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Biological Sciences: Accredited March 2008 (updated October 2013)
For teaching and examination in Year 12 2015
Syllabus review
Once a course syllabus has been accredited by the School Curriculum and Standards Authority, the implementation of that syllabus will be
monitored by the Course Advisory Committee. This committee can advise the Board of the Authority about any need for syllabus review.
Syllabus change deemed to be minor requires schools to be notified of the change at least six months before implementation. Major
syllabus change requires schools to be notified 18 months before implementation. Formal processes of syllabus review and requisite
reaccreditation will apply.
Other sources of information
The Western Australian Certificate of Education (WACE) Manual contains essential information on assessment, moderation and
examinations that need to be read in conjunction with this course.
The School Curriculum and Standards Authority website www.scsa.wa.edu.au and extranet provides support materials including sample
programs, course outlines, assessment outlines, assessment tasks with marking keys, past WACE examinations with marking keys, grade
descriptions with annotated student work samples and standards guides.
WACE providers
Throughout this document the term ‘school’ is intended to include both schools and other WACE providers.
This document may be subject to minor updates. Users who download and print copies of this document are responsible for checking for
updates. Advice about any changes made to the document is provided through the Authority communication processes.
© School Curriculum and Standards Authority, 2007.
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Biological Sciences: Accredited March 2008 (updated October 2013)
For teaching and examination in Year 12 2015
Course outcomes
Through Biology we investigate and answer
questions about the living world. Biology contributes
to our understanding of the world from genes and
DNA to the theory of evolution. Biological
knowledge is continually refined in the light of new
evidence. Research in biology impacts on diverse
industries such as: biotechnology, forestry, fishing,
agriculture, mining, and eco-tourism.
The Biological Sciences course is designed to
facilitate the achievement of three outcomes.
The Biological Sciences course encourages
students to be analytical, to participate in problem
solving and to systematically explore fascinating
and intriguing aspects of living systems. This
course highlights the complexity and changing
nature of the living world, and focuses on contexts
that may be relevant, significant and valued to
students such as: marine reefs, desert scrublands,
urban ecology, aquaria and terraria, zoos, botanic
gardens and diseases.
Through this course, students can become
questioning, reflective and critical thinkers about
biological issues. Biology highlights the importance
of reasoning and respect for evidence. Students
consider different perspectives on ethical,
environmental and sustainability issues. This
process enables students to use evidence to make
informed judgements and decisions about
controversial biological issues that directly affect
their lives and the lives of others.
Biological Sciences introduces students to a variety
of skills in biological investigations. Students learn
to develop and test hypotheses, plan and conduct
ethical investigations and begin to appreciate the
critical importance of evidence in forming
conclusions. This course enables students to
communicate their understandings to different
audiences for a range of purposes.
This course caters for all students including: those
who are interested in biology; those who want to
continue to study biology or related disciplines such
as marine biology, biotechnology, botany,
agriculture, veterinary science and zoology in
tertiary institutions; and those who are interested in
a career in a field related to biology such as
floristry, forensic science, landscape gardening,
horticulture, medical science or pest control.
In order to develop their students' scientific literacy
teachers should use an inquiry-based contextual
approach wherever possible.
Outcome 1: Investigating and communicating in
Students investigate the living world, collect and
evaluate biological data and communicate biological
In achieving this outcome, students:
 plan and conduct investigations;
 analyse data, draw conclusions and evaluate
investigation design and findings; and
 communicate understandings of biological ideas.
Outcome 2: Biological systems
Students understand factors involved in interactions
of biological systems with the environment.
In achieving this outcome, students:
 understand the structure of biological systems is
related to function;
 understand interactions of biological systems
with the environment; and
 understand human actions contribute to changes
in biological systems.
Outcome 3: Biological change
Students understand that biological systems change
over time.
In achieving this outcome, students:
 understand variability and continuity in biological
systems; and
 understand evolution as biological change over
Course content
The course content is the focus of the learning
The course content is divided into four content
 ecosystems: biodiversity and sustainability
 the functioning organism
 continuity of species
 working as a biologist.
Living organisms need energy for life: to grow,
move, respond and reproduce. Energy flows through
the biosphere. Solar energy is captured by
photosynthetic cells and transferred to stored energy
in the chemical bonds of organic molecules.
Autotrophy, the role of photosynthesis in the
environment, energy flow, and the cycling of matter
underpin the concept of an ecosystem. Energy flow
relationships can be shown in food chains, food
webs and ecological pyramids. Population dynamics
involves the effect of biotic and abiotic factors on
Biological Sciences: Accredited March 2008 (updated October 2013)
For teaching and examination in Year 12 2015
population size including predation, parasitism and
disease, as well as intra- and inter-specific
interconnectedness of biological systems is
highlighted by the diversity of relationships between
organisms such as predator/prey, and those that
are mutualistic, collaborative, commensalistic and
Continuity of species depends on variation within
the gene pool and there being sufficient healthy,
reproductive individuals to produce a healthy
population. Biological diversity is the variety of all
life forms, the genes they contain and the
ecosystems of which they are a part. Populations in
ecosystems are in a constant state of flux and
change as a consequence of factors such as
natural phenomena, pollution in its various
manifestations, biomagnification and the impact,
both positive and negative, of diverse agricultural
and biotechnological practices. Current ecosystems
and ecosystem change as a consequence of
natural phenomena can be understood through a
study of palaeoecosystems.
