Curriculum vitae - E-COMM UMK - Universiti Malaysia Kelantan

Curriculum Vitae
I. Personal Data
Date and Place of birth
Permanent Home address
Mailing address
31 December, 1957; Tangail, Bangladesh
Kumulli Namder, Karatia, Tangail, Bangladesh
Department of Anatomy and Histology
Faculty of Veterinary Science
Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh 2202,
Bangladesh. e.mail:
Marital status
Name and Occupation of Spouse
Name and Age of Children
Mrs. Sayema Yeasmin
House wife
2 Children, 21 years and 14 years old.
II. All Academic Degrees Obtained:
1982 (exam.
Held at 1984)
1984 (exam
held at 1988)
1997 (25th
Name of the
academic degrees
D.V.M. (Doctor
of Veterinary
M.Sc. (Vet. Sci.)
in Anatomy
Ph.D. (Vet. &
Medical Sci.)
Fellow (PDF) in
Name of the Place,
Subject of the
Mymensingh, Veterinary
First Class
Mymensingh, Veterinary
First Class
cDNA, cloning and overexpression of aphrodisin gene of
Syrian hamster. TWAS-CSIR fellow for 1 year in Centre
for Cellular & Molecular Biology, Hyderabad, INDIA.
III. All stages of University Education (including doctorate)
Time (from/to)
1978 to 1982
1986 to 1988
1993 to 1997
Name of University
Bangladesh Agricultural
Bangladesh Agricultural
Hokkaido University
Place, country
Hokkaido, Japan
Main subjects
Veterinary Science
Veterinary Anatomy
Avian Immunology
IV. Complete Professional Background:
Time (from/to- month/year)
January 1985 to October
Name and Place of Institution
Veterinary Upazila Veterinary Hospital, Sylhet, Bangladesh
November 3, 1985 to August Lecturer
5, 1989
Department of Anatomy and Histology, Faculty of
Veterinary Science, Bangladesh Agricultural
University, Mymensingh-2202, Bangladesh.
August 6, 1989 to November Assistant
7, 1997
Department of Anatomy and Histology, Faculty of
Veterinary Science, Bangladesh Agricultural
University, Mymensingh-2202, Bangladesh.
Nov. 8, 1997 to Dec. 8,
Department of Anatomy and Histology, Faculty of
Veterinary Science, Bangladesh Agricultural
University, Mymensingh-2202, Bangladesh.
December 9, 2002 till to date Professor
Department of Anatomy and Histology, Faculty of
Veterinary Science, Bangladesh Agricultural
University, Mymensingh-2202, Bangladesh
V. Previous Periods of Study and Research Abroad:
Time (from/toName and place of
October 1991 Laboratory of Anatomy,
to March 1993 Department of
Biomedical Science,
Postgraduate School of
Veterinary Medicine,
Hokkaido University,
April 1993 to
Laboratory of Anatomy,
March 1997
Department of
Biomedical Science,
Postgraduate School of
Veterinary Medicine,
Hokkaido University,
Purpose of
Worked as
Financed by Name and address of Scientific
Ministry of Prof. Dr. Makoto Sugimura,
Education, Laboratory of Anatomy,
Department of Biomedical
(Monbusho) Science, Postgraduate School
of Veterinary Medicine,
Hokkaido University, Japan
leading to
Ministry of
Prof. Dr. Toshihiko Iwanaga,
Department of Biomedical
Science, Postgraduate School
Hokkaido University, Japan
VI. Subject Studied:
(a) In Undergraduate DVM courses:
Gross anatomy, Histology, Embryology, Neuroanatomy, Surgical anatomy, Biochemistry,
Physiology, Animal hygiene, Bacteriology, Virology, Mycology, Veterinary Public health,
General Pathology, Special Pathology, Clinical Pathology, General Parasitology, Special
Parasitology, Protozoology, Pharmacology, Toxicology, Surgery, Medicine, Juries Prudence,
Animal Nutrition , Genetics and Animal breeding.
(b) In M. Sc. (Anatomy):
Gross anatomy, Histology, Embryology, Neuroanatomy, Surgical anatomy, Physiology,
Histochemistry, Evolutionary anatomy,
(c) During Ph. D:
Gross anatomy, Histology, Cell biology, Immunology, Embryology, Neuroanatomy and
(d) During Postdoctoral Fellow: Molecular Biology
VII. Scholarship Received:
National Science and Technology (NST) Fellowship for MS program (Bangladesh)
Monbusho Scholarship for Research Student (Japan)
Monbusho Scholarship for Ph. D. Program (Japan)
TWAS-CSIR Scholarship for 1 year postdoctoral program in India.
VIII. Published Contributions to Academic Conferences: Mentioned few of them:
1. Khan, M.Z.I., Hashimoto, Y., Kon, Y. and Sugimura, M. (1994): The interaction of
exogenous estrogen and progesterone in the migration of T-lymphocytes in the oviduct of
immature chicks. 117th Japan Veterinary Conference at Tokyo, Japan, April 1994, 70.
2. Khan, M.Z.I., Hashimoto, Y., Kon, Y. and Iwanga, T. (1995). Development of T-lymphocyte
subpopulations in the oviduct of chickens during postnatal period.119th Japan Veterinary
Conference at Tokyo, Japan, April 1995, 35.
