San Antonio Association of Hispanic Journalists Meeting

San Antonio Association of Hispanic Journalists Meeting
Saturday February 22, 2014 10:00 AM
La Prensa
Attendees (23): Dennis Ayotte; Kris Rodriguez; Joey Palacios; Neal Morton; Joe
Sandoval; Jeanette Garcia; Tessa Benavidez; Jesus Cavez; Lea Thompson; Amanda
Lozano; Natalie Bobdilla; Jessica Elizararras; Adda Mondalvo; Maury Vasquez;
Francisco Vara-Orta; Mike Pesina; Elaine Ayala; Tim Hennessey; Kareem Dahab;
Melissa Aguillon; Nora Lopez; Nina Duran; Eileen Pace.
1. Sign in/Intro
Meeting called to order at 10:22 AM
Introductions – Nina Duran hosts
2. Vote on Approving Joey as Secretary - Approved
3. Approve Minutes from January – Approved.
4. Treasures report Operational $6,054.45
Foundation: $129,743.19
13 sponsorships so far for the Gala as of Tuesday February 18th.
$20 was provided from Cynthia Munoz for student memberships
TicketBud is live for Gala – but not accessible to the public yet. Neal
charged his personal VISA as a test. Neal still needed to attempt a few
more test charges. Needs to fix the fees that we are charged through
PayPal. Also needs to make sure convenience fee is assessed to equal
money lost in PayPal transaction.
Neal also needs to link bank accounts to PayPal.
Free membership to SAAHJ will be offered through Gala ticket.
The original listed max number of tickets for Gala was set at ten (10).
However, Elaine objected to that number recommending that limit should
two (2) persons per transaction. This is agreed upon and the new limit is
two (2) per transaction
Non-members who buy tickets will be considered members.
Tickets are $100 for members, $125 for non-members.
Online membership dues:
Neal: Codes not working in Paypal.
Website to buy tickets:
Anyone who does not want to buy tickets online can do so through Neal.
Nina gives welcome at 10:37 AM
Tino Duran gives welcome 10:42 AM
Macarena’s story on New York Times lifting her story will air on PBS.
April 16th premiere in San Antonio
5. Gala Update
Elaine: Sponsors so far 13: Valero, KENS; Express-News; SAC; Methodist
Health Care; SAHA; Texas A&M-SA; Generations FCU; Aguillon and Associates;
AARP, Escamilla, HEB, OLLU.
Serious interest by Whataburger
Update: HEB did commit for $2,500
Phone bank: Was well received. Encouraged several corporations to increase
sponsorship level
Pace will help with gala program
Elaine hoping to bring in bringing in Latino Arts groups. Non profit arts vendors.
Time Warner is usually biggest sponsor. Still conversing with them. AV needs will be
more expensive this year.
NAHJ can attend paying the price of our members’ ticket.
GALA is on August 8th at the Marriott Rivercenter
Carol and Cooper: Cooper will be announcer and Producer
Carol will rewrite and update rundown
Lorraine will be selling ads for the program
Tessa will handle registration.
Getting employers to buy tickets to the event. Plat 7500, 5000, 2500, 1500 bronze.
Plate is $60 per person. The ticket is $100. $40 is given to scholarship fund.
Melissa; Needs to work on Corazon de Oro award.
Trying to reach out to Robert Rodriguez. Success has been limited.
UTSA may have professor that is connected to Rodriguez.
Need him in the next four weeks or another candidate needs to be suggested.
Name of the band Chingon. Del Castillo.
52 tables sold last year.
Swag for all of the guests.
Letters have been sent to past table sponsors.
Tables can be split.
Elaine: Add two seats to every table to add NAHJ/SAAHJ members to each sponsor
table. We had problems with the Grand Hyatt in past couple of years so feel like we
have to look around.
6. Scholarships Outreach
Jessica: Reached out to Adalante and they have been sharing scholarship link.
Melissa: Link needs to be shared with internship departments.
Neal: Last year scholarships were approved for retuning application; recommends
issuing scholarships to more new members rather than returning.
Francisco: Should be merit and financial need based.
NAHJ Conference Update
Francisco speaking with NAHJ folks. Registration will be open for the conference
soon. Early registrants will be given early bird special, extended to our members.
Mixer/Membership Drive in March
Francisco: Combining membership drive with sponsors mixer.
March 26th. No time yet (possibly 6-8) At Melissa’s Office at 315 E. Euclid
Mixer will be a sponsors thank you and will be inviting those that are being
awarded at the gala. Alcohol from silver eagle.
Neal recommends contacting Total Wine.
Joey needs to check with DeeDee Fuentes – she used to work in the Valley.
Future Meetings
Next meeting at Hispanic Chamber of Commerce – March 20th
10. Announcements
Guadalupe Cultural Arts Center reached out to promote Ruben Salazar Doc
screening on Saturday March 1st at the Guadalupe Theater.
Discounted rate offered for SAAHJ members. 1PM march 1st.
Nina Duran: Looking for content for on open segments for WOAI-TV and
KABB. Could be used for gala promotion.
10-11 with Shelly Miles
Daytime at 9 with Kim Crawford.
April 7th-12th is UTSA Communications week.
11. Adjournment
Adjourned at 11:36AM