Jacob Riis` Photos - socialstudiesguy.com

Jacob Riis’ Photos
• Write creative and interesting 3-5 sentence captions
[descriptions] for the each of the photos included in this
power point taken and published by famous New York
City photographer Jacob Riis.
• Make sure the captions are not disrespectful or rude.
• Make sure captions are connected to the photos and not
off topic.
• Make your own power point with captions and each of
the photos.
Basement of a Pub in Mulberry-Bend at 3:00 am
c. 1890
Five Cents Lodging, Bayard Street
c. 1889
A Black-and-Tan Dive in "Africa"
c. 1890
Blind Beggar
c. 1890
A downtown "Morgue" (unlicensed saloon)
c. 1890
Police Station Lodger, A Plank for a Bed
c. 1890
Mulberry Street Police Station
Waiting for the Lodging to Open
c. 1892