Issue Date: Feb 2015 Managing a Smoke Free Environment Introduction Alpha Plus Group has developed the Managing a Smoke Free Environment section for the health protection of all persons using the nursery/school/college under their control including employees, pupils/students, parents and visitors. Exposure to second hand smoke, also known as passive smoking, increases the risk of lung cancer, heart disease and other illnesses. Ventilation or separating smokers and non-smokers within the same airspace does not completely stop potentially dangerous exposure. Policy This aims to set out the organisations commitment to ensuring smoking is prohibited in all wholly or substantially enclosed areas of the business, with no exceptions. This includes company vehicles or personal vehicles used for work purposes. This will be carried out in accordance with the Health Act 2006. Premises includes: Any building or part of a building Any structure or part of a structure, whether moveable or otherwise Any tent, marquee or stall Any vehicle Wholly enclosed means: For premises other than a vehicle or part of a vehicle, having a ceiling or roof, except for doors, windows and passageways, wholly enclosed, whether permanently or temporarily. For premises that are a vehicle or part of a vehicle, having a top or roof and except for doors, windows or exits, wholly enclosed, whether permanently or temporarily. Substantially enclosed means: For premises other than a vehicle or part of a vehicle, having a ceiling or roof, except for doors, windows and passageways, substantially enclosed, whether permanently or temporarily. For premises that are a vehicle or part of a vehicle, having a top or roof and except for doors, windows or exits, substantially enclosed, whether permanently or temporarily. Premises shall be taken to be substantially enclosed if: The opening in the premises has an area, or if there is more than one, both or all those openings have an aggregate area which is less than half the area of the walls. This includes any other structures serving the purpose of walls. It is company policy that: Smoking will be prohibited in all company premises. Smoking will be prohibited in all company vehicles, including personal vehicles used for work purposes. Appropriate No Smoking signage will be displayed in all company premises and vehicles. Procedures will be developed to deal with any individual (employee or nonemployee) who does not observe the smoking ban. This will be achieved by the involvement of all levels of staff from senior management to those staff with customer facing roles. Smoke Free Guidance How to comply with the legislation The following must be carried out as a minimum: Display the required No-Smoking signs. These can be found at Remove all ashtrays. Inform anyone who is smoking within the unit that they are committing an offence. Request that they extinguish their smoking material immediately or leave the premise. Refuse service to individuals who are smoking against the law and contact local environmental health department. If any individual threatens physical violence as a result of the above requests contact the police. Areas where staff or customers can smoke If you would like to provide an outdoor area where staff and customers can smoke, you must consult with your local planning department to ensure proposals comply with the relevant legislation. If planning an outdoor smoking area then you must remember the legal definition of ‘wholly or substantially enclosed area’ which will determine whether or not the law complies with it. Who will enforce the smoking legislation? The law will be enforced by local Environmental Health Officers. These officers already work closely with businesses in areas such as food safety and health and safety. A similar approach will be used to implement the legislation – providing advice and support to businesses wherever possible. Authorised enforcement officers have the power to enter any no-smoking premises to determine whether the law is being complied with. They will also assess whether or not those in control of premises have taken all reasonable precautions to prohibit people from smoking. Inspections carried out by enforcement officers will either be pro-active (to advise businesses and to confirm compliance with the legislation) or re-active (in response to a complaint). Inspections may be incorporated within a food safety or health and safety inspection. Enforcement officers may carry out inspections in a number of ways. These could include: Inspections where officers will announce themselves prior to assessing the situation with the premises Inspections of more covert surveillance, where officers will assess the situation of the premises by observation then identify themselves following the period of surveillance. Penalties for breaking the law Anyone who does not comply with the smoke free legislation is committing a criminal offence subject to a fixed penalty notice. Offence Who is liable? Fixed Penalty Notice (if