INTRODUCTION Most of the variables required in the exchange format (and their relative codes that are listed below) are taken from the Soil Geographical Database of Eurasia version 4. Some of them are taken from the Manual of Procedures, version 1.1. New codes have been added, some have been modified (TEXT-TOP-DOM/SEC instead of TEXT-SRF-DOM/SEC, PARMAT-DOM-AR/SEC) and some codes have been integrated (PAR-MAT-DOM-AR/SEC). All changes and new codes are highlighted by using colors. While all variables should be evaluated in the pixel according to the criterion of dominant STU, the second part of the exchange format (PIXEL DESCRIPTION AND SOIL INDICATORS TABLE) should be calculated/evaluated for the whole pixel as a total result. The final part of the exchange format (METADATA DESCRIPTION TABLE) requires a detailed description of data sources and methodologies used for filling in the format and has to be filled in once for the whole pilot area. If necessary it could be filled more than once for different parts of the pilot area. In future perspectives, for a soil dastabase of the whole Alpine territory coded variables will be set up in order to fill a new metadata table that will describe each pixel. Variables coding will be derived by means of the outcomes of the metadata tables filled in, in this first phase, within the pilot areas. A BRIEF GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF EACH PILOT AREA IS REQUIRED AS INTRODUCTION TO THE EXCHANGE FORMAT. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROCEDURES USED TO FILL IN THE ETRS_LAEA GRID CONVERTING LOCAL GEOGRAPHICAL DATA, PROVIDING PROJECTION FILES. DOMINANT STU DESCRIPTION TABLE Codes for the description of the parameters of the dominant STU in the pixel PX-ID: pixel identification code. Pixel lower left coordinates; for 1 km pixels 9 characters, organized as following: "abcd_efgh" with "abcd" indicating the longitude in km and "efgh" indicating the latitude in km, in the ETRS_LAEA coordinate system. The ETRS_LAEA 1km grid for the alpine region with cells labeled according to the Unified European Grid Coding System, is available on web ( DOM-STU: dominant STU coverage (%). It is useful to give an indication of how “dominant” the dominat STU is. Sometimes, especially in mountainous environments, the dominant STU can reach only very low percentages in 1 km pixels. AGRI-USE AGRI-USE CODE DESCRIPTION 0 No agricultural use 1 Agricultural use AGLIM1 and AGLIM2: dominant and secondary limitation to agricultural use of the STU. A STU can have more than one limitation for agricultural use. Only the two most important limitations are considered and ranked in order of their relative importance. Attribute AGLIM1 contains the code of the most important limitation and attribute AGLIM2 the code of the secondary limitation. If there is only one limitation or if the secondary limitation is unknown, then the value of AGLIM1 must also be copied to AGLIM2. For example, a soil can be both shallow, with a lithic contact within the first 50 cm, and have more than 35% gravel. The contributor may determine that shallowness is the dominant limiting factor and gravel content is the secondary limitation. Then AGLIM1= 4 and AGLIM2 = 2. AGLIM1 and AGLIM2 CODE DESCRIPTION 0 No information 1 No limitation to agricultural use 2 Gravelly (over 35% gravel diameter < 7.5 cm) 3 Stony (presence of stones diameter > 7.5 cm, impracticable mechanisation) 4 Lithic (coherent and hard rock within 50 cm) 5 Concretionary (over 35 % concretions diameter < 7.5 cm near the surface) 6 Petrocalcic (cemented or indurated calcic horizon within 100 cm) 7 Saline (electric conductivity > 4 -1 within 100 cm) 8 Sodic (Na/T > 6 % within 100 cm) 9 Glaciers and snow-caps 10 Soils disturbed by man (i.e. landfills, paved surfaces, mine spoils) 11 Fragipans 12 Excessively drained 13 Almost always flooded 14 Eroded phase, erosion 15 Phreatic phase (shallow water table) 16 Duripan (silica and iron cemented subsoil horizon) 17 Petroferric horizon 18 19 Permafrost Poorly