 4 n2 = 7 — — 2.2 — 4.5 — 6.0 — 4.3 — — — 12.6 86.0 — — — — — — — 98.6 5.7 86.1 — — — — — — — 94.0 17.6 47.2 — 3.4 — 1.1 — — 0.6 74.5 8.8 65.8 — 13.0 — — — — — 93.6 0.9 77.4 — 1.7 — — — — — 84.3 — 100 — — — — — — — 100 — — 1.2 0.2 — — 1.4 0.3 0.8 1.7 2.4 — 0.8 6.0 — 1.1 — 24.4 — — 25.5 — 1.4 0.4 3.2 — 1.4 6.4 — 1.7 0.9 — 0.9 12.2 15.7 — — — — — — 0 Prey type Aquatic Organisms Amphipoda Cladocera Diptera Chironomidae £ Chironomidae Other £ Coleoptera £ Ephemeroptera £ Fish eggs Fish larvae Trichoptera £ Zygoptera £ Total % aquatic Terrestrial Organisms Arachnida Coleoptera Diptera Hemiptera Homoptera Hymenoptera Total % terrestrial £ Indicates taxa that were either larvae, nymphs, or pupae Moreover, dusk chinook ate predominantly mature chironomidae, even though prey samples indicated that mature chironomidae were not always the most abundant prey item in neuston samples collected from near-shore waters, especially in the midsummer months (Figure 3.5). 52 100 Terrestrial A 80 60 Chiro-M Other Aquatic 40 Chiro-L Percent composition 20 Amphipods 0 100 B 80 60 40 23-Jul 9-Jul 2-Jul 25-Jun 18-Jun 11-Jun 4-Jun 28-May 21-May 14-May 7-May 0 16-Jul 20 Time Figure 3.5. Relative abundance (%) of amphipods, mature chironomids (Chiro-M), chironomid larval/pupae (Chiro-L), all other identified aquatic prey, and all terrestrial organisms in both the field (A) and the stomachs (B) of YOY chinook salmon sampled at dusk near the Salmon River in Lake Ontario during May-July 2001. Diet, daytime 2001 The chinook (N = 98; Range 41-77 mm TL) sampled during the dawn and midday intervals at the Salmon River site in 2001 also consumed predominantly aquatic prey (> 71%), with mature chironomidae constituting the bulk of the diet (Table 3.10). The only exceptions were the two dawn samples on May 21 and June 53 12, when larval fish (40.4%) and chironomidae larvae/pupae (49%), respectively were also abundant in the diet samples. Table 3.10. Relative abundance (%) of prey items consumed at dawn and midday (time, 1400) by out-migrated age-0 chinook salmon near the Salmon River in Lake Ontario in 2001(n1, total number of fish examined; n2, total number of prey items; —, not present). 21-May 6-June 12-June dawn midday dawn midday dawn midday n1 = 10 n1 = 8 n1 = 10 n1 = 10 n1 = 10 n1 = 10 n2 = 47 n2 = 51 n2 = 376 n2 = 444 n2 = 400 n2 = 304 Prey type Aquatic Organisms Amphipoda 14.9 Cladocera — Diptera Chironomidae £ — Chironomidae 44.7 Other £ — Coleoptera £ — Ephemeroptera £ — Fish eggs — Fish larvae 40.4 Trichoptera £ — Zygoptera £ — Total % aquatic 100 Terrestrial Organisms Arachnida — Coleoptera — Diptera — Hemiptera — Homoptera — Hymenoptera — Total % terrestrial 0 9.8 — — — — — — — 0.7 — — 74.5 — — — — 13.7 — — 98.0 5.3 93.1 — — — 0.3 — — — 98.7 18.0 77.3 — — — 1.6 — — — 96.9 49.0 47.2 — 0.3 — — 0.3 — — 96.8 5.9 83.9 — 1.0 — — — — — 91.5 — — — — 2.0 — 2.0 — — 1.0 0.3 — — 1.3 — — 1.3 1.8 — — 3.1 — 0.5 — 2.0 — 0.7 3.2 — 1.0 1.3 4.9 0.3 1.0 8.5 54 Table 3.10 (Continued) 18-June 25-June dawn midday dawn midday n1 = 10 n1 = 10 n1 = 10 n1 = 10 n2 = 729 n2 = 485 n2 = 79 n2 = 828 Prey type Aquatic Organisms Amphipoda Cladocera Diptera Chironomidae £ Chironomidae Other £ Coleoptera £ Ephemeroptera £ Fish eggs Fish larvae Trichoptera £ Zygoptera £ Total % aquatic Terrestrial Organisms Arachnida Coleoptera Diptera Hemiptera Homoptera Hymenoptera Total % terrestrial — — 3.1 — 17.7 — 1.4 — 0.8 71.3 — — — 20.4 — — — 92.6 16.7 50.3 — 0.2 — — — — 1.2 71.6 — 73.4 — — — — 3.8 — 2.5 97.4 1.0 92.0 — 0.5 — — — — — 94.9 — 1.1 0.8 5.1 0.3 0.1 7.4 0.2 0.6 0.6 26.0 1.0 — 28.4 1.3 — — 1.3 — — 2.6 — 0.1 1.1 2.7 0.4 0.8 5.1 £ Indicates taxa that were either larvae, nymphs, or pupae Prey Selectivity, dusk 2000-2001 Strauss’s (1979) index of food selection (L) showed that out-migrated, YOY chinook feeding at dusk at the Sandy Creek site in 2000 exhibited only a slight feeding preference for chironomids (i.e., L values near zero), while chinook feeding at dusk at the Salmon River site in both 2000 and 2001 strongly preferred chironomids (i.e., L values approaching one) throughout most of the sampling period (Figure 3.6). 