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Frédéric F. Brunel
Office Address
Boston University School of Management
Department of Marketing
595 Commonwealth Avenue
Boston, MA 02215
 (617) 353-4609
Fax: (617) 353-4098
Home Address
270 Ocean Street
Lynn, MA 01902
 (781) 477-9266
Ph.D., University of Washington
M.B.A., Illinois State University
B.S., Ecole Supérieure des Sciences Commerciales d'Angers (ESSCA) Angers, France
The Psychology of Product Aesthetics: Antecedents and Individual Differences in Product Evaluations
Committee: Richard Yalch (Chair), Anthony Greenwald, Douglas MacLachlan, and Julie Ruth
Completed: March 1998
(Forthcoming 2006), “Effects of Culture, Gender and Moral Obligations on Responses to Charity Advertising Across
Masculine and Feminine Cultures”, Journal of Consumer Psychology (with Michelle R. Nelson, Magne
Suppehellen, Rajesh V. Manchanda)
(Forthcoming 2005), “Toward a Unified Theory of Implicit Consumer Brand Cognitions”, book Chapter in: Applying
Social Cognition To Consumer-Focused Strategy. Kardes, F. R., Herr, P. M., & Nantel, J. (Eds.), Mahwah,
NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates (with Brian Tietje).
(2005), “Priming Moral Obligations: When ‘Doing Good’ Messages Boomerang, Proceedings of the Society for
Consumer Psychology Winter Conference, Anne M. Brumbaugh and Geraldine R. Henderson eds, St.
Petersburg, Fl., February, p. 167 (with Michelle Nelson, Magne Suppehellen, and Rajesh Manchanda). (Abstract)
(2005) “Ritual Behavior and Community Change: Exploring the Social Psychological Roles of Net Rituals in the
Developmental Processes of Online Communities”, in Online Consumer Psychology: Understanding and
Influencing Consumer Behavior in the Virtual World, Cutis P. Haugtvedt, Karen A. Machleit, and Richard F.
Yalch Eds., Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Publishers, Mahwah, New Jersey, pp. 7-33 (with Anat Alon and
Wendy Schneier Siegal). [Lead Chapter]
(2004) “Is the Implicit Association Test a Valid and Valuable Measure of Implicit Consumer Social Cognition?”, Journal
of Consumer Psychology, Vol. 14(4), pp. 385-403 (with Brian Tietje and Anthony Greenwald).
(2004) “An investigation of the Power of Emotions in Relationship Realignment: The Gift Recipient’s Perspective”,
Psychology and Marketing, Vol. 21(1) pp. 29-52 (with Julie A. Ruth and Cele Otnes).
(2003) “Message Order Effects and Gender Differences in Advertising Persuasion: A Developmental Study among College
Students”, Journal of Advertising Research, Vol. 43(3), pp. 330-341 (with Michele R. Nelson).
(2003) “Individual Differences in the Centrality of Visual Product Aesthetics: Concept and Measurement”, Journal of
Consumer Research, Vol. 29(4), pp. 551-565 (with Peter H. Bloch, and Todd J. Arnold).
(2003), “Development and Validation of the Centrality of Visual Product Aesthetics and its Underlying Dimensions”,
Proceedings of the Society for Consumer Psychology Winter Conference, Christine Page and Steven
Posavac eds., Austin, TX, pp. 145-149 (with Peter H. Bloch and Todd J. Arnold). (Abstract)
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(2002) “CRM and the Test of Time. Does Familiarity Keep Breeding Profits?”, Builders and Leaders, Fall, pp. 25-27
(with Jonathan Hibbard).
(2002), “ ‘I Love You … I Love You Not’: Linking Cognitive Appraisals, Consumptions Emotions, and Relationship
Quality”, Proceedings of the Society for Consumer Psychology Winter Conference, Julie Edell and Ronald
Goodstein eds., Austin, TX, pp.95-96 (with Julie A. Ruth and Cele Otnes). (Abstract)
(2002), “‘So That’s What That is’: Examining the Impact of Analogy on Consumers’ Knowledge Development for Really
New Products’”, Psychology and Marketing, Vol. 19(6), pp. 533-550, (with Jennifer Gregan-Paxton, Jonathan
Hibbard and Pablo Azar).
