Zak Voigt

Zak Voigt
Cortney Kopischke
Evolution and Development
Two main questions or themes are:
o What role has developmental evolution played in the history of life on Earth?
o Do the developmental trajectories that produce phenotypes bias the productions of
variation or constrain trajectories of evolutionary change?
What is evolutionary developmental biology (EDB)?
seeks to understand the mechanisms by which development has evolved, both in terms of
developmental processes and in terms of evolutionary processes
Major contributors:
o Geoffroy Saint- Hilaire (1772-1844)
o Karl Ernst von Baer
o Darwin
o E.B Lewis
o Thomas Kaufman
Most important discovery was the Hox cluster in the 1970s and 1980s
o Gave birth to modern EDB
o Homeobox genes work like stem cell in differentiating body structures
o Ultrabithorax (Ubx) gene in drosophila – E.B. Lewis (See page 475)
o Hox gene complexes in Drosophila
 Antennapedia (Antp) –Thomas Kaufman 1970 and 1980s
 Bithorax- E.B. Lewis 1940’s-1970’s
o See picture on page 475
o Mammals – 4 Hox gene complexes, 13 different Hox genes
o Drosophila- 2 complexes, 8 Hox genes
Hox genes were extremely important discovery
o Brought together vertebrates and invertebrates at a genetic level
If Hox genes are present in 2 different species, why do they develop differently?
Hox gene expression is not the case, but other genes.
Hox genes encode proteins to regulate transcription
Proteins (transcription factors) bind to DNA control regions of target genes
Transcription factor - a protein that interacts with a regulatory DNA sequence and
affects the transcription of the associated gene (Futuyma, 2005)
Target gene – in developmental genetics, a gene regulated by a transcription factor of
interest. This regulation may be direct or indirect (Futuyma, 2005)
EDB in Plants
o See figure on page 479
o A, B, and C = Transcription factors
o Sepals develop from A gene, Carpels by C, Petals by mix of B and A, Stamens by mix of B
and C – Wild-type
o AP3 mutant- Petals converted to sepals, stamens to pistils.
o All from mutations in the B gene APETALA3
o Similar features are inherited with some or no modification from ancestors
o Example- M2 molar in carnivores
o See page 480
o Believed to be lost in Felidae, present in 10% of Lynx
o If molar was lost in Felidae, how does it appear in later lineage?
 Possibility that certain factors (environment, diet) make the M2 molar necessary
This conflicts with homologous traits
 Can’t go back in time and pick up what was lost
 Reverse order
 i.e. – Differentiating digits
o Tetrapods- differentiate sequentially from back to front except
for salamanders
Developmental Pathways
o Also called developmental circuits
o Basically, genes that code proteins which regulate transcription factors (remember info
from before?)
o Determine level of transcription at target genes and structural genes
o These genes(devo-pathways) are crucial to certain physical structures
o See page 484, Figure 20.8
o Distalless family genes present in various organisms, function in forming different
o Another example: eyeless
 Mutation in this gene and its mammalian counterpart, Pax6, lead to eye
 See page 483, figures 20.9 and 20.10
o Injection of eyeless in Drosophila can induce ectopic expression of eyes
o Amazingly, Pax6/eyeless gene is interchangeable between vertebrates and invertebrates
 When injected in Drosophila, mouse and squid Pax6 genes create ectopic eyes
o Ectopic expression – expression of a certain body part where it is not normally found
Darwin spent much time on how human eyes evolved
Some organisms have very simple eyes, i.e.- Cnidarians, “eyespots” w/ few
photoreceptive pigments
o Some organisms have more complex eyes, i.e. flies, compound eyes allow depth
perception, detailed vision, motion sensitivity
o Ironically, basic and complex eyes both contain the eyeless/Pax6 gene
Gene regulation
o Genes usually have many different enhancers
o Regulatory modularity is thought to control the evolution of specific tissues and body
 Ex: Drosophila melanogaster and Ubx expression (see page 484)
 Ex: Wild corn (Teosinte) and Maize (see page 485)
 Could be a result of a trans-regulatory difference
 Difference in transcription factor
 Modularity- The degree to which the development of various body structures is
independent (Futuyma, 2005)
o Co-option – use of pre-existing genes to perform new functions, develop new structures
 Very cool evolutionary trait
 Existing genes evolve into new ones
 Ex: Crystallin- gene family in which many genes have dropped some
amino acids to perform different functions (see page 487)
 Genes can be expressed after a critical period to lengthen critical period and
increase chances of novelties (page 488)
Developmental Constraints and Morphological Evolution
o No animal lives in a perfect world
o Sometimes evolution is denied by certain constraints:
 1) Physical constraints- An organism’s body structure doesn’t allow for more
complexity. Any examples?
2) Selective (or functional) constraints- some lineages don’t express certain
features because they’re always bad or they interfere with a current trait
 3) Genetic constraints- even genes have tolerance levels; if these are exceeded
for a variation, it won’t happen
 4) Developmental constraints- “a bias on the production of various phenotypes
caused by the structure, character, composition, or dynamics of the
developmental system.” (Maynard Smith et al., 1985)
 Basically, some organisms don’t have the proper tools for the job. i.e.lack of cells, proteins, or developmental genes)
Developmental or genetic constraints lead to evolutionary patterns
 1) Absence of features in certain lineages
Ex: Viviparity in lizards and snakes, but not turtles. Why do you think
this is?
2) Directional trends
 Novelties that came about in ancestral lineages give rise to evolutionary
“branches” that wouldn’t have happened otherwise (see page 492)
3) Parallel evolution of traits in independent lineages
 Traits of differing species of the same lineage may have only one genetic
pathway to evolve in certain aspects. Ex: Drosophila (page 494) + Bony
horns (page 492)
4) “Standardization”- a high evolutionary variation occurs in that no other
variation is needed
 Canalization – used to explain standardization pattern. Evolution of
modifications favor best phenotype (physicality)
 Evolutionary “bottle neck” w/ winners poured out
5) Morphological stasis over long periods of evolutionary time
 Very basic, evolutionary stand still
6) Similarities in embryological stages among higher taxa
 Although certain taxa become more complex, they retain the same basis
for early development from their ancestors
 Ex: the notochord in vertebrates
EDB of Humans
o Very exciting to see what pathways and mechanisms lead to all of humans massively
complex traits
 Brain size, skull shaping, limbs, efficient hands, behavior, and culture
o Looking at connection with humans and apes
 Nucleotide sequence differs by only 1.2% between human and chimpanzee
o Although it will be a monumental undertaking, comparing genomes of humans and
chimps will reveal great things
o Allows humans to see where we’re going from here by discovering where we’ve been,
and where we started
Carroll, Sean B., Scott D. Weatherbee, and Jennifer K. Grenier. From DNA to Diversity: Molecular
Genetics and the Evolution of Animal Design. 2nd ed. New York: Blackwell, 2006
Fox, Charles W., and Jason B. Wolf, eds. Evolutionary Genetics: Concepts and Case Studies. New
York: Oxford UP, 2006.
The Nature of Science and the Study of Biological Evolution. Colorado Springs: BSCS, 2005.
Futuyma, D. (2005). Evolution. Sinauer Associates Inc.