3. Khan, M.Z.I., Hashimoto, Y., Konno, A. and Iwanga, T. (1996). Postnatal Development of
B- cell and immunoglobulin containing plasma cells in the chicken oviduct. 121st Japan
Veterinary Conference at Tokyo, Japan, April, 1996. 33.
4. Khan, M.Z.I. (1997). Macrophages in the chicken oviduct : Morphometrical studies by light
and transmission electron microscopy and possible influence of sex hormones. 4th
Bangladesh Society for Veterinary Education and Research. Annual Scientific Conference at
Bangladesh Agricultural University Campus, Mymensingh, Bangladesh, December 1997,
5. Khan, M.Z.I. (1998). Distribution of different types of ovarian arteries in the domestic hen.
Gallus Gallus domesticus. 5th Bangladesh Society for Veterinary Education and Research.
Annual Scientific Conference at Bangladesh Agricultural University Campus, Mymensingh,
Bangladesh, December 1998, 24.
6. Khan, M.Z.I. (2000). Large granular lymphocytes in the oviduct of postnatal developing and
hormone- treated chicken. Poster presentation in VII ISAE (International Symposium on
Avian Endocrinology) , Varanasi, India, January 28- February 2, 2000.
7. Khan, M. Z. I. (2006). The education and research of veterinary anatomy in Bangladesh.
First Asian AVA (Association of Veterinary Anatomist), Tsukuba, Tokyo, Japan, March 20,
8. Khan, M. Z. I. (2006). Veterinary education, services and violation of the rules for animal
welfare ethics in Bangladesh. The Program for Veterinary Scientist in the Next Generation
held at Graduate School of Veterinary Medicine, Hokkaido University, Sapporo 060-0818,
Japan, March, 22 – 29, 2006.
9. Khan, M. Z. I., E. H. Chowdhury and N. Sultana. (2012). Molecular detection of cellular
prion protein from the brain tissues of Black Bengal goat. Annual Bangladesh Agricultural
University Research (BAURES) workshop, BAU, Mymensingh, Bangladesh, April, 2-3,
10. Khan, M. Z. I., M. Nasrin., M. N. H. Siddiqi and M. A. Masum. (2012). Mobilization of
Immunoglobulins (Igs) containing plasma cells in Harderian gland, cecal tonsil, and trachea
of broilers vaccinated with Newcastle disease vaccine. Annual Bangladesh Agricultural
University Research (BAURES) workshop, BAU, Mymensingh, Bangladesh, April, 2-3,
IX. Masters Students from the Faculty of Veterinary Science, Bangladesh Agricultural
University, Mymensingh, Bangladesh, Graduates:
1. Islam, K, N. (1999). The anatomical studies of the kidney and ureter of Rhode Island Red
(RIR) White leghorn (WLH) chicken during their postnatal stages of growth and
development. M. S. in Anatomy.
2. Islam, M. R. (2001). The postnatal growth and development of the oviduct of deshi chickens
(Gallus Gallus domesticus) of Bangladesh. M. S. in Anatomy.
3. Khalil, M. (2001). Age related histomorphological changes of lymphoid organs of deshi
chicken of Bangladesh. M. S. in Anatomy.
4. Rahman, M. L. (2001). Postnatal growth and development of lymphoid tissues in the
digestive, urinary, and reproductive tract of deshi chickens of Bangladesh. M. S. in
5. Das, S. K. (2002). Artificial Insemination in native chicken with special reference to the role
of immunocompetent cells in the sperm-host glands to the spermatozoa. M. S. in Anatomy.
6. Siddique, M. S. I. (2003). Anatomical studies of the bones of the forelimb of black Bengal
goat. M. S. in Anatomy.
7. Ahmed, M. M. (2003). Distribution of Immunocompetent cells in the mucosa associated
tissues (MALT) and other major lymphoid organs of gumboro affected chickens of the
poultry farms of Mymensingh District. M. S. in Anatomy.
8. Alam, M. S. (2004). Histological study of Intestine of broiler in the Mymensingh District. M.
S. in Anatomy.
9. Karim, M. R. (2004). The dynamics of Immunocompetent cells in the major lymphoid organs
and lymphoid tissues of chemotherapy treated chickens. M. S. in Anatomy.
10. Rahman, M. T. (2005). Age-related muscular developmental study at different body regions
of wether in relation to socioeconomic growth of the rural peoples of Bangladesh. M. S. in
11. Islam, M. N. 2006). Immunoglobulins containing plasma cells in the gastrointestinal tract of
chicken. M. S. in Anatomy.
12. Jahan, M. R. (2006). Harderian gland of chicken. M. S. in Anatomy.
13. Akter, S. H. (2006). The effect of vitamin E and selenium on the major lymphoid organs and
mucosal immune system of broilers. M. S. in Anatomy.
14. Gofur, M. R. (2007). Morphometry of the testis in indigenous bull (Bos
Bangladesh. M. S. in Anatomy.
indicus) of
15. Islam, M. N. (2007). Gross and Histomorphology of the major lymphatic organs of
indigenous duck (Anas hoschas domesticus) of Bangladesh. M. S. in Anatomy.
16. Hossain, M. T. (2009). Effectiveness of Gumboro vaccines in Bangladesh. M.S in Anatomy.
17. Alam, M. (2009). Gross morphological study of bones and muscles of the limbs of
indigenous dog of Bangladesh. M.S in Anatomy.
