.x:10 D I A R Y O F M A R Y A N N P I E R P O N T M I L L E R for 1 8 9 0 Transcript of Diary of Mary Ann Pierpont Miller for the year 1890 [made by Benjamin Dunning for Robert Kraft, March 1994] [original format retained, except hyphens resolved] [copyright Robert Kraft, March 1994; family use permitted] Mary A. P. Miller East Farms Waterbury, Conn. 01\01\1890 (Wednesday) Weather - Fair Alice, Lena and Fred came yesterday and went home on the 1.20 train. Walter and Edith were here to dinner. Clyde went to the shop. I went after milk, saw Mrs. Benham's 4 d. old baby. Annie came at{a!} 1.30 and staid till after 4. Ironed a little. 01\04\1890 (Saturday) A beautiful day. I was busy as could be all day. The children's colds{cold!} were very severe. Did not bake, boiled meat, made applesauce, finished Margaret's shirt, mended etc. after the boys had gone to bed. Went to bed about 1. 01\05\1890 (Sunday) Weather - Hot Irving was very croupy all night. Clyde's cold was better but did not dare take them out so I went to the Chapel alone. Mr. Robbins preached a good sermon, went up to see Mother and Uncle Lavinus{?}, home about 6. Margaret very feverish and sick, telephoned Dr. for advice. Slept down stairs with her. 01\06\1890 (Monday) Margaret was better but Dr. came to see all the children, said he thought they coming along nicely. They have the prevailing influenza. Hallie Austin and Mrs. Warner came to telephone. Geo. Nettleton commenced working for C. and boarding here. 01\07\1890 (Tuesday) Weather - Cloudy Children a great deal better. Cara came out with Charlie at noon to make a visit but Iva telephoned that Roll was sick and Louise was over home. Sewed some on Marg't skirt. Mr. N., Cara and I played letter game in the eve. 01\08\1890 (Wednesday) Weather - Fair and rainy Cara went home in the morn. I baked bread fries and cake. The children were very irritable which I suppose is a good sign. Clyde found Margaret's first tooth. 10 mths, 2 wks, 1 day old. 01\09\1890 (Thursday) The children were better. Ironed in the afternoon. 01\10\1890 (Friday) Weather - Rain 01\11\1890 (Saturday) Weather - Rain Baked bread fries, cake, sausage but Margaret's eye was swollen so full couldn't open it. Dr. Barber said it was the result of influenza, mended in the eve. Went to bed about 12.30. Found Margaret's second tooth. 01\12\1890 (Sunday) A beautiful day. Geo. went to Prospect to church. We all went out to see Mother and Uncle Lavinus{?}. Margaret's eye was a little better. 01\13\1890 (Monday) Sent the washing to Mrs. Durkee. Was busy as usual all day. 01\19\1890 (Sunday) Weather - Fair We did not get up till late. Clyde, Irving and I went to the Chapel then to see Mother. Stopped at Addie Edwards a few minutes. 01\23\1890 (Thursday) Austin taken home from the market sick with La grippe. 01\26\1890 (Sunday) Weather - Fair Billy brought Mother around from church. Clyde and Irving, she and I went to Chapel then took her home. Dr. Rowland preached. Austin was there. 01\27\1890 (Monday) Weather - Rain, cloudy I washed. 01\28\1890 (Tuesday) Weather - Fine Scrubbed and cleaned. Ironed. Austin peddled. Iva came out, at night went skating and staid all night. 01\29\1890 (Wednesday) Baked bread fries and cake. 01\30\1890 (Thursday) Sewed more than usual. 01\31\1890 (Friday) Weather - Cloudy Addie Edwards and three children came over in the morn with our team and staid all day. Cut my calico dress. 02\01\1890 (Saturday) Weather - Cloudy Mr. Wm. Frost was buried at East Farms, he died in Sterling, Ill. Nellie came out on the train, left Margaret on the floor while we went down to grave. I got the boys new rubbers, bed at 1. 