(2002), “Linking Thoughts to Feelings: Investigating Cognitive Appraisals and Consumption Emotions in a Mixed
Emotions Context ”, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Vol. 30(1), pp. 44-58, (with Julie A. Ruth
and Cele Otnes).
(2001), “Does Relationship Marketing Age Well?”, Business Strategy Review, Vol. 12(4), pp. 29-35, (with Jonathan
Hibbard, Rajiv Dant and Dawn Iacabucci).
(2001), “Diminishing Returns in Relationship Marketing” Proceedings of the 9th International Colloquium in
Relationship Marketing, Michele Paulin and Ronald Ferguson, Eds. Montreal, CA, section 5 pp.18-31. (with
Jonathan Hibbard, Rajiv Dant and Dawn Iacabucci).
(2001), “He Says, She Says: Two Versions of a 24/7 E-consumption Life”, Advances in Consumer Research, Mary C.
Gilly and Joan Meyers-Levy, eds., Provo, UT: Association for Consumer Research, Vol. 28, pp. 218-220.
(2001), “The Role of Implicit Attitudes in Marketing: Applications of the Implicit Association Test”, Proceedings of
the Society for Consumer Psychology Winter Conference, Susan Heckler and Stewart Shapiro, Eds, Tempe,
AZ, pp.124-126. (Abstract)
(2000), “Explaining Gendered Responses to “Help-Self” and “Help-Others” Charity Ad Appeals: The Mediating Role of
World-Views ”, Journal of Advertising, Vol. XXIX (Fall), pp. 15-28, (with Michelle Nelson).
(2000), "Altruistic Males, Selfish Females? What is Going On? Linking Message Order Effects and Gender Differences
in Ad Persuasion " Proceedings of the Fifth Conference on Gender, Marketing and Consumer Behavior,
pp.101-104, June, Chicago, June (with Julie Ruth and Michele Nelson). (Abstract)
(2000), "Royal Appliance Manufacturing: Dirt Devil", Boston University, School of Management, Case Teaching Note
and Electronic Transparencies TN-2000-01 (with Tomas Kohn).
(1999), “Gift Receipt and the Reformulation of Interpersonal Relationships”, Journal of Consumer Research, Vol. 25
(March), pp.385-402 (with Julie A. Ruth and Cele Otnes).
(1999), “Gendered Responses to ‘Help-Self’ and ‘Help-Others’ Charity Ad Appeals: Consequences of Readers’ Personality
and Culture?” Advances in Consumer Research, Eric J. Arnould and Linda M. Scott, eds., Provo, UT: Association
for Consumer Research (with Michelle Nelson), Vol. 26. p. 267. (Abstract)
(1999), “The Mediating Role of Product Aesthetic Evaluation on Attitude Formation”, Proceedings of the European
Conference of the Association for Consumer Research, Provo, UT: Association for Consumer Research, June.
(1998), “You like Mars… I Prefer Venus: Gendered Responses to Marketing Communications”, Proceedings of the
Fourth Conference on Gender, Marketing and Consumer Behavior, pp.55-56 & 64-67, June.
(1998), “A gendered Psychology of Product Aesthetics: Female and Male Differences in Product Evaluations and
Inferences about Form and Function”, Proceedings of the Fourth Conference on Gender, Marketing and
Consumer Behavior, pp. 61-67, June. (Abstract)
(1997), “The Psychology of Product Aesthetics: Antecedents and Individual Differences in Product Evaluations”, in
Developments in Marketing Science, vol. 20, Eds. Elizabeth J. Wilson and Joseph F. Hair, p.7, Fall. (Abstract)
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(1996), “Need Hierarchies in Consumer Judgments of Product Designs: Is It Time to Reconsider Maslow Theory?”, in
Advances in Consumer Research, vol. 23, Kim P. Corfman and John G. Lynch, Jr., eds., Provo, UT:
Association for Consumer Research (with Richard Yalch).