18. S. Nasrin (2011). Detection of PrPC gene in the brain tissues of indigenous black Bengal
goats in Bangladesh. M.S in Anatomy
19. N. Morsheda (2011). Postnatal development of Harderian gland, and MALT of broilers and
the response of baby chick ranikhet disease vaccines (BCRDV) on the mobilization of Igscells during development of these organs. M.S in Anatomy.
20. Masum, M. A. (2012). Development of immunoglobulin-containing plasma cells in the
lymphatic tissues and gut-associated-lymphatic tissues in the BCRDV-vaccinated broilers.
M.S in Anatomy.
X. Co-supervisor of M. S students in Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh,
1. Islam, M. M. (2007). Effect of some growth promoter antibiotic supplementation on growth
performance and hemato-biochemical parameters in growing broiler chick. M. S. in
2. Ahmmed, R. (2007). Effect of dicalcium phosphate (DCP) and vitamin AD3E of different
commercial companies on growth performance and hemato-biochemical parameters in
growing broiler. M. S. in Physiology.
3. Taher, M. A. (2007). Study on hemato-biochemical parameters by supplementation of
different commercial vitamin-mineral premix and amino acid on growing broilers. M. S. in
XI. Ph. D Students from Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh, Bangladesh
1. Islam, M. N. (2006). Studies on aortic heart valve of indigenous cattle. Ph. D in Anatomy
XII. Chairman of Committees:
1. Chairman of Board of Studies (BOS) for undergraduate
Histology department, 2003- 2005.
2. Chairman of Board of Studies (BOS) for undergraduate
Histology department, 2010- 2012.
3. Chairman of Board of Studies (BOS) for Masters Students,
department, 2003- 2005.
4. Chairman of Board of Studies (BOS) for Masters Students,
department, 2010- 2012.
students, Anatomy and
students, Anatomy and
Anatomy and Histology
Anatomy and Histology
XIII. Member of Committees:
1. Member of moderation committee for the examination, Anatomy and Histology
department, Sylhet Veterinary College, Sylhet. 1999-2000.
2. Member, ADCOM (admission committee) for the year 2006, BAU, Mymensingh.
3. Member of moderation committee for the examination, Anatomy and Histology
department, 2000-2001, 2003-2005, 2010-2012.
XIV. External and Internal Examiners:
Served many times as external and internal examiners in the different subjects (Undergraduate
and Masters) of the department of Anatomy and Histology, Faculty of Veterinary Science,
Bangladesh Agricultural University, Sylhet Agricultural University, Haji Mohd. Danesh Science
and Technology, Rajshahi University, Barisal Science and Technology, Chittagong Veterinary
and Animal Husbandary University, University Malaysia Kelantan, Malaysia.
XV. Served as Guest Teacher:
1. Guest teacher, Department of Anatomy and Histology, Chittagong Veterinary College,
2. Guest teacher, Department of Anatomy and Histology, Barisal Veterinary College, 2001.
XVI. Worked as Teacher in Foreign University.
Associate Professor in the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University Malaysia Kelantan,
Pengkalan Chepa, 16100 Kota Bharu, Kelantan, Malaysia, Staff no: 00740a. From 08. 03.
2012- to till date.
XVII. Administrative Activities:
1. Head of the department, Anatomy and Histology, Faculty of Veterinary Science, BAU,
Mymensingh, From 25. 5. 2003 to 24.5. 2005 (First time head).
2. Head of the department, Anatomy and Histology, Faculty of Veterinary Science, BAU,
Mymensingh, From 1. 06. 2010 to 4.03.2012 (2nd time head).
3. Provost, Shaheed Nazmul Ahsan Hall, BAU, Mymensingh, 30. 6. 2005 to 31. 7. 2007
XVIII. Completed projects:
(a) Funding by Bangladesh Government:
Morphometric studies of the oviduct and sperm-host glands of deshi-chicken. Funded by
BAURES (Bangladesh Agricultural University Research System), BAU (Bangladesh
Agricultural University) for 3 years (01/07/1998 to 31/06/2001)
Effect of vitamin E, selenium and their combinations on the mucosal immune system of
broilers and layers chickens during their postnatal stages of growth and development.
Funded by BAURES, BAU for 3 years (31/12/1998 to 01/12/2001)
Growth and development of muscles of Black Bengal Goat in the district of Mymensingh.
Funded by UGC (University Grants Commission), Bangladesh for 1 year. (01/01/200231/12/2002)
Harderian gland of chicken and its possible role in immunity. Funded by UGC, Bangladesh
for 1 year (01/01/2003-31/12/2003)
Investigation of the frequency of immunocompetent cells in the lymphoid and mucosa
associated lymphatic tissues (MALT) and the role of sex hormones, vitamin E, Selenium
and herbs mushrooms in regulating these cells in broilers and layers of Bangladesh. Funded
by Ministry of Science Information and Communication Technology (MOSICT),
Bangladesh, for the financial year 2005-2006.
Studies of Ig (immunoglobulin)-containing plasma cells in the lymphoid organs and
mucosa associated lymphatic tissues in the prenatal and postnatal stages of indigenous
chickens (Gallus domesticus) of Bangladesh. Funded by BAURES, BAU for 2 years (from
July 1, 2007).
Detection of PrPC gene in the brain tissues of indigenous black Bengal goats in
Bangladesh. Funded by BAURES and UGC for 1 year (July 2010 – June 2011).
