Our Lady of the Assumption School Seeking Knowledge. Living our Faith Contents Application Information 1 About Our Lady of the Assumption School 1 Person Specification 1 Job Description 1 Important Notes for Applicants 1 Application Form 1 Referees 1 S65 Form 1 Application Information Thank you for applying for the position of Principal – Our Lady of the Assumption School. The appointment process for the position of Principal will be carried out with the intention of identifying an aspirational person to lead the school into the future. All information submitted for this position will be disclosed only to Board Members of the school and Consultant Lois Christmas and Principal Adviser Lee McArthur. The information of those unsuccessful applicants will be retained securely and destroyed after 90 days from the appointment of the successful applicant. Please provide the following: A completed application form. 1 A CV and covering letter containing any additional information. Photo ID A completed S65 form related to Special Character (We had added the S65 Form for your reference. To complete the form, please find a copy of the form on our website). Note: Copies only of qualification certificates should be attached. Originals as proof of qualifications may be requested. Please send your application to: Email (preferred): chairperson@ola.school.nz Post: Peter Hooker Chairperson – Board of Trustees Our Lady of the Assumption School 89A Sparks Road Christchurch 8025 The closing date for applications is 9 October 2015. If you have any further questions or require additional information, please contact Peter Hooker Phone: 0275 637 918 Email: chairperson@ola.school.nz The Our Lady of the Assumption School Board has set the following timeline for the appointment of the new Principal. Every effort will be made to keep to the following schedule in selecting the successful candidate. Timeline for the appointment of the Principal of Our Lady of the Assumption School Advertising Actioned 14 September Applications Close 9 October Shortlisting for Interviews 19 October Notification of Interviews 21 October Interviews 29-30 October Candidates Notified of Outcome 2 November Confirmation of Appointment 3 November Commencement of Appointment Beginning of Term 1 2016 About Our Lady of the Assumption School Our Lady of the Assumption school is a decile 10, Catholic integrated school sited at the base of the Cashmere Hills, in Hoon Hay. We currently have an allowable roll of 300 students and have 26 staff comprising of teachers, part time teachers, teachers aides, SENCO, support staff, a cleaner and a caretaker. The school comprises 12 well equipped classrooms varying in age and style, a library a large field, a colourful, challenging playground and the Parish Hall is available for the school to use regularly. Our main block of five classrooms and a library has very recently been refurbished. The church and the presbytery stand adjacent to the school, however the church remains fenced off due to earthquake damage. The hall, located on school grounds belongs to the Parish and has been used as a church since the earthquakes and will continue to do so until a decision is reached on repairing the church. We boast picturesque school grounds, offering two playgrounds, sealed netball/basketball courts and an expanse of grassed areas for the children to use. New fitness stations, a decking on the back of rooms 11 and 12 were completed in 2012 by a large group of volunteers and locally raised funds. A large garden area has also been created for the students to use to grow vegetables and fruit. A newly paved area outside the 2 junior block (The Hub) has been completed by volunteers and has quickly become a communal gathering area of the school. In 2015, Our Lady of the Assumption School adopted a 1:1 Chromebook initiative for students in Years 5-8 and has invested heavily in the professional development of staff to ensure new digital learning practices are embraced. The vision of our school is “Respectful, responsible life-long learners who live their faith every day”. Our vision identifies the qualities we want our students to develop as confident, connected, actively involved learners for life expressing their faith through love. We are ensuring our students are developing the New Zealand Curriculum key competencies through the integration of these in our school vision as the qualities we want our students to develop. We see the following qualities as crucial in preparing our students for their future. We believe that learning is a life long journey. Person Specification Our Lady of the Assumption – Principal The successful applicant will be a professional leader with a passion for teaching and learning. 1. Special Character Willingness and ability to maintain, encourage and support the Special Character of Our Lady of the Assumption School. 2. Experience Has proven senior leadership experience and is an excellent communicator with staff, students and parents. A strong knowledge and commitment to deliver education across the curriculum. Previous experience within the Catholic Education system. Administrative experience. 3 3. Knowledge and Qualifications Holds an appropriate teaching qualification and current registration (including Special Character qualifications) and is committed to ongoing professional development. Has a thorough understanding of the New Zealand curriculum and its delivery. Is aware of relevant legislation. 4. Capabilities and Competencies Managerial expertise including strengths in delegation, financial management and forward planning. Effectively implements policies, goals and objectives. Confidently initiates change and successfully converts innovative ideas into action. Has strong professional learning networks. Is able to use digital technology well and understands the importance of technology in teaching and learning. 