02\02\1890 (Sunday) Will and Fred Somers came in the morning. Geo., Irving and I went to the Chapel (Mr. Elsdon) then up to Mother's. Irving about sick. 02\09\1890 (Sunday) Charles J. Pierpont 43. Dr. Anderson preached at the Chapel. Subject, How old art thou? A beautiful sermon. What if I knew I should die this year? How would I live. 02\10\1890 (Monday) John L. Pierpont 41. 02\11\1890 (Tuesday) Austin B. Pierpont 41. 02\13\1890 (Thursday) Weather - Fine Went over to Hattie P.'s with the children, up to Jennie's a little while. 02\15\1890 (Saturday) Harry A. Conner, 11. 02\16\1890 (Sunday) Wilson L. Pierpont 35. Geo. Nettleton, Clyde, Irving and I went to Chapel and up to Mothers. Charlie and Geo. went prayermeeting in the eve. 02\19\1890 (Wednesday) Charlie and Geo. went Ladies Union in eve. 02\21\1890 (Friday) Weather - Cold Josie Nettleton and Susie called. 02\22\1890 (Saturday) Weather - Cold Myra Somers and Iva came out at noon, went skating and home on the train. 02\23\1890 (Sunday) Weather - Fine Arthur brought Mother out from church, she, Clyde and I went Chapel, then took her home, stopped at Addie Edwards. Mr. Davenport, "Speak the truth in love." "Happy Homes." Good. C. went in eve. 02\24\1890 (Monday) Weather - Rain Margaret Pierpont Miller, 1 yr. had 2 teeth, could walk by things a little. Eats bread and butter, apples, milk etc. Nursed. Went up stairs to bed alone last night and to night. 02\25\1890 (Tuesday) Weather - Rain Clyde went to shop. Irving and I went in town on cars. Hattie took care of Margaret. Miss Picket hung my cashmere (black) skirts. 02\26\1890 (Wednesday) Weather - Fine Baked. The children and I went to school in the P.M. Some of the ladies had a spelling match. I beat. 02\27\1890 (Thursday) Ironed, sewed. 02\28\1890 (Friday) Swept, did not feel very well. Clyde caught his finger in the panning mill and tore the nail off. Felt Margaret's third tooth. 03\01\1890 (Saturday) Felt better, accomplished more. 03\02\1890 (Sunday) Weather - Cold 03\03\1890 (Monday) Weather - Fair Washed. Geo. P. brought milk, made paths for me. Felt Marg't fourth tooth. 03\04\1890 (Tuesday) Weather - Fair Ironed some, scrubbed etc. Eva Todd and Charlie Clark were married at 8.30 P.M. at Austin's house by Mr. Davenport. 03\05\1890 (Wednesday) Eva and husband went to Vermont to live. Little Ray Ashborn died of diphtheria, 3 yrs. 5 mth. Mame sent Baby some clothes of Louise's. Baked etc. H.P. went in town to shop a while. 03\06\1890 (Thursday) Finished ironing. 03\07\1890 (Friday) Annie brought over milk stand to dinner. 3 h. Sewed a little. 03\08\1890 (Saturday) Baked. Austin said Mother was sick. 03\09\1890 (Sunday) Weather - Fine We all went to see Mother, took a sleigh but it was very poor, found her better. Cara and Father Miller came out in the morn. C. and G. went to Chapel in the eve. Will came over. 03\10\1890 (Monday) Washed. 03\11\1890 (Tuesday) Would have been Father's birth day, 65. 03\16\1890 (Sunday) Geo. and I went to the Chapel, no minister. Mr. Garrigus read the Sermon on the Mount, up to Mother's. 03\17\1890 (Monday) Washed. 03\18\1890 (Tuesday) Jenni Bronson called, helped me iron. 03\19\1890 (Wednesday) Morton E. Pierpont, 6. 03\23\1890 (Sunday) Charlie and I went to Chapel, Mr. Davenport. Geo. staid with the children. Stopped at Addie Edwards. 03\24\1890 (Monday) Weather - Fine Commenced to wash. Jennie Bronson staid with the children in the P.M. I went in town on the train, had a wisdom tooth out, got my black cashmere skirt and tried on my brown dress and Miss Pickett called and Mame. The children were real good. 03\25\1890 (Tuesday) Weather - Rained Finished washing. 03\26\1890 (Wednesday) Weather - Fine Scrubbed and cleaned, ironed some. 03\27\1890 (Thursday) Baked and finish ironing and swept mothers room. 03\28\1890 (Friday) Swept up stairs, mended. 