WORLD METEOROLOGICAL ORGANIZATION COMMISSION FOR BASIC SYSTEMS OPAG DPFS WORKSHOP ON DEVELOPMENT OF SCOPE AND CAPABILITIES OF EMERGENCY RESPONSE ACTIVITIES CBS-DPFS/Wkshp/ERA-DSC/Doc. 5.1(4) (02.XII.2004) _______ Item: 5 ENGLISH only GENEVA, 7-9 DECEMBER 2004 HAZARDS AND METEOROLOGICAL SUPPORT TO ENVIRONMENTAL EMERGENCIES RMSC MONTRÉAL Support for Non-Nuclear Emergencies and Considerations on the Expansion of the WMO Emergency Response Activities Programme (Submitted by Michel Jean and René Servranckx) Summary and Purpose of the paper Preliminary discussions on the possibility of broadening the scope of the WMO Emergency Response Activities (ERA) and the possible involvement of RSMCs in smaller scale pollution events first took place in 1998. The dramatic events of 11 September 2001 changed the global context and discussions on the possible expansion of the ERA mandate to cover non-nuclear activities are more than ever relevant. In Canada, this expansion is already underway. We present here the context of the Canadian Meteorological Centre’s involvement in what is known as the Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Research and Technology Initiative (CRTI). Activities relating to volcanic ash, wildfires and forest fires as well as chemical and biological emergencies are also presented. Finally, we present a few options and suggestions with respect to the expansion of the WMO ERA programme. Actions Proposed "The Workshop will consider the information and discuss issues presented, and consider input to recommendations from the Workshop." CBS-DPFS/Wkshp/ERA-DSC/Doc. 5.1(4) 1. THE CHEMICAL, BIOLOGICAL, RADIOLOGICAL RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY INITIATIVE (CRTI) AND NUCLEAR In response to the event of 11 September 2001, the Canadian government announced in the November 2001 'security' budget, a 5 year initiative called 'CRTI' which stands for CBRN (Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear) Research and Technology Initiative. This initiative is being led by the Department of National Defence and is composed of a number of Federal Departments with science and response capabilities. The primary objective of the initiative is to strengthen Canada's preparedness and response to terrorist attacks. Another objective of this initiative is to apply some of the concepts around the horizontal management of science and technology within federal departments and more broadly within the public, private and academic communities in Canada1. Environment Canada, of which the Meteorological Service of Canada is one of the components, is one of the key science departments. The Canadian Meteorological Centre (CMC) currently has an operational capability to deal with nuclear and radiological scenarios (supporting the response capabilities of RSMC Montréal) and volcanic ash (supporting the response capabilities of ICAO’s VAAC Montréal). The involvement of the CMC in various CRTI projects pursue the goal to bring the existing modeling capabilities down to the urban scales and to broaden the scope of applications to chemical and biological events. The details are covered in Annex 1. 2. VOLCANIC ASH AND AIRBORNE DUST Volcanic ash is a concern and, sometimes danger, on many fronts: health, deposition on the ground, aircraft operations, etc. In the context of air navigation and air traffic control operations, volcanic ash presents a variety negative to outright dangerous impacts. These range from sandblasting effects and static discharges in avionics to severe engine damage and, in at least 2 cases, near-crashes jumbo jets. Because of this danger to aviation, the International Civil Aviation Organization designated 9 Volcanic Ash Advisory Centres (VAAC) in order to predict the transport and dispersion of airborne volcanic ash. Five of the VAACs are also RSMCs for nuclear emergencies, which explains why many of the RSMCs transport and dispersion models have been configured to include volcanic eruptions. The Montréal VAAC uses the CANadian Emergency Response Model (CANERM). This is the same model that is used by RSCM Montréal for nuclear emergencies. In the case of volcanic ash, one of the concerns is that smaller particulates (fine ash) ejected at high altitudes by explosive eruptions can travel hundreds and even thousands of kilometres from the volcano and still pose a threat to aviation (USGS). For other issues (health, ground deposition, etc.) the problem is more local in nature. However, regardless of the spatial scale of interest, it must be understood that the accuracy of any quantitative estimate (airborne concentrations, total deposition, etc.) is highly dependent on obtaining good quantitative estimates of the eruption parameters: amount of ash released as a function of time and space, particle sizes and distribution, etc. Unfortunately, these parameters are usually not known, especially in the context of the 1 More information can be found at