5. Personal Qualities Perceives the key role of the Principal as the professional leader of teaching and learning. Willing to continue our vision and take it to the next level. Relates well to students, staff and the school parish at the personal level. Is passionate about the growth of our children and their educational and social well-being. Has a clear personal philosophy of education and is committed to the enhancement of a positive school culture. Is aware of, and sensitive to, different cultures, social differences, equity issues and equal employment opportunities. Can bring passion and enthusiasm for learning and is highly motivated to engage others. Is charismatic in presenting the school to the wider community. Job Description PRINCIPAL - Our Lady of the Assumption School Purpose of Position: The position exists to ensure ‘Quality Catholic Education’ to the students of Our Lady of the Assumption School. Accountable: The Principal will report and be accountable to the Board of Trustees, (as the Principal’s employer), through the Board Chairperson. The Principal has the dual role of being a Board member in his/her own right whilst undertaking the role of chief executive of the school. Functional Relationship: The Principal will liaise, when required, with educational agencies such as the Ministry of Education, Education Review Office, Catholic Education Office, Special Education Services, Colleges of Education and Novopay. Delegations: The Principal is responsible for the successful management and professional leadership of the school, taking direction from the Board, the School Charter and the Board’s policies. Key Functions: The Principal will: • Provide strong leadership and vision in the development and delivery of the school curriculum. • Assist the Board with the development and implementation of the strategic and annual plan. • Advise the Board on policy, professional and administrative matters. • Implement policies and decisions of the Board. The Principal in providing leadership in teaching and learning will manage the day to day running of the school by: • Implementing, monitoring and reporting progress on the goals outlined in the strategic plan. 4 • • • • • • • • • • • • • Ensuring that student educational needs are met and that parents are consulted, and when necessary, provided with timely advice of students’ progress and achievement. Developing, promoting and monitoring a culture which values and positively encourages appraisal and development. Providing the Board with reports and feedback on the achievement of students. Maintaining high standards of conduct and integrity. Being responsible for implementing policy on staffing and staff performance. Developing and maintaining effective relationships with the Board, staff, students, parents and community. Delegating duties and responsibilities to staff and ensuring good communication is maintained within the school. Co-ordinating the school day to day operations. Providing and maintaining school facilities, equipment and educational facilities. Controlling, monitoring and reporting on school finances and financial and administrative objectives. Developing partnerships with the school community to ensure students learn in appropriate cultural settings that enhance the learning of all students. Recognising the special place of Maori as tangata whenua and providing appropriate cultural settings to enhance their learning. Embracing the digital learning environment adopted by Our Lady of the Assumption School. General: The Principal will be required to achieve the above key functions by meeting objectives and professional standards outlined in an annual performance agreement ratified by the Board after consultation with the Principal. It is expected that the achievement of the key functions by the Principal will result in the Principal managing and leading in a positive and exciting environment for students and staff which will result in a high standard of quality education. Important Notes for Applicants Thank you for applying for a position with our school. Please ensure you have a copy of the position description and person specification before completing this application. Please fully complete this form personally. Read it through first then answer all questions and make sure you sign and date where indicated on the last page. Attach a curriculum vitae (CV) containing any additional information. If you include written references, please note that we may contact the writers of the references. Copies only of qualification certificates should be attached. If successful in your application you will be required to provide originals as proof of qualifications. If you are selected for an interview you may bring whanau/support people at your own expense. Please advise if this is your intention. Failure to complete this application and answer all questions truthfully may result in any offer of employment being withdrawn or appointment being terminated, if any information is later found to be false. All applicants will be asked to give consent to a police vet. It is a requirement in the Education Sector for all employees to be vetted. a) In terms of a Criminal Conviction, the Criminal Records (Clean Slate) Act 2004 provides certain convictions do not have to be disclosed providing: • You have not committed any offence within 7 (consecutive) years of being sentenced for the offence and 5 • You did not serve a custodial sentence at any time (this would exclude serious offences such as murder, manslaughter, rape and causing serious bodily harm) and • The offence was not a specified offence (specified offences are in the main sexual in nature) and • You have paid any fines or costs Custodial sentences include a sentence of preventive detention and corrective training. Non-custodial sentences include fines, reparation orders, community-based sentences and suspended sentences. Please note that you are not obliged to disclose convictions if you are an eligible individual but can do so if you wish. If you are uncertain as to whether you are eligible contact the Ministry of Justice. b) Under the Vulnerable Children