03\29\1890 (Saturday) Weather - Snowed Baked. Commenced to wean Marg. She had nothing all night, cried over an hour I think but wouldn't touch milk or water. 03\30\1890 (Sunday) Weather - Squally Geo. went to Prospect. We went to Mr. Ed Todd's, a very pleasant call, home for a while, then up to Mother's. C. and G. to prayer meeting. Nursed Marg't twice during the day. 03\31\1890 (Monday) Washed, everything went wrong. 04\01\1890 (Tuesday) Ironed some. Fooled C., G., Mr. Adams and Ed Bronson. Got fooled by Ed. The ground and every thing was covered with a beautiful soft snow. 04\02\1890 (Wednesday) Weather - Fine Baked bread. Annie took us all to the Sewing Society, quilted. Margaret was very uneasy. In the eve Geo. came after us, got home about 10. Annie told about Elmer. 04\03\1890 (Thursday) Weather - Fine Finished ironing. 04\04\1890 (Friday) Weather - Rain Good Friday We all went over home. Iva and I went to Union service at First C. Frank and Gussie, Fred and Mrs. Churchill were home. 04\05\1890 (Saturday) Nursed Margaret for the last time to-day. 04\06\1890 (Sunday) Went to Chapel and up to Mother's. Dr. Munn came to Uncle Lavinus, said he had Odd Folks consumption. Mother M., Mame, Rowl and Louise went with me. 04\07\1890 (Monday) Washed. 04\08\1890 (Tuesday) Ironed. 04\09\1890 (Wednesday) Weather - Rain Baked and ironed. Hattie Pierpont came to tea and staid all night. 04\12\1890 (Saturday) Father, Mother's 59. Uncle Lavinus Bronson Warner died about 10 P.M. 04\13\1890 (Sunday) Weather - Fine, Thermometer - 80 Went up to Mother's then down to Mother M.'s to a surprise dinner. Carried Gussie down to her house after a veil for Mother. 04\14\1890 (Monday) Weather - Fine Washed. 04\15\1890 (Tuesday) Weather - Cooler Mother Miller 56. Uncle Lavinus was buried, funeral at the house 2. Chapel 2.30. 6 nephews for bearers. Dr. Rowland, Hattie P. went with us. Jenni Bronson kept Marg't. Went over to West Cheshire home at 8. 04\16\1890 (Wednesday) Weather - Fair Baked beans, furnished butter, dried beef, part{?} oranges for Lulu{?} Sewing Society, went with Jenni and Susie. Marg't staid with Hattie, Clyde and Irving, went shop, drove Will's horse home. 04\17\1890 (Thursday) G. Hattie Conner, 15. Baked, ironed, finished at 10 P.M. Irving went to shop. 04\18\1890 (Friday) Mame and Louise came on the train, staid all day. Mrs. Benham's baby staid here while she went in town. Margaret got up alone in the middle of the room. 04\20\1890 (Sunday) Went down into the woods for a walk. Up to see Mother {and Uncle Lavinus - crossed out} Aunt Amanda, Charlie and Juliet and Anna were there. 04\21\1890 (Monday) Washed. Clyde went to shop. 04\22\1890 (Tuesday) Irving went to shop. 04\23\1890 (Wednesday) Clyde went shop. 04\24\1890 (Thursday) Cleaned the front closet and partly cleaned the room. Commenced to rain as I was going to put the carpet out. 04\25\1890 (Friday) Weather - Rained Sewed all the afternoon. Went over to see Hattie a minute before tea. 04\26\1890 (Saturday) Weather - Fair Finished cleaning the room in the morning, ready for the carpet baked in the afternoon. Sick head ache commenced after supper, was quite sick all the eve. Commenced - nearly 2 yr. 04\27\1890 (Sunday) Weather - Rain Felt some better, staid home all day. Annie Huxford was found A.L.{?} Welton's pond, probably been there 2 or 3 weeks - mysterious. 04\28\1890 (Monday) Weather - Fine Washed. 04\29\1890 (Tuesday) Scrubbed and ironed. Geo. staid with the children. Charlie and I went to Grange Sociable. Grand Marched. Helped a little on supper, got home at{a!} 12. 