Brown 1 Climate Responsive Design In Glenn Murcutt’s Magney House Rachel Brown December 6, 2004 A major force in Glenn Murcutt’s design of the Magney House is his commitment to ecological functionalism, that is, how architecture responds to the environment in which it is built – site and climate, local materials and local issues. “Planning buildings, locating them, letting the sun in, excluding the sun, letting the wind in, excluding the rain, enjoying weather, enjoying knowing whether it is a fine day, a windy day, a wet day, a cold day while you are being protected against the elements.”1 These are the issues with which Murcutt is concerned, beyond the prescribed program and architectural issues. Indeed, several programmatic and architectural issues are raised or resolved by Murcutt’s attention to ecological design. A major trend in today’s architecture is the use of environmental design techniques in building design. With about half of energy consumption in developed countries being spent on either building construction or building energy use such as heating and cooling, reducing energy in architecture could have a significant effect on world energy use. 2 The US Green Building Commission has released a set of standards for certification that construction is “green”, that is, good for the environment. This standard is known as LEED, Leadership in Environmental and Energy Design, and includes factors involving site selection, energy, water, and material use, and indoor air quality. Though the guide encourages integrating ideas about the environment into design, many of the credits can be added on without truly incorporating the techniques into the conceptual design. Whereas LEED, and many other environmentally-minded architects, suggests ready-made solutions to architectural and environmental issues, Glenn Murcutt’s design process in the Magney House uses environmental and climatic issues to directly inform his conceptual design. Murcutt sees climate not as a hindrance to design but instead as a generator. “Of climate, cultural overlays, landscape, topography, water – I mean, all those other things that we’ve discussed: fine days, wet days, windy days. You have to know what they are, first of all. Why do I have glass on the roof there, why is it shaded? It took me a long time to solve that. It took perhaps a week to work it out, and twenty drawings to decide the simplest way, how there was going to be the least number of parts moving – if possible, no parts moving – and let the planet do all the moving, and you just design around that. That took a lot of effort, but it worked. Brown 2 That is what I refer to as ‘solving the problem’. Beautifully, I hope.” 3 For Murcutt, environmental design comes not at the end of the project but the beginning. For example, a major concern for environmental design is maximizing energy performance. Suggestions from the USGBC for doing so point to maximizing the efficiency of energy systems and the performance of the building envelope. Two major factors in energy use for a building are the HVAC system and interior lighting. Murcutt’s linear design with its orientation with the long transparent side to the north, facing the equator, allows for both natural lighting and optimal solar access for each season. Murcutt believes that the horizontality speaks to the Australian landscape, but through his climate responsive design, the reason for the linear design is two-fold. With the introduction of alternative forms of energy such as solar or wind energy, traditional uses of energy could remain in place with the only change being in the source of energy. Additionally, defensive skins which are massive or use solar glass could be used to reduce energy consumption. However, this type of architecture merely creates a barrier to the exterior, losing the connection to the climate and replacing it with the universal climate of 22 degrees Celsius with low humidity. One is separated from the very place one is supposed to be experiencing.4 Though buildings, as shelter, should protect its inhabitants from severe and uncomfortable weather, the principles of climate responsive design dictate that the inhabitants should still be connected to the landscape. In all climates, the need to minimize or maximize solar access can be a key factor in determining building orientation. The Magney House, located in New South Wales, Australia, is in a temperate to moderate climate. In the winter months, maximizing solar access is useful for heating in the early morning or late afternoon to maintain a comfortable temperature while minimizing the necessity for heating. In the summer months, minimizing solar access is necessary to prevent heat gain from the sun which would make the building warmer than would be comfortable.5 Direct solar access can be minimized by reducing the area of wall surface that is largely exposed to the sun. Walls oriented to the low-altitude sun, that is, to the east or the west, are more exposed than walls oriented to the north or the south. The low angle of incidence is closer to perpendicular to the wall surface, thereby generating more heat gain in these walls. By building shorter opaque walls to the east and west, where there is the most solar heating, and longer transparent walls to the north and south, where there is the least solar heating, solar gain is minimized.6 Murcutt designed the Magney House along an east-west axis, creating a long veranda. The southern wall, influenced by factors such as wind, is reverse brick veneer up through the top of the common height living space with glass above, as are the east and west walls and interior walls. The northern wall is all glass with louvers on the lower part to filter or Brown 3 direct light.7 Murcutt takes advantage of the manipulation of solar gain through his use of materials and shading devices and his knowledge of the sun. Solar gain is maximized in the winter and minimized in the summer because of the lower altitude of the sun in the winter months. The most favorable orientation is when the incident radiation in winter is greater than the incident radiation of that orientation in summer. For most orthogonal buildings, there is a major trade off between maximum winter collection of sun radiation and minimum summer protection against summer radiation. Murcutt’s elongated veranda reduces this trade-off as the transparent wall is much longer than the opaque walls. 