CBS-DPFS/Wkshp/ERA-DSC/Doc. 5.1(4), p. 2 real time response to eruptions. This problem has been raised on a number of occasions at international volcanic ash / aviation safety meetings. This topic has now been formally referred to the International Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth’s Interior (IAVCEI). It is hoped that this will help bring some closure, if not an answer, to the question of real time quantitative eruption parameter estimates. The RSMCs has also applied the transport and dispersion models to airborne dust. In some extreme cases, the dust travels thousands of kilometres, especially when intense spring storms develop over the Taklimakan and Gobe deserts in Asia. The CANERM model has been used to model the transport of dust from such an event that occurred in April 2001 (Simpson et al, 2003). The impacts of airborne dust to the aviation community are not as severe as volcanic ash. Nevertheless, airborne dust is a concern for other reasons. As an example, people with respiratory problems are strongly affected when breathing this dust, as the particulate sizes are in the range of a few microns. 3. SMOKE FROM FOREST FIRES The transport of smoke from forest fires encompasses a wide range of temporal and spatial scales: from a few hours to many weeks and from a few hundred meters to thousands of kilometres (Fromm et al, 2000; Fromm et al, 2004; Fromm and Servranckx, 2003). Many of the RSMCs designated for nuclear emergencies have been involved at one point or another in modeling the transport and dispersion of smoke in support of civil protection and other agencies. In some regions of Canada, smoke from forest fires is the most important contributor to bad air quality episodes. Research and development work is underway to include forest fires within a dynamic dynamic emissions inventory to be used by photochemical models over the North American domain. 4. CHEMICAL EMERGENCIES Support from RSMC Montréal is occasionally requested by the Environmental Protection Branch of Environment Canada in the case of chemical accidents. The meteorological input used is from observational data to define the initial meteorological conditions and the full range of operational numerical weather prediction models to define how the atmosphere evolves. Chemical modules and databases exist and are used in some of Environment Canada’s air quality prediction models (CHRONOS for example) but currently, the trajectory and dispersion models that are used for emergency response are not linked to these chemical databases. 5. BIOLOGICAL EMERGENCIES RSMC Montréal has so far provided support on one occasion for a biological emergency. In the spring of 2004, there was a rapid outbreak of avian influenza near the town of Abbottsford located in the Fraser Valley of southern British Columbia. Monitoring of the outbreak by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency raised concerns that there was possibly an airborne component as the disease spread quickly from the first chicken farm contaminated to neighbouring farms. The Meteorological Service of Canada supported the operations of the Canadian Food Inspection Agency by deploying an CBS-DPFS/Wkshp/ERA-DSC/Doc. 5.1(4), p. 3 emergency surface weather and upper air sounding station, and with trajectory and dispersion modeling by RSMC Montréal. There are no biological modules involved in these models but work is underway with veterinarians and epidemiologists from the Canadian Food Inspection Agency to add such modules and have a better understanding of the physical processes involved. 6. DISCUSSION AND SUGGESTIONS FOR EXPANSION OF THE ERA PROGRAMME There is no doubt that an expansion of the ERA programme to non-nuclear emergencies is good and necessary. Such an expansion however raises a number of challenges that will need to be carefully examined: What specific areas should be addressed first? WMO recently conducted a survey among National Meteorological and Hydrological Services (NMHSs) to evaluate capabilities, gaps in capabilities (needs) in nuclear and non-nuclear emergency response services. The results which are presented in Document 6.1 should help answer this question. We believe that one or two specific areas identified in this document should be selected as starting points for the expansion of the ERA programme. How will these new non-nuclear emergencies be addressed and by whom? Many RSMCs are already involved in the response to some non-nuclear emergencies. However, an official expansion of the WMO ERA programme to non-nuclear emergencies will undoubtedly lead to a very significant increase in the number of requests for support, especially as if smaller spatial and time scales are considered (e.g. chemical accidents). Each designated RMSC will have to decide on its level of participation in the provision of services for non-nuclear emergencies. However, it is clear that the task would probably quickly become overwhelming