04\30\1890 (Wednesday) Weather - Fair Mr. Benham kept Margaret while the boys and I went in town on the train, order a hat fixed, shopped, saw the fire horses come out at 12. Mrs. Picketts for my brown dress. Baked in the afternoon. 05\01\1890 (Thursday) Weather - Fine Put down the carpet in front chamber, took up the one in hall, cleaned and put it back. Thunder shower. 05\02\1890 (Friday) Weather - Fine Arbor Day Clyde and Irving went to shop. Cleaned the little room upstairs, got my room about ready for whitewash. Lucy came down for a while. 05\03\1890 (Saturday) Baked etc. 05\04\1890 (Sunday) Weather - Rain, damp Expected to take Baby in to church. Irving fell off the back shed floor in the baby carriage, hit on the stone step & cut his forehead. Clyde and I went to chapel. Mr Clidon{?} on the man with one talent, stopped at Addie Edwards. 05\05\1890 (Monday) Weather - Fine Chas staid home till noon and{an!} whitewashed our room, stairway, east hall and sink room. I cleaned the floor in our room, sink room, shelves etc. Cherry trees full bloom. 05\06\1890 (Tuesday) Weather - Rain Washed the white clothes, hung them out about 5. 05\07\1890 (Wednesday) Weather - Fine Washed colored clothes, scrubbed etc. Ironed a little in afternoon. Hattie P. came in. 05\08\1890 (Thursday) Baked and ironed. Put the garret to rights. 05\09\1890 (Friday) Finished cleaning my room. Emptied big chest in Clyde's room for Clyde to take up garret. 05\10\1890 (Saturday) Baked, sewed, etc. Margaret took her first step alone. 05\11\1890 (Sunday) Weather - Fine Went up to see Mother. All her children there. She gave me Grandma's bellows and a hame{?}. Cara came of Uncle Lavinus. 05\12\1890 (Monday) Weather - Fine Washed. Mrs. Seneca Munson called to beg for the Chair at the Chapel. C. went to Danbury drumming, got home at 4 in the morning. 05\13\1890 (Tuesday) Weather - rained Boiled 2 tongues for Fair mount, to bed at 8.30. I got up about 9. Whitewashed Geo.'s room. Mrs. Merton helped me clean his and Clyde's room. 05\14\1890 (Wednesday) Weather - Rain Finished ironing about 11 P.M. Clyde was at the shop, got wet through coming home. 05\15\1890 (Thursday) Weather - Rain Clyde went to shop. Mrs. Welton came, we cleaned the pantry. 05\16\1890 (Friday) Weather - Fine and rain I cleaned the sewing room. Mother Miller and Cara called in the P.M. Were caught in the shower, staid about 2 hrs. 05\17\1890 (Saturday) Weather - Rain Baked etc. Iva walked {? walded !} out and back in the P.M. 05\18\1890 (Sunday) Weather - Fine Clyde, Geo. and I went to Chapel. Walked from Munson's corner. C. went to Mothers with the others. I rode up with Lucy. All Mother's boys but Elmer went with Mark to find {? fingt !} the bounds of her half of the farm. 05\19\1890 (Monday) Weather - Fine Washed nearly all day. 05\20\1890 (Tuesday) Weather - Rain Ironed, sewed a little. 05\21\1890 (Wednesday) Weather - Fine Mrs. W. came. We cleaned the sitting room and hall. Mother came home. Will and Austin moved her things. Annie brought her, got here after 8, helped unload. Had been gone 5 1/2 mths. 05\22\1890 (Thursday) Weather - Cloudy, fine We worked all day unpacking, putting away etc. 05\23\1890 (Friday) I washed a good many pieces {??}. 05\24\1890 (Saturday) Mrs. Warner and Jennie Pierpont called. 05\25\1890 (Sunday) Mother went in to Charlie's to stay for a while. 05\26\1890 (Monday) Washed. 05\27\1890 (Tuesday) Ironed. Baked, went over to Jennie Bronson's. Bessie very sick, varnished some of the things for my room. 05\28\1890 (Wednesday) Mrs. Welton and I cleaned Mother's room and front hall. 05\29\1890 (Thursday) Ironed. 05\31\1890 (Saturday) Baked. 06\01\1890 (Sunday) Mother came home. Charlie took the children and I around some of her farm. C. and C. and I went to prayer meeting. 