drained IL: depth class of a presence of an impermeable layer within the STU. An impermeable layer is a subsoil horizon restricting water penetration. The impermeability can be of lithologic origin (lithic contact), or pedogenic origin (claypan, duripan, petrocalcic or petroferric horizons). IL CODE 0 1 2 3 4 DESCRIPTION No information No impermeable layer within 150 cm Impermeable layer between 80 and 150 cm Impermeable layer between 40 and 80 cm Impermeable layer within 40 cm ROO: depth class of an obstacle to roots within the STU. An obstacle to roots is defined as a subsoil horizon restricting root penetration. It can be of lithologic origin (lithic contact, rock fragments abundance), or pedogenic origin (fragipan, duripan, petrocalcic or petroferric horizons), or it can result from the accumulation of toxic elements, or from waterlogging. ROO CODE 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 DESCRIPTION No information No obstacle to roots between 0 and 80 cm Obstacle to roots between 60 and 80 cm depth Obstacle to roots between 40 and 60 cm depth Obstacle to roots between 20 and 40 cm depth Obstacle to roots between 0 and 80 cm depth Obstacle to roots between 0 and 20 cm depth TOP-DEP: depth of topsoil of the STU (cm). Topsoil in considered as the horizon/s at soil surface (A and/or E horizons) whereas subsoil is the sum of underlying horizons (B and/or C horizons) till the depth to obstacle for roots . Texture TEXT-TOP-DOM: dominant topsoil textural class of the STU, topsoil referring to the soil between the surface and the TOP-DEP value1. TEXT-TOP-SEC: secondary topsoil textural class of the STU, topsoil referring to the soil between the surface and the TOP-DEP value2. TEXT-SUB-DOM: dominant subsoil textural class of the STU. It is considered SUBSOIL the portion of the STU between the bottom of topsoil and the depth to obstacle for roots. TEXT-SUB-SEC: secondary subsoil textural class of the STU. Expressing lateral variability: A STU can have surface textures that fall in two different textural classes. The secondary surface textural class (TEXT-TOP-SEC) is used to indicate the surface texture less extensive than the dominant one. Together the TEXT-TOP-DOM and the TEXT-TOP-SEC attributes describe the lateral variability of the surface horizon texture within the STU. If there is no such variability or if information is unavailable, then the value of TEXT-TOP-DOM must also be entered for TEXT-TOP-SEC. The same procedure should be followed for the variables TEXT-SUB-DOM and TEXT-SUB-SEC. TEXTURE (TEXT-TOP-DOM; TEXT-TOP-SEC; TEXT-SUB-DOM; TEXT-SUB-SEC) CODE DESCRIPTION 0 No information 9 No mineral texture (Peat soils, rocks, etc.) 1 Coarse (clay <18% and sand ≥65% ) 2 Medium (18% ≤ clay < 35 % and sand ≥ 15%, or clay <18% and 15% ≤ sand <65%) 3 Medium fine (clay <35% and sand ≤15%) 4 Fine (35% ≤ clay < 60%) 5 Very fine (clay ≥ 60%) 1 2 Texture is divided into 5 major classes corresponding to specific particle-size distribution of clay, silt and sand (CEC, 1985) as shown in Figure 1, where the following textural classes are used: Sand = fraction between 50 and 2000 m Silt = fraction between 2 and 50 m Clay = fraction smaller than 2 m Similar to TEXT-SRF-DOM (DB 1:1 milion, version 4) where the SRF (surface) refers to the TEX-DEP-CHG (DB 1:1 milion, version 4) variable value Similar to TEXT-SRF-SEC (DB 1:1 milion, version 4) where the SRF (surface) refers to the TEX-DEP-CHG (DB 1:1 milion, version 4) variable value Figure 1: Texture classes (after CEC, 1985) Parent Material PAR-MAT-DOM-AR, PAR-MAT-SEC-AR: dominant and secondary parent materials of the dominant STU 3. AR stays for Alpine Region. The codes refer to the following list that is slightly different from the original one (DB 1:1 milion, version 4) since sub-type levels from 6112 to 6313 have been added by ARPAV. The PAR-MAT-SEC-AR attribute provides the option to indicate a secondary parent material code when parent material variability within an STU is important and some parts of the STU fall into a different