example May 23, 2002 Dr. Robert Brinkmann Associate Dean Office of Faculty Development CPR 107 Dr. Brinkmann: As per your request, I have met with Dr. Emanuel Donchin, the Psychology Department chair, and we have agreed on the following list of proposed external reviewers for my application for tenure and promotion to associate professor. Karl-Heinz Goetz, Ph. D. Scott Jones, Ph. D. Mary S. Doe, Ph. D. Geoff Smith, Ph. D. Richard Walker, Ph. D. Elizabeth A. Crane, Ph. D. Henry R. James, Ph. D. Further information about each of these choices is included in the attached sheets. As per the instructions on the website for tenure and promotion, I attest that none of these reviewers is a personal friend, nor has any been my teacher, major professor, student, mentor, mentee, advisor, advisee, co-author, co-editor, co-PI or collaborator. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you. Sincerely, Doug Rohrer Emanuel Donchin Doug Rohrer, Ph. D. Assistant Professor Psychology PCD4118G Emanuel Donchin, Ph.D. Chair Psychology PCD4118G 813.974.0364 drohrer@chuma1.cas.usf.edu 813.974.0466 donchin@chuma.cas.usf.edu Karl-Heinz Goetz, Ph. D. Institut für Psychologie Universität Regensburg Regensburg, 93040 Germany (49) 941-555-5555 karl-heinz.goetz@psychologie.uni-regensburg.de Notable Achievements * Ph. D., Universität Regensburg (Germany) * more than two dozen research articles in first-tier journals * several externally funded research projects Scott Jones, Ph. D. Department of Psychology Oklahoma State University Norman, OK 73019 (405) 555 - 5555 sjones@ou.edu Notable Achievements * Ph. D., Indiana University * Post-Doctoral Fellowship, Northwestern University * more than two dozen research articles in first-tier journals * several externally funded research projects * several dozen presentations and invited addresses Mary S. Doe, Ph. D. Mail Stop 262-2 NASA-Ames Research Center Moffett Field, CA 94035-1000 (650) 555 5555 mdoe@mail.arc.nasa.gov Notable Achievements * Ph. D., University of Virginia * Post-Doctoral Fellow, University of Michigan * Associate Editor, Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception & Performance * dozens of research articles in first-tier journals * 2 patents Geoff Smith, Ph. D. Department of Psychology Box 351525 University of Washington Seattle, WA 98195-1525 (206) 555-5555 gsmith@u.washington.edu Notable Achievements * Ph. D., Stanford University * NSF Post-Doctoral Fellow (New York University, George Sperling) * Editor, Memory & Cognition (1993-1997) * several dozen research articles in first-tier journals * several externally funded grants Richard Walker, Ph. D. Department of Psychology University of Georgia Athens, GA 30602-3013 (706) 555-5555 rwalker@uga.edu Notable Achievements * Ph. D., Stanford University * Associate Editor, Memory & Cognition * more than two dozen research articles in first-tier journals * external funding from NIMH Elizabeth A. Crane, Ph. D. Department of Psychology University of Warwick Coventry CV4 7AL, England (44) 024 555 55555 ecrane@warwick.ac.uk Notable Achievements * Ph. D., Psychology, University of Durham (Great Britain) * Research Scientist, MRC Applied Psychology Unit, Cambridge (1992 – 1995) * more than 40 research articles in first-tier journals * several externally funded research projects Henry R. James, Ph. D. Department of Psychology Washington University One Brookings Dr Campus Box 1125 St. Louis, MO 63130-4899 (314) 555-5555 hrjames@artsci.uwstl.edu Notable Achievements * Ph. D., Yale University * Chair of Psychology Department, Washington University (1996 – present) * Editor, Psychonomic Bulletin & Review (1994-1998) * Editor, Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, & Cognition (1985-1989) * President, APA Division 3, 1999-2000 * several dozen research articles in first-tier journals