06\05\1890 (Thursday) Nellie's birthday 37. 06\19\1890 (Thursday) Weather - Fine Took Chas and Geo. to shop, met ladies at the 1.30 tram for Hattie, Mother, children and I went up to Austins, picked strawberries, went after 6. 06\20\1890 (Friday) Weather - Fine Charlie took the children and me to ride south of Cheshire, started at 8, home at 1.30. Mrs. Benham and children came over. 06\21\1890 (Saturday) Weather - Rain Irving Charles Miller 4. A stout healthy boy in kilts. Doesn't talk at all plain. Said Kitty instead of "Getty" first time to-day. 07\04\1890 (Friday) Mother and I invited the family home for a reunion and picnic. Elmer and family, Anna and Geo. didn't come. 23 present, C. and C.J.P. went up to the old place after some thing. Had fireworks in the eve. 07\06\1890 (Sunday) Had Margaret baptized{baptised!} by Dr. Davenport. She cried a little. Mother and Clyde went with me. Miss Pickett kept Margaret while we staid to Communion. 07\09\1890 (Wednesday) Went over to Hattie's. Alice Moss was there sick. Ed and family moved out there for two months. Dr. Davenport and Mr. Baker called while I was gone. 08\22\1890 (Friday) Elmer M. Pierponts 33. 08\28\1890 (Thursday) Took the boys to Seaside Park on Grange excursion, took steamer to Long Beach. I waded, had shore dinner and park. Mother went & staid down with Aunt Amanda. Marg't staid with Hattie all day, all night. 08\30\1890 (Saturday) Mary Partree came and spent the day. Clyde went to shop. 08\31\1890 (Sunday) The boys and I went church, took Mother M. and Iva Second Church to hear Dr. Pentecost on the resurrection {? rusertion !} fine. 09\01\1890 (Monday) Clyde went to shop. Washed. 09\02\1890 (Tuesday) Iva Miller 16. Clyde commenced school. Miss Patchen teacher, knows the capital letters, some small ones, spell a few words, count over a hundred. The new flag was first used. 09\03\1890 (Wednesday) Harry Conner came out. 09\04\1890 (Thursday) Irving went home with Harry, staid all night. 09\05\1890 (Friday) Dorrie brought Irving home. Ida Ovaitt and Mother and Edie called. 09\06\1890 (Saturday) Dorrie went home. Expected Frank and Gussie but they did not come. 09\07\1890 (Sunday) Went to church alone in the afternoon. 09\12\1890 (Friday) Hattie Austin 40. 09\13\1890 (Saturday) Clyde A. Miller 6. Hurried my work. Margaret, the boys and I went in town, got some money from bank, shopped all the afternoon. 09\14\1890 (Sunday) Weather - Rainy Staid home all day. Uncle Will and Aunt Ellen Somers came in the afternoon, staid to supper. 09\16\1890 (Tuesday) Weather - Rain Washed white clothes. 09\17\1890 (Wednesday) Weather - Rain Hattie Pierpont 38. Washed most of colored clothes. 09\18\1890 (Thursday) Pleasant for the first time in a week, finished washing, baked, sweet pickled pears. Mr. Micou called. Mrs. Benham came over. 09\19\1890 (Friday) Weather - Fine Margaret, Irving and I went to Mary Porters on the 10 train. Missed the 5 so came home at{a!} 7. Charlie met us. Clyde staid up to Austins all night. 09\20\1890 (Saturday) Weather - Fine Charlie started at{a!} 7 o'clock with the horse and buggy and every thing we think he can for Concord N.H. Expects to be gone a week. Baked and ironed. Harry Conner staid all night. 09\21\1890 (Sunday) Weather - Fair, cool Staid home all day. 09\22\1890 (Monday) My birthday 30. Washed. 09\23\1890 (Tuesday) Ironed. Had a letter from Charlie. 09\27\1890 (Saturday) Charlie's birthday 32. 09\28\1890 (Sunday) Staid home all day. Father M, Iva, Mame, Gussie, Roll and Frank all came. Four letters from C. 10\04\1890 (Saturday) Nellie Arthur came on the 1.30 train, staid till 6.15. 10\05\1890 (Sunday) Mother came home with Austin, had been gone nearly two months. Wrote to Aunt Hannah. 