(1994) “Contemporary French Managerial Values and Issues: A Review of the Literature”, in Cross-Cultural Analysis
of Values and Political Economy Issues, Dan Voich Jr. and Lee P. Stepina Eds., Praeger Publishers, Westport
Conn., pp. 79-88.
(1994), “Perceived Quality for a Symbolic Product: An Empirical Investigation”, in Developments in Marketing
Science, Eds. Elizabeth J. Wilson and W. Black, vol. 17, pp. 32-39 (with Linda Showers and Vincent Showers).
Awarded: Best Consumer Behavior Track Paper for the conference
(1993), “International Strategic Alliances: Cross-National Differences in Motives and Their Impact on Structure,
Function and Organization Learning Outcomes”, in Proceedings of the Fourth Symposium on CrossCultural Consumer and Business Studies, Eds. Albaum G. et al, pp. 17-21 (with Bernard Simonin).
“ Rediscovering Consumer Word-of Mouth: An Ethnomethodological Analysis of Word-of-Mouth Rhetorical Methods in
an Online Community”, under review at the Association for Consumer Research, (with Anat Alon).
“The Role of Mindfulness in Consumer Behavior” under review at the Association for Consumer Research, (with
Weimin Dong).
“A qualitative analysis of the sources and expressions of consumption emotions in ritualized exchanges” Manuscript being
revised for resubmission to the Qualitative Market Research: An International Journal (with Julie Ruth and Cele
“The Mediating Role of Product Aesthetic Evaluation on Attitude Formation”, manuscript being revised for submission to
the Journal of Consumer Psychology.
(2005 - Forthcoming), “Cross Functional Integration in a Core Curriculum: Lessons, Best Practices and Evidence of
Team-Learning”, The International College teaching Methods and Styles Conference, Reno, NV, September (with
Jonathan Hibbard and Nitin, Joglekar)
(2005 - Forthcoming), “Advancing Theoretical Understandings of Consumers’ Responses to Product Design”, 2005
American Marketing Association Summer Marketing Educators’ Conference, Special Session Co-chair and
Presenter, August, San Francisco, (with Scott Swain).
(2005), “The Role of Product Form in Evoked Sets, Recognition, and Evaluation”, 2005 Babson College Research
Forum, Invited presentation by the Journal of Retailing and the Marketing Division at Babson College, April
(with Scott Swain).
(2005), “Priming Moral Obligations: When ‘Doing Good’ Messages Boomerang, Society for Consumer Psychology
Annual Conference, St. Petersburg, Fl., February (with Michelle Nelson).
(2004), “Evidence for Team Learning During Product Development Based Core Classes” Decision Science Institute
Annual Meeting, November, Boston (with Peter Arnold, Jonathan Hibbard and Nitin, Joglekar).
(2004), The Undergraduate Cross Functional Core Curriculum”, Curricular Innovations In Management Education
Conference at Boston University School of Management, Boston, MA, October (with Jonathan Hibbard and
Nitin, Joglekar)
(2004), “Managerially Relevant Consumer Behavior Research”, Special Organized with the Marketing Science Institute,
2004 Association for Consumer Research Conference, Portland, OR, October. (with Leigh McAlister, Susan
Fournier, Sanjay Sood, and Simona Botti)
(2004), “Toward a Unified Theory of Implicit Consumer Brand Cognitions”, Society for Consumer Psychology Special
Conference on Applying Social Cognition To Consumer-Focused Strategy, Montréal, CA, May (with Brian Tietje).
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(2004) “Marketing and the Implicit Association Test”, Boston University, School of Management Speaker Series, Boston
(2004), “Integrating Undergraduate Curriculum”, Annual Deans’ Meeting, AACSB International, April, Montreal CA
(with Nitin Joglekar and Jonathan Hibbard).
(2004), “Lessons and Insights from 10 Years of Cross Functional Integrations of the Core Undergraduate Curriculum”,
Boston University School of Management Faculty Meeting, April, Boston(with Nitin Joglekar and Jonathan
Hibbard) .
(2003), “Product Development as the Integrating Theme in Business Core Classes” 2003 INFORMS Conference,
Atlanta GA, October (with Nitin Joglekar and Jonathan Hibbard).