The survival of species and of the biosphere
requires management practices and conservation
strategies based on understanding relationships
between genetic and reproductive biodiversity, and
human actions that are underpinned by societal
The concepts of ecosystem stability and ecosystem
resilience, and the impact of increasing human
population growth, are the central themes of this
The functioning organism
Understanding relationships between the structure
and function of organisms is essential to biology.
Organisms maintain their internal conditions within
a narrow range while they live in external
environments which may vary. Their survival
depends upon their ability to respond to, and
maintain, a relatively stable internal environment.
Such responses depend on the integration of
various systems.
There is integration of structure and function at all
organisational levels that enable cellular processes
to maintain dynamic equilibrium. The relationships
between structure and function are seen in the
tissues, organs and component systems of
particular plants and animals from different phyla.
Comparisons can be made between the structure
and function of different organisms.
Adaptations enable organisms to survive and
reproduce successfully in their environment.
Adaptation is central to the link between structure
and function that has occurred over geological time.
The survival and success of a species is contingent
on an ability to cope with environmental conditions.
Cells are the basic units of living organisms. New
cells come from the division of pre-existing cells.
Cells have complex structures and contain various
organelles with particular biochemical pathways and
functions. Microscope based investigations enable
an appreciation of the diversity of cell types.
Photosynthesis and respiration are essential
chemical processes for life. Photosynthesis involves
the interaction of the inorganic compounds, water
and carbon dioxide, and energy to form organic
molecules. The biochemistry of cells involves the
nature and role of organic molecules such as
carbohydrates, lipids and proteins, and of the
catalytic action of enzymes. Biochemical pathways
are complex and influenced by the environmental
conditions of the cell. Cell membranes are important
for regulating the movement of molecules
throughout the cell.
Continuity of species
Organisms have developed a range of reproductive
strategies to ensure the survival of the species and
the transfer of genetic information to their offspring.
The gene is the central concept of genetics. DNA is
the molecular structure of genes and it contains a
code that governs the development and functioning
of all living things. Chromosomes are the sub-units
of the genome that exist in most cells. They behave
in different ways during mitosis and meiosis resulting
in cell division for growth and reproduction.
The history of genetics, as an area of study, is
comparatively short. Mendelian patterns of
inheritance provided the focus for research in the
first half of the twentieth century. Molecular genetics
became the focus after the discovery of the structure
of DNA in 1953. Biotechnology includes a range of
processes that involves the application of scientific
understandings and technology by human beings to
influence organisms. Examples of biotechnology
range from selective breeding, artificial insemination
and pollination, to genetic engineering which
involves the artificial manipulation of the structures
and mechanisms of the genome. These
manipulations can have a profound impact on the
phenotype of organisms. There are complex ethical
considerations for biologists and citizens as a result
of this rapidly advancing field of biology.
Evolution is the single most unifying idea in biology.
Natural selection, mutation and the processes
leading to the phenomenon of adaptation are the
main mechanisms of evolution. The changing nature
of biological knowledge is demonstrated by the
continual refinement of evolutionary theory with the
evidence from areas such as homologous
structures, embryology and DNA. Evolutionary and
geographical time scales enable an understanding
of evolution. Evidence is critical in the process by
which scientists construct biological knowledge.
Biological Sciences: Accredited March 2008 (updated October 2013)
For teaching and examination in Year 12 2015
Classification establishes relationships between
organisms and is integral to an understanding of
evolution and biodiversity. It is used by biologists to
understand and communicate effectively about
living organisms. Classification is hierarchical and
dynamic. Understanding the levels of classification
develops an appreciation of the scope of the living
world in the past and the present. Important aspects
of classification are the concept of the species, the
binomial system of nomenclature and the notion
and meaning of relatedness between organisms.
Survival of individuals and of species is closely
associated with the concepts of biodiversity,
conservation and ultimately sustainability. Concepts
and techniques underpinning prevention of
extinction are at the core of many conservation
Working as a biologist
Planning and conducting ethical biological
Working as a biologist means planning and
conducting investigations in a process that begins
with an exploration of the biologist’s ideas,
incorporates carefully formulated predictions and
hypotheses, and proceeds via sound design to data
technologies. Investigations should be ethically
sound, well controlled, conducted safely and
communicated faithfully. As a result of scientists
questioning and testing concepts, biological
knowledge is continually refined. Biologists may
work individually or in cooperative teams. At the
completion of a task, biologists review and evaluate
their investigations and the implications of their
findings as an integral part of the science inquiry
process. They challenge their beliefs, reflect
critically on their investigations and are willing to
debate, defend or challenge their investigations and
those of others. Working as a biologist includes
developing skills and techniques appropriate to
cytological and biochemical testing, microscopy,
ecological survey procedures, longitudinal studies
and transects within the local environment. Such
work also develops links between biological
applications (including commercial) of biological
Evaluating and communicating as a biologist
The purpose of communication in biology is to
present essential biological understandings in a
form suitable for an audience, using the considered
temperate technical language of science and
reflecting the nature of science. Biologists use the
full complement of information and communication
technologies to access, organise and communicate
information. They routinely use spoken, written,
diagrammatic, representational and symbolic forms
understandings. The science communications of
working biologists are evaluative. They identify the
limitations of design and bias. They reflect on their
beliefs and revise their questions in the light of new
evidence and may develop more questions.