Act 2014, core workers in schools will not be covered by the Clean Slate. All serious sexual or violent offenses against children will be included in their police vetting results. The Act will make it unlawful to employ people with convictions for these offenses, unless they have an exemption. This application form and supporting documents will be held by the school. You may access it in accordance with the provisions of the Privacy Act 1993. If you have any queries, please contact the person cited in the advertisement. OFFICE USE ONLY: This page must be retained on file as part of the application; it must not be removed or destroyed. Application Form Position - Principal - Our Lady of the Assumption School 1. PERSONAL DETAILS: Name: _______________________________________________________________________ Address: _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ Telephone: _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ Gender: _______________________________________________________________________ Ethnic Identification: ___________________________________________________________________ (Confidential information: to be used for statistical and EEO purposes only) 2. REGISTRATION: Registration Number: ___________________ Practising Certificate Expiry Date: ____________________ 3. PREVIOUS PAID EMPLOYMENT EXPERIENCE: Please list in chronological order with the most recent position first. Position Employer Date Begun 6 Date Ceased 4. QUALIFICATIONS: (Educational or other relevant qualifications) Qualification Institution Date Attained ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 5. PLEASE STATE YOUR PERSONAL EDUCATIONAL STRENGTHS: ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 6. CONVICTIONS AGAINST THE LAW: Have you been convicted of any offence against the law (apart from minor traffic convictions)? YES/NO 7 If ‘YES’ enclose a certified copy of the entry in the Criminal Record book relating to the conviction(s), obtained from the Registrar of the Court concerned. The copy should be accompanied by any comments regarding the offence which you wish to make. Give full details. NOTE: The Board of Trustees may seek a police clearance from all short-listed applicants or preferred applicants prior to confirmation of appointment. 7. DECLARATION AND AUTHORISATION A. I declare that the information supplied by me is given voluntarily and is true, accurate and complete in all respects. I acknowledge that I will not hold Our Lady of the Assumption School or the Board of Trustees responsible for any omission or miss-statements that I have made in the information provided. B. I understand that all information provided about me to you, including my application form, curriculum vitae, references and any assessments will be held by the Our Lady of the Assumption School Board of Trustees to be used for the purposes of evaluating my qualifications, experience and suitability for employment as Principal of Our Lady of the Assumption School. C. I understand that if I withhold relevant information or supply false or misleading information about me, my application may not be further considered. I also understand that my employment may be terminated if, after investigation, my employer discovers that any information which I have provided is false or misleading. D. I understand that I am entitled to have access to relevant information retained by the Our Lady of the Assumption School Board of Trustees (except for any exemption provided under the Privacy Act 1993 such as evaluative material) and to request correction of the information and/or request that there be attached to the information a statement relating to the fact that I have requested a correction. E. I consent to the Chairperson and/or Appointment Committee personnel making enquiries with such organisations including but not limited to inquiries with all former employers, Teacher Registration Board, and other bodies or organisations which might hold information relevant to my employment, my suitability to manage and any other information that my prospective employer deems necessary to obtain. 8. CONFIRMATION I certify that the information given in this application is to the best of my knowledge correct. I understand that this may be verified. Applicants Signature: __________________________________________ Date: ____________________ Referees Provide details of up to three people who can be contacted to provide reference statements: One of these is to be your current Board Chair and a person you have worked closely with. Name (and Position) ____________________________________________________________ Address ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ Capacity Known To You ____________________________________________________________ Contact Phone - Home ________________________ Name (and Position) ____________________________________________________________ 8 Work _______________________ Address ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ Capacity Known To You ____________________________________________________________ Contact Phone - Home ________________________ Name (and Position) ____________________________________________________________ Address ____________________________________________________________ Work _______________________ ____________________________________________________________ Capacity Known To You ____________________________________________________________ Contact Phone - Home ________________________ 9 Work _______________________ PRIVACY ACT (NZ) 1993 – I authorise Our Lady of the Assumption School Board of Trustees or its duly authorised agent to make enquiries about me within its normal procedures to clarify information or obtain further information in relation to this application from any school or any previous employer able to assist the school provided that the information obtained is confined to that reasonably required by the school in completing the employment process. Applicants Signature: Date: S65 Form 10 11 12 13 14 15