(2003), “Mediation Analysis” Roundtable Discussant, 2003 Association for Consumer Research Conference, Toronto,
CA, October.
(2003), “Pricing Issues” Session Chair, 2003 Association for Consumer Research Conference, Toronto, CA, October.
(2003), “Linking Consumption Emotions to Interpersonal Relationship Change”, The 2003 European Conference of
the Association for Consumer Research, June (with Julie A. Ruth and Cele Otnes).
(2003), “Linking Product Design and Brand/Product Personality”, Boston University Seminar Series, May.
(2003), “Measure for (Valid) Measure: Critical issues in Developing and Validating Multi-item, Multi-dimensional
Consumer Psychology Measures”, Special Session Organizer and Chair, 2003 Society for Consumer Psychology
Conference, New Orleans, LA, February (with Cristel Russel).
(2003), “Development and Validation of the Centrality of Visual Product Aesthetics and its Underlying Dimensions”,
2003 Society for Consumer Psychology Conference, New Orleans, LA, February (with Peter H. Bloch and Todd J.
(2002), “Examining Why Relationship Marketing May Not Age Well” 2002 Babson College Research Forum, Invited
presentation by the Journal of Retailing and the Marketing Division at Babson College, November (with
Jonathan Hibbard).
(2002), “Food Functions, Forms and Systems”, Session Chair, 2002 Association for Consumer Research Conference,
Atlanta, GA, October.
(2002), “The Centrality of Visual Product Aesthetics: Concept and Measurement”, Boston University Seminar Series,
(2002), “’I Love You … I Love You Not’: Linking Cognitive Appraisals, Consumptions Emotions, and Relationship
Quality”, 2002 Society for Consumer Psychology Conference, Austin, TX, February (with Julie A. Ruth and Cele
(2002) “Does Relationship Marketing Age Well?” 2002 Society for Consumer Psychology Conference, Austin, TX,
(2001), “Word-of-Mouth and Community Development Stages: Towards an Understanding of the Characteristics and
Dynamics of Interpersonal Influences in Internet Communities”, 2001 Association for Consumer Research
Conference, Austin, TX, October, (with Anat Alon and Wendy Schneier Siegal).
(2001), “Diminishing Returns in Relationship Marketing”, The 9th International Colloquium in Relationship Marketing,
Montreal, Canada, September. Jonathan Hibbard, Rajiv Dant and Dawn Iacabucci).
(2001), “Ritual Behavior and Community Life-Cycle: Exploring the Social Psychological Roles of Net Rituals in the
Development of On-line Communities”, 2001 Advertising and Consumer Psychology Conference: Online
Consumer Psychology: Understanding How to Interact with Consumers in the Virtual World, Seattle, WA, June
(with Anat Alon and Wendy Schneier Siegal).
(2001), “The Role of Implicit Attitudes in Marketing: Applications of the Implicit Association Test”, 2001 Society for
Consumer Psychology Conference, Scottsdale, AZ, February (with Brian Tietje).
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(2000), “He Says, She Says Two Versions of a 24/7 E-Consumption Life”, presentation in special session: “The Three
Faces of E, commerce: Insight into Online Consumer Behavior Through the Interpretation of an Internet
Consumer's Experiences", The 2000 Association for Consumer Research Conference, Salt Lake City, UT,
(2000), “The Impact of Mixed Emotions on Perceptions of Relationship Quality” Competitive Paper, The 2000
Association for Consumer Research Conference, Salt Lake City, UT, October (with Julie Ruth and Cele Otnes).
(2000), “Exploring Diminishing Returns in Long-term Marketing Relationships,” August 2000, AMA Summer Marketing
Educators' Conference, Chicago, IL (with Jonathan D. Hibbard and Rajiv P. Dant).
(2000), “Towards a Unified Brand Theory “, Workshop on Consumer Behavior Issues and the Implicit Association
Test, Seattle WA, August (with Brian Tietje).
(2000), “You Told Me You Liked it, but Do You Really? Using the IAT to understand consumers’ evaluations of brands
and ads,” Workshop on Consumer Behavior Issues and the Implicit Association Test, Seattle WA, August (with
Cathleen Collins and Brian Tietje).