for any RSMC. This is an important consideration, given that a quick response time is essential for any emergency. The modus operandi of RSMC Montréal has always been to provide help and assistance to the best of its ability, and within allocated resources and staffing, for any request, irrespective of the type of emergency or whether the requests is from an agency within or outside of Canada. However, it is clear that it would not be able to respond to many daily or weekly requests for support. This is why we believe that NMHSs must play a key role in the expansion of the ERA programme, especially for local or regional emergencies since they are familiar with the important factors that influence the local / regional dispersion of a pollutant (topography, local meteorological effects, etc). CBS-DPFS/Wkshp/ERA-DSC/Doc. 5.1(4), p. 4 We would suggest that this idea be promoted in the context of the expansion of the ERA programme to non-nuclear emergencies and, in particular, through capacity building and training of NMSHs. Would there still be non-nuclear emergencies requiring RSMC support? We believe so. While the response to non-nuclear emergencies should be handled as much as possible by NMHSs, there would probably still be a need for support from RSMCs in some instances. For example, when the transport of the ‘’pollutant’’ is such that it extends well beyond what would be considered a local or regional emergency for a specific NMHS. Large dust clouds and smoke cloud travelling for days and over large distances would probably fall in this category. Such large scale events could then be handled by one or two RSMCs, in a way similar to what already exists for the response to nuclear emergencies. Of course, well defined request procedures and a standardization of products would be important in such cases. REFERENCES Fromm, M., J. Alfred, K. Hoppel, J. Hornstein, R. Bevilacqua, E. Shettle, R. Servranckx, Z. Li, B. Stocks, Observations of boreal forest fire smoke in the stratosphere by POAM III, SAGE II, and lidar in 1998, Geophys. Res. Lett., 27(9), 1407-1410, 10.1029/1999GL011200, 2000. Fromm M. D. and R. Servranckx, Transport of forest fire smoke above the tropopause by supercell convection, Geophys. Res. Lett., 30 (10), 1542, doi:10.1029/2002GL016820, 2003. Fromm, M., Bevilacqua R., Servranckx, R., Rosen, J. and J. Thayer, (2004): Pyrocumulonimbus injection of smoke to the stratosphere: observations and impact of a blowup in northwestern Canada on 3-4 August 1998. (Submitted to Journal of Geophysical Research). Simpson, J. J., Hufford, G. L., Servranckx, R., Berg, J., Pieri, D. 2003: Airborne Asian Dust: Case Study of Long-Range Transport and Implications for the Detection of Volcanic Ash. Weather and Forecasting: Vol. 18, No. 2, pp. 121–141. USGS: The 1992 Eruptions of Crater Peak Vent, Mount Spurr Volcano, Alaska. United States Geological Survey, Bulletin 2139,Terry E.C. Keith, Editor, 220 pages. CBS-DPFS/Wkshp/ERA-DSC/Doc. 5.1(4), ANNEX 1 ANNEX 1: The Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Research and Technology Initiative (CRTI) 1. Horizontal management of science: Structure In order to quickly provide a structure to manage the initiative, a threat assessment was done around the three main areas for potential terrorist activities, namely chemical, biological and radioactive threats. Through this assessment, clusters of laboratories (be it actual laboratory with analytical capabilities or more broadly centre of expertise2) or community of practice emerged. There are close linkages with the intelligence community through a bi-annual review of the threat assessment. The coordination is provided by a small secretariat. This whole initiative is being managed in such a way as to increase the horizontal connections between Federal departments (both in terms of R&D and also in terms of coordination of operational response), academia and the private sector. A recent press release from the CRTI secretariat3 will provide more context. 2. Horizontal management of science: Funding It has been recognized in the planning phase of the CRTI that different strategies were required to fulfill existing gaps in capability as well as to face emerging issues in the future. Three different funding mechanisms were established: technology acquisition, technology acceleration and research and technology initiatives. It is quite obvious that each funding mechanisms correspond to different time horizons. The technology acquisition was established to fill an immediate response gap through the acquisition of commercially available equipment (time horizon 1 year or less). The technology acceleration deals with adapting existing technology to the federal government response backbone (time horizon 1-3 years). Finally, research and technology initiatives deals with the R&D required to fulfill an anticipated response gaps (time horizon 2-5 years and beyond). The dissemination of funds is done through a competitive process based on internal and external peer reviews. The technology acquisition funds are only available to Federal laboratory, since the aim is to fill existing response gaps. Academia and the private sector can submit projects in the latter two categories as long as they are supported by a lead federal department, the purpose being to ensure an appropriate technology transfer that will be fully compliant with the response capabilities and needs of the Federal government. 