Biologists model the methodologies of practising
scientists in their investigations, fieldwork and
The rationale of much investigation is essentially
practical and applicable to real life challenges.
Central to communicating and working as a biologist
is a clear recognition that biological research
operates within a relevant historical context,
influences decision-making and has implications for
the management of biological systems.
Course units
Each unit is defined with a particular focus and
suggested learning contexts through which the
specific unit content can be taught and learnt. The
cognitive difficulty of the content increases with each
stage. The pitch of the content for each stage is
notional and there will be overlap between stages.
Stage 1 units provide bridging support and a
practical and applied focus to help students develop
skills required to be successful for Stage 2 units.
Stage 2 units provide opportunities for applied
learning but there is a focus more on academic
Stage 3 units provide opportunities to extend
knowledge and understandings in challenging
academic learning contexts.
Unit 1ABIO
In this unit, students observe and appreciate the
fauna and flora in their local environment. They are
exposed to the diversity of organisms and how these
organisms function together in their environment.
Because of their diversity, organisms are classified
into groups based on their similarities and
differences. Relationships between organisms are
often based on the flow of energy and matter.
Different locations impose different problems for
survival resulting in a variety of adaptations.
Unit 1BBIO
Students examine the biological diversity of a local
ecosystem to appreciate the interrelationships of
organisms. They investigate its biotic and abiotic
factors. Ecosystems are systems through which
matter cycles and energy flows. Food chains and
food webs are used to develop these
understandings. Students examine the ways in
which organisms survive and reproduce in their local
Biological Sciences: Accredited March 2008 (updated October 2013)
For teaching and examination in Year 12 2015
Unit 2ABIO
Ecosystems have a diverse range of organisms that
can be classified. Ecosystems are made up of
communities and the surrounding environment
through which matter cycles and energy flows.
Environments create challenges to survival that are
reflected in differing structures and functions of
Unit 2BBIO
Organisms in systems form populations. This unit
explores factors that affect population dynamics.
Reproduction results in growth of populations. DNA
controls the pattern of inheritance of traits from one
generation to the next with the gene as the unit of
inheritance. Many organisms have different
developmental stages in their life cycles in order to
maximise their survival.
Unit 3ABIO
Survival depends upon an organism’s ability to
respond to changes in external and internal
environments. In studying this unit, students develop
their understanding of cellular processes that
contribute to the survival of the organism.
Homeostasis operates to maintain stability in
response to environmental change. Ecosystems
change over time. Environmental change occurs as
a consequence of natural processes and human
Unit 3BBIO
Evolution is the single most unifying idea in biology.
Natural selection and the processes leading to
variation and speciation are considered the main
mechanisms of evolution. A challenge for biologists
is to maintain biodiversity through a range of
important to maintain ecosystem stability, supply
food and recycle resources as well as preserve the
aesthetic value of the natural environment.
Time and completion
The notional hours for each unit are 55 class
contact hours. Units can be delivered typically in a
semester or in a designated time period up to a
year depending on the needs of the students. Pairs
of units can also be delivered concurrently over a
one year period. Schools are encouraged to be
flexible in their timetabling in order to meet the
needs of all of their students.
Teacher support materials are available on the
School Curriculum and Standards Authority website
extranet and can be found at www.scsa.wa.edu.au
Vocational Education
and Training
Vocational Education and Training (VET) is nationally
recognised training that provides people with
occupational knowledge and skills and credit
towards, or attainment of, a vocational education and
Qualifications Framework (AQF).
When considering VET delivery in WACE courses it
is necessary to:
 refer to the WACE Manual, Section 5: Vocational
Education and Training, and
 contact education sector/systems representatives
for information on operational issues concerning
VET delivery options in schools.
Australian Quality Training Framework (AQTF)
AQTF is the quality system that underpins the
national vocational education and training sector and
outlines the regulatory arrangements in states and
territories. It provides the basis for a nationally
consistent, high-quality VET system.
The AQTF Essential Conditions and Standards for
Registered Training Organisations outline a set of
auditable standards that must be met and maintained
for registration as a training provider in Australia.
VET integrated delivery
VET integrated within a WACE course involves
students undertaking one or more VET units of
competency concurrently with a WACE course unit.
