Lesson № 6 Theme: FORENSIC INVESTIGATION OF DAMAGES CAUSED BY SHARP OBJECTS. Aim: to be able to investigate and describe damages of a body (wounds) from action of sharp objects, to determine with properties of wounds a kind of sharp subject and to make medicolegal conclusions. Professional motivation. Wounds by various sharp objects are met rather frequently in practical medical work, in particular, in case of crimes against life and health of citizens. In this connection any clinical physician or the medicolegal expert needs to know morphological properties of damages of the person from sharp objects, to be able to investigate and describe correctly them in medical documents, to determine a kind of an injuring subject and the mechanism of its action, to carry out differentiational diagnostics with damages by other objects and oth. The Decision of these questions helps law enforcement bodies in disclosing crimes. Base level of knowledge and skills: For mastering a theme each student should: 1. Know definition of a wound, essence of concepts about a trauma and a traumatism. 2. Know, what is inflammation and regeneration of tissues and their morphological displays. 3. Be able to classify wounds, to use knowledge of a course wound process, adhesion of wounds, morphological changes in a wound. 4. Be able to distinguish the reasons, kinds, morphology and consequences of an external and internal bleedings, haemorrhages. Student’s Independent study program: During preparation for Lesson it is necessary to learn such basic questions: 1. Definition and classification of sharp objects. 2 Sharp we name such objects, which, operating on man body whether his clothes by its edge whether end, cause damage with some properties. These properties depend on specific (group) peculiarities of sharp objects. The Sharp objects classify differently. Usually pick out the groups basic 3: cutting, hewing and prickly, and also prickly-cutting. But is still sawdust objects (different saws), drilling and hollowing objects, damage to which meets thinly and to that study by their students by work program from judicial medicine not foreseen. 2. The characteristic of the wounds caused by sharp objects: 2.1. The common signs of wounds from sharp objects; To general wounds signs from action of sharp objects: ● form: of the wounds; screw-type, chink or radiant; ● - levels, ganoid, without delimits, sediments, (fleecing of epidermis), without slights tear, effusions of blood wounds edges, which is not exfoliated from being subject cloths; ● lack of connecting-tissue membranes between contrary edges whether in wounds ends; ● sharp, sometimes with slights tear (attached to action of hewing whether some prickly objects) wounds ends; ● levels, plumb them walls, without effusions of blood within bounds the skins. This does not behave to fatty cellulose, a surface of which from action of sharp objects always has uneven grainy appearance. 2.2. Specific signs of wounds from cutting, hewing and pricking objects; We can diagnose action of cutting objects for such specific (whether group) wounds signs: ● form their screw-type, and attached to summary edges linear (in tie with what has only length), and their clear spaces in appearance of overturned triangle. Typical wounds gaping due to skin contractility whether cut muscular fibres; 3 ● the wounds ends have an incision (gradual wound depth underestimation bullock of her centre to the last from boundary paths own skin and epidermis) and (whether) incision (flesh epidermis damage of linear form); ● dominance of wound length over her depth and width. However on neck wound from cutting object can have a considerable depth; ● typical strong bleeding, because cut of the vessels, and do not rive, and that's why do not fall; ● they heal over mostly by first intention and omit the thin linear scars. By reason of action of hewing objects are generated the wounds, which differ by considerable size and depth, to them inherent signs, typical for wounds from sharp objects. By trauma Peculiarity by hewing objects is damage of being subject bone. If under damaged soft cloths not about bone, then such advices can be confused with wounds from other sharp objects, specifically - from cutting. Wounds properties from action of prickly objects, them morphological description being in important right for diagnostics of group implement peculiarities, depend on specific (group) peculiarities of these objects. All variety of prickly objects can be leagued all into three sub-groups: ● prickly objects with withoutribs surface; ● prickly objects with ribs; ● prickly objects with one or by two blades. 3. Essence of identification of objects with which wounds render. The greatest evidentiary value in definition of a concrete subject of a trauma has a method of identification. It is an establishment of identity of the object for its external characteristic, individual, only to it inherent signs. Identification of a subject of a trauma can be made only under condition of if there is a subject which identity should be established, and displays which have arisen from its action. It is possible to identify objects of a trauma (blunt, cutting, hewing, pricking subject) taking into account damages on a body at presence of traces which display individual signs of a subject on bones, cartilages, sometimes on a skin, clothes as lines, prints and other traces. 4 Illustrative material. Object of research are museum anatomic macropreparations (rags of a skin from corpses of people) with wounds from various sharp objects. Numerous educational tables, stands and models of a theme illustrate lesson. At microscopic research of histologic preparations from skin microscopes МБР-1, Виолам Р-ІІ are used. Students’ Practical Activities: Lesson is carried out as independent research by students of part of the corpse of the person ( piece of a skin) with damages ' (wounds) from various sharp objects and a histologic preparation that correspond to this piece of a skin. During performance of work it is necessary to mean the following questions, answers on which should be adduced in "Conclusions" of the act: 1. Whether there are damages on an object, their kind, what objects they are caused by? 2. Intravitality or postmortualy they were caused? 3. What prescription of formation of damages? 4. Whether approach of death from these damages is possible and what their degree of weight? Research should be directed on revealing of changes, signs that could give the argued conclusions to these questions. The found changes and signs should be displayed in protocol part of the act. Research of object is accompanied by spelling of the “Act of medicolegal research ", which consists of 2 parts: the report (the introduction, preliminary data, and research of object), which the doctor subscribes, and conclusions signed by the doctor and reflection of the seal. Work is necessary for beginning with drawing up of an introductory part. Date, city, surname and initials of the doctor, which carries out research is marked in the introduction, a surname and the initials of the inspector, the document by which research is appointed, its number and date, a place of carrying out of research, object which is studied, and the puting questions are indicated. 5 In section " Preliminary data " shortly circumstances of case is adduced, with indicating a source of information. In section " Research of object " its form, sizes, color, regional features of surfaces and properties of edges in details are described. Localization of damages, their kind, the form, the sizes, features of edges, the ends and surfaces, its color, signs of healing, property of surrounding tissues are also marked. The description should be accompanied by a schematic sketch of object and damages. Place of damages is researched with microscope. It is separately marked and described in the act under heading " Microscopic research ". Answers to the questions puting by investigatory bodies is maked in "Conclusions", and its should be motivated with the data adduced in the report. Discussion and analysis of the works executed by students are carried out at the end of the Lesson, it is summed up. Each student must know: 1. Modern classification of sharp objects. 2. The mechanism and morphgenesis of damages by sharp objects, 3. The common and specific signs of wounds from sharp objects. 4. Opportunities of definition of a concrete copy of the sharp instrument, which wound has been put by. Student should be able to: 1. Describe wounds caused by action of sharp objects. 2. Determine a kind of sharp and subspecies of pricking object after properties of wounds. 3. Issue, formulate and prove conclusions when damages are caused by sharp objects. References. 1. Lecture Prepared by ass. prof. Franchuk V. Adopted at the Chair Sitting “ ___”______________2003, Minutes Revised at the Chair Sitting “ ___”______________2003, Minutes 6