8. Comparative studies of the effectiveness of commercially used vaccines against gumboro
disease on the cell-mediated mucosal immunity of the broiler. Funded by University Grants
Commission (UGC), Bangladsh for 1 year (2010-2011).
9. Postnatal Development of Harderian Gland in Chicken and Effectiveness of Commercially
Used Baby Chicks Ranikhet Disease Vaccine (BCRDV) on the Cell-Mediated Immunity of
the Gland. Funded by University Grants Commission (UGC), for 1 year (2011-2012).
(b) Fund from International Resources:
1. Mucosal immune system of the broilers and scavenger chickens in Bangladesh. Funded by
TWAS (Third World Academy of Sciences), ITALY for 1year (2003-2004).
2. Dynamics of immunocompetent cells in the lymphoid organs and mucosa associated
lymphatic tissues (MALT) of chemotherapy treated chicken. Funded by TWAS, ITALY for 1
year (2004-2005).
XIX. Running Projects:
Investigation on the immune system and serotyping of Pasteurella multocida based on capsules
in duck in Kelantan. Short grant scheme, RM 20,000, University Malaysia Kelatan.
XX. Attended Training Program and Workshop: Mentioned few of them:
1. Training course on "Livestock and Poultry Research Methodology", BARC, 5-18 Dec. 1985.
2. Training course on "Descriptive statistics" Graduate Training Institute, BAU, Mymensingh,
November 21- December 2, 1987.
3. Training course on "Technical Report Writing and Presentation", GTI, BAU, May 17-29,
4. Training workshop on “Application of GIs in Agricultural Development Planning" BAU,
Mymensingh, August 10- 11, 1999.
5. Training course on” Project Cycle Management and TAPP Preparation”, GTI, BAU,
Mymensingh, March 04 -08, 2006.
6. Learned Plastination technique of different organs of animals for teaching purpose in the
Laboratory of Anatomy, Department of Biomedical Sciences, Hokkaido University, Japan,
March 22-30, 2006.
7. Learned the technique of RT-PCR for RNA analysis of different organs of C57 mouse using
ICycler (Bio-Rad, Japan) in the Laboratory of Anatomy, Department of Biomedical Sciences,
Hokkaido University, Japan, March 22-30, 2006.
8. Attended workshop, “Bengkel Winning Research Proposal-1”, University Malaysia Kelantan
Kampus Bandar, Pengkalan Chepa, Kelantan, Malaysia, 24-25 June, 2012
(UMK.PC/B07.00/500-14/6 (10), Dated 21 Jun 2012.
9. Attended workshop, “Bengkel Winning Knowledge Transfer Program (KTP)”, University
Malaysia Kelantan Kampus Bandar, Pengkalan Chepa, Kelantan, Malaysia, 01- 02 July, 2012
(UMK.PC/B07.00/500-14/6 (15), Dated 28 Jun 2012.
XXI. Experiences as Resource Personnel:
1. “Artificial Insemination Technique (AIT) in cattle” for the self employment of BRAC
personnel, Organized by the BRAC, Guest speaker for two years (2005-2006), Venue:
Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh 2202.
2. Artificial Insemination Management (AIM), a training programme arranged by BRAC for the
regional sector specialist (vet. graduate, animal husbandry graduate and general graduate),
Speaker from 19. 08. 2006-14.09.2006, Venue: Bangladesh Agricultural University,
3. In service training programme for the Veterinary graduate on reproduction and health
management in cattle, Livestock division, BARC, Farmgate, Dhaka, Speaker from 23.06.
2006 to 7.07. 2006.
4. Training of small holders for their Agricultural Development (Vaccination, Feeds and
Feeding, Selection of Dairy and Beef Cattle Breed), Department of Agricultural Extension,
Ministry of Agriculture, Bangladesh, Guest speaker from 2003-till today, Venue:
Horticulture center, Kewatkhali, Mymensingh.
5. Training of the TOT program (Veterinary, Animal Husbandry and General Graduates) under
CLP, a DFID project. Attended as a resource speaker at Horticulture center, DAE, Jamalpur
(23-25 Sept), MMS, Sirajganj (28-30 Sept), GUK, Gaibandha (5-7 Oct), and Chhinyamukul
at Kurigram (10-12 Oct).
6. Attended as a guest speaker in 3 days workshop entitled, “Bird flu and Pandemic flu
Awareness and Preparedness”, organized by Press Institute of Bangladesh (PIB) and financed
by UNICEF, UN, and Venue: Sylhet district, 14-16 December/2007; Patuakhali, 25-27
XXII. Professional Affiliations
Member, World Veterinary Poultry Association (WVPA)
Life Member, Bangladesh Society for Veterinary Medicine (BSVM)
Life Member, Bangladesh Veterinary Council (BVC)
Vice President of Asian AVA (Association for the Veterinary Anatomist, Tokyo, Japan).
XXIII. Other Professional and Activities in the Community:
1. Elected member of the Bangladesh Agricultural University Teachers Association.
2. Treasurer of Bangladesh Veterinary Student Association (BVSA).
3. Treasurer of Bangladesh Veterinary Association (BVA).
4. Expert member for the recruitment of the teachers of Sylhet and Chittagong Veterinary
7. Treasurer of Bangladesh Society of Veterinary Education and Research (BSVER).
8. President, Tangail District Association.
9. President, Tribhuz, Cultural Organization of BAU, Mymensingh.
XXIV. Consultancy Job.
1. Part-time consultant at The University of South Asia, Banani, Dhaka, Bangladesh
2. As Consultant, worked for Community Based Animal Health Workers (CBAHW) Livelihoods
Study, CLP Enterprise Development, CLP Secretariat, Rural Development Academy (RDA)
Campus, Sherpur, Bogra 5842. Dated: April 1, 2007 – June 30, 2007
XXV. Field of Research:
Anatomical and Histological Research of Animals.