(2000), “The Role of Consumption Emotions: Antecedents and Relationship Quality Outcomes’, Invited Presentation at
the Groupe HEC, Jouy-en-Josas, France, May.
(2000), “The Cognitive Antecedents and Relational Consequences of Consumption Emotions”, Invited Presentation at
the Ecole Supérieure de Commerce de Toulouse, Toulouse, France, April.
(2000), “Stories from the Gift Giving Minefield” ,Marsh Chapel, Boston University, Invited Speaker in the Food for
Thoughts Series, April.
(1999), “Making the Private Public, Accessing the Inaccessible: Marketing Applications of the Implicit Association Test”,
Conference of the Association for Consumer Research, Columbus, OH, October (with Cathleen Collins, Anthony
Greenwald, and Brian Tietje).
(1999), “Tell Me About the Occasion, I’ll Tell You How You Felt: The Relationship Between Situation Appraisals and
Consumption Emotions”, Conference of the Association for Consumer Research, Columbus, OH, October (with
Julie A. Ruth and Cele Otnes).
(1999), “The Mediating Role of Product Aesthetic Evaluation on Attitude Formation”, European Conference of the
Association for Consumer Research, Paris.
(1999), “Gendered Responses to ‘Help-Self’ and ‘Help-Others’ Charity Ad Appeals: Consequences of Readers’ Personality
and Culture?”, School of Management, Boston University, International Management Research Seminar Series.
(1998), “Toward an Understanding of Gender, Personality and Cultural Differences in Responses to Charity Ad Appeals”,
Conference of the Association for Consumer Research, Montreal (with Michelle Nelson).
(1998), “You like Mars… I Prefer Venus: Gendered Responses to Marketing Communications”, Organized and chaired a
special session at the Fourth Association for Consumer Conference on Gender Issues in Marketing and Consumer
Behavior, San Francisco, June.
(1998), “A gendered Psychology of Product Aesthetics: Female and Male Differences in Product Evaluations and Inferences
about Form and Function”, Fourth Association for Consumer Conference on Gender Issues in Marketing and
Consumer Behavior., San Francisco, June.
(1997), “Gender and Community” Roundtable discussant, Association for Consumer Research, Denver, CO, October.
(1997), “The Psychology of Product Aesthetics: Antecedents and Individual Differences in Product Evaluations”,
Conference of the Academy of Marketing Science, Coral Gables, FL, June.
(1995), “Need Hierarchies in Consumer Judgments of Product Designs: Is It time to Reconsider Maslow Theory?”,
Conference of the Association for Consumer Research, Minneapolis, MN, October.
(1995), “Experience and Expression of Emotions in Gift Receipt”, Third Annual University of Washington Marketing
Camp, September (with Julie Ruth).
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(1994), “When Receiving a Gift is Associated with Negative Emotions: Violations of Scripts, Audience, and Artifacts”,
Conference of the Association of Consumer Research, Boston, MA, October (with Julie Ruth).
(1994), “Perceived Quality for a Symbolic Product: An Empirical Investigation”, Conference of the Academy of
Marketing Science, Nashville, TN, June.
(1993), “International Strategic Alliances: Cross-National Differences in Motives and Their Impact on Structure,
Function and Organization Learning Outcomes”, Fourth Symposium on Cross-Cultural Consumer and Business
Studies, Kahuku (Oahu), HI, December.
(1991) “Contemporary French Managerial Values and Issues: A Review of the Literature”, presented at the Second
International Consortium for Management Studies, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL, November.
(2005), “ Rediscovering Consumer Word-of Mouth: An Ethnomethodological Analysis of Word-of-Mouth Rhetorical
Methods in an Online Community”, Working Paper Series, Boston University, School of Management,
Working Paper # 05-XX (with Anat Alon).
(2004) “Priming Moral Obligations: When ‘Doing Good’ Messages Boomerang, Working Paper Series, Boston
University, School of Management, Working Paper # 04-XX (with Michelle Nelson).
(2004), “Toward a Unified Theory of Implicit Consumer Brand Cognitions”, Working Paper Series, Boston
University, School of Management, Working Paper # 04-XX (with Brian Tietje).
