Efficiency Optimization Induction Motor Adjustable Speed Drives

Abdul Fadlil1
Marzuki Khalid2
Rubiyah Yusof 3
Centre for Artificial Intelligence and Robotics (CAIRO)
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Jalan Semarak, 54100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Efforts in handwriting recognition are still widely research as
current techniques are still inadequate and inefficient. In this
paper an online handwriting character recognition system based
on online-offline features using the back-propagation neural
network algorithm.
A novel feature of this system is in the feature extraction
technique which has been developed based on temporal and
spatial handwriting signals. The goal is to improve the feature
extraction analysis for online handwriting recognition. The results
of recognition rates based on the UNIPEN and IRONOFF
databases show a higher rate of accuracy for writer-independent
To achieve high handwriting recognition accuracy, many different
representations of feature extraction and different methods for
classification have been proposed. For online handwriting
recognition, example of the standard features extracted are
position, direction , curvature , pen-down/pen-up flag [
Schenkel et al. 1994], and some examples of the classification
methods are Hidden Markov Models (HMM), Artificial Neural
Network (ANN), Fuzzy Logic, Support Vector Machine (SVM),
Hybrid HMM/ANN, to name a few [Poisson et al. 2002].
Keywords: online handwriting, character recognition, neural
network, feature extraction
1 Introduction
Handwriting recognition is not a new technology, however,
research in this area has gained much attention lately which is due
to the increasingly new interest in entering data into computers.
Rather than using the conventional keyboard, many computers are
now equipped with handwriting input monitors such as those used
in tablet PCs, which is one example.
Basically, handwriting recognition is separated into two distinct
domains namely: online and offline recognition. In the online
case, the recognition system is based on dynamic information
with special equipment and it is recognized in real time. In the
off-line case, a static representation resulting from the
digitalization of a document is available as an image.
Online handwriting is important where keyboard are difficult to
be used, for example, when the writer is mobile and the device
needs to be portable. Mobile communication system such as
Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs), electronic pads and smartphones have online handwriting recognition interface integrated
into them. Therefore, it is important to further improve on the
recognition performances of these applications.
--------------------------------------------1e-mail : fadlil@lycos.com
2e-mail : marzuki@utmkl.utm.my
3e-mail : rubiyah@utmkl.utm.my
Figure 1. A block diagram of the proposed “Online Handwriting
Recognition System”
In this paper, we propose a new approach for the recognition of
characters that is based on the integration of online-offline
features and the Multi Layer Perceptrons (MLP) recognizer. The
online handwriting recognition module includes: a pre-processing
module and a recognition module as shown Figure 1.
The following section describes the pre-processing module which
includes data acquisition, size normalization, re-sampling, and
feature extraction. The architecture and training algorithm of the
recognizer are presented in the Section 3. The experimental
results achieved are discussed in Section 4. The last section
concludes the paper.
2 Preprocessing module
Data acquisition is required to acquire the handwriting of the user
which can be based on a variety of input tools. Basically, for
online handwriting recognition system based on neural network,
two processes are required namely: training and testing. For these
processes, we used online data (x,y) coordinates from the
UNIPEN [Guyon et al. 1994], and IRONOFF [Viard-Gaudin et
al. 1999] databases.
Size normalization is performed by scaling each character both
horizontally and vertically [Li et al. 1997]:
xio  xmin
xi 
xmax  xmin
yio  y min
y max  y min
yi 
The curvature of the stroke as the second derivatives
 denotes the original point, and x , y  is the
corresponding point after transformation,
x min  min i xio , x max  max i xio ,
y min  min i
 
y , y
Figure 2. Estimation of writing direction.
 