parent material class than that of the dominant one. If there is no variability or if the variability is unknown, the value of PAR-MAT-DOM-AR must be copied to PAR-MAT-SEC-AR. Depending on the level of detail available to describe the dominant and secondary parent materials of the STU, i.e. Major Class or Group or Type or Sub-type, the user will choose any one of the codes provided in the table. PAR-MAT-DOM-AR; PAR-MAT-SEC-AR 1 Major Class level 2 Group level 0000 No information 0000 No information 1100 psephite or rudite 3 Type level 0000 No information 1110 conglomerate 1120 breccia 1210 sandstone 1200 psammite or arenite 1000 consolidated-clasticsedimentary rocks 1211 1212 1213 1310 claystone / mudstone 4 Sub-type level No information pudding stone 1215 calcareous sandstone ferruginous sandstone clayey sandstone quartzitiic sandstone orthoquartzite micaceous sandstone 1231 1311 1312 feldspathic graywacke kaolinite bentonite 1411 1412 1413 sandy flisch clayey and silty flysch conglomeratic flysch 2111 2112 2113 2114 2115 2116 2118 2119 2121 2122 hard limestone soft limestone marly limestone chalky limestone detrital limestone carbonaceous limestone lacustrine or freshwater limestone travertine/calcareous sinter cavernous limestone cavernous dolomite calcareous dolomite 2141 2142 chalk marl gypsiferous marl 1214 1220 arkose 1230 graywacke 1300 pelite, lutite or argilite 0000 1111 1320 siltstone 1400 facies bound rock 1410 flysch 1420 molasse 2110 2000 sedimentary rocks (chemically precipitated, evaporated, or organogenic or biogenic in origin) limestone 2117 2100 calcareous rocks 2120 dolomite 2130 marlstone 2140 marl 2200 evaporites 3 Similar to PAR-MAT-DOM and PAR-MAT-SEC (DB 1:1 milion, version 4) 2150 chalk 2210 gypsum 2220 anhydrite 2300 siliceous rocks 2230 halite 2310 chert, hornstone, flint 2320 diatomite radiolarite acid to intermediate 3100 plutonic rocks 3200 basic plutonic rocks 3300 ultrabasic plutonic rocks 3000 igneous rocks 3400 acid to intermediate volcanic rocks 3500 basic to ultrabasic volcanic rocks 3600 dike rocks 3110 granite 3120 granodiorite 3130 diorite 3140 3210 3310 3320 3410 syenite gabbro peridotite pyroxenite rhyolite 3420 3430 3440 3450 3510 3520 3530 3610 3620 3630 3710 dacite andesite phonolite trachyte basalt diabase pikrite aplite pegmatite lamprophyre tuff/tuffstone 3720 tuffite 3700 pyroclastic rocks (tephra) 3730 4100 weakly metamorphic rocks 4200 acid regional metamorphic rocks 3740 3750 3760 4110 4120 4210 4220 4230 4240 4250 4260 4000 metamorphic rocks 4300 basic regional metamorphic rocks ultrabasic regional metamorphic rocks calcareous regional 4500 metamorphic rocks 4400 4600 rocks formed by contact metamorphism tectogenetic or 4700 cataclasmic metamorphic rocks 5100 5200 5000 unconsolidated deposits (alluvium, weathering residuum and slope deposits) marine and estuarine sands marine and estuarine clays and silts volcanic scoria/ volcanic breccia volcanic ash ignimbrite pumice (meta-)shale / argilite slate (meta-)quartzite phyllite micaschist gneiss granulite (sensu stricto) migmatite 4310 greenschist 4410 serpentinite 4510 4520 4610 4620 4630 4710 4720 4730 5110 marble calcschist, skam contact slate hornfels calsilicate rocks tectonic breccia cataclasite mylonite pre-quaternary sand 5120 quaternary sand pre-quaternary clay 5210 and silt quaternary clay and 5220 silt 5300 fluvial sands and gravels 5320 floodplain sand or gravel or loam or clay and silt 5410 river clay and silt fluvial clays, silts and loams 5420 overbank deposit lake sand and delta sand 5520 lake marl, bog lime 5530 lake silt 5510 5500 lake deposits quartz diorite gabbro diorite syenite gabbro peridotite pyroxenite obsidian quartz porphyrite 3431 3441 porphyrite (interm,) tephritic phonolite 3711 3712 3713 3721 3722 3723 agglomeratic tuff block tuff lapilli tuff sandy tuffite silty tuffite clayey tuffite 4121 4211 graphitic slate quartzite schist 4311 4312 4313 prasinite chlorite talc schist 4411 greenstone 4611 nodular slate 5111 5122 5211 5212 tertiary sand holocene