(2004),”Marketing Doctoral Program Benchmarking Study” (with Mark Staton)
(2003), “Measuring Implicit Consumer Responses With the Implicit Association Test”, Working Paper Series, Boston
University, School of Management, Working Paper # 04-01. (with Brian C. Tietje, and Anthony G.
(2003), “Linking Visual Product Aesthetics to Product Personality”, Working Paper Series, Boston University,
School of Management, Working Paper # 03-XX.
(2002), “An Investigation of the Power of Emotions in Relationship Realignment: The Gift Recipient's Perspective”, Working Paper
Series, Boston University, School of Management, Working Paper # 02-16, (with Julie A. Ruth and Cele C.
(2002), “Individual Differences in the Centrality of Visual Product Aesthetics: Concept and Measurement”, Working
Paper Series, Boston University, School of Management, Working Paper # 02-15, (with Peter H. Bloch and
Todd J. Arnold).
(2002), “Implicit Measures of Marketing Constructs With the Implicit Association Test”, Working Paper Series,
Boston University, School of Management, Working Paper # 02-14, (with Brian C. Tietje, Cathleen M.
Collins and Anthony G. Greenwald).
(2002), “Message Order Effects and Gender Differences in Ad Persuasion”, Working Paper Series, Boston
University, School of Management, Working Paper # 02-13, (with Michelle R. Nelson).
(2002), “Taking the Good with the Bad: Linking Mixed Emotions to Relational Outcomes in Consumption and
Marketing”, Working Paper Series, Boston University, School of Management, Working Paper # 02-12,
(with Julie A. Ruth and Cele C. Otnes).
(2001), “Diminishing Returns in Relationship Marketing” Working Paper Series, Boston University, School of
Management, Working Paper # 01-14, (with Jonathan Hibbard, Rajiv Dant and Dawn Iacabucci).
(2001), “Linking Thoughts to Feelings: Investigating Cognitive Appraisals and Consumption Emotions in a Mixed
Emotions Context”, Working Paper Series, Boston University, School of Management, Working Paper #
01-07 (with Julie A. Ruth and Cele Otnes).
(2001), “Ritual Behavior and Community Life-Cycle: Exploring the Social Psychological Roles of Net Rituals in the
Development of On-line Communities”, Working Paper Series, Boston University, School of Management,
Working Paper # 01-06 (with Anat Alon and Wendy Schneier Siegal).
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(2001), “So That's What that is? Examining the Impact of Analogy on Consumers' Knowledge Development for Really
New Products” Working Paper Series, Boston University, School of Management, Working Paper # 01-05
(with Jennifer Gregan-Paxton, Jonathan D. Hibbard and Pablo Azar).
(2001), “In search of the Consumer Aesthete; Measuring Individual Differences in the Centrality of Product Aesthetics”,
Working Paper Series, Boston University, School of Management, Working Paper # 01-04 (with Peter
Bloch, and Todd Arnold).
(2000), “Message Order Effects and Gender Differences in Ad Persuasion”, Working Paper Series, Boston
University, School of Management, Working Paper # 00-11 (with Julie A. Ruth and Michele R. Nelson).
(2000), “The Impact of Mixed Consumption Emotions of Relationship Quality”, Working Paper Series, Boston
University, School of Management, Working Paper # 00-10 (with Julie A. Ruth and Cele Otnes).
(2000), “Consumption Emotions in Marketing: An Investigation of the Predictive Ability of Cognitive Appraisals”,
Working Paper Series, Boston University, School of Management, Working Paper # 00-09 (with Julie A.
Ruth and Cele C. Otnes).
(2000), “Explaining Gendered Responses to “Help-Self” and “Help-Others” Charity Ad Appeals: The Mediating Role of
World-Views ”, Working Paper Series, Boston University, School of Management, Working Paper # 00-08
(with Michelle R. Nelson).
(1999), “Making the Private Public, Accessing the Inaccessible: Marketing Applications of the Implicit Association Test”,
Working Paper Series, Boston University, School of Management, Working Paper # 99-11 (with Cathleen
Collins, Anthony Greenwald, and Brian Tietje).