55 1 SC (00) SR (00) SR (01) 0.8 L value 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 -0.2 -0.4 4 23 -2 6 ly Ju Ju ly 11 -1 529 ne 2 Ju 819 Ju ne 1 213 ne 1 Ju Ju ne 6 -7 0 21 -3 ay M M ay M ay 11 -1 6 7 -0.6 Date Figure 3.6. Pattern of selectivity of chironomidae by YOY chinook salmon captured at dusk near Sandy Creek in 2000 and the Salmon River in 2000 and 2001 using Strauss’ linear index (L). Vertical lines represent 95% confidence intervals. Prey Selectivity, diel 2001 Diel prey selection analysis at the Salmon River site from May 21 – June 25, 2001 revealed that out-migrated, YOY chinook showed a somewhat consistent pattern of low-moderate preference for chironomidae both throughout the day and over the entire six-week study period (Figure 3.7). However, there were two dates (i.e., June 6 and June 18) where chironomids were eaten rather opportunistically (i.e., L values approaching zero), especially later in the day. 56 0.6 Dawn 0.5 Midday Dusk 0.4 L value 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 -0.1 -0.2 21-May 6-June 12-June 18-June 25-June Date Figure 3.7. Diel pattern of selectivity of chironomidae by YOY chinook salmon near the Salmon River in 2001 using Strauss’ linear index (L). Vertical lines represent 95% confidence intervals. Discussion Young chinook salmon in Lake Ontario were primarily diurnal feeders as indicated by both a decrease in gut content wet weight and the lack of identifiable prey in stomach samples examined after midnight. Although, Sagar and Glova (1987) suggested that a lack of nocturnal feeding in the Rakaia River was most likely due to turbid conditions, it was unlikely that turbidity was a relevant factor in near-shore Lake Ontario waters because the substrate in the near-shore areas of both Sandy Creek and Salmon River was clearly visible in less than two meters of water on calm evenings. A more likely explanation for the lack of nocturnal feeding in the near- 57 shore areas of Lake Ontario stems from the abundance of large piscivorous predators, especially yellow perch (Perca flavescens) and smallmouth bass (Micropterus dolomieu), which although entirely absent during daytime sampling efforts, comprised much of the bycatch in our evening seine hauls. The presence of these predators would likely suppress surface feeding activity by young chinook that might seek to avoid predation by hiding among the cobble substrate rather than risk exposure near the water’s surface (Vehanen 2003). Many studies in the Pacific Northwest and in New Zealand have shown that aquatic taxa, such as, zooplankton, amphipods, and mayfly nymphs tend to have significant importance in the diets of YOY chinook salmon, especially in early spring (e.g., Rondorf et al. 1990; Sagar and Glova 1987). Results from this study also show that out-migrated YOY chinook occupying the shallow near-shore areas near Sandy Creek and the Salmon River fed heavily on aquatic taxa, with mature chironomidae constituting the bulk of the diet. Even though YOY chinook were significantly larger at Sandy Creek (M = 80 mm TL) in 2000 than the chinook captured at the Salmon River site in both 2000 (M = 60 mm TL) and 2001 (M = 59 mm TL), fish at both locations displayed similar feeding patterns. For instance, young chinook feeding at dusk at the Sandy Creek site consumed at least 66% aquatic taxa, especially adult chironomidae, on all sampling dates, while chinook feeding at dusk at the Salmon River location in both 2000 and 2001 ate at least 74% aquatic taxa on all but one sampling date (i.e., June 27, 2000, 41% aquatic). Moreover, daytime samples at the Salmon River site in 2001 showed similar results, as aquatic taxa were consumed at least 71% of the time, with the most predominant prey being mature chironomidae. Johnson (1983) found similar results, as recently stocked YOY chinook fed heavily on aquatic organisms near the Salmon River in Lake Ontario, with as much as 63% of their diet being adult chironomidae. 