coastal sand with shells delta sand tertiary clay tertiary silt 5221 holocene clay 5222 holocene silt 5311 river terrace sand 5312 5321 5322 5323 5324 5411 5412 5421 5422 river terrace gravel floodplain sand floodplain gravel floodplain loam floodplain clay and silt terrace clay and silt terrace loam overbank clay and silt overbank loam 4320 amphibolite 4330 eclogite river terrace sand or 5310 gravel 5400 3131 3132 3140 3210 3310 3320 3411 3412 5121 5600 residual and redeposited 5610 residual loam loams from silicate rocks 5620 redeposited loam residual and redeposited 5710 residual clay 5700 clays from calcareous rocks 5800 slope deposits 5720 5810 5820 5830 redeposited clay slope-wash alluvium colluvial deposits talus scree glacial till 6110 6100 morainic deposits glacial debris 6120 6000 unconsolidated glacial deposits glacial drift 6210 outwash sand, glacial sand 6220 outwash gravels glacial gravels 6200 glaciofluvial deposits 6300 glaciolacustrine deposits 6310 varves 7100 loess 7000 eolian deposits 7200 eolian sands 7110 7120 7210 7220 loamy loess sandy loess dune sand cover sand 8110 rainwater fed moor peat (raised bog) 8100 peat (mires) 8000 8120 organic materials 8200 slime and ooze deposits 9000 anthropogenic deposits 8300 carbonaceaous rocks (caustobiolite) 9100 redeposited natural materials 9200 dump deposits 8210 8310 8320 8330 9110 9120 9210 9220 9230 9240 9300 anthropogenic organic materials 9300 5611 5612 5621 5711 5712 5713 5714 5715 5721 stony loam clayey loam running-ground clay with flints ferruginous residual clay calcareous clay non-calcareous clay marly clay stony clay 5831 6111 6112 6113 6114 6121 6122 6123 6211 6212 6213 6221 6222 6223 6311 6312 6313 stratified slope deposits boulder clay calcareous siliceous mixed calcareous siliceous mixed calcareous siliceous mixed calcareous siliceous mixed calcareous siliceous mixed groundwater fed bog peat gyttja, sapropel lignite (brown coal) hard coal anthracite sand and gravel fill loamy fill rubble/rubbish industrial ashes and slag industrial sludge industrial waste anthropogenic organic materials WM1: Code for normal presence and purpose of an existing water management system in agricultural land on more than 50% of the STU. A water management system is intended to palliate the lack of water (dry conditions), correct a soil condition preventing agricultural use (salinity), or drain excess water in waterlogged or frequently flooded areas. In some cases, it has a double purpose, for example in zones with contrasting seasonal conditions, alternatively flooded or experiencing droughts. Obviously, WM1 and WM2 are inter-dependant. For example, if WM1 = 2 (no water management system) then WM2 can only have value 2 (no water management system). As another example, WM1 = 3 (a water management system exists to alleviate waterlogging (drainage)) is clearly not compatible with WM2 = 9 (flood irrigation). WM1 CODE 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 DESCRIPTION No information Not applicable (no agriculture) No water management system A water management system exists to alleviate waterlogging (drainage) A water management system exists to alleviate drought stress (irrigation) A water management system exists to alleviate salinity (drainage) A water management system exists to alleviate both waterlogging and drought stress A water management system exists to alleviate both waterlogging and salinity WM2: Code for the type of an existing water management system. To be filled only when AGRI-USE code is 1 WM2 CODE 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 DESCRIPTION No information Not applicable (no agriculture) No water management system Pumping Ditches Drainage pipe network Mole drainage Deep loosening (subsoiling) Furrow irrigation Flood irrigation (system of irrigation by controlled flooding as for rice) Overhead sprinkler (system of irrigation by sprinkling) Drip irrigation WR: Dominant annual average soil water regime class of the the STU. The annual average soil water regime is an estimate