Myology of animals
Avian Immunologist
Aortic Heart valves of man and animals
Molecular Science, especially on the Recombinant DNA Technology.
XXVI. Referees:
1. Professor Dr. Y. Kon
Lab of Anatomy, Dept. of Biomedical Sciences
Postgraduate School of Veterinary Medicine
Hokkaido University, Sapporo 060, Japan
2. Prof. Hiroshi Kitagawa DVM, PhD
Division of Animal Bioscience, Department
of Bioresource and Agrobiosciences,
Graduate School of Science and Technology,
Kobe University, Kobe 657-8501, JAPAN
TEL/FAX +81-78-803-5814, email:
Dr. Prabir Kumar De
Scientist E II, Lab S 210
Centre for Cellular & Molecular Biology
Habsiguda, Hyderabad, INDIA. E.mail:
4. Prof. Dr. Azam Khan Bin Goriman Khan
Dean, Fakulti Peribatan Veterinari (Faculty of Veterinary Medicine)
Universiti Malaysia Kelantan, Malaysia
XXVII. List of Scientific Publication (Bangladesh Journals)
1. Ahmed, M.U., Mia, A.K.M.A., Khan, M.A.B. Quasem, M.A. and Khan, M. Z. I. (1987).
The microscopic study of the spleen of black Bengal goat, Bangladesh Veterinary Journal.
2. Quasem, M.A., Ahmed, M.U. and Khan, M.Z.I. (1988). Anatomy of jugular veins in black
Bengal goat (Capra hircus). Bangladesh Veterinary Journal, 21:1-4.
3. Khan, M. Z. I., Hossain, M.I., Quasem, M.A. and Ahmed M.U. (1988). The postnatal
growth and development of bones of black Bengal goat (Appendicular skeleton).
Bangladesh Veterinary Journal, 22:29-37.
4. Khan, M. Z.I., Hossain, M.I., Shajahan, M. and Modak, P.C. (1989). Postnatal growth of
skeletal muscles in black Bengal goats. The Bangladesh Veterinarian, 6: 6-9.
5. Quasem, M.A., Mahdi, A.H., Khan, M.Z.I., and Ahmed, M.U. (1992). Histomorphological
studies on the skin of camel (Camelus dromedarius). Bangladesh Journal of Animal
Science, 21: 71-75.
6. Quasem, M.A., Mahdi, A.H., Ahmed, M.U., Kuddus Mia and Khan, M.Z.I. (1993). Studies
on the enzymes of the skin of camel (Camelus dromedarius). Bangladesh Veterinary
Journal, 24-26:75-81.
7. Zaman, M.A., Quasem, M.A., Khan, M.Z.I., Kuddus Mia, A.K.M.A. and Ahmed M.U.
(1993). A histologic study of the urethral process in black Bengal goat (Capra hircus).
Bangladesh Journal of Animal Science, 22: 35-38.
8. Anam, M.K., Awal, M.A., Asaduzzaman, M. Khan, M.Z.I. and Khan, M.A.B. (1996).
Arterial supply to the spleen of the indigenous dog in Bangladesh. Progressive Agriculture.
9. Khan, M.Z.I., Asaduzzaman, M., Rahman, A.N.M.A. and Kh. N. Islam (1999). Distribution
and quantification of large granular lymphocyte (LGLs) in the sperm-host glands of chicken
oviduct. Bangladesh Journal of Animal Science, 28: 47-51.
10. Asaduzzaman, M. Khan, M.Z.I., Quasem, M.A., Islam, Kh., N. and Islam, M.N. (1999).
Topographic anatomy of the heart of black Bengal goats (Capra hircus). The Bangladesh
Veterinarian, 16(1): 25-28.
11. Zaman, M. A., Anam. M. K., Khan, M. Z. I., Islam, M. R., Islam, K., N. and Islam, M.N.
(2000). The course and distribution of the hepatic artery in Bangladeshi stray dogs.
Progressive Agriculture, 11 (1&2): 157-158.
12. Anam. M. K., Asaduzzaman, M., Khan, M. Z. I., Islam, M. R., Islam, K., N. and Islam,
M.N. (2000). Studies on the course and distribution of cranial mesenteric artery in
Bangladeshi native dogs. Progressive Agriculture, 11 (1&2): 159-161.
13. Islam, M. R., Rahman, M. L. and Khan, M. Z. I. (2001). Distribution of lymphoid tissues in
the reproductive tract of chickens (Gallus Gallus domesticus) at different stages of postnatal
growth and development. The Bangladesh Veterinarian, 18(2): 99-104.
14. Rahman, M. L., Khan, M. Z. I. and Islam, M. R. (2002). Distribution of lymphocyte in the
respiratory and urinary system in indigenous chicken (Gallus Gallus domesticus) of
Bangladesh. The Bangladesh Veterinarian, 19 (1): 12-16.
15. Khalil Mohsin, Islam Z, Khalil Mansur and Islam R. (2002). Effects of Age in the Structure
of the Bursa of Fabricius of Deshi Chicken of Bangladesh. Mymensingh Medical Journal,
11(2): 91- 93.