3. Horizontal management of science: External linkages The strategy behind the CRTI initiative is well articulated to the North American context. Prior to 9-11, various linkages were already in place between the various laboratories The definition of laboratories being large e.g. a supercomputing centre such as the Canadian Meteorological Centre is considered as a laboratory for numerical modeling. 3 2 CBS-DPFS/Wkshp/ERA-DSC/Doc. 5.1(4), ANNEX 1, p. 2 and with our US counterparts. CRTI is taking advantage of those existing synergies and cooperation with US organizations is allowed. Through various cooperation agreements, Canadian laboratories can apply on US initiatives dealing with security issues. 4. Involvement of the Meteorological Service of Canada The Meteorological Service of Canada, mainly through the Canadian Meteorological Centre (CMC), is a full member of the CRTI community as a laboratory for numerical simulations. For atmospheric transport and dispersion modeling, the Canadian Meteorological Centre of Environment Canada is well positioned to address the multiscale nature of the problem. By taking over new operational responsibilities and therefore increasing the number of external clients, issues such as standardization of notification mechanisms and products, electronic export format and backup procedures will need to be addressed. The various CRTI in which the Canadian Meteorological Centre participates are described in the following pages. CBS-DPFS/Wkshp/ERA-DSC/Doc. 5.1(4), Project CRTI 0080 TA Project CRTI 0080TA Information Management and Decision Support System for Radiological-Nuclear (RN) Hazard Preparedness & Response Project lead Health Canada Radiation Protection Bureau Federal partner Environment Canada Canadian Meteorological Centre Project Objective To enhance and implement an international client/server-based radiological-nuclear emergency management system for monitoring, alerting, data gathering, analysis, decision support and information exchange supporting emergency preparedness and response under the Federal Nuclear Emergency Plan. Project Summary The Federal Nuclear Emergency Plan (FNEP) provides the framework for federal multiagency preparedness and response to all radiological-nuclear [RN] emergencies affecting Canadians, and supports the National Counter-Terrorism Plan in RN consequence management. Emergencies within FNEP scope involve 20+ federal organizations, requiring robust information management and decision-support tools to ensure coordinated response. RN decision-support tools assist in all aspects of emergency preparedness-response including: surveillance/alerting; identifying areas of increased radiation levels; gathering monitoring/meteorological data; technical assessment; and information exchange. Health Canada will implement an innovative RN emergency decision-support system at the national level. Main program elements are: acquire, enhance and implement a shared decision-support system applicable to all RN emergencies affecting Canada; improve exchange of RN emergency monitoring, consequence and decision information between fed-prov-international response partners; promote a consistent response to RN emergencies affecting Canada; incorporate future enhancements; and contribute to broader CBRN preparedness. Health Canada’s Nuclear Emergency Preparedness program has concluded that the Danish Accident Reporting & Guidance Operational System-ARGOS best meets Canada’s national RN preparedness-response needs. ARGOS is an innovative, comprehensive decision-support system developed by the Danish Emergency Management Agency (DEMA) and Prolog Development Centre (PDC). The system: - integrates relevant data for RN emergency handling; - integrates with prognostic dispersion models based on meteorological data and forecasts; - calculates and presents radiation doses in the affected areas; - includes reactor source terms and options for undefined sources, such as RN terrorist events; - distributes information to responders and public; ARGOS is a client-server based application with all data consolidated in a central SQLdatabase. Inputs include: CBS-DPFS/Wkshp/ERA-DSC/Doc. 5.1(4), Project CRTI 0080 TA, p. 2 - gamma-dose rates/spectra from on-line monitoring stations, with alerting capabilities for unusual events; - gamma-dose rates and air/surface concentrations from aerial surveys and mobile units; - radionuclide levels in environmental