8 The use of transparent walls, however, requires shading. Depending on the altitude – how high the sun is in the sky – and the azimuth – what direction the sun is shining, different types of shading devices are required. Murcutt determined how the sunlight would hit the house at difference times of the day at various days throughout the year. Special attention is given to the winter and summer solstices as these determine the extremes. Through tracing the path of the sun, different thresholds can be created so sunlight penetrates different spaces at selective points. Murcutt uses the roof as a sunshade above the transparent upper part of the northern wall. The lower part can be shaded by the louvers. The angle of the louvers can allow light to be admitted in winter and reflected away in summer. In this representation, the sun is mapped throughout the day in different months. This technique is generally used to determine shadows, but it can also be used to represent the way the sun moves through the sky and the effect it has on forms. First, a grid is laid out as the basis for the sun movement. The circles are related to the altitude. When the sun is low in the sky, it casts a long shadow and creates high solar access. When the sun is higher in the sky, it casts a shorter shadow and creates lower solar access. Thus, the largest circle represents the lowest altitude and the smallest circle represents the highest altitude. The diagonal lines are related to the azimuth and represent the sun as it moves from east to west across the sky. Next, the sun pattern is drawn out for each month from the winter solstice, approximately June 21, at the top to the summer solstice, approximately December 21, at the bottom. As the sun moves through the sky each day, it hits different parts of different walls, sometimes hitting the eastern or western walls, or sometimes hitting the louvers or the eaves of the northern wall. The principle shading device of the wall that is most directly hit is indicated by the shading of the area of the graph. When the overhang of the eaves blocks direct sunlight or the brick side walls block direct sunlight, the area is shaded dark. When the louvers are blocking most of the sun, the area is marked with heavy circles. When the louvers are blocking some of the sun and some sun enters through the clearstory windows above, the area is marked with lighter circles. These boundaries are determined by the proportioning of the length and width of the house, heights for the louvers and the windows, and length of the eave overhang. One could imagine then how a Brown 4 response to the sun trace lines could inform the geometry and material in the architecture. These variables all influence how much sun radiation and light the house receives. Through his understanding of these issues, Glenn Murcutt is able to modifiy the traditional European veranda, used later in Australian architecture, to better respond the Australian climate. He described the veranda as “a modifying zone between the outside and the inside which reduced the light level, but, in turn, it trapped the heat, and heat flowed down through the windows into the buildings… [and] excluded the winter sunlight from entering buildings.”9 In the Magney House, instead of attaching a veranda to the building, the building becomes the veranda, and the building is modified to act in response to the climate. The eaves in the Magney House connect directly to the wall but extend about a meter past the wall to protect the interior from the midday summer sun but still allow the winter sun inside. Thus the veranda, a European architectural element, is modified for seasonal climatic conditions making it appropriate for its place.10 Murcutt, however, does not only make the veranda appropriate for the Australian climate. He extends the modification into architectural issues. The veranda reinforces the horizontality of the Australian landscape. However, the traditional veranda was only a transition zone, not a place for interaction and relaxation. By widening the veranda so that the building itself is the veranda, with serving spaces to the far side of the veranda and served spaces receiving the light at the close end of the veranda, the veranda becomes a place for human interaction and activity.11 As desired by the client, the Magney House has two main zones – one for the parents and one for family or guests. Each side has its own kitchen and bathing facilities. The two sides of the Magney House both open to a transitional zone, the main living space. 12 The very need for this part of the program came from Murcutt’s understanding of the Australian climate – “the humidity level, the amount of shade we require, the wind pattern, the sort of evaporative factor we require in order to be comfortable in shade, in a climate such as ours” – and his discovery that “anything less than a fully opening wall was inadequate in our climate” because it “is essential to cooling all spaces.”13 The wind blowing through the main living space creates a great cooling power. A key part of the building design and orientation, therefore, is the understanding of the main wind patterns at different times of the year. The Magney House is located along the coast in New South Wales. The house is only about 350 meters from a lake to the north and about 650 meters from the Pacific coast to the east. In the summer, the most significant breezes come from the east to north-east. Murcutt places the building opening up to the north. He explains that “by placing a building at 45º to the breeze, it is like running on the wind in a yacht, it is where you get maximum speed.”14 Murcutt’s understanding of the wind currents is further reflected in the way the force and direction of the wind affect the curve of the roof.15 Brown 5 Another environmental concern is the reduction of the heat island effect for roofs. LEED recommends using highly reflective and highly emissive roofing or installing a vegetated roof. Murcutt uses neither technique, but instead uses local materials and techniques to create a galvanized corrugated iron roof that cools itself and the house. Three overlapping ‘leaves of iron’ help to pull hot air out of the building and push cool air into it. The roof is sprinklered and water is collected in wells to either side of the house. This water is reused to continue cooling the roof.16 Not only does the system used by Murcutt in the Magney House reduce the heat island caused by the roof but it does so in a beautiful and elegant way. Again, Murcutt responds to the climate in a way that is both environmental and architectural. The roof structure is steel with wet plasterboard screwed onto the undersides of the purlins. The roof is lifted off the transom panels and obtains a lightness that gives the building a tent-like quality. Murcutt describes the tent-like quality of the roof as having “something to do with the light quality, about the vulnerability, about the airiness… so that you feel the thrust of the outside.” 