Abstract Verilog Part 2

Introduction to Abstract Verilog: Part 2
Both asynchronous and synchronous memories, which are common in FPGAs, are
supported by Abstract Verilog. These memories have one read port and one write port.
(Single ported memories can be constructed from these dual-ported memories. Memories
with multiple ports are beyond the scope of Abstract Verilog.)
Memories are extensions of registers and are treated similarly. Assignments (writes) to
memories take place at the next clock edge just like with registers. Reads, however, can
be either asynchronous or synchronous. In asynchronous (combinational) memories, the
memory output value changes whenever the read address changes. In synchronous
(pipelined) memories, the memory output value does not change until the next clock
Memories are declared similarly to Verilog (multiple dimensions from Verilog 2001
are supported):
MEMORY [3:0] y [0:7];
SYNCMEM [7:0] mem [0:127];
// 8 locations of 4 bits each
// Synchronous memory
In both synchronous and asynchronous memories, writes are just like assignments to
registered signals:
y[i] <-- foo;
mem[0] <-- bar;
That is, the value is written to the memory location on the next rising clock edge. If
two writes are performed to the same location or different locations before the next clock
edge, then only the last write is performed. For example, in
y[2] <-- foo;
y[4] <-- bar;
the first assignment does not execute. Only the second write is executed since the
memory has only one write port. (This should be considered illegal, but the compiler
cannot figure this out.)
Memory reads are done using special variables that are defined by the memory. Reads
to a memory named “foo” are done into the special read variable named “foo_data”. This
special read variable can be assigned only by a memory read. Reading asynchronous
memory must use the combinational assignment:
y_data = y[i];
Only one read can be performed in a single clock cycle. (If you perform two reads in a
clock cycle, the simulator may try to do something, but this will certainly not work in the
synthesized circuit. Again, the compiler cannot detect this reliably.)
Reads of synchronous memory must use the sequential assignment operator:
y_data <-- y[k];
This assignment takes place on the next clock tick, which means the value read from
is available in the variable y_data after the next clock tick. Again, the y_data
register is generated automatically when y is declared as a synchronous memory.
Typically, a state machine performs the read in one state and then uses the data in the
next state. Of course, reads can be pipelined, so that while the read data is being used,
the next value is being read from memory. (If two reads take place to the same memory
before the next clock edge, only the last read is performed.)
Example Program using Asynchronous Memory
Here is a simple example of the implementation of a synchronous queue using
asynchronous memory:
module queue(clk, reset, din, push, full, dout, pop, empty);
input clk, reset;
// Input port
input [7:0] din;
// Output port
output [7:0] dout;
SIZE = 32;
MEMORY [7:0] mem[0:SIZE-1];
REGISTER [4:0] head = 0, tail = 0;
COMB [4:0] tailP1 = tail+1;
COMB [7:0] dout;
COMB full = (tailP1 == head);
// Tail has almost caught up
COMB empty = (head == tail);
ALWAYS begin
mem_data = mem[head];
dout = mem_data;
// Write to queue tail
if (push && ~full) begin
mem[tail] <-- din;
tail <-- tailP1;
// Pop queue head
if (pop && ~empty) begin
head <-- head + 1;
endmodule // queue
// Async memory
// Must use special variable
Example Program using Synchronous Memory
The program implements a variable-length shift register using a synchronous memory.
module dp11(clk, reset, shift, length, dataIn, dataOut);
parameter WIDTH = 16;
input clk, reset;
input shift;
// Shift control signal
input [6:0] length;
// Shift register length up to 127
// Input port
input [WIDTH-1:0] dataIn;
// Output port
output [WIDTH-1:0] dataOut;
SYNCMEM [WIDTH-1:0] SR[0:127];
// Connect output to shift register memory output
COMB [WIDTH-1:0] dataOut;
REGISTER [6:0] ptr = 0;
ALWAYS begin
SR_data <-- SR[ptr];
// Read must use SR_data
dataOut = SR_data;
SR[ptr+length-1] <-- dataIn;
if (shift) ptr <-- ptr + 1;
Two-dimensional memories are also allowed as shown in the following example:
SYNCMEMORY [15:0] mem[0:255][0:255];
ALWAYS begin
mem[xin][yin] <-- datain;
mem_data <-- mem[xout][yout];
dataout = mem_data;
Verilog allows higher dimensions, but Abstract Verilog doesn’t yet.
Verilog Constructs
You can use many of the usual Verilog constructs when writing Abstract Verilog
programs. For example, Abstract Verilog supports the Verilog 2001 signed
input signed[23:0] a, b, c;
COMB signed [23:0] temp;
Other useful Verilog features that are supported include localparam, integer.
Some of the more useful features of Verilog are tasks and functions, which allow
abstraction, modularity and reuse in a program.
Verilog functions correspond to normal (inline) functions in programming languages.