samples; - meteorological data, forecasts and dispersion modeling. Actual and projected data are presented on scaleable geographical maps, allowing rapid assessment by decision makers, and appropriate support to first responders and operational community. DEMA/PDC have offered national emergency preparedness organizations in other countries the ability to use ARGOS and to participate in further systems development and knowledge exchange. This requires joining the ARGOS “Consortium” of member countries. Members acquire the right to use the software applications in nuclear emergency preparedness/response, and to participate in the ARGOS steering group. Membership fees are used for further development, maintenance and administration of the applications. ARGOS is currently used in 8 European/Baltic countries for RN emergency preparedness/response. Canadian implementation of ARGOS as an operational RN emergency response tool requires specific enhancement and integration with Canadian capabilities, ie, updating databases, enhancing and linking with Environment Canada meteorological capabilities, integrating with Health Canada on-line monitoring network, and other customizations for handling Canadian data sources (aerial surveys, food monitoring, etc). Enhancement & integration encompass the acceleration aspects, and leverages Canadian and international expertise, current capabilities, and future enhancements. Gaps in priority areas identified in Section 3 (C4I; RN cluster ops; surveillance /alerting; consequence assessment) are addressed through its data gathering, assessment, and information management capabilities, and will result in a tested operational tool for national RN emergency planning, prevention, response and consequence management in support of first responders, the operational community and public. It is relevant to all RN scenarios identified in the CRTI Assessment as integrated information management and decision support are required in all cases (see separate Statement of Relevance). Supporting these CRTI priority areas, the enhanced system will be used to: maintain a monitoring and warning capability by linking with Health Canada’s real-time gamma monitoring/alerting network; link Environment Canada's enhanced dispersion models to RN dose assessment models; support countermeasure decisions and actions of emergency responders and operational community; assist exercise planners & trainers for operational responders and RN Cluster members; and provide information to authorities and public. By leveraging Consortium resources, the project will enable a comprehensive, coordinated response within Canada to an RN emergency, and mitigate impacts. CBS-DPFS/Wkshp/ERA-DSC/Doc. 5.1(4), Project CRTI 02-0041 RD PROJECT CRTI-02-0041 RD Real-Time Determination of Area of Influence of CBRN Releases Project lead Health Canada Radiation Protection Bureau, Atomic Energy Canada Limited Federal partner Environment Canada Canadian Meteorological Centre CBRN material released to the atmosphere by terrorist activities will form an airborne plume that undergoes advection by the ambient wind and dispersion by atmospheric turbulence. A large fraction of this material will be deposited on the ground, particularly if precipitation falls during or after the release. Material deposited on urban or agricultural surfaces will have health and economic consequences long after the primary plume has passed. An appropriate response to this situation requires the best possible knowledge of where and when the material will be deposited, with the shortest possible delay between the release and forecast. This information will be vital to decision makers in assessing needs for evacuating populations, determining evacuation routes, implementing protective measures, deploying response teams and planning cleanup activities, all with the aim of minimizing health effects and returning valuable land to service. The goal of this project is to provide the tools needed to make these decisions by using state-of-the-art techniques in precipitation forecasting and precipitation scavenging to develop reliable, real-time forecasts of the timing, location and amount of deposited CBRN material. This is a difficult task that involves three key steps: forecasting the trajectory and concentration of CBRN material in air; forecasting the location, duration and intensity of precipitation; and calculating the amount of airborne material deposited on the ground. The models currently available to handle these processes (CANERM and LPDM) are inadequate and would not allow an effective response to a terrorist event. We propose to remedy this deficiency by improving the models in the following ways: By developing a new numerical approach to deal with small horizontal scales, resulting in improved predictions of air concentrations. By using data from Canadian and US weather radar networks to improve short-term (0-6 hours) precipitation forecasts. Longer-term