16. Islam, M. R., Khan, M. Z. I., Rahman, M.L. and Mohsin, K. (2002). Postnatal growth and
development of oviduct of deshi chicken (Gallus Gallus Domesticus) of Bangladesh.
Bangladesh Veterinary Journal, 36 (1-2): 35- 41.
17. Khalil Mohsin, Islam Z., Khalil Mansur and Islam R. (2003). A prospective study of
prenatal and postnatal development of thymus of deshi chicken. Mymensingh Medical
Journal, 12(1): 20 – 24.
18. Rauf, S. M. A., Anam, M. K., Zaman, M. A., Khan, M. Z. I. and Islam, M. R. (2003).
Anatomy of the parotid salivary gland of black Bengal goat. Progressive Agriculture, 14
(1&2): 61-66.
19. Khalil, M., Islam, M. N., Khalil, M., Khan, M. Z. I. and Hossain, M. I. (2004). Histology of
extrahepatic biliary system of man and major domesticated animals. Bangladesh Veterinary
Journal, 38: 63-69.
20. Khalil, M. M., Islam, M. N., Khalil, M. M., Khan, M. Z. I. and Hossain, M. I. (2004).
Morphology and morphometry of gall bladder, cystic duct and common hepatic duct in man
and domesticated animals. The Bangladesh Veterinarian, 21(2):101-108.
21. Islam, Kh. N., Khan, M. Z. I., Siddiqui, M. S. I., Islam, M. R., Lucky, N. S., Hossain, M. K.
and Adhikary, G. N. (2004). The Anatomical Studies of the Kidneys of Rhode Island Red
(RIR) and White Leghorn (WLH) Chicken during their postnatal Stage of Growth and
Development. International Journal of poultry Sciences, 3 (5): 369-372.
22. Khalil, M. M, Islam, M. N., Khalil, M. M., Khan, M. Z. I., Adiluzzaman, A. A. and
Hossain, M. I. (2005). Topography and morphometry of the common bile duct and major
duodenal papilla of man and principal domestic animals. Mymensingh Medical Journal,
14(1): 6-12.
23. Haque, Z., Quasem, M. A., Karim, M. R. and Khan, M. Z. I. (2005). Arterial supply of the
perineum of black Bengal doe. Bangladesh Journal of Veterinary Medicine. 3 (1): 51-54.
24. Haque, Z., Quasem, M. A., Karim, M. R. and Khan, M. Z. I. (2005). Perineal musculature
in the Black Bengal goat. Journal of the Bangladesh Agricultural University, 3(1):77-82.
25. Rahman, M. T., Khan, M. Z. I., Karim, M. R. and Haque, Z. (2005). Gross morphometrical
analysis of muscles of different body regions of adult wether (Castrated black Bengal goat)
and its carcass characteristics. Bangladesh Journal of Veterinary Medicine, 3 (2): 144 –
26. Khan, M. Z. I., Rahman, M. T., Haque, Z. and Karim, M. R. (2005). Distribution of
intramuscular connective and adipose tissues in different muscles of wether. Journal of the
Bangladesh Society for Agricultural Science and Technology, 2 (3-4), 17 – 20.
27. Karim, M. R., Khan, M. Z. I. and Haque, Z. (2005). Morphometrical analysis of major
lymphoid organs of Chemotherapy treated chickens. Bangladesh Journal of Veterinary
Medicine, 3 (2): 106 – 109.
28. Karim, M. R., Khan, M. Z. I. and Haque, Z. (2005). The dynamics of immunocompetent
cells in the major lymphoid organs and mucosa-associated lymphoid tissues of
chemotherapy treated chickens. Journal of the Bangladesh Society for Agricultural
Science and Technology, 2 (3-4), 5 - 8.
29. Das, S. K., Khan, M. Z. I., Alam, M. S., Uddin, M. M., Islam, M. S. and Siddiqui, M. S. I.
(2005). Histological evidence for blood supply to the sperm-host glands (SHG) in the
oviduct of native chicken (Gallus domesticus). Bangladesh Journal of Veterinary
Medicine, 3(2): 170 – 172.
30. Islam, M. N., Khan, M. Z. I., Khan, S. R. and Haque, M. A. (2006). Morphometry of the
intercommissural distances and other structures of the aortic valve of bovine heart.
Mymensingh Medical Journal, 15 (2): 153-158.
31. Islam, M. N., Khan, M. Z. I., Jahan, M. R. and Islam, M. R. (2006). Comparative
histomorphology of the gastrointestinal tract’s mucosa of broilers and native chickens of
Bangladesh. Journal for the Bangladesh Society of Agricultural Science and Technology,
3(1&2): 57-60.
32. Islam, M. N., Khan, M. Z. I., Khan, S. R., Jahan, M. R. and Haque, M. A. (2006). Gross
anatomy of the aortic valve of indigenous cattle (Bos indicus) of Bangladesh. Bangladesh
Journal of Veterinary Medicine, 4(1): 31- 37.
33. Haque, Z., Karim, M. R., Quasem, M. A., Khan, M. Z. I. and Islam, M. R. (2006).
Innervation of the perineum of black Bengal goat. Bangladesh Journal of Progressive
Science and Technology, 4 (1): 21-24.