paid in 15 days) Fixed Penalty Notice (if paid in 29 days) Court awarded fine Smoking in a smoke free place Anyone who smokes in a smoke free place £30 £50 Up to £200 Failing to display required no-smoking signs Anyone who manages or occupies the smoke free premises or vehicle £150 £200 Up to £1000 Failing to prevent smoking in a smoke free place Anyone who manages or controls the smoke free premises or vehicle N/A N/A Up to £2500 What to do if someone ignores the smoking ban There is a great confidence that the majority of people will respect the smoking legislation. However, it is important that everyone is aware of what to do if someone does not comply with the smoking ban. Draw the person’s attention to the No Smoking signs and remind them that they are committing an offence. Politely ask them to extinguish their smoking material immediately. Advise the person that it is also an offence for you (as an owner/manager etc) to let anyone smoke in your premises. Explain to them that the company has a no smoking policy to ensure a safe working environment for all staff and visitors. If the person smoking is an employee: If your warning has been ignored, immediately ask them to leave the premises and, where relevant, inform them where they can smoke. If the person refuses, implement the normal disciplinary procedures for antisocial/illegal behaviour in the workplace. Maintain a record of all such incidents and occurrences. If the person smoking is a guest: Explain that staff are obliged to refuse service if they continue to smoke. If the visitor carries on smoking, ask them to leave the premises immediately (and where relevant, inform them where they can smoke). If the visitor still refuses, implement the normal procedure for anti-social/illegal behaviour in the premises. Maintain a record of all such incidents and occurrences. In all cases where physical violence or intimidation is threatened or encountered, seek the assistance of the police. Help to stop smoking Approximately 70% of smokers say that they would like to give up smoking and the smoke free legislation could provide extra motivation to do so. If you would like to assist your staff or guests to stop smoking there is excellent free support available from the NHS. This includes: Local NHS Smoking Services. To find your local service, call the NHS Smoking Helpline free on 0800 169 0 169, visit, text ‘GIVE UP’ and your full postcode to 88088 or ask at your local GP practice, pharmacy or hospital. Roles & Responsibilities Alpha Plus Group What needs to be done, when and how? Sufficient provisions made that each unit has adequate and appropriate knowledge of the no smoking legislation. Need to know That each nursery/school/college has adequate resources to manage the requirements under the Managing a Smoke Free Environment Section. Monitoring & Reporting Review internal and external audit reports that focus on health, safety and welfare provisions and take appropriate action as necessary. School Heads/College Principals What needs to be done, when and how? Ensure that smoking is prohibited in all areas of their respective facilities. Suitable signage is displayed throughout their respective units and any company vehicles. Need to know All areas of the facility are being managed by their Heads of Departments as a smoke free environment. Monitoring & Reporting Ensure that there are procedures in place to deal with any individuals that ignore the no smoking ban. Heads of Department (HODs) What needs to be done, when and how? Ensure that their respective departments are managed as a smoke free environment. Ensure all respective employees are aware that they are prohibited for smoking in all areas of the unit and any company vehicle. This should form part of the induction training process and recorded. Ensure disciplinary procedures are adopted and followed in the event of any respective employee ignoring the smoking ban. Need to know How to record staff training sessions in relation to Managing a Smoke Free Environment. Monitoring & Reporting Report any concerns in relation to employees or non-employees not complying with the smoking ban to the School Head/College Principal. Report any incidents where any person does not comply with the smoking ban on the internal Accident & Near Miss Reporting process Employees What needs done when and how? Employees require to be given suitable and sufficient information that smoking is prohibited in all areas of the unit and in company vehicles. Employees must not smoke, at any time, in any part of the unit or in any company vehicle or personal vehicle if used for work purposes. Need to know That smoking is prohibited throughout the unit and in company vehicles. The smoking ban applies to guests, contractors, visitors and members of the public. Monitoring & Reporting Employees are required to advise management of any health or safety concerns relating to their jobs. Employees are required to report any incidents of persons smoking to their Line Manager immediately.