17 One may have a hard time realizing that three façades are brick and the whole house sits on a solid concrete slab. The transparent panels that line the roof, the louvered glass northern wall, and the gesture of the roof all create lightness in the roof. In addition to concerns in design practices that affect the environmental impact of the structure, there are several concerns affecting how people experience the building. Having an effective ventilation system, for example, helps people stay healthy and be comfortable. The design of the wall system and the ventilators through the roof allow natural ventilation as does the opening up of the building to the transitional living space. Because the Magney House is not very deep, cross-ventilation is facilitated. Also the arrangement of the door openings along one axis allows for ventilation from one room to the next.18 Horizontal vents over the doorheads allow further air flow through the house in the summer.19 The use of natural light is also considered to improve the indoor environmental quality, as well as reduce the energy consumption of interior lighting. The northern wall of the house has a wall system with blinds which can further adjust the sun allowed into the space or be lifted in winter to allow in the maximum amount of light. The external blinds can be shut at night to reduce heat loss. The angle of the roof struts is set to the equinox sun angle. 20 All of these design decisions could be seen as simply functional, bowing their head to the needs of the climate. However, Murcutt takes climate responsive design and make its architecturally beautiful. The blinds create strong rhythms of light on the walls and floor and move throughout the day. Early and late in the day, the sun penetrates deep into the space; in the middle of the day, the sun has a much more subtle impact. The blinds continue the idea of the veranda as a zone of transition. The change in light level from the outside to the inside is gradual, not abrupt. 21 The same can be said of the transition in temperature and the transition in architectural scale. In fact, Brown 6 the large scale of the site required an increase in Murcutt’s usual module plan to 5.4 meters in length for each room. Murcutt’s simplicity in his plan for the Magney House with each separating wall running parallel to one another both allows the light to diffuse throughout the space, but also creates a connection from one room to the next with the repeated lines of sunlight on the walls and floor..22 Murcutt says “I do not see too much joy at all in nature, what I see in nature is survival.”23 His architecture begins with nature, with surviving the elements. Where it continues from there, however, is to the joy of living. His architecture is the intersection of beauty and necessity. Many of his major design concepts stem from climatic issues, though they may have other reasons as well. Finnish architect Juhani Pallasma sees ecological functionalism as “the return to the aesthetics of necessity in which the elements of metaphorical expression and practical craft fuse into each other again.”24 Several of Murcutt’s favorite metaphors and design concepts are tied closely to climate. His ideas about linear design and opening the building up to the exterior relate to the horizontality of the Australian landscape as well as to ventilation and solar or thermal reasons. His concept of creating light forms stems from these needs as well. His strong beliefs in relating to place come in part from his own response to the use of local materials and local construction techniques. Murcutt’s design is truly climate responsive design. One must realize, though, that Murcutt responds to climate not for the banal, though important, reasons of being good for the environment and reducing energy use; he instead responds to climate for the decidedly architectural reason of existing in a landscape, of living in a place. Murcutt “enjoy[s] the building breathing and letting the cool air pass through the house, and over [him], as though the house were a filter between [himself] and the outside.”25 Brown 7 Magney House Location: Bingie Bingie, NSW, 2537 Australia Lat: 36:00:03S (-36.0007) Lon: 150:08:34E (150.1429) Brown 8 1 Drew, Philip; Murcutt, Glenn. (1999) Touch This Earth Lightly. Potts Point, NSW, Australia: Duffy & SNellgrove. p.78-79. 2 Hawthorne, Christopher. Metropolis, Oct 2003, p. 103. Available online at 3 Drew, Murcutt. Touch This Earth Lightly. p.136. 4 Hyde, Richard. (2000) Climate Responsive Design. New York: E&FN Spon p.9 5 Hyde. Cimate Responsive Design. p.176-77 6 Ibid. 7 Beck, Haig; Cooper, Jackie. (2002) Glenn Murcutt: A Singular Architectural Practice. Sydney: The Images Publishing Group. p.83 8 Marsh, Andrew; Raines, Caroline. Square One Research. Available online at 9 Drew, Murcutt. Touch This Earth Lightly. p.70 10 Ibid. 11 Drew, Murcutt. Touch This Earth Lightly. p.157 12 Beck, Cooper. Glenn Murcutt: ASAP. p.82 13 Drew, Murcutt. Touch This Earth Lightly. p.98 14 Drew, Murcutt. Touch This Earth Lightly. p.114 15 Françoise Fromonot. (1995) Glenn Murcutt: Buildings and Projects. New York: Watson-Guptil Publications. p.96 16 Drew, Murcutt. Touch This Earth Lightly. p.134 17 Drew, Murcutt. Touch This Earth Lightly. p.155 18 Hyde. Cimate Responsive Design. p.75 19 Beck, Cooper. Glenn Murcutt: ASAP. p.82 20 Ibid. 21 Drew, Murcutt. Touch This Earth Lightly. p.124 22 Beck, Cooper. Glenn Murcutt: ASAP. 82 23 Drew, Murcutt. Touch This Earth Lightly. p.78 24 cited in Françoise Fromonot. Glenn Murcutt: Buildings and Projects. p.48 25 Drew, Murcutt. Touch This Earth Lightly. p.78-79