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110 East Main St., Suite 810
Madison, WI 53703
Monday, November 8, 2010
11:00 AM – 2:00 PM
Department of Justice –Risser Building
120 Martin Luther King – Room 150A
Telephone 608-266-6871
Fax 608-266-3792
Web site http://wctf.state.wi.us
Board Members Present
Nancy Armbrust, Retired - Schreiber Foods (by phone)
Michael Bloedorn, Deputy Director of Washington County Human Services
Jan Cummings, designee for Attorney General J.B. Van Hollen
Rachel Currans-Sheehan, designee for Secretary Karen Timberlake
Maggie Delaporte, Legislative Assistant to Senator Glenn Grothman
Nic Dibble, designee for State Superintendent Tony Evers
Stephen Gilbertson, Clinical Program Coordinator & Consulting Clinical Psychologist,
Wraparound Milwaukee
Senator Glenn Grothman
Jessica Kelly, designee for Senator Julie Lassa
Barbara Knox M.D., Medical Director of the University of Wisconsin Child Protective Program
and Assistant Professor in the Department of Pediatrics at the UW School of Medicine and
Public Health
Sandra McCormick, President and CEO of World Services of La Crosse, Inc
Jane Pirsig, Executive Director of Aurora Family Services
Representative Donna Seidel
Richard Schlimm, Executive Director, Wisconsin Community Action Program Association
Dimitri Topitzes, Assistant Professor at the Helen Bader School of Social Welfare,
Department of Social Work, UW-Milwaukee
Natalie Verrette, designee for Representative Donna Seidel
Guests Present
Sarah Grimsrud, State Budget Office
Mary Kleman, Prevent Child Abuse Wisconsin
James Leonhart, Executive Vice President, Celebrate Children Foundation
Coral (Butson) Manning, former designee for Governor Jim Doyle
Kathy Markland, Wisconsin Association of Family and Children Agencies
Cailin O’Connor, former Consultant for The Children’s Trust Fund
Katie Maguire Jack, former LTE for The Children’s Trust Fund
Staff Members Present
Michelle Hoppman, Financial Specialist
Jennifer Jones, Associate Director
Teressa Pellett, Programs Director
Mary Anne Snyder, Executive Director
Adriano Udani, LTE
Board Members Absent
Anne Arnesen, Child and Family Advocate
John M. Elliott, designee for Secretary Reggie Bicha, DCF
Representative Joel Kleefisch
Kris Goodwill, Tribal Attorney for the Ho-Chunk Nation with the Department of Justice
Melissa Roberts, designee for Secretary Rick Raemisch, DOC
Welcome and Agenda Adjustments
Schlimm called the meeting to order at 11:05 a.m.
Approval of Minutes from September 13, 2010 Board Meeting – Action Item
Bloedorn moved to approve the September 13, 2010 Board minutes. Dibble seconded. All were
in favor. Motion carried.
Public Comments
No public comments
Financial Statements - Discussion Item
Snyder provided an overview of the SFY11 financial statement with figures through September
2010. Snyder noted that she is closely monitoring state level expenditures to ensure we remain
within the projected budget. Snyder added that the Federal Fiscal Year 2010 grant award is
$534,747 which is slightly less than the previous year’s award of $547,701.
Proposed Meeting Dates for 2011 – Action Item
Snyder referenced the proposed 2011 Board meeting dates; noting a recommendation to
change June 13, 2011 to June 27, 2011. Seidel moved to approve the 2011 proposed meeting
dates with the June meeting on the 27th. Knox seconded. All were in favor. Motion carried.
Preparation for Annual Board Meeting – Discussion Item
Schlimm reminded the Board that election of officers occurs at the annual Board meeting
scheduled for February 14, 2011. Schlimm stated that he will be stepping down as Chair.
Schlimm recommended Rachel Currans-Sheehan to Chair a Nominations Committee and Mike
Bloedorn to serve as Vice-Chair of the Nominations Committee. Schlimm asked CurransSheehan and Bloedorn to convene prior to the annual meeting to develop a proposed slate of
officers. Schlimm invited Board members to contact Currans-Sheehan or Bloedorn with
nominations. Schlimm also reminded Board members that nominations can also be taken from
the floor on February 14th. Discussion ensued.
CANPB Statutory Changes – Action Item
Snyder requested this agenda item be tabled. All agreed.
Board Policies and Procedures Manual – Discussion Item
Snyder indicated that she will email the updated Policies and Procedures manual to Board
members for review and will place adoption of the manual on the February 14, 2011 meeting
Social Marketing RFP Update – Discussion Item
Jones and Udani reported that a vendor was selected for the social marketing initiative. A
contract will be negotiated with Dr. Jeff Linkinbach, Montana State University. Dr. Linkinbach
and his team will develop an innovative campaign that catalyzes citizen and community
responsibility for keeping children safe. Jones indicated that this is a funding partnership with
the Child Abuse Prevention Fund of Children’s Hospital and Health System. Discussion
ensued. Jones will send Linkinbach’s proposal to the Board.
Family Team Meetings Progress Report – Kathy Markland, Wisconsin Association of
Family and Children’s Agencies (WAFCA)
Kathy Markeland presented on behalf of Linda Hall. Content of presentation included a
summary of the report, Community Response-Family Team Meeting Model, training
components, implementation strategies, reported outcomes from participating counties, and
plans for expanding the training in SFY11.
Lunch and Awards Presentation to Board Members Flo Ninham and Coral (Butson)
Manning, Staff Member Katie Maguire and Consultant Cailin O’Connor
Schlimm presented the Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention Board member service award to
Board members Florence Ninham and Coral (Butson) Manning. Schlimm also recognized , staff
member Cailin O’Connor and Katie Maguire Jack with service awards.
Awareness to Action Progress Report – Mary Kleman, Prevent Child Abuse Wisconsin
Kleman summarized the goals for the child sexual abuse prevention initiative that is titled
Awareness to Action. Goals include:
1. Training adults across systems to take responsibility for keeping kids safe using the
Stewards of Children curriculum. Over 3,000 individuals have participated in this training.
2. Expanding SCAN-MRT: mandatory reporter training
3. Provision of technical assistance and support to youth serving agencies on improving and
implementing best practice policies, procedures and training
4. Increase community awareness and education both at the state and local level
Celebrate Children Foundation (CCF) Report – Discussion Item
Leonhart reported on progress related to the Development Plan for the Celebrate Children
Foundation, highlighting the following topics (see CCF Development Plan document):
Redesigned License Plate
Car Drawing
Purchasing Consortium
Grant Awards
Governor's Council on Early Care and Education
There was a good discussion that followed.
Standing Committees Reports – Discussion/Action Items
No standing committee reports.
Board Member Reports and Other Business
Cummings announced her resignation, effective immediately, as Director of the Office of Crime
Victim Services in the Department of Justice. Next board meeting is scheduled for Monday,
February 14, 2011.
Closed Executive Session for Executive Director Performance Review Per WI Statute
19.85(1)(c) – Action Item
The Board went into closed session on a motion by Dibble and seconded by Knox.
The Board returned to open session on a motion by Bloedorn and seconded by Cummings.
Dibble moved to adjourn. McCormick seconded. The meeting adjourned at 1:55pm.