No unit equivalence is given for units of competency
attained in this way.
VET integrated can be delivered by schools providing
they meet AQTF requirements. Schools need to
become a Registered Training Organisation (RTO) or
work in a partnership arrangement with an RTO to
deliver training within the scope for which they are
registered. If a school operates in partnership with an
RTO, it will be the responsibility of the RTO to assure
the quality of the training delivery and assessment.
Refer to the WACE Manual for more information
about unit and course completion.
Biological Sciences: Accredited March 2008 (updated October 2013)
For teaching and examination in Year 12 2015
The WACE Manual contains essential information
on principles, policies and procedures for schoolbased assessment and WACE examinations that
needs to be read in conjunction with this document.
School-based assessment
The table below provides details of the assessment
types for this course and the weighting range for
each assessment type.
Teachers are required to use the assessment table
to develop their own assessment outline for each
unit (or pair of units) of the course.
This outline includes a range of assessment tasks
and indicates the weighting for each task and each
assessment type. It also indicates the content and
course outcomes each task covers.
If a pair of units is assessed using a combined
assessment outline, the assessment requirements
must still be met for each unit.
In developing an assessment outline and teaching
program the following guidelines should be taken
into account.
All assessment tasks should take into account
the teaching, learning and assessment
principles outlined in the WACE Manual.
There is flexibility for teachers to design schoolbased assessment tasks to meet the learning
needs of students.
The assessment table outlines the forms of
student response required for this course.
Student work submitted to demonstrate
achievement should only be accepted if the
teacher can attest that, to the best of her/his
knowledge, all uncited work is the student’s
Evidence collected for each unit must include
assessment tasks conducted under test
conditions together with other forms of
assessment tasks.
Assessment table
Weightings for types
Stage 1
Stage 2
Type of assessment
Stage 3
Practical skills
This type of assessment is designed to develop and/or assess a range of laboratory and data processing
skills, and the application of conceptual understandings of biological principles.
Practical skills may include: designing an open ended investigation; manipulating and correctly using
equipment; collecting and manipulating data; graphing data; identifying trends in data and looking for
biological relationships; presenting clear arguments for interpretations of the data; and identification of
appropriate procedures and issues such as safety, ethics and choice of equipment.
Types of evidence may include: experimental design brief; formal investigations; laboratory reports; exercises
requiring qualitative and/or quantitative analysis of second hand data; and other laboratory work.
Best suited to the collection of evidence of student achievement of course Outcomes 1, 2 and 3.
Fieldwork and environmental investigations
This form of investigation must be used in at least one of a pair of units.
Students conduct, collect, display and analyse data from the study of a natural or disturbed environment.
Students may plan an investigation of an open-ended question arising from their field work.
Tasks are to develop and/or assess a range of field techniques and report writing.
Types of evidence may include a formal field report requiring qualitative and/or quantitative analysis of the
data and evaluation of biological information, a field guide for an area or an annotated portfolio of the field
Best suited to the collection of evidence of student achievement of course Outcomes 1, 2 and 3.
Extended response
Students apply their understanding and skills in biology to analyse and evaluate information, present
responses to open-ended questions and solve problems through a combination of work that may be done
inside and outside class time.
Students draw on a variety of resources for developing responses to situations of their choice, or that of
Types of evidence may include: exercises requiring analysis; interpretation and evaluation of biological
information in articles from scientific journals, literature research, popular media and/or advertising; responses
to specific questions based on individual research; and portfolio of work addressing a specific topic.
Best suited to the collection of evidence of student achievement of course Outcomes 2 and 3.
Tests and examinations
Students apply their understanding and skills in biology to analyse, interpret, solve problems and answer
questions in supervised classroom settings.
These tasks require students to demonstrate use of terminology, understanding and application of concepts,
quantitative skills, and knowledge of factual biological information. It is expected that assessment items would
include open-ended questions to allow students to respond at their highest level of understanding.
Types of evidence may include: diagnostic, formative and summative tests and examinations; comprehension
and interpretation exercises; exercises requiring analysis and evaluation of both qualitative and quantitative
biological information; and responses to discussions and/or presentations.
Best suited to the collection of evidence of student achievement of course Outcomes 2 and 3.
Biological Sciences: Accredited March 2008 (updated October 2013)
For teaching and examination in Year 12 2015
Standards Guides
Schools report student achievement in a completed
unit at Stage 1, 2 or 3 in terms of grades. The
following grades are used:
Standards for this course are exemplified in
Standards Guides. They include examination
questions, annotated candidate responses at the
‘excellent’ and ‘satisfactory’ achievement bands,
statistics for each question and comments from
examiners. The guides are published on the
Authority’s web site at www.scsa.wa.edu.au and are
accessed under Examination materials. An extranet
log-in is required to view the guides.
Excellent achievement
High achievement
Satisfactory achievement
Limited achievement
Inadequate achievement
Each grade is based on the student’s overall
performance for the unit as judged by reference to a
set of pre-determined standards. These standards
are defined by grade descriptions and annotated
work samples.