forecasts will be generated by the data assimilation and forecast system used operationally by the Meteorological Service of Canada. The radar and numerical forecasts will be blended, taking advantage of the strengths of each to create an optimal prediction. By replacing the empirical washout model presently used in CANERM and LPDM with a new model that accounts explicitly for the physical and chemical processes affecting wet deposition (precipitation intensity, drop-size distribution, turbulence levels and the characteristics of the CBRN material). By updating the current dry deposition model used in CANERM and LPDM by taking account of gas phase removal by atmospheric species such as OH, HO2 and ozone, and by considering the interaction of CBRN materials with background aerosols. CBS-DPFS/Wkshp/ERA-DSC/Doc. 5.1(4), Project CRTI 02-0041 RD, p. 2 These four models will be combined into one integrated system that will provide reliable, real-time estimates of ground contamination. Predictions of the system will be validated using field observations drawn from the Chernobyl accident, from monitoring data for naturally occurring radionuclides and from observations of routine emissions from nuclear power plants. The integrated system will provide an operational tool for predicting the concentration of CBRN material on the ground as a function of space at a sequence of forecast times. In the real event, deposition maps will be generated and distributed to decision makers to aid in assessing and managing the incident. During the course of the project, input will be sought from these groups to ensure that the type and format of the information generated by the model matches their needs. Special sessions will be set up for the potential users of the model outputs to help first responders. This project is highly relevant to four CRTI Priority Needs: longer-term consequence management capabilities, immediate reaction and near-term management capabilities, S&T in support of equipping and training first responders, and public confidence and psycho-social factors. The final model will cover all three types of CBRN materials (chemical, biological or radiological) released to the atmosphere. Since the goal of the project is to provide deposition estimates, the project addresses all risk scenarios where there is the possibility of widespread atmospheric dispersal of biological, chemical or radiological/nuclear material. Such releases will always be accompanied by the deposition of some material from air to ground. These include high-risk scenarios 3PC, 5PC, 1RP, 3RP, 4RP, and 10RP. The proposal also addresses a number of lower priority risk scenarios (6PC, 1PB, 5RP, 6RP, 2RP, 1AAC, 1APC, 1APB, 5APB and 1APR). Although the importance of deposited material to the overall impact of the event may vary with the scenario, the forecast system developed in this proposal will be useful in all cases to manage and mitigate consequences. This project will create benefits other than those associated with the management of terrorist incidents. The use of weather radar data to predict precipitation fields is a groundbreaking technique that promises to improve forecasts dramatically. It is expected that the methods developed here will be used in the future for routine precipitation forecasts, which will have significant positive impacts on the economy and human safety across Canada. The existing version of CANERM is already an official part of the Federal Nuclear Emergency Plan for accidental releases involving radioactivity. The new model will provide an improved tool for this purpose and for the accidental release of other hazardous materials. The model could also be used to evaluate the consequences of hypothetical accidental releases in the context of safety assessments. CBS-DPFS/Wkshp/ERA-DSC/Doc. 5.1(4), Project CRTI 02-0066 RD PROJECT CRTI-02-0066 RD Development of simulation programs to prepare against and manage outbreaks of highly contagious diseases of animals Project lead Canadian Food Inspection Agency Federal partner Environment Canada Canadian Meteorological Centre Simulation models represent the cutting-edge technology for modeling and identifying critical factors of disease outbreaks and testing the effectiveness of control measures. Two models will be developed in this project, first a spatial stochastic state-transition simulation model for the release, exposure and consequences of bioterrorist risk sources introduced in the environment accessible to man and animals. Second, a multi-scale atmospheric transport and dispersion model for human and animal bioterrorist agents based on an existing capability for chemical and nuclear agents. These two models will be essential to evaluate the extent of the spread of highly contagious agents and to determine the source of introduction of windborne agents and their potential direction of spread. The wind dispersion model will be based on