Guidance Notes The National Meeting will run from the morning of Tuesday 6th to the afternoon of Thursday 8th September 2016. Everyone attending this meeting in whatever capacity must complete a booking form. The booking form must be accompanied by full payment, no accommodation or meals will be reserved without it. If your institution is issuing a cheque for payment do not rely on your finance office to forward your booking form to the RES. On many occasions finance officers have failed to send us forms, which results in obvious problems. When the RES receives your booking form it will be processed and a letter of confirmation plus joining instructions will be sent to you as soon as possible. You should keep a copy of the completed form for your records. SEND YOUR BOOKING FORM BY ONE METHOD ONLY. Check your booking confirmation carefully to ensure that all the meals and accommodation that you require have been booked. PARKING Free parking is available for delegates on campus. STUDENT SUPPORT Financial support is being made available by the RES for students wishing to attend the meeting. At its maximum this will not exceed 50% of costs. Preference will be given to Members. Please note that there are limited funds available for this grant. Early application is strongly recommended. Applications must be made by letter or email ( to the Registrar at the RES office and the deadline for receipt is 1st May 2016. REGISTRATION, MEALS & ACCOMMODATION Booking forms must be returned by 31st July 2016 at the latest. Everyone who wishes to attend the meeting, INCLUDING SPEAKERS AND POSTER PRESENTERS, MUST COMPLETE A FORM. QUERIES Any queries regarding Ento ’16 should be directed to the RES office. The full programme of talks with abstracts will be available as soon as possible. MEETING CONVENORS Simon Leather, Harper Adams University, Tom Pope, Harper Adams University, Andy Cherrill, Harper Adams University, Rob Graham, Harper Adams University, PLEASE NOTE OUR REFUND POLICY ON PAGE 8 OF THE REGISTRATION FORM Please see below for further information on the RES Annual National Science Meeting, and Ento ’16 Registration Form and Offer of Presentation Forms. Offer of Presentation Ento ’16 Annual National Science Meeting Harper Adams University, Newport, Shropshire, 6-8 September 2016 Deadline for Submission of Abstracts: 31 May 2016 The following Specialist Sessions will be held. Please mark bullet point(s) in red the appropriate session for your presentation. If you feel that your research does not fit into any of these sessions, we would still encourage you to submit an abstract which, if accepted, will be placed into the session that we feel would be most appropriate, or an additional session may be created. Plenary Speakers Peter Witzgall Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala, Sweden Pathogens, insects and volatiles Saskia Hogenhout John Innes Centre, Norwich How virulence proteins modulate plant processes to promote insect colonisation Helen Roy Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, Wallingford Citizen science and invasive species Sessions ● Agricultural & forest entomology Chair: Hefin Jones Invited speaker: tbc ● Biological Control Chair: Tom Pope Invited speaker: tbc ● Ecological entomology Chair: Jane Hill Invited speaker: Jane Hill, University of York – Responses of species to climate change – range margin shifts and distribution changes ● Forensic entomology Chair: Alan Gunn Invited speaker: Alan Gunn, Liverpool John Moores – Dead and buried but not forgotten: the role of forensic entomology in the analysis of buried remains ● Insect conservation & diversity Chair: Raphael Didham Invited speaker: Raphael Didham, CSIRO Australia – Emerging issues in insect conservation ● Insect evolutionary biology Chair: Nicola Cook Invited speaker: Nicola Cook, University of St Andrews ● Insect molecular biology Chair: Paul Eggleston Invited speaker: Paul Eggleston, University of Keele – Transgenic insects: prospects and perspectives ● Insect-pathogen interactions Chair: Ken Wilson Invited speaker: Ken Wilson, University of Lancaster – Host-pathogen interactions as a resource competition problem ● Medical & veterinary entomology Chair: Mary Cameron Invited speaker: Mary Cameron, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine – What tools are available