The grade descriptions for this course are provided
in Appendix 1. They can also be accessed, together
with annotated work samples, through the Guide to
Grades link on the course page of the Authority
website at www.scsa.wa.edu.au
Refer to the WACE Manual for further information
regarding grades.
WACE Examinations
In 2013, students in their final year who are studying
at least one Stage 2 pair of units (e.g. 2A/2B) or at
least one Stage 3 pair of units (e.g. 3A/3B) are
required to sit an examination in this course, unless
they are exempt. For 2014 and 2015, examinations
for all Stage 2 pairs of units (e.g. 2A/2B) are
WACE examinations are not held for Stage 1 units
and/or Preliminary Stage units. Any student may
enrol to sit a Stage 2 or Stage 3 examination as a
private candidate.
Each examination assesses the specific content
described in the syllabus for the pair of units studied.
Details of the WACE examinations in this course are
prescribed in the WACE examination design briefs
(pages 21–23).
Refer to the WACE Manual for further information
regarding WACE examinations.
Biological Sciences: Accredited March 2008 (updated October 2013)
For teaching and examination in Year 12 2015
The functioning organism
Unit description
The unit description provides the focus for teaching
the specific unit content.
In this unit, students observe and appreciate the
fauna and flora in their local environment. They are
exposed to the diversity of organisms and how these
organisms function together in their environment.
Because of their diversity, organisms are classified
into groups based on their similarities and
differences. Relationships between organisms are
often based on the flow of energy and matter.
Different locations impose different problems for
survival resulting in a variety of adaptations.
Suggested learning contexts
Within the broad area of local biology, teachers are
encouraged to use practical examples and may
choose one or more of the suggested contexts (this
list is not exhaustive):
 marine studies
 desert life
 jarrah forests
 aquaria and terraria
 zoos
 urban/park ecology
 botanical gardens.
Unit content
This unit includes knowledge, understandings and
skills to the degree of complexity described below:
There is a huge diversity of organisms and each has
a particular place in its environment. Organisms can
be classified using similarities and differences in
their features.
 diversity of life and reasons for diversity
including classification of organisms
 structural characteristics used by biologists to
classify organisms
 the flow of energy through food chains
 the word equations and the roles of
photosynthesis and respiration
 the role of organisms, including producers and
consumers and decomposers, in a food chain
 relationships between organisms including
predator—prey, symbiosis and parasitic.
Differences between organisms at the cellular level
relate to the features of organisms with particular
lifestyles and living in particular habitats.
 adaptations of plants and animals including:
 structural
 behavioural
 physiological
 cells as the basic units of living organisms
 structures and functions of organelles including:
 chloroplasts
 nucleus
 plasma membranes
 cytoplasm
 cell wall
 structural and functional differences between
cells in plants, animals and protists
 comparison of different tissues, organs or
systems from selected organisms.
Continuity of species
Organisms need to grow and reproduce for the
species to survive.
 working definition of a species
 variation within and between species
 life cycles of organisms
 physical features that enable the survival of
Working as a biologist
Planning and conducting ethical biological
 plan and conduct experiments safely
 observation, inference and hypothesis
 collect reliable data and make valid conclusions
 work safely and responsibly in the field and the
 identify specimens using classification keys
 use biological equipment, including the
monocular microscope, to investigate cell
structure or micro-organisms.
Evaluating and communicating as a biologist
 contribution of biological research to knowledge
and decision-making processes about the world
 communication of results in oral and written form
within a report structure, from the scientific
investigation of a local environment.
Biological Sciences: Accredited March 2008 (updated October 2013)
For teaching and examination in Year 12 2015
The three types of assessment in the table below
are consistent with the teaching and learning
strategies considered to be the most supportive of
student achievement of the outcomes in the
Biological Sciences course. The table provides
details of the assessment type, examples of different
ways that these assessment types can be applied
and the weighting range for each assessment type.
Stage 1
Type of assessment
Practical skills
This type of assessment is designed to develop
and/or assess a range of laboratory and data
processing skills, and the application of conceptual
understandings of biological principles.
Practical skills may include: designing an open
ended investigation; manipulating and correctly using
equipment; collecting and manipulating data;
graphing data; identifying trends in data and looking
for biological relationships; presenting clear
arguments for interpretations of the data; and
identification of appropriate procedures and issues
such as safety, ethics and choice of equipment.
Types of evidence may include: experimental design
brief; formal investigations; laboratory reports;
exercises requiring qualitative and/or quantitative
analysis of second hand data; and other laboratory
Best suited to the collection of evidence of student
achievement of course Outcomes 1, 2 and 3.
Fieldwork and environmental investigations
This form of investigation must be used in at
least one of a pair of units.
Students conduct, collect, display and analyse data
from the study of a natural or disturbed environment.
Students may plan an investigation of an openended question arising from their field work.
Tasks are to develop and/or assess a range of field
techniques and report writing.