(1999), “Tell Me About the Occasion, I’ll Tell You How You Felt: The Relationship Between Situation Appraisals and
Consumption Emotions”, Working Paper Series, Boston University, School of Management, Working
Paper # 99-10 (with Julie A. Ruth and Cele C. Otnes).
(1999), “Gendered Responses to ‘Help-Self’ and ‘Help-Others’ Charity Ad Appeals: A Two-Culture Analysis of the
Mediating Role of World-Views and Values”, Working Paper Series, Boston University, School of Management,
Working Paper # 99-09 (with Michelle R. Nelson)
“Linking Product Design and Brand/Product Personality” (with Scott Swain).
“Measurement of Consumer-Brand Relationship Strength” (with Susan Fournier and Brian Tietje).
“Cross Functional Integration, New Product Projects and Teaming in Business Core Classes” (with Nitin Joglekar and
Jonathan Hibbard).
“Word of Mouth in Internet Communities” (with Anat Alon)
“Examining Why Relationship Marketing May Not Age Well” (with Jonathan Hibbard).
“Empirical Testing of a Unified Brand Theory” (with Brian Tietje)
“Implicit Effects of Product Placement” (with Cristel Russel)
“Marketing Aesthetics as Visual Information: A Dual Processing Model”
“The Effect of Mindfulness in Consumer Persuasion” (With Weimin Dong)
“Consumers’ Skepticism toward Marketing” (with Cathie Collins)
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Assistant Professor
Since 1998
Boston University, School of Management.
Courses Taught:
 MK323 “Marketing Management”, Undergraduate "Cross Functional Core" program.
Course is integrated with three other discipline: Operation Management, Finance
and Information Systems.
 MK914 “Consumer Behavior”, Graduate elective
 MK486 “Marketing and E-commerce”, Undergraduate elective
 MK723 “Marketing Management”, Graduate core course
 IM 851 “European Field Seminar”, Graduate lective
Average instructor rating = 4.5/5.0 across all courses.
Executive Education
2001 - 2005
Wurzburg University (Germany) Executive MBA, Boston University Residence Weeks,
Taught Customer Centric Management and Relationship Marketing.
Universidad Francisco Marroquín (Guatemala), International Program in Marketing at
Boston University. Topics: The Strategic Imperative of Product Design, Relationship
2001 to 2005
Faculty Advisor, Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship Program at Boston University, Institute
of International Education.
1999 & 2003
Boston University Graduate School of Management International Management Program at
Sanyo Corp., Kobe, Japan. Taught MBA level “Marketing Management”.
Boston University Graduate School of Management at Donghua University Shanghai,
China. International Management Program, Taught MBA level “Marketing Management”.
2000, 2001
IBM Global Campus, Learning Space Certified Instructor, Taught “Emerging Business
Models”, and “Wireless Commerce”.
Universidad Internacional del Ecuador, Quito, Ecuador, Executive MBA program. Taught
Managing Channel Relationships.
1993 to 1997
Pacific Coast Banking School, Seattle WA. Supervised bank executives marketing research
Boston University, School of Management
University of Washington, School of Business. Taught Marketing Principles in the
undergraduate day and evening programs, Marketing Management in the MBA program, and
Applied Integrated Marketing Communication and Brand Management (in collaboration with the
General Motors Marketing Internship (GMMI) program ) in the undergraduate program.
Bellevue Community College, Bellevue WA. Taught International Marketing in the school’s
international program
Illinois State University, College of Business. Taught Marketing Principles and International
Marketing in the undergraduate program
Ecole Supérieure des Sciences Commerciales d'Angers, France. Taught International
Marketing to fourth-year students
Teaching Assistant
University of Washington, School of Business, quiz section leader for Marketing Principles and
International Business
Co-Responsible for a group of Illinois State University students during the summer session at
ESSCA, Angers, France. Taught a series of classes on the topic of French Business Practices
& Issues, and prepared the orientation program that took place prior to the trip
Research Assistant
University of Washington, School of Business. Worked with Bernard Simonin, Julie Ruth and
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Richard Yalch
Illinois State University College of Business. Worked with Linda Showers and Kevin Celuch
ESSCA, Angers, France. Assistant in the Department of Continuing Education
Recent Consulting activities: start-up mobile and e-businesses and legal research. Consulting on strategy
formulation, business analysis, and psychological measurement issues.
