Maths Week 2007 – Ciphers (KS4) Time Activity Starter 10 mins Decode the lesson objectives as written as an anagram. By the end of the lesson you will be able to: Decode messages using different ciphers Foundation Add keywords to the board as they are used. Main 10 mins 15 mins 15 mins Follow the worksheet as described – answers attached. Caesar Ciphers Keyword Ciphers, Pig Pen. Plenary 10 mins Decode a joke: What do you call an adorable angle? An acute angle (Keyword: verybadmthsjok) Review lesson objectives and now full list of key words. Lesson objectives By the end of the lesson you will be able to: Dedeoc smseesga ginsu tenferdif scrieph The above is the most basic of all encoded messages. Can you decipher it? Challenge! Decode this message using a keyword cipher. Maths Week 2007 – Ciphers (KS4) Intermediate Time Activity Starter 5 mins Using the Caesar cipher at the top of the worksheet, decode the lesson objectives. By the end of the lesson you will be able to: Decode messages using different ciphers Add keywords to the board as they are used. Main 10 mins 15 mins 20 mins Follow the worksheet as described – answers attached. Keyword Ciphers, Pig Pen Conversation using any of the previous ciphers. Plenary 10 mins Decode a joke: What do you call an adorable angle? An acute angle (Keyword: verybadmthsjok) Review lesson objectives and now full list of key words. LESSON OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson you will be able to: GHFRGH PHVVDJHV XVLQJ GLIIHUHQW FLSKHUV Challenge! Decode this message using a keyword cipher. Maths Week 2007 – Ciphers (KS4) Higher Time Activity Starter 5 mins Using the Caesar cipher at the top of the worksheet, decode the lesson objectives. By the end of the lesson you will be able to: Decode messages using different ciphers Add keywords to the board as they are used. Main 5 mins 10 mins 35 mins Follow the worksheet as described – answers attached. Keyword Ciphers, Pig Pen, Runes. Plenary 5 mins Ask class – Does anyone recognise the symbols used at the end of the lesson? Runes – Linked to Vikings – Lord of the Rings Review lesson objectives and now full list of key words. LESSON OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson you will be able to: GHFRGH PHVVDJHV XVLQJ GLIIHUHQW FLSKHUV © 1996 Daniel Steven Smith Links to resources for Ciphers week Codes & Ciphers We commission leading academic centres of excellence to develop resources for use by teachers of mathematics, science and technology. The first set of resources is aimed at mathematics, and is based around the topic of Codes & Ciphers. They were released at the end of March 2005, and can be freely downloaded from this page (scroll down to see them). Type in a message and watch it translated into Morse Code symbols, and then actually listen to the sounds of the now coded message. (Beginning in the mid 19th century, people used Morse Code to send telegraphs.) Type in your name and click the button to see how it would look in the ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics. (Ancient and modern languages use symbols and letters to represent meaning. In Ancient Egypt, they used a system called hieroglyphics.)