Types of evidence may include a formal field report
requiring qualitative and/or quantitative analysis of
the data and evaluation of biological information, a
field guide for an area or an annotated portfolio of
the field work.
Best suited to the collection of evidence of student
achievement of course Outcomes 1, 2 and 3.
Extended response
Students apply their understanding and skills in
biology to analyse and evaluate information, present
responses to open-ended questions and solve
problems through a combination of work that may be
done inside and outside class time.
Students draw on a variety of resources for
developing responses to situations of their choice, or
that of others.
Types of evidence may include: exercises requiring
analysis; interpretation and evaluation of biological
information in articles from scientific journals,
literature research, popular media and/or advertising;
responses to specific questions based on individual
research; and portfolio of work addressing a specific
Best suited to the collection of evidence of student
achievement of course Outcomes 2 and 3.
Tests and examinations
Students apply their understanding and skills in
biology to analyse, interpret, solve problems and
answer questions in supervised classroom settings.
These tasks require students to demonstrate use of
terminology, understanding and application of
concepts, quantitative skills, and knowledge of
factual biological information. It is expected that
assessment items would include open-ended
questions to allow students to respond at their
highest level of understanding.
Types of evidence may include: diagnostic, formative
and summative tests and examinations;
comprehension and interpretation exercises;
exercises requiring analysis and evaluation of both
qualitative and quantitative biological information;
and responses to discussions and/or presentations.
Best suited to the collection of evidence of student
achievement of course Outcomes 2 and 3.
Biological Sciences: Accredited March 2008 (updated October 2013)
For teaching and examination in Year 12 2015
The functioning organism
Unit description
The unit description provides the focus for teaching
the specific unit content.
Students examine the biological diversity of a local
ecosystem to appreciate the interrelationships of
organisms. They investigate its biotic and abiotic
factors. Ecosystems are systems through which
matter cycles and energy flows. Food chains and
food webs are used to develop these
understandings. Students examine the ways in
which organisms survive and reproduce in their local
Suggested learning contexts
Within the broad area of local biology, teachers are
encouraged to use practical examples and may
choose one or more of the suggested contexts (this
list is not exhaustive):
 aquaculture
 crayfishing
 ecotourism
 floriculture
 viticulture
 food production
 fibre production
 composting and recycling.
Plants and animals are specialised in different ways
to solve similar life problems, including acquiring
energy and nutrients, support and protection.
 requirements of living organisms: energy,
oxygen, water, nutrients, removal of wastes and
 structures and systems of organisms including
micro-organisms, plants and animals that enable
them to acquire energy and nutrients
 structures and systems of organisms including
micro-organisms, plants and animals that provide
support for the body and offer protection from the
environment and predators.
Continuity of species
Living things use a variety of ways to reproduce and
support their offspring. Humans have ways of
controlling reproduction of organisms for a range of
 the role of cell division in reproduction and
 sexual and asexual methods of reproduction in
plants and animals
 reproductive structures in plants and animals
 specialised reproductive cells (gametes) pollen,
sperm and ova
 mechanisms of fertilisation in plants and animals
 use of family trees for breeding experiments
 practical applications of biotechnology including
the manipulation and control of reproduction in
microorganisms plants and animals.
Working as a biologist
Unit content
This unit includes knowledge, understandings and
skills to the degree of complexity described below:
Ecosystems differ in abiotic and biotic factors which
cause changes in the flow of energy and materials.
Interdependence affects the survival of organisms.
 major ecosystems (biomes) of the world
 the flow and transfer of energy through an
 loss of energy throughout the food chain
 the cycling of matter through an ecosystem
 the role and significance of water in the
 the transfer of matter and energy through food
webs and pyramids
 abiotic and biotic factors within an ecosystem
 the interdependence of organisms in food webs
including the effects of an increase or decrease
in the numbers of one type of organism on other
organisms in the food web
 the interactions between organisms including
competition, predation, parasitism and symbiosis
 the influence of human activities on food webs.
Planning and conducting ethical biological
 safely conduct an investigation collecting data
 use an array of measuring skills appropriate to
biology including measuring temperature, mass,
time, volume and pH
 make inferences from collected data based on
experimental design and a given hypothesis.
Evaluating and communicating as a biologist
 communication of research to provide evidence
and data for making decisions about biological
 investigation report using diagrams, tables and
other means (including URLs) of presenting the
data and including a reference list
 consideration of issues raised by the research
done and products developed through genetic
Biological Sciences: Accredited March 2008 (updated October 2013)
For teaching and examination in Year 12 2015
The three types of assessment in the table below
are consistent with the teaching and learning
strategies considered to be the most supportive of
student achievement of the outcomes in the
Biological Sciences course. The table provides
details of the assessment type, examples of different
ways that these assessment types can be applied
and the weighting range for each assessment type.
Stage 1
Type of assessment
Practical skills
This type of assessment is designed to develop
and/or assess a range of laboratory and data
processing skills, and the application of conceptual
understandings of biological principles.
