Supplementary Table 1 Number of populations per exploratory from which we used seeds of Trifolium repens in the experiment. The table also gives information on geomorphology, climate and elevation of the three exploratories. For productivity (average across 2008-2010), mowing frequency (average across 2006-2010) and grazing intensity (average across 2006-2010), the mean values and ranges are given. Number of populations Geomorphology Mean annual precipitation (mm) Mean annual temperature (°C) Elevation range (m a.s.l.) Productivity (g m-2 year-1) Mowing frequency (cuts year-1) Grazing frequency (*livestock units d ha-1 year-1) Schorfheide-Chorin 24 Young glacial landscape 500-600 8.0-8.5 3-140 391.6 (155.2-614.5) 0.8 (0- 2.6) 210 (0-788) Hainich-Dün 14 Calcareous bedrock 500-800 6.5-8.0 285-550 319.1 (185.0-601.9) 0.5 (0-3.0) 88 (11-307) Schwäbische Alb 20 Calcareous bedrock with karst phenomena 460-860 6.0-7.0 460-860. 315.5 (107.5-604.8) 0.8 (0-3.0) 179 (0-1060) *The calculation of the livestock units follows Fischer et al. (2010): cattle < 1 year: 0.3 livestock units (LU), cattle 2 years: 0.6 LU, cattle > 2 years: 1 LU, sheep and goat < 1 year: 0.05 LU, sheep and goat > 1 year: 0.1 LU, horse < 3 years: 0.7 LU, horse > 3 years: 1.1 LU. 1 1 Supplementary Table 2 List of species contained in the grassland seed mixture 2 (‘Fettwiese’; Rieger-Hofmann GmbH, Germany) used for the treatments with 3 competition. The seed mixture contained 70% grass and 30% forb seeds by weight. Forbs Grasses Achillea millefolium Alopecurus pratensis Anthriscus sylvestris Anthoxanthum odoratum Campanula patula Arrhenatherium elatius Carum carvi Bromus erectus Centaurea jacea Cynosurus cristatus Crepis biennis Dactylis glomerata Daucus carota Festuca nigrescens Galium album Festuca pratensis Knautia arvensis Helictotrichon pubescens Leontodon hispidus Poa pratensis Leucanthemum vulgare Trisetum flavescens Lotus corniculatus Lychnis flos-cuculi Papaver rhoeas Pimpinella major Plantago lanceolata Prunella vulgaris Ranunculus acris Rumex acetosa Salvia pratensis Silene vulgaris Tragopogon pratensis Trifolium pratense 4 2