



Terms of Reference for:

Delivery of Cultural Exploration through Carnival Arts Master classes by examining Local/World Cultures through carnival activity.

Costume Design & Creation

February 2013

Derry City Council

Council Offices

98 Strand Road


BT48 7NN

Point of contact: Carnival Development Officer

Tel: 028 71 365151

CLOSING DATE: Thursday 11


April 2013 @ 12 noon.

A programme supported by PEACE III Programme managed for the Special EU Programmes

Body by the North West PEACE III Cluster.

Derry City Council (DCC) with partners Inishowen Carnival Group and North

West Carnival Initiative (NWCI) invite tenders from experienced and competent service providers wishing to deliver and facilitate a Carnival Art

Masterclass as part of The Carnival Connects Project, a cross border programme which combines inclusive Civic Celebration, Good Relations and

Carnival Arts activity.

Submissions are sought from a local artist, arts team, arts organisation or other suitably qualified individual/organisation to develop and deliver:

Exploration of cultural identity through a 2 day masterclass in Costume

Design and Creation which combines global education with practical learning and skills development.

Masterclass Details

You will be required to plan, prepare and deliver a masterclass which will take place over 2 full days between April

– May 2013 (alternative delivery schedules will be considered so long as there is a minimum of

14 hours with participants.)

Specific dates to be agreed and approved by the Carnival

Development Officer, Partnership Management Committee and the selected tenderer.

You must be able to deliver Masterclass in either Derry or Inishowen area

Participate in a 1hr preparatory meeting with Project Officers at date to be agreed

Maximum of 20 participants

It is anticipated that participants will range in ages and skills levels.

Content of Masterclass

The Masterclass should explore how costume and dress is used by different cultures and communities as an expression of identity.

Participants should gain an understanding of

The roots of dress and costume as a form of expression. How elements such as geography, history, faith and spirituality, physical, social or economic factors may have shaped styles of costume/ dress used by different cultures and communities

The use of costume and dress in festivals and events around the world as a means of celebration and/or to reflect cultural traditions and identity

The commonalities and differences in how diverse cultures use dress and costume as a means of expression / to tell a story/ celebrate


events. This might include the use of embellishment, head-dress, masks, colours etc

The Costume Design and Creation Masterclass should give participants the opportunity

to sample a range of costume styles and design techniques

To learn new skills and techniques in the design and creation of costume for festivals on differing budgets

To create a basic costume piece which fuses several styles

You are asked to submitt proposals detailing how you would plan, design and deliver the theoretical and practical elements of the master class.

You will be required to keep attendance records and provide a project completion report.

Indicative Budget:

Each Masterclass has a maximum budget of £2,700. All costs submitted should be inclusive of all tutor costs, materials, transport and travel

Submission of Proposal

A 2-stage selection and award process will be used to evaluate proposals as follows:

Stage 1 Selection This criteria will be pass or fail only

Previous experience of facilitating related masterclass or art workshop activity with particular consideration given to experience in working in costume design and creation with multi-cultural themes (pass/ fail)

Identify the facilitators who will deliver the masterclass and a brief outline of their role – please include CV

At least 3 examples of any previous work including samples in visual format and completion of similar projects document (pass/fail)

Stage 2 Award

The following award criteria will be used in the evaluation of eligible proposals:

Methodology (80%)

- Please outline in your proposal your approach to undertaking this assignment and the methodologies you will employ, with particular reference to how you will innovatively and creatively maximise the multicultural themes (60%)

- Please include a project delivery plan detailing the delivery schedule, outlining the number of hours per activity, a resource schedule identifying all materials and equipment, any specific venue requirements and indicate your earliest start date. Details of planned


use of worksheets and information packs supporting participants to further develop skills and knowledge. (20%)

Cost (20%)

– a clear breakdown of all identified costs including –

- hourly rate – Artists will be paid maximum Council rate of £30phr / £150 per day

- Materials and Equipment costs

– detailed breakdown

- Total overall and inclusive cost to deliver the assignment.

Project partners will not be bound to accept the lowest or any tender

Payment Schedule

Payment will be made at

100% on completion of assignment

All applications must be marked “Carnival Connects Masterclass Programme” for the attention of Sharon Meenan, Carnival Development Officer to be received by post/ e-mail to

Derry City Council

98 Strand Road


BT48 7NN

Proposals should be received by 12 noon 11 th April 2013.

Late submissions will be deemed ineligible.

*Please indicate where there may be special requirements such as use of

Interpreters or venue requirements.

Please note that upon successful appointment, facilitators will be asked to provide evidence of insurance cover with a Minimu m of £5m Public Liability &

£10m Employers Indemnity cover.