Practical skills may include: designing an open
ended investigation; manipulating and correctly
using equipment; collecting and manipulating data;
graphing data; identifying trends in data and looking
for biological relationships; presenting clear
arguments for interpretations of the data; and
identification of appropriate procedures and issues
such as safety, ethics and choice of equipment.
Types of evidence may include: experimental design
brief; formal investigations; laboratory reports;
exercises requiring qualitative and/or quantitative
analysis of second hand data; and other laboratory
Best suited to the collection of evidence of student
achievement of course Outcomes 1, 2 and 3.
Fieldwork and environmental investigations
This form of investigation must be used in at
least one of a pair of units.
Students conduct, collect, display and analyse data
from the study of a natural or disturbed environment.
Students may plan an investigation of an openended question arising from their field work.
Tasks are to develop and/or assess a range of field
techniques and report writing.
Types of evidence may include a formal field report
requiring qualitative and/or quantitative analysis of
the data and evaluation of biological information, a
field guide for an area or an annotated portfolio of
the field work.
Best suited to the collection of evidence of student
achievement of course Outcomes 1, 2 and 3.
Extended response
Students apply their understanding and skills in
biology to analyse and evaluate information, present
responses to open-ended questions and solve
problems through a combination of work that may be
done inside and outside class time.
Students draw on a variety of resources for
developing responses to situations of their choice, or
that of others.
Types of evidence may include: exercises requiring
analysis; interpretation and evaluation of biological
information in articles from scientific journals,
literature research, popular media and/or advertising;
responses to specific questions based on individual
research; and portfolio of work addressing a specific
Best suited to the collection of evidence of student
achievement of course Outcomes 2 and 3.
Tests and examinations
Students apply their understanding and skills in
biology to analyse, interpret, solve problems and
answer questions in supervised classroom settings.
These tasks require students to demonstrate use of
terminology, understanding and application of
concepts, quantitative skills, and knowledge of
factual biological information. It is expected that
assessment items would include open-ended
questions to allow students to respond at their
highest level of understanding.
Types of evidence may include: diagnostic, formative
and summative tests and examinations;
comprehension and interpretation exercises;
exercises requiring analysis and evaluation of both
qualitative and quantitative biological information;
and responses to discussions and/or presentations.
Best suited to the collection of evidence of student
achievement of course Outcomes 2 and 3.
Biological Sciences: Accredited March 2008 (updated October 2013)
For teaching and examination in Year 12 2015
Cycling of matter
 matter cycles through abiotic
components of the ecosystem
 the carbon cycle.
Unit description
The unit description provides the focus for teaching
the specific unit content.
Ecosystems have a diverse range of organisms that
can be classified. Ecosystems are made up of
communities and the surrounding environment
through which matter cycles and energy flows.
Environments create challenges to survival that are
reflected in differing structures and functions of
Suggested learning contexts
Within the broad area of adaptations for survival,
teachers are encouraged to use practical examples
and may choose one or more of the suggested
contexts (this list is not exhaustive):
terrestrial habitats
aquatic habitats.
Unit content
This unit includes knowledge, understandings and
skills to the degree of complexity described below.
This is the examinable content of the course.
Organisms are classified according to their features
and roles in the ecosystem. Ecosystems are made
up of populations of different organisms that
interrelate. Cycling of matter varies between
ecosystems and is influenced by abiotic and biotic
factors in their ecosystem.
 biological classification as a hierarchical system
of grouping organisms
 the main classification groups used in biology:
kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus,
 different criteria are used at each level of
 binomial nomenclature and the use of
taxonomic keys.
 relationships between biosphere, ecosystem,
community and population
 role of organisms including autotrophs,
heterotrophs and decomposers in the
 energy flow and dissipation in food chains,
webs and pyramids.
Productivity in communities
 comparison of biomass in different trophic levels
 comparisons
The functioning organism
Living organisms require inputs and produce outputs
that need to be exchanged with the environment.
Energy requirements of organisms are reflected in
their lifestyle, energy source and cellular contents.
Adaptations for solving the problems of survival in a
particular habitat are reflected at the cellular and
organ-system level.
Requirements of living organisms
 requirements of living organisms
 energy
 gases
 water
 nutrients
 removal of wastes
 energy flow in organisms: roles of
 photosynthesis
 respiration
(word equations, no details of
 the nature and role of
 carbohydrates
 lipids and
 proteins in living organisms.
Cellular structures and functions
 structures and functions of cytoplasm and listed
 nucleus
 mitochondria
 chloroplasts
 plasma membrane
 cell wall
 vacuoles
 compare eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells
 compare plant and animal cells.
Exchange of materials
 exchange of substances between the organism
and its environment
 diffusion
 osmosis
 factors affecting the rate of exchange of
 surface area to volume ratio
 concentration gradient.