for tackling exophilic and exophagic vectors of disease? ● Outreach Chair: Luke Tilley Invited speaker: tbc ● Physiological entomology Chair: Rob Weaver Invited speaker: Rob Weaver, FERA, York, Physiological Entomology – Celebrating 40 years of behaviour to biochemistry and beyond ● Plant-soil-invertebrate interactions Chair: Francisca Sconce Invited speaker: Felicity Crotty, Game & Wildlife Conservation Trust – Understanding the effects of agricultural management on soil invertebrates ● Systematic entomology Chair: Christiane Weirauch Invited speaker: Christiane Weirauch, University of California, Riverside – Systematic entomology in the post-genomic area ● Urban entomology Chair: Matthew Green Invited speaker: James Logan, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine – Control of Aedes vectors of Dengue in Bangkok Please print clearly Author(s) (presenting author first) Institution (please print) Address for correspondence (please print) Postcode Tel: Fax: E-mail: Oral/Poster Presentation (please delete as appropriate) I wish/do not wish to be considered for the student prize as below (please delete as appropriate) Prizes: 1st £150, 2nd £100 will be given for the best two oral and best two poster presentations. Title of Presentation (20 word max): SUBMISSION OF FORM: This ‘Offer of Presentation’ form, including title and abstract details, should be sent (by surface mail or electronically) to the organiser below by 31 May 2016: “Ento ’16 Convenor”, Professor Simon Leather, Harper Adams University e-mail: PLEASE NOTE THAT THE SEPARATE REGISTRATION FORM SHOULD BE SENT TO: Kirsty Whiteford, RES, The Mansion House, Chiswell Green Lane, St Albans, Herts AL2 3NS Fax: +(44) (0)1727 894797 E-mail: Registration Form Ento ’16 Annual National Science Meeting Harper Adams University, Newport, Shropshire, 6-8 September 2016 REGISTRATION AND ACCOMMODATION CONTACT DETAILS Name: Address: Postcode: Tel: Twitter handle: E-mail: BADGE DETAILS Name/Affiliation: 1) REGISTRATION FEES, WHOLE CONFERENCE FEE EXCLUDING ACCOMMODATION: (please mark relevant bullet point in red) Category Non-Member Member Student Fee £399.00 £349.00 £299.00 ● ● ● RATE EXCLUDING ACCOMMODATION INCLUDES: ● Abstract booklet and access to all scientific sessions ● Refreshments, Tuesday-Thursday ● Lunch each day, Tuesday-Thursday ● Wine reception and Hog Roast on Tuesday evening ● Conference dinner Wednesday night 2) REGISTRATION FEES, WHOLE CONFERENCE FEE INCLUDING ACCOMMODATION: Category Non-Member Member Student Fee £549.00 £499.00 £449.00 ● ● ● 24 HR RATE INCLUDING ACCOMMODATION INCLUDES: ● Includes; dinner, bed and breakfast on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday (Cafeteria dinner Monday night) ● Single ensuite room on campus ● Abstract booklet and access to all scientific sessions ● Refreshments, Tuesday-Thursday ● Lunch each day, Tuesday-Thursday ● Wine reception and Hog Roast on Tuesday evening ● Conference dinner Wednesday night ADDITIONAL COSTS: Category Dinner, bed and breakfast Thursday night – all categories Fee £60.00 Please provide details of any special dietary or other requirements here: PAYMENT DETAILS No accommodation will be reserved unless full payment accompanies this form. I enclose a cheque for £ made payable to the Royal Entomological Society OR *Please charge £ to the following Visa/MasterCard/Maestro/Amex: PLEASE NOTE: * Administration charges – 3% per credit card Card number: Valid from: / Expiry date: / 3 digit security code: Card holder’s name: Card holder’s address: Postcode Maestro only – issue number: ● OR By Bank Transfer: Lloyds Bank plc, St Albans Branch, PO Box 1000, BX1 1LT. A/C No. 01921533 BIC: LOYD GB 21185 Sort Code: 30-97-25 IBAN: GB47 LOYD 3097 2501921533 Please ensure that your payment is referenced Ento16/your surname, and add any relevant bank charges made by your bank. PLEASE SAVE AND RETURN THIS FORM TO: REFUNDS Our refund policy for cancellations is as follows: • Cancellation before 5 July 2016 – 50% refund • Cancellation after 5 July 2016 but before 1 August 2016 – 25% refund • Cancellations after 1 August 2016 – no refunds. Royal Entomological Society The Mansion House, Chiswell Green Lane, St Albans, Herts AL2 3NS Tel: +(44) (0)1727 899387 Fax: +(44) (0)1727 894797 E-mail: FRONT COVER IMAGE CREDITS: © HARPER ADAMS, APHIDS © TILLY COLLINS