the existing multi-scale atmospheric transport and dispersion capability available at the Canadian Meteorological Centre of Environment Canada. Even though, this operational real-time modeling capability has been developed to cope with nuclear agents, it has been tested with a simplified routine to deal with the survival rate (modeled according to a simple analytical function linking TCID50 and relative humidity) of an airborne strain of FMD virus during the UK outbreak. This project will benefit from improvements to this modeling capability which is being proposed in projects CRTI-02-0041RD and CRTI-02-0093RD. Year one (April 2003 to March 2004) will be dedicated to research and characterize the potential bioterrorist agents to include in these models along with the initial coding of routines in the atmospheric transport and dispersion model. Year two (April 2004 to March 2005) will finalize the coding of the routines, test and assess the performance of the computer codes, participate into the transborder exercise and assess the results of the exercise. This project will be managed by Environment Canada (EC). Expertise on characteristics of the agents will be provided by CFIA and Health Canada (HC), facilities and modeling expertise will be the responsibility of EC. CBS-DPFS/Wkshp/ERA-DSC/Doc. 5.1(4), Project CRTI 02-0093 RD PROJECT CRTI-02-0093 RD Advanced Emergency Response System for CBRN Hazard Prediction and Assessment for the Urban Environment Project lead: Environment Canada Canadian Meteorological Centre and Atmospheric and Climate Science Directorate Federal partners: Department of National Defence (DRDC Suffield), Health Canada Radiation Protection Bureau, Atomic Energy Canada Limited Background and Current Situation The release of chemical, biological, radiological, or nuclear (CBRN) agents by terrorists or rogue states in a North American city (densely populated urban centre) and the subsequent exposure, deposition, and contamination are emerging threats in an uncertain world. The transport, dispersion, deposition, and fate of a CBRN agent released in an urban environment is an extremely complex problem that encompasses potentially multiple space and time scales (e.g., a chemical agent may have a hazard range of only several to tens of kilometres, a biological agent may pose hazards over a range of several hundreds of kilometres, whereas radiological and nuclear agents may result in a hazard range of several to tens of thousands of kilometres). The availability of high-fidelity, time-dependent models for the prediction of a CBRN agent’s movement and fate in a complex urban environment can provide the strongest technical and scientific foundation for support of Canada’s more broadly based effort at advancing counterterrorism planning and operational capabilities. Objectives The objective of this project is to develop and validate an integrated, state-of-the-art, high-fidelity multi-scale modeling system for the accurate and efficient prediction of urban flow and dispersion of CBRN materials. Development of this proposed multi-scale modeling system will provide the real-time modeling and simulation tool to predict injuries, casualties, and contamination and to make relevant decisions (based on the strongest technical and scientific foundations) to minimize the consequences based on a pre-determined decision making framework. Benefits and Impact to Potential Users The opportunity for modeling and simulation to make a significant impact on various critical outstanding problems of response to CBRN incidents is before us. The proposed modeling system, which can predict the expected evolution of a CBRN agent cloud faster than real time, will permit the basic situational understanding that this information imparts, and allow the front-line decision maker to select the most appropriate response options with the associated consequence. Research Methodology to Achieve Stated Objective CBRN agents released in the atmosphere will be transported and dispersed over an enormous range of length and time scales. To model this phenomenon accurately will involve multiple levels of physical and mathematical descriptions (viz., multi-scale CBS-DPFS/Wkshp/ERA-DSC/Doc. 5.1(4), Project CRTI 02-0093 RD, p. 2 methods). This project focuses on the development and validation of a high-fidelity, integrated, multi-scale modeling system that is built upon state-of-the-art physics for the prediction of atmospheric flow in urban environments and concomitant dispersion of CBRN agents. The project consists of 5 major components: (1) development of models for prediction of flow in urban areas at the micro-scale; (2) inclusion of sub-grid scale urban parameterization in a meso-gamma scale numerical weather prediction model (GEM-GEM LAM); (3) coupling the urban micro-scale model for flow prediction with the “urbanized” meso-gamma scale model; (4) development of a Lagrangian Stochastic (LS) model for