Biological Sciences: Accredited March 2008 (updated October 2013)
For teaching and examination in Year 12 2015
Adaptations may be structural, physiological or
behavioural. Plants and animals have adaptations
to survive in terrestrial and aquatic habitats. Use
local examples, where possible, to examine
adaptations for:
 transport
 the transport of materials in plants
 the transport of materials in animals
including open and closed systems
 gas exchange
 gas exchange surfaces and the diffusion of
oxygen and carbon dioxide
 significance of surface area to volume ratio
 acquiring nutrients
 acquisition of nutrients by animals
omnivores, detritivores, parasites
 acquisition of nutrients by plants, fungi and
chemosynthetic, saprophytic, parasitic,
The three types of assessment in the table below
are consistent with the teaching and learning
strategies considered to be the most supportive of
student achievement of the outcomes in the
Biological Sciences course. The table provides
details of the assessment type, examples of different
ways that these assessment types can be applied
and the weighting range for each assessment type.
Stage 2
Working as a biologist
Planning and conducting biological research
 formulate hypotheses and make predictions
from them
 identify the variables in a controlled experiment
 plan and carry out an investigation
 use of microscopy techniques, including
preparation of wet mount slides
 calculation of magnification and field of view of
a microscope
 estimation of the size of cells (micrometres).
Evaluating and communicating as a biologist
 classify, collate and display data
 interpret and construct visual representations of
diagrams, graphs, flow charts and physical
 analyse data and draw conclusions
 evaluate the reliability and validity of
investigative procedures and the conclusions
drawn from investigations
 prepare written and oral reports
 use of taxonomic keys to classify organisms
 use standard scientific techniques and
appropriate SI units
 use appropriate media to communicate
Type of assessment
Practical skills
This type of assessment is designed to develop
and/or assess a range of laboratory and data
processing skills, and the application of conceptual
understandings of biological principles.
Practical skills may include: designing an open ended
investigation; manipulating and correctly using
equipment; collecting and manipulating data; graphing
data; identifying trends in data and looking for
biological relationships; presenting clear arguments
for interpretations of the data; and identification of
appropriate procedures and issues such as safety,
ethics and choice of equipment.
Types of evidence may include: experimental design
brief; formal investigations; laboratory reports;
exercises requiring qualitative and/or quantitative
analysis of second hand data; and other laboratory
Best suited to the collection of evidence of student
achievement of course Outcomes 1, 2 and 3.
Fieldwork and environmental investigations
This form of investigation must be used in at least
one of a pair of units.
Students conduct, collect, display and analyse data
from the study of a natural or disturbed environment.
Students may plan an investigation of an open-ended
question arising from their field work.
Tasks are to develop and/or assess a range of field
techniques and report writing.
Types of evidence may include a formal field report
requiring qualitative and/or quantitative analysis of the
data and evaluation of biological information, a field
guide for an area or an annotated portfolio of the field
Best suited to the collection of evidence of student
achievement of course Outcomes 1, 2 and 3.
Extended response
Students apply their understanding and skills in
biology to analyse and evaluate information, present
responses to open-ended questions and solve
problems through a combination of work that may be
done inside and outside class time.
Students draw on a variety of resources for
developing responses to situations of their choice, or
that of others.
Types of evidence may include: exercises requiring
analysis; interpretation and evaluation of biological
information in articles from scientific journals, literature
research, popular media and/or advertising;
responses to specific questions based on individual
research; and portfolio of work addressing a specific
Best suited to the collection of evidence of student
achievement of course Outcomes 2 and 3.
Tests and examinations
Students apply their understanding and skills in
biology to analyse, interpret, solve problems and
answer questions in supervised classroom settings.
These tasks require students to demonstrate use of
terminology, understanding and application of
concepts, quantitative skills, and knowledge of factual
biological information. It is expected that assessment
items would include open-ended questions to allow
students to respond at their highest level of
Types of evidence may include: diagnostic, formative
and summative tests and examinations;
comprehension and interpretation exercises;
exercises requiring analysis and evaluation of both
qualitative and quantitative biological information; and
responses to discussions and/or presentations.
Best suited to the collection of evidence of student
achievement of course Outcomes 2 and 3.
Biological Sciences: Accredited March 2008 (updated October 2013)
For teaching and examination in Year 12 2015
Unit description
the influence of population dynamics including
birth, death and migration rates on:
 population size
 density
 composition
 distribution
population calculations using birth, death and
migration rates.
The unit description provides the focus for teaching
the specific unit content.
Organisms in systems form populations. This unit
explores factors that affect population dynamics.
Reproduction results in growth of populations. DNA
controls the pattern of inheritance of traits from one
generation to the next with the gene as the unit of
inheritance. Many organisms have different
developmental stages in their life cycles in order to
maximise their survival.
Continuity of species
Suggested learning contexts
Within the broad area of patterns of change,
teachers are encouraged to use practical examples
and may choose one or more of the suggested
contexts (this list is not exhaustive):
 local habitat restoration
 monitoring feral species
 permaculture
 animal breeding
 rare and threatened plants
 quarantine
 rabbits in Australia
 fire management.
Unit content
This unit includes knowledge, understandings and
skills to the degree of complexity described below.
This is the examinable content of the