34. Jahan, M. R., Khan, M. Z. I., Islam, M. N. and Akhter, S. H. (2006). Morphometrical
analysis of Harderian gland of broiler and native chickens of Bangladesh. Journal of
Bangladesh Agricultural University, 4(2): 273-278.
35. Akter, S. H., Khan, M. Z. I., Jahan, M. R., Karim, M. R. and Islam, M. R. (2007).
Histomorphological study of the lymphoid tissues of broiler chickens. Bangladesh Journal
of Veterinary Medicine, 4(2): 87-92.
36. Akter, S. H., Khan, M. Z. I., Karim, M. R. and Haque, Z. (2007). Morphological study of
major lymphoid tissues and ileum of selenium and vitamin E. supplemented broilers.
Bangladesh Journal of Progressive Science and Technology, 5(1): 57-62.
37. Islam, M. N., Khan, M. Z. I., Khan, S. R., Haque, M. A. and Hussain, M. A. (2007).
Histological comparison of bovine and human aortic valve. Bangladesh Veterinary Journal,
38. Gofur, M. R., Khan, M. Z. I., Karim, M. R. and Islam, M. N. (2007). Biometry of testis of
indigenous bull (Bos indicus) of Bangladesh in relation to body weight and scrotal
circumference. Journal for the Bangladesh Society of Agricultural Science and
Technology, 4 (1 & 2): 205-208.
39. Islam, M. N., Khan, M. Z. I., Karim, M. R. and Mahmud, K. (2007). The gross morphology
of the major lymphoid organs of indigenous duck (Anas hoschas domesticus). Journal for
the Bangladesh Society of Agricultural Science and Technology, 4 (3 & 4): 119 – 122.
40. Gofur, M. R., Ahmedullah, F., Sarkar, S. K. and Khan, M. Z. I., (2007). Retrospective
epidemiologic study of reproductive disorders in cattle. Journal for the Bangladesh Society
of Agricultural Science and Technology, 4 (3 & 4): 99 - 102.
41. Karim, M. R., Haque, Z., Khan, M. Z. I., Akhter, S. H. and Gofur, R. (2008). The brachial
plexus of black Bengal goat. Bangladesh Journal of Progressive Science and Technology,
6 (1): 113-116.
42. Siddiqui, M. S. I., Khan, M. Z. I., Moonmoon, S., Islam, M. N. and Jahan, M. R. (2008).
Microanatomy of the bones of the forelimb of black bengal goat (Capra hircus).
Bangladesh Journal of Veterinary Medicine, 6 (1): 59 – 66.
43. Gofur, M. R., Khan, M. Z. I., Karim, M. R. and Islam, M. N. (2008). Histomorphology and
histochemistry of testis of indigenous bull (Bos indicus). Bangladesh Journal of
Veterinary Medicine. 6 (1): 67-74.
44. Lucky, N. S., Khan, M. Z. I., Assaduzzaman, M. and Hussan, M. T. (2010). Different types
of oviducal arteries in the domestic hen (Gallus domesticus) in Bangladesh. International
Journal of Bioresearch, 1(1): 15 – 18.
45. Khan, M. Z. I. and De, P. K. (2010). Determination of aphrodisin gene of syrian hamster by
molecular technique. Bangladesh Journal of Veterinary Medicine, 8 (2): 175 – 184.
XXVIII. List of Scientific Publication (International Journals with impact factors):
1. Khan, M.Z.I. and Hossain, M.I. (1996). Postnatal development of muscles in black
Bengal goat (Capra hircus). A histological and morphological study. Veterinarski Arhiv,
66: 155- 160. (Croatia). Impact Factor: 0.314, (2011), ISSN: 1331-8055.
2. Khan, M.Z.I., Hashimoto, Y., Konno, A., Kon, Y. and Iwanaga, T. (1996). Development
of T-lymphocyte subpopulations in the postnatal chicken oviduct. Cell and Tissue
Research, 284:317-325. (Springer-Verlag, Germany). Impact Factor: 3.11 (2010)
ISSN: 0302-766X (Print), ISSN: 1432-0878 (Online).
3. Khan, M.Z.I., Hashimoto, Y., Iwami, Y. and Iwanaga, T. (1996). Hormonal regulation of
T-cell subsets in the oviduct: An immunohistochemical study using sex-hormone- treated
chickens. The Journal of Veterinary Medical Science, 58(12):1161-1167. (Japan).
Impact Factor: 0.851, (2011), ISSN: 0916-7250.
4. Khan, M.Z.I. and Hashimoto, Y. (1996). An immnohistochemical analysis of T-cell
subsets in the chicken bursa of fabricius during postnatal stages of development. The
Journal of Veterinary Medical Science, 58(12):1231-1234. (Japan). Impact Factor:
0.851, (2011), ISSN: 0916-7250.
5. Khan, M. Z.I., Hashimoto, Y., Iwami, Y. and Iwanaga, T. (1997). Postnatal development
of B-cells and immunoglobulin-containing plasma cells: An immunohistochemical study
in the chicken oviduct. Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology, 56, 329- 338.
(Elsevier Science, U.K). Impact Factor: 2.19, (2011), ISSN: 0165-2427.
6. Khan, M. Z. I., Hashimoto, Y. and Iwanaga, T. (1998). Macrophages in the chicken
oviduct. Morphological studies by light and transmission electron microscopy and
possible influence of sex hormones. Journal of Veterinary Medicine, Series B.