They take a number of inputs, and have a single output. You can think of a function as
representing a combinational logic block with a single output. You may declare COMB
signals in a function, but no REGISTER signals. Here is an example of the max function;
input [7:0] in1, in2, in3;
output [7:0] out;
REGISTER [7:0] out;
COMB [7:0] x, y, z;
COMB [7:0] next;
function max;
input [7:0] a, b, c;
max = a;
if (b > a && b > c) max = b;
if (c > a && c > b) max = c;
ALWAYS begin
out <-- max(in1, in2, in3);
next = max(x, y, z);
Do not be confused by the name: Tasks are just generalized functions that can return
multiple values via output ports. (These are similar to Fortran Procedures.) You can
think of a task as a simple module that is connected into your program. As in functions,
you may declare COMB signals, but no REGISTERs. Moreover, Abstract Verilog
currently restricts the outputs of a task to be COMB signals. These outputs can of course
be then assigned to REGISTER signals. Here is an example of a task:
COMB [7:0] Yout, Crout, Cbout;
localparam windowULx = 256, windowULy = 128;
`define BLUE { 8'd240, 8'd16, 8'd240 }
`define WHITE { 8'd240, 8'd128, 8'd128 }
task colors;
input [10:0] x, y;
output [7:0] Y01, Cr, Cb;
if ((x < windowULx) && (y < windowULy)) begin
{ Y01, Cr, Cb } = `WHITE;
end else begin
{ Y01, Cr, Cb } = `BLUE;
endtask // colors
ALWAYS begin
colors(col, line, Yout, Crout, Cbout);
Abstract Verilog also contains a few extras. For example, the clogb2 function is
declared and can be used by the designer. clogb2 returns the log2 of its argument. This is
useful, for example,
(* *) style comments can appear in memory declarations. This is used to force the
synthesis tools to use Block RAMs for these memories as shown in the following
SYNCMEM signed [31:0] H[0:QUERY_LENGTH-1]
(* synthesis syn_ramstyle="select_ram" *);
Inside Abstract Verilog
You do not need to know exactly how an Abstract Verilog program is translated into
Verilog, but it is sometimes useful to know, especially when you are debugging the
Verilog file that the translator produces.
Both COMB signals are declared as Verilog “reg” signals, except for COMB signals
that are assigned in the declaration, which are declared as wires.
COMB [3:0] c;
reg [3:0] c;
COMB overflow = count > 15;
wire overflow = count > 15;
REGISTER signals are more complicated: each REGISTER signal ‘foo’ is declared as
two reg signals, foo and next_foo, for the register output and input respectively. At the
beginning of the ALWAYS block, next_foo is initialized to foo. That is, the next value
of the register is initialized to be the current value of the register. Every assignment to
foo in the ALWAYS block is converted to an assignment to next_foo. An always
@(posedge clock) block is generated which assigns the value of next_foo to the register
signal foo. That is, foo is only assigned on the clock edge. The reset signal is used in an
if-then-else to assign the initial value to foo on reset.
REGISTER [3:0] r = init;
reg [3:0] r, next_r;
always @(posedge clk) begin
if (reset) begin
r <= init;
end else begin
r <= next_r;
ALWAYS begin
always @(*) begin
next_r = r;
c = ‘bX;
r <-- foo;
next_r = foo;
c = bar;
c = bar;
ALWAYS blocks are converted into Verilog-2001 always @(*) blocks, and
COMB signal assignments left unchanged in the output. However, all COMB signals
that are assigned in an ALWAYS block are initialized to ‘X’ at the beginning of the
block. (This can be overwritten using the ?? flag.)
Memories are generated by declaring a read address, write address, read data, write
data and write enable signals. Any assignment to the memory, e.g. y[i] <-- a + b;
causes the write address to be set, in this case to i, and the write data to be set, in this case
to a + b, and the write enable is set to 1. An always @(posedge clock) block is generated
that assigns the write data to the memory. Reads must be done by assigning to the
implicitly declared memory read data signal, e.g. for
y_data = y[i];
y_data is declared by the memory declaration as either COMB, in the case of an
asynchronous memory, or REGISTER, in the case of a synchronous memory.
MEMORY [7:0] mem [0:127];
COMB [7:0] bar;
reg [7:0] mem[0:127] ;
reg [clogb2(127+1)-1:0] mem_wraddr,
reg [7:0] mem_wrdata;
wire [7:0] mem_data;
reg mem_we;
always @(posedge clk) begin
if (mem_we) begin
mem[mem_wraddr] <= mem_wrdata;
assign mem_data = mem[mem_rdaddr];
reg [7:0] bar;
always @(*) begin
ALWAYS begin
mem_data = mem[i];
mem[j] <-- bar;
//initialize memory variables
mem_we = 0;
mem_wrdata = 'bX;
mem_rdaddr = 'bX;
mem_wraddr = 'bX;
mem_rdaddr = i;
mem_we = 1;
mem_wraddr = j;
mem_wrdata = bar;
SYNCMEMORY [7:0] mem [0:127];
COMB [7:0] bar;
ALWAYS begin
mem_data <-- mem[i];
mem[j] <-- bar;
reg [7:0] mem[0:127] ;
reg [clogb2(127+1)-1:0] mem_wraddr,
reg [7:0] mem_wrdata, mem_data;
reg mem_we;
always @(posedge clk) begin
if (mem_we) begin
mem[mem_wraddr] <= mem_wrdata;
mem_data <= mem[mem_rdaddr];
reg [7:0] bar;
always @(*) begin
//initialize memory variables
mem_we = 0;
mem_wrdata = 'bX;
mem_rdaddr = 'bX;
mem_wraddr = 'bX;
mem_rdaddr = i;
mem_we = 1;
mem_wraddr = j;
mem_wrdata = bar;