of the soil moisture conditions throughout the year. WR CODE 0 1 2 3 4 WR DESCRIPTION No information Not wet within 80 cm for over 3 months, nor wet within 40 cm for over 1 month Wet within 80 cm for 3 to 6 months, but not wet within 40 cm for over 1 month DRAINAGE DESCRIPTION well drained/excessively drained moderately well drained Water is removed from the soil readily or rapidly Water is removed from the soil somewhat slowly during some periods of the year. The soils are wet for short periods within rooting depth. Wet within 80 cm for over 6 months, but not wet within 40 cm imperfectly drained Water is removed slowly so that the soils for over 11 months are wet at shallow depth (<40 cm) for a considerable period Wet within 40 cm depth for over 11 months poorly drained/very poorly Water is removed so slowly that the soils drained are commonly wet for considerable periods. The soils have commonly a shallow (<40 cm) water table. WRB Classification WRB-ADJ1: First soil adjective code of the STU from the World Reference Base for Soil Resources WRB-ADJ2: Second soil adjective code of the STU from the World Reference Base for Soil Resources WRB-LEV1: Soil Reference Group code of the STU from the World Reference Base for Soil Resources WRB-FULL: Full soil code of the STU from the World Reference Base for Soil Resources. In order to be complete, the full WRB code must include the group code and at least one adjective. WRB-LEV1 (Soil Reference Groups) AC Acrisol AB Albeluvisol AL Alisol AN Andosol AT Anthrosol AR Arenosol CL Calcisol CM Cambisol CH Chernozem CR Cryosol DU Durisol FR Ferralsol FL GL GY HS KS LP LX LV NT PH PL PT Fluvisol Gleysol Gypsisol Histosol Kastanozem Leptosol Lixisol Luvisol Nitisol Phaeozem Planosol Plinthosol PZ RG SC SN UM VR 1 2 3 4 5 6 Podzol Regosol Solonchak Solonetz Umbrisol Vertisol Town Soil disturbed by man Water body Marsh Glacier Rock outcrops WRB-ADJ1; WRB-ADJ1 ap Abruptic fr Ferric mz Mazic rs Rustic ae Aceric fi Fibric me Melanic sz Salic ac Acric fv Fluvic ms Mesotrophic sa Sapric ao Acroxic fo Folic mo Mollic si Silic ab Albic fg Fragic na Natric sl Siltic ax Alcalic fu Fulvic ni Nitic sk Skeletic al Alic ga Garbic oh Ochric so Sodic au Alumic ge Gelic om Ombric sd Spodic an Andic gt Gelistagnic or Orthic sp Spolic aq Anthraquic gr Geric oa Oxyaquic st Stagnic am Anthric gi Gibbsic ph Pachic su Sulphatic ah Anthropic gc Glacic pe Pellic ty Takyric ar Arenic gl Gleyic pt Petric tf Tephric ai Aric gs Glossic pc Petrocalcic tr Terric ad Aridic gz Greyic pd Petroduric ti Thionic az Arzic gm Grumic pg Petrogypsic tx Toxic ca Calcaric gy Gypsic pp Petroplinthic tu Turbic cc Calcic gp Gypsiric ps Petrosalic um Umbric cb Carbic ha Haplic pi Placic ub Urbic cn Carbonatic hi Histic pa Plaggic vm Vermic ch Chernic ht Hortic pn Planic vr Vertic cl Chloridic hu Humic pl Plinthic vt Vetic cr Chromic hg Hydragric po Posic vi Vitric cy Cryic hy Hydric pf Profondic xa Xanthic ct Cutanic hk Hyperskeletic pr Protic ye Yermic dn Densic ir Irragric rd Reductic 1 Town du Duric II Lamellic rg Regic 2 Soil disturbed by man dy Dystric le Leptic rz Rendzic 3 Water body et Entic li Lithic rh Rheic 4 Marsh eu Eutric Ix Lixic ro Rhodic 5 Glacier es Eutrisilic Iv Luvic ru Rubic 6 Rock outcrops fl Ferralic mg Magnesic rp Ruptic PIXEL DESCRIPTION AND SOIL INDICATOR TABLE All parameters of the pixel table (SUR-BARE, SUR-URB, W-BODY), are evaluated as percentages of area of the whole pixel. They should be calculated for the whole pixel (weighted average of all STUs, including non soil bodies, of the pixel, based on local databases or on European databases Corine Land Cover 2000) and not only for the dominant STU (as it has been done for all parameters of the dominant STU description table). The methodologies and criteria used to calculate the total amount of organic carbon in the pixel (t/ha) and actual soil loss (t/ha/year), are not previously defined; they can be decided by partners and afterwords described in detail in the metadata table. SUR-BARE: percentage of pixel area