45(7):427-433. (Blackwell Science, Germany). Impact Factor: 1.48, (2011), ISSN: 09311793.
7. Khan, M. Z. I. and Asaduzzaman, M. (1998). Distribution of different types of ovarian
arteries in the domestic hen (Gallus Gallus domesticus). Veterinarski Arhiv, 68(4):149153. (Croatia). Impact Factor: 0.314, (2011), ISSN: 1331-8055.
8. Khan, M.Z.I., Hashimoto, Y. and Asaduzzaman, M. (1998). Development of T-cells
subpopulations in postnatal chicken lymphoid organs. Veterinarski Arhiv, 68(5):183-189.
(Croatia). Impact Factor: 0.314, (2011), ISSN: 1331-8055.
9. Rahman, A.N.M.A., Asaduzzaman, M., Islam, Kh. N. and Khan, M.Z.I. (1999).
Morphometric studies of the ovary and oviduct of high and low egg producing chicken in
Bangladesh. Veterinarski Arhiv, 69(6):301-308. (Croatia). Impact Factor: 0.314, (2011),
ISSN: 1331-8055.
10. Islam, Kh. N., Khan, M. Z. I., Islam, M.N. Ahad, A. and Mazumder, M. S. (2001). Light
microscopic structure of the uterus of Rhode Island Red (RIR) and White Leghorn
chicken (WLH) during their postnatal stages of growth and development. Online Journal
of Biological Sciences, 1(4):272-274. (Pakistan). Impact Factor: 0.106, (2010), ISSN:
11. Khan, M. Z. I. and Hashimoto, Y. (2001). Large granular lymphocytes in the oviduct of
postnatal developing and hormone treated chickens. British Poultry Science, 42(2): 180183. (Taylor & Francis) (U.K). Impact Factor: 1.053, (2010), ISSN: 0007-1668 (Print),
1466-1799 (Online).
12. Rahman, M. L., Islam, M. R., Masuduzzaman, M. and Khan, M. Z. I. (2003). Lymphoid
tissues in the digestive tract of deshi chicken (Gallus Gallus domesticus) in Bangladesh.
Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences, 6: 1145-1150. Impact Factor: 0.106, (2010),
ISSN: 1812-5735.
13. Islam, M. N., Khan, M. Z. I., Khan, S. R. and Haque, M. A. (2005). Morphometrical
analysis of aortic valves of bovine heart for bioprosthetic purpose. Pakistan Journal of
Biological Sciences, 8(6): 888-891. Impact Factor: 0.106, (2010), ISSN: 1812-5735.
14. Khan, M. Z. I., Jahan, M. R., Islam, M. N., Haque, Z., Islam, M. R. and Kon, Y. (2007).
Immunoglobulin (Ig)-containing plasma cells in the Harderian gland in broiler and native
chickens of Bangladesh. Tissue and Cell, 39 (3): 141-149. (Elsevier Science, U.K).
Impact Factor: 1.02, (2011), ISSN: 0040-8166.
15. Khan, M. Z. I., Akter, S. H., Islam, M. N., Karim, M. R., Islam, M. R. and Kon, Y.
(2008). The effect of Selenium and vitamin E on the lymphocytes and immuno- globulincontaining plasma cells in the lymphoid organ and mucosa-associated lymphatic tissues
of broiler chickens. Anatomia Histologia Embryologia, 37, 52-59. (Black well Science,
Germany). Impact Factor: 0.899, (2010), ISSN: 1439-0264 (Online)
16. Islam, M. N., Khan, M. Z. I., Jahan, M. R., Karim, M. R. and Kon, Y. (2008).
Comparative Studies of Mucosa and Immunoglobulin (Ig)-Containing Plasma Cells in the
Gastrointestinal Tract of Broiler and Native Chickens of Bangladesh. Journal of Poultry
Science, 45:125-131. (Japan Poultry Science Association). Impact Factor: 1.07, (2010),
ISSN: 1346-7395 (Online). Abstract book of the 15th World Veterinary Poultry
Congress, 2007. No: S858.31.
17. Uddin, M. M., Khan, M. Z. I., Islam, K. N., Kibria, A. S. M. G., Adhikary, G. N.,
Parvez, M. N. H., Basu, J., Uddin, M. B. and Rahman, M. M. (2010). Distribution of
Lymphocytes in the Mucosa Associated Lymphoid Tissues (MALT) of Naturally
Occurring Infectious Bursal Disease (IBD) in Chicken. Pakistan Veterinary Journal, 30
(2): 67-71. Impact Factor: 1.22, (2010), ISSN: 2074-7764 (Online).
18. Islam, M. N., Khan, M. Z. I., Jahan, M. R., Fujinaga, R., Yanai, A., Kokubu, K. and
Shinoda K. (2011). Prenatal histomorphological development of the lymphoid organs of
native chickens of Bangladesh. Pakistan Veterinary Journal, 31: 1-6. Impact Factor:
1.22, (2010), ISSN: 2074-7764 (Online).
19. M Nasrin, M.Z.I. Khan, M.N.H. Siddiqi, M.A. Masum. (2012). Mobilization of
immunoglobulin (Ig)- containing plasma cells in Harderian gland, cecal tonsil and trachea
of broilers vaccinated with Newcastle Disease Vaccine. (Tissue & Cell, accepted,
3.12.2012). Impact factor:1.02 html?trk_article=
Dr. Md. Zahirul Islam Khan
Dated: 09 .01. 2013