58 In addition, zooplankton were essentially absent in the chinook diets at both locations, even though large taxa such as Leptodora and Cercopagis were abundant in many of the late summer prey samples. In fact, only one chinook out of 415 fish examined ate zooplankton (i.e., Daphnia spp., Salmon River, May 16, 2000). This is in stark contrast to chinook salmon residing in the Pacific Northwest, where estuarine and reservoir chinook tend to feed heavily on cladocerans and calanoid and cyclopoid copepods at some point during the season (Kjelson 1982; Rondorf et al. 1990). Some of the absence of larger predatory zooplankton, such as Cercopagis, in the diets of sub-yearling chinook in Lake Ontario could be the result of limited spatial overlap or because of the extremely long caudal spine of some species, such as Cercopagis pengoi (Bushnoe et al. 2003). Johnson (1981) found that in a tributary of the Salmon River in Lake Ontario recently emerged chinook salmon ate 96% aquatic organisms in May, but switched to a diet of mostly terrestrial prey in late summer as terrestrial insects became more abundant. However, we observed no evidence of a seasonal diet shift in the nearshore waters of Lake Ontario. For example, although aquatic taxa such as amphipods were relatively abundant in early prey samples at the Salmon River site in both years, prey selectivity analysis showed that non-chironomidae taxa were typically avoided (L < -0.5) in favor of chironomids. In addition, prey selection indices also show that the chinook in the near-shore waters of Lake Ontario displayed little evidence of a diel shift in food preference. During both the daytime and dusk sampling periods at the Salmon River site and at dusk at the Sandy Creek site, chinook moderately selected (L = 0.2-0.5) for chironomids, while most often avoiding other available taxa. However, because of the low sample sizes of the neuston samples, especially during the day hauls, it is difficult to make a clear case for negative selection of other potential prey items. For example, 59 aquatic taxa, such as amphipods and larval fish, which were at times abundant in the diet, particularly at the Salmon River site, were most often absent in the neuston samples. Several factors may have contributed to the typically low neuston catches, including a large mesh size (1000 µm), a slow haul rate (about 0.5 m·sec-1), or choppy water surface conditions caused by wave and/or wind action. The feeding behavior of out-migrated YOY chinook salmon in Lake Ontario is quite similar to that of juvenile chinook residing in tributaries and rivers, in that both tend to feed on a large variety of prey types, whether in the water column or at the water’s surface (Johnson 1981; Sagar and Glova 1987). Moreover, the chinook examined in this study showed a moderate to strong preference for chironomidae both at the air-water interface and in the water column, while at the same time typically avoiding non-chironomid taxa. This ability to adapt to the often harsh, scoured nearshore environment of Lake Ontario should enhance the chinook’s ability to thrive after out-migration, thus attaining a large enough smolt size (i.e., about 100 mm TL; Elliott 1994) to emigrate offshore in late summer as near-shore water temperatures approach hazardous levels (i.e., > 23oC; Scott and Crossman 1973). 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