covered by rocks, scree, glaciers or perpetual snow (%). Corine Land Cover 2000, codes 332, 335. SUR-URB: percentage of pixel area covered by urban surfaces (%). Corine Land Cover: all artificial surfaces (all codes 1) are considered urban areas, including mine, dump construction sites and artificial non agricultural vegetated areas. W-BODY: percentage of pixel area covered by water bodies (%). Corine Land Cover 2000, all codes 5. STU-TOT: percentage of pixel area covered by the all STUs. Total soil coverage (%). It is useful for border pixels where each partner can describe only part of the pixel. The sum of SUR-BARE (%)+ SUR-URB (%)+ W-BODY (%)+ STU-TOT (%) should give 100%, exept for border pixels. data quality PX-CFL: confidence level of pixel description by means of STUs. The confidence level is an indicator of the knowledge of the soil-landscape model in the pixel; it is not strictly linked to the number of observations in the pixel. A pixel with no observations can have a higher confidence level than one with some observations. PX-CFL CODE 1 2 3 4 DESCRIPTION high confidence level (the local soil-landscape model is well known and, within the pixel, it has been examined in the field) moderate confidence level: -either the local soil-landscape model is well known in similar environments and in the pixel it has been derived by means of similarity of soil forming factors (morphology, geology, etc.); -or the local soil-landscape model is moderately known and, it has been examined in the field, within the pixel low confidence level: -either the local soil-landscape model is moderately known in similar environments and in the pixel it has been derived by means of similarity of soil forming factors (morphology, geology, etc.; -or the local soil-landscape model is poorly known and, within the pixel, it has been examined in the field) no information (no knwoledge of soil-landscape model of the pixel) PX-AVLB: soil data availability. Type of original data used to fill in the pixel PX-AVLB CODE 0 1 2 DATA AVAILABILITY No data Point observations through soil-landscape models Soil maps PX-SCALE: scale of the main map used as soil data source in the pixel. Following the same code structure (3 characters), other codes can be added if necessary. PX-SCALE CODE MAP SCALE 750 1:750,000 700 1:700,000 500 1:500,000 250 1:250,000 200 1:200,000 100 1:100,000 050 1:50,000 025 1:25,000 020 1:20,000 010 1:10,000 005 1:5,000 PX-OBS: number of observations in the pixel. PX-NPROF: number of profiles in the pixel. organic carbon pool OC-S-30: soil organic carbon content in the pixel (t/ha), calculated from 0 to 30 cm, meaning by “0” the upper boundary of the mineral soil surface (or of the organic layers that have been saturated with water for long periods, in case of organic soils). Weighted average in the pixel including both soil (STU-TOT) and non soil areas (SUR-BARE+SURURB+W-BODY. OC-HUM: soil organic carbon content in the pixel (t/ha); calculated only for surface organic layers that have never been saturated with water for long periods, where present. Weighted average in the pixel, including both soil (STU-TOT) and non soil areas (SUR-BARE+SUR-URB+W-BODY. OC-S-100: soil organic carbon content in the pixel (t/ha); calculated from 0 to 100 cm, meaning by “0” the upper boundary of the mineral soil surface (or of the organic layers that have been saturated with water for long periods, in case of organic soils). Weighted average in the pixel, including both soil (STU-TOT) and non soil areas (SURBARE+SUR-URB+W-BODY). Not mandatory. erosion S-LOSS: actual soil loss in the pixel (t/ha/year). Weighted average in the pixel, (including both soil (STU-TOT) and non soil areas (SUR-BARE+SUR-URB+W-BODY), considering rill and inter rill erosion only. METADATA DESCRIPTION TABLE Detailed description of data sources and methods. Most of the fields are “memo” fields in order to give the possibility to describe methods and data sources carefully, according to the following sugestions. In future perspectives, coded