 max y , W and H are the
d 2 x ds 2
and d y ds are not bounded and the local
curvature is approximated by the angle between two elementary
segments. This can be shown as in Figure 3.
This angle is also encoded by its cosine and sine. Using the
subtraction formulas for sine and cosine these values can be
calculated as:
cos  (n)  cos (n  1)   (n  1)
sin  (n)  sin  (n  1)   (n  1)
width and height of the normalized character, respectively.
Re-sampling is done to make the raw data points equidistant in
time using a simple linear interpolation algorithm as follows. The
re-sampling step ΔS is a fraction of the total arc length L:
n 1
L   di
i 1
di 
xi  xi 1 2   yi  yi 1 2
S  L n1
where di denotes the distance of point to point and n is the number
of points. After re-sampling, the characters have a fixed number
(n1) of points per character (50 points in our system) which
provides a fixed size input to the neural network.
The purpose of the feature extraction module is to enhance the
variability which helps to discriminate between classes. In this
system integration of the online and offline features are used
together. Online features includes: pen-up/down, pen coordinates,
direction  and curvature  (a symbol  means direction of any
point and  does curvature). A binary feature “1” indicates the pen
is touching the pad (pen-down) and “0” indicates the pen is not
touching the pad (pen-up). The direction of a stroke is determined
by a discrete approximation of the first derivatives with respect to
the arc length,
where ds 
dx ds
dy ds ,
dx  dy .
These approximations can be calculated as shown in Figure 2 in
which the following calculations are required [Raph et al. 1997]:
cos  (n) 
y (n)
sin  (n) 
s (n)
Figure 3. Estimation of curvature.
The online feature components are bounded and varied between 0
and +1 as follows [Jung et al. 2000]:
1 if pen is down
f0  
f1 
x  xmin
xmax  xmin
y  y min
y max  y min
f 3  cos   1 / 2
f2 
f 4  sin   1 / 2
f 5  cos   1 / 2
f 6  sin   1 / 2
Offline features are calculated from transformation of the
UNIPEN and IRONOFF online database. Each of the characters
are divided into 10 rows and 10 columns from (x,y) coordinate
points to 10*10 binary images. All of the features extracted
include online-offline features and an example is shown as in
Figure 4. The features consist of 450 feature values as input to the
neural network system.
Figure 4. Example of features extracted for the normalized digit “2”.
3 Recognition module
The output of the hidden layer is as follows,
z j  f ( z _ in j )
In this section we describe the architecture and training algorithm
of the Multi Layer Perceptrons (MLP) with one hidden layer as
shown as in Figure 5.
z _ in j   xi vij
i 1
and, the for the output layer is
yk  f ( y _ ink )
y _ ink   z j w jk
j 1
where normally f(x) is a sigmoid function as follows:
f ( x) 
1  exp(  x)
The algorithm follows such that
Figure 5. The MLP with one hidden layer
From Figure 5,
yk , z j
are the signals of the output,
hidden, and input layer, respectively. The parameter
w jk
the weights between the output and the hidden layer, and
denotes the weights between the hidden and the input layers.
Number of the neurons in the input layer, hidden layer and output
layer are n, p, and m, respectively.
The system is a multi-layer feed-forward neural network trained
using the back-propagation algorithm. The input vector values are
derived from measurements of the extracted features and are
bounded between 0 and +1. During learning, an input vector is
presented to the network and is propagated from the input layer
to the output layer. In the learning phase, the learning rate
 is preset, and the weights of the network are small
randomly selected.
w jk   k z j
 k  (t k  yk ) f ' ( y _ ink )
vij   j xi
 j    k w jk f ' ( z _ in j )
k 1
In this system, we find that the number of hidden layer neurons is
optimally chosen at 100 and the learning rate  is chosen at 0.5.
After training process, the online handwritten character
recognition system have knowledge, so an unknown input with
the given feature vector x belongs can be recognized. The
recognition result can be selected the maximum as
k *  arg max y k , 1  k  m
and classify the input sample as class k*.
vs speed
using neural
4 Experimental results
network and
V/hz scalar
The MLP proposed was trained and tested using the isolatedcontrol character portion of the UNIPEN database of subset-categories 1a,
1b and 1c, and also using the IRONOFF databases. The databases
are split into two sets, i.e. the training set and testing set.
All of the experiments were performed using the proposed MLP
system based on writer-independent mode (or omni-writer) and
the recognition results are shown as in Table 1. The results are
also compared with the system based on offline features using
Space Displacement Neural Network (SDNN) and Multi Layer
Perceptrons (MLP) developed by Poisson.
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A novel features in this system shows the average recognition rate
are better. In the future, from the experimental results indicates
the system with integration online-offline features can perhaps
further improve the accuracy of the recognition rate.
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Table 1. The experimental results of online handwriting character
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5 Conclusion
The results of our experiments show that the system is effective to
recognize writer-independent online handwritten characters with a
high accuracy in real-time. In the future, it is still possible to
improve accuracy using new feature extraction techniques and
recognition methods. Also, the system can be potentially
improved for the online handwriting cursive recognition system.
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