Board/Authority Authorized Courses

Board/Authority Authorized Courses
District Name:
Okanagan Skaha
District Number:
Developed by:
Psychology teachers of Penticton, Summerland, and Princess
Margaret Secondary Schools
Date Developed:
Aug 30, 2004
School Name:
Penticton Secondary School & Summerland Secondary School
Principals’ Names: Mr. Peter Corcoran & Mr. Bill Bidlake
Board/Authority Approval Date:
Board/Authority Signature:
Course Name:
Psychology 12
Grade Level of Course:
Number of Course Credits: 4
Number of Hours of Instruction:
Special Training, Facilities or Equipment Required: TV, VCR, DVD, CD, overhead,
photocopier, guest speakers, teachers who possess an initial background in psychology at
the university level
Course Synopsis:
Psychology is the science that studies the behaviours and mental
processes of humans and other living things. Psychology 12
provides an introduction to selected areas in the field of
psychology. Psychology is connected to both natural and social
sciences, therefore, emphasis will be placed on studying how
psychologists look for biological explanations for behaviour and
on exploring the influences of society on individual behaviour and
group relationships
As teachers of psychology, we are convinced that understanding,
prediction, and changing behaviours are worthwhile undertakings
for high school students. Students should enroll in introductory
psychology courses that will help them accomplish these ends.
This course is designed to help ensure quality learning, to express
goals, and to promote positive change. Teachers must help
students develop skills for adapting to a rapidly changing,
interdependent world. This world will demand that students think
critically and synthesize large quantities of new information, show
sensitivity to diversity, and develop attitudes and skills that
promote lifelong learning.
Organized Structure
UNIT 1 – Approaches to Psychology
UNIT 2 – Lifespan: Growth and Development
UNIT 3 – The Workings of Mind and Body
UNIT 4 – Learning and Cognitive Processes
UNIT 5 – Personality and Individuality
UNIT 6 – Adjustment and Breakdown
UNIT 7 – Social Psychology
Unit Descriptions
UNIT 1 – Approaches to Psychology
Overview: An introduction to psychology exploring various theories and methods that
have been recognized and practiced throughout history.
Curriculum Organizers and Learning Outcomes:
Students will
Demonstrate basic knowledge of past and current methodologies
Discover a greater understanding of psychological principles that have
the potential to enrich their lives and those around them
Understand the potential job opportunities of psychology as a
Experience various self-exploration techniques
Understand some of the numerous approaches psychologists us in
UNIT 2 – Lifespan: Growth and Development
Overview: This unit will address the development and interconnectedness of the mind
and body from infancy to old age
Curriculum Organizers and Learning Outcomes:
Students will
Understand the various theories of development
Demonstrate an understanding of the stages of cognitive and emotional
Recognize that gender is a factor in development and behaviour
Examine the positive side of aging, death, and dying
UNIT 3 – The Workings of Mind and Body
Overview: This unit will examine how our behaviour and psychological processes are
connected to our biological processes.
Curriculum Organizers and Learning Outcomes:
Students will
Learn the anatomy and physiology of the Central Nervous System,
Peripheral Nervous System, Endocrine System, and genetics
Investigate various states of consciousness including, but not limited
to, sleep, dreams, hypnosis, biofeedback, meditation, and drug altered
Participate in a number of labs to demonstrate sensory perception
UNIT 4 – Learning and Cognitive Processes
Overview: This unit will explore the principles and applications of learning, memory
and thought, language, and motivation and emotion
Curriculum Organizers and Learning Outcomes:
Students will
Understand the similarities and differences between classical and
operant conditioning, and social learning
Learn the various processes of memory
Recognize and learn different problem-solving techniques and realize
the interconnectedness of language and the creative process
Focus on the physical and mental factors that cause us to act in a
specific way at a specific time
UNIT 5 – Personality and Individuality
Overview: This unit will examine various theories of personality and different methods
of testing for academic performance, mental ability, personality, and their
Curriculum Organizers and Learning Outcomes:
Students will
Participate in a variety of intelligence/personality testing
Further delve into the various theories of personality including the
works of Freud, Bandura, Rogers, Eriksen, Piaget
UNIT 6 – Adjustment and Breakdown
Overview: This unit will investigate the areas of mental health and psychotherapy
Curriculum Organizers and Learning Outcomes:
Students will
Learn the sources and reaction to stress and how to cope
Understand physiological and psychological sources and reactions to
Participate in stress testing and learn various coping methods
Investigate various psychological disorders
Be introduced to various forms of therapy
UNIT 7 – Social Psychology
Overview: This unit will cover group interaction, dating, interpersonal attraction, group
behaviour, conformity, attitude formation, and prejudice
Curriculum Organizers and Learning Outcomes:
Students will
Understand the factors leading to attraction
Understand the importance of first impressions
Understand the positive and negative aspects of group behaviour and
the consequences thereof
Study the development of attitude formation within societies
including, but not limited to, stereotyping, prejudice, discrimination,
and bullying
Instructional Component:
Direct instruction
Indirect instruction
Interactive instruction
Independent instruction
Practical creativity
Group work
Guest speakers
Lab work
Analysis of commercial films and resource tapes and videos
Assessment Component:
Each term will consist of the following:
- Projects and Assignments
- Tests, Quizzes, Exams
- Subjective
NOTE: The Subjective mark will include such things as attendance, punctuality, effort,
participation, attitude, respect, courtesy, coming prepared for class with all necessary
materials, and possibly others as the semester progresses.
Term weighting will be as follows:
Term 1
Term 2
Final Exam
Term 1
Term 2
Term 3
Term 4
Final Exam
Recommendations for Psychology 12
A student may be recommended in Psychology 12 if he or she ahs achieved a grade of
73% or better.
Learning Resources:
We need a healthy operating budget to cover supplies including art and
lab supplies, CDs, video tapes
Understanding Psychology (Glencoe/McGraw-Hill)
Understanding Psychology: Teaching Transparencies
Psychology: Themes and Variations Fifth Edition (Wadsworth)
IMC materials
Commercial and educational videos
Guest speakers
Additional Information:
Psychology 12 is a preparatory course for first year Psychology in university.