variables will be suggested. AREA-ID: pilot area identification code, according to level2 of NUTS (Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics), plus a number identifying a specific project or study in the area that has been taken as a reference for the description of pixels. The references of the projects or specific studies should be precisely described. (i.e. for some parts of the Veneto Region pilot area the area code could be: ITD3-1 where ITD3 is the NUTS code and 1 refers to the project “Soil Map of Veneto Region, at 1:250.000 scale, ARPAV 2004, in print). NUTS CODE COUNTRY AT ÖSTERREICH AT1 AT11 AT12 AT13 AT2 AT21 AT22 AT3 AT31 AT32 AT33 AT34 ATZ FR FRANCE FR1 FR10 FR2 FR21 FR22 FR23 FR24 FR25 FR26 FR3 FR30 FR4 FR41 FR42 FR43 FR5 FR51 LEVEL 1 LEVEL 2 OSTÖSTERREICH Burgenland Niederösterreich Wien SÜDÖSTERREICH Kärnten Steiermark WESTÖSTERREICH Oberösterreich Salzburg Tirol Vorarlberg EXTRA-REGIO ÎLE DE FRANCE Île de France BASSIN PARISIEN Champagne-Ardenne Picardie Haute-Normandie Centre Basse-Normandie Bourgogne NORD - PAS-DE-CALAIS Nord - Pas-de-Calais EST Lorraine Alsace Franche-Comté OUEST Pays de la Loire FR52 FR53 Bretagne Poitou-Charentes FR6 FR61 FR62 FR63 FR631 FR632 FR633 FR7 FR71 FR72 FR8 FR81 SUD-OUEST Aquitaine Midi-Pyrénées Limousin CENTRE-EST Rhône-Alpes Auvergne MÉDITERRANÉE Languedoc-Roussillon Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur FR82 FRZ IT ITC ITC1 EXTRA-REGIO ITALIA NORD-OVEST Piemonte Valle d'Aosta/Vallée d'Aoste Liguria Lombardia ITC2 ITC3 ITC4 ITD NORD-EST Provincia Autonoma Bolzano/Bozen Provincia Autonoma Trento Veneto Friuli-Venezia Giulia Emilia-Romagna ITD1 ITD2 ITD3 ITD4 ITD5 ITE ITE1 ITE2 ITE3 ITE4 ITF1 ITF2 ITF3 ITF4 ITF5 ITF6 ITG ITG1 ITG2 ITZ SI SI0 SI00 SIZ SIZZ SIZZZ CH CH0 CH01 CH02 CH03 CH04 CH05 CH06 CH07 CENTRO (I) Toscana Umbria Marche Lazio Abruzzo Molise Campania Puglia Basilicata Calabria ISOLE Sicilia Sardegna EXTRA-REGIO SLOVENIJA SLOVENIJA Slovenija EXTRA-REGIO Extra-Regio SCHWITZERLAND SCHWITZERLAND Région lémanique Espace Mittelland Nordwestschweiz Zürich Ostschweiz Zentralschweiz Ticino PARENT MATERIAL: description of the sources used to describe the parent material of the dominant STU: type of maps (geological, lithological, quaternary deposits, etc.), scale of the maps, soil survey, other sources. SOIL CLASSIFICATION: system used to classify profiles in the pixel: direct WRB classification, translation from a national system or from Soil Taxonomy (by re-classification or according to “translation tables”, in this case, give a short description of such translation system). PIXEL COVERAGE: data sources (i.e. Corine 1994) to evaluate soil coverage,water bodies, bare soil, urban areas, etc.) To evaluate the organic carbon pool, ISO methods should be taken as references. The values obtained with any other method (national methods) should be transformed into ISO values. The transformation and the confidence level of it should be carefully described. ORGANIC CARBON POOL: soil data used (map, scale and year of the map) to calculate the weighted average carbon content of all STUs in the pixel. BULK DENSITY: measurement or pedotransfer rules. Describe type of samples, measures or pedo-transfer rules. OC MEASURE METHOD: original laboratory method used to measure carbon content from original data. ISO–OC: transformation of organic carbon contents from the national method values to ISO method values. ACTUAL SOIL LOSS ASSESSMENT: weighted average of all STUs in the pixel. Sources (scale and year of soil maps, land cover or land use data, DEM (e.g. 30 m) and kind of erosion model should be carefully described. Only rill and inter rill erosion should be considered (no mass movements and gully erosion). The most suitable model for each pilot area should be adopted, The only simple qualitative approach suggested is CORINE EROSION. It would be useful to use it in all areas as comparative model even if it has been worked out for Mediterranean countries. Corine Erosion is anyway recommended but not mandatory.