prediction of urban dispersion and interface with the multi-scale flow model; and (5) verification and validation of the entire modeling system. Each of these components will now be briefly described. Component 1 This component involves the development of models to predict the mean flow and turbulence in the urban complex at the micro-scale (from the building and street scale up to a length scale of about 1 km). Two kinds of models will be developed. Firstly, highresolution Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) models, where buildings and other obstacles in a restricted flow domain are explicitly resolved, will be developed and implemented. Secondly, spatially-averaged RANS models, where groups of buildings/obstacles in a more extended flow region are represented in terms of a distributed drag force, will be developed and implemented. In this approach, treating groups of buildings as a momentum sink, in lieu of imposing correct boundary conditions on the true (complex) geometry will allow a much more efficient determination of the urban flow field in a more extensive flow domain where it would be computationally prohibitive to resolve each and every building/obstacle explicitly. These two kinds of models will be coupled upwards with the “urbanized” meso-gamma scale meteorological models to extend their range of scales to larger scales (viz., characteristic length scale larger than about 1 km). Component 2 Component two involves inclusion of the effects of urban terrain in the sub-grid scales of a mesoscale meteorological model (GEM-GEM LAM) through an urban parameterization. This parameterization will be developed in order to account for the area-averaged effects of form drag, increased turbulence production, heating and surface energy budget modification due to the presence of buildings/obstacles and urban land use within the urban complex. The “urbanized” mesoscale model will be coupled downwards with the urban micro-scale flow models developed in component 1. Component 3 Component three involves coupling the urban micro-scale flow models developed in component 1 with the “urbanized” mesoscale models developed in component 2. The interface between the urban micro-scale flow models and the “urbanized” GEM-GEM LAM model is demanding in that the information transfer between the two models must honour physical conservation laws, mutually satisfy mathematical boundary conditions, and preserve numerical accuracy, even though the corresponding meshes might differ in structure, resolution, and discretization methodology. Inter-grid communication allows the coarse mesh solution obtained by the GEM-GEM LAM model to impose boundary conditions on the fine mesh of the urban micro-scale flow model (one-way interaction), and furthermore permits feedback from the fine mesh to the coarse mesh (two-way interaction). The coupled system can be interpreted as a hybrid RANS/VLES system CBS-DPFS/Wkshp/ERA-DSC/Doc. 5.1(4), Project CRTI 02-0093 RD, p. 3 where the “very large eddy simulation” (VLES) represented by the mesoscale model (GEM-GEM LAM) will use information from RANS for high-resolution simulation of flows near and around buildings, but allows spatial fluctuations to develop and evolve on the larger scales Component 4 Component four will involve using the mean flow and turbulence predicted by the multiscale flow model completed in component 3 to “drive” a Lagrangian Stochastic (LS) model for the prediction of urban (and, atmospheric) dispersion of CBRN agents. The application of LS models to atmospheric dispersion in general (and, urban dispersion in particular) is recommended because LS models (1) are (in principle) the most flexible and the most easily able to incorporate all the known statistical details on the complex urban flow and (2) are physically transparent, and easily adapted to handle particulates, biological or radioactive decay, dry and wet depositions, and other source and sink mechanisms. Component 5 Component five involves the verification and validation of the multi-scale modeling system for both the flow and dispersion components. In the model validation effort, past and future (planned) comprehensive urban flow and dispersion experiments will be leveraged (e.g., Urban 2000, Mock Urban Setting Test, Joint Urban Trial 2003). The validation effort will enable a whole system test of the modeling system for both flow and dispersion, and will provide the user with information of the accuracy and fidelity of the model predictions for flow and dispersion over the complex urban environment. Final Product Successfully implementing the research methodology described above will result in a high-fidelity multiscale CBRN modeling system that will be fully operational at the Environmental Emergency Response Division at Canadian Meteorological Centre. This resource can serve as a nation-wide general problem-solving environment for firstresponders involved with CBRN incidents.