10\15\1890 (Wednesday) Jenni Bronson took the children and me to Wolcott Fair, good{?} Charlie came home about 7.30 with a new horse, had rode over 600 miles. 10\30\1890 (Thursday) The new horse broke his leg going up Will's hill and had to be killed. 11\10\1890 (Monday) Washed, went in only train 6.20. Miss Pickett fitted my wrapper. Came after me. 11\14\1890 (Friday) Lucy A. Pierpont. 11\15\1890 (Saturday) Charlie Conners 14. 11\16\1890 (Sunday) Lucy M. Pierpont 30. 11\19\1890 (Wednesday) Aunt Amanda Bronson 86. {end of diary entries} Memorandum: Aconite for fever, Margaret at 10 mths. 5 drops in 1/2 glass of water. Teaspoonful every half hour. Dr. Barber, Jan. 5, 1890. Accounts: Date 01\01 01\05 01\06 01\07 01\08 01\19 01\22 01\26 Date 02\01 02\02 02\05 02\09 02\11 02\16 02\23 02\25 02\29 Balance on hand Chapel Telephone, Hattie Austin Telephone, Mrs. Warner Telephone, Mrs. Warner 1 pt. horse radish Salve Chapel hospital C. G.W. Benham milk Mrs. Welton y{?} cakes Envelope Telephone Meriden Chapel Balance on hand Envelopes Chapel Envelopes Telephone W.E.A.{?} Telephone Mrs. Shannon Cement Chapel Borrowed of Mother 2 spools thrd, 2 dishtowels Charlie Chapel Chapel C. Bank Waterproof for self Rubbers for self Gloves for self 2 collars for self Carfares Basting thread Buttons Shoes for Marg. Stockings for Marg. Bow-won{?} for Marg. Present for Miss Halliday Miss Halliday tel. Received .95 Paid .10 .10 .10 10 .25 .25 .40 80 .75 01 01 15 .16 Received 26 01 Paid .06 01 10 10 .25 .07 18 .28 07 .07 .06 06 12.50 1.00 .50 .75 .20 .25 .05 .25 .50 .15 .25 .11 10 Date 03\01 03\02 03\08 03\23 03\24 03\31 Date 04\01 04\02 04\03 04\04 04\06 04\09 04\16 04\29 04\30 Date 05\01 05\04 05\12 05\13 05\16 05\18 05\23 05\25 05\29 05\30 Balance on hand Hattie P. milk bill Chapel Window for Mr. Nicholls Chapel Car-fare Rubbers for Clyde Tooth e{x}tracted {??} 2 stripes for Clyde and Irv Cough drops for Clyde and Irv Miss Picket Mrs. Shannon Received 7. 2.00 .10 .10 .10 .20 .35 .25 .20 .05 4.00 10 Received Balance 3 suppers and Chapel Hattie A. telephone Church Chapel CSM Brush, comb and glass Sewing society CSM Mrs. Benham, 2 telephones 2 doz. oranges for S.S. Borrowed of mother Car fare Hat for Clyde Garters for Clyde Stockings for Clyde and Irving Shoes for Clyde and Irving Bananas for Clyde and Irving 1 yd elastic, 1 sp thread Balance on hand Chapel Borrowed of Mother 2 yd dish towels 1 yd elastic, 4 buttons 1 yd lamp wick drawers apron Mother Mrs. Welton cleaning Mrs. Welton cleaning C. ret. to Mother C. Chapel S. Bronson telephone Chapel Old rubber C. Paid Paid .30 .10 .10 .05 50 .50 .10 50 20 .30 3.50 .25 .25 .15 1.00 1.75 .10 .10 Received .05 Paid .05 1.12 .20 .12 .05 .50 .25 50 .50 1.00 1.25 .25 05 .05 10 .10 07 50 Cars 3 bananas S. P. B. telephone .30 .08 10 Date 06\01 06\02 06\04 06\11 06\18 06\19 Date 10\28 Received .26 Balance on hand C. washing C. Hattie return C. for varnish Car-fare C. 2 shirts for Marg. 2 shirts for me bal{?} on stockings 2 brushes for gild coffee for H.P. candy for chil{dren ??} H. A. telephone .50 27 25 .25 2.10 1.00 .25 .10 .05 .40 .13 10 Borrowed of Mother Bal.{?} on hand Mother Car-fare cough drops Oilcloth and binding {?} 7 yd. flannel for Wrapp {??} 12 yd. flannel for boys n g shirts for self {??} shirts for Marg. rubbers for Mother and Marg. Borrowed of Mother Mr. Wooding, bu. onions Addresses: Mrs. R.C. Partree 25 1/2 Central Ave. Waterbury Ct. Mrs. C.F. Harris 657 Pearl St. Cleveland Ohio. Mrs. Fred M. Drew 2 Mott St. Ansonia Conn. Letters: Received 12\12 05\20 /end/ Name E.J. Baldwin Emma Drew Hattie Partree Paid Answered 17-20 28 Received 1.50 62 4.00 Paid .15 .10 2.83 2.62 2.40 1.00 1.00 .80 1.00 1.00