DIS, computer distributor, Nimes, France. Sales Associate: sales of hardware and software and
relationships with suppliers.
Banque Nationale de Paris, Madrid, Spain. Loan officer.
Third Greater Boston Marketing Research Colloquium
Journal of Consumer Research
Journal of Consumer Psychology
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science
Journal of Retailing
Journal of Public Policy and Marketing
Association for Consumer Research
Society for Consumer Psychology
Social Marketing Conference
Academy of Marketing Science
American Marketing Association Educators’ Conference
American Marketing Association John A. Howard Dissertation Competition
Pearson-Prentice-Hall Publishing
Thomson-South Western Publishing
Consulting Editor Marketing Section – Marsh Publications
Boston University, School of Management
- Course coordinator for undergraduate Marketing Management and design committee
member for the cross functional core (since 98)
- Member of the
- Member of the International Management Program Committee (since 2004)
- Member Undergraduate Program Committee (2002-2004)
- Co-Chair of the recruiting Committee (98-99, 99-00, 00-01)
- Member of the Academic Conduct Committee (98-99)
- Advisor to Marketing students
- Honors Program Mentor
Doctoral Student Representative Center for International Business Education and Research
Program Committee University of Washington
Vice-President Doctoral Business Student Association, University of Washington (194-1996).
2004  Faculty Speaker, Boston University School of Management Commencement
 2004 General Electric Team Learning Award at Boston University
 $17,750 grant from the Faculty Research Development Fund at Boston University School of
 $2,000 research grant from the Center for Team Learning at Boston University
 Invited Speaker, 2004 AACSB international, Annual Deans’ Conference, Montreal CA, April,
included a $1,195 grant.
 Broderick Award for Service to The School of Management at Boston University
2003  $17,800 grant from the Faculty Research Development Fund at Boston University School of
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$15,500 grant from the Faculty Research Development Fund at Boston University School of
Three grants from Faculty Research Development Fund at Boston University School of
Management—Total: $21,000
$12,000 grant from the System Research Center at Boston University School of Management
Two grants from the Junior Faculty Research and Development Fund at Boston University
School of Management. Total: $1,200
IBM Fellowship, awarded for the “Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Design” Conference,
organized by the Corporate Design Foundation.
Edna Benson Fellowship
Outstanding Teaching Award, Ph.D. Program, University of Washington, School of Business
University of Washington representative to the American Marketing Association Doctoral
Consortium, University of Colorado, Boulder
Boeing Endowment for Excellence Fellowship
Bertauche Endowment Fellowship
Lecturer of the Year, American Marketing Association University of Washington Student Chapter
Evert McCabe Endowment Fellowship
University of Washington representative to the Center for International Business Education and
Research Doctoral Consortium, University of Texas, Austin
$5,000 grant awarded by the Center for International Business Education and Research to travel
and conduct research in Hong Kong
Best Consumer Behavior Track Paper, presented at The Academy of Marketing Science Conference
for the paper “Perceived Quality for a Symbolic Product: An Empirical Investigation”
Outstanding MBA Student, Illinois State University
George Hay Brown Marketing Scholar
Beta Gamma Sigma Honor Society for Collegiate Schools of Business
Sigma Iota Epsilon, Honorary Management Fraternity
 Product Aesthetics and Design
 Consumer Relationships
 Emotions and Consumer Behavior
 Gift Exchange
 Cross Cultural Issues and Gender in Marketing and Consumer Behavior
 Marketing Communication
 Marketing Management
 Consumer Behavior
 Consumer Relationship Management
 Marketing Research
 International Marketing
 Product and Brand Management
 American Marketing Association
 Association for Consumer Research
 Society for Consumer Psychology
 Academy of Marketing Science
 Direct Marketing Association
Frédéric F. Brunel
 English
 French (Native)
 Spanish (Fluent, Diploma of Camara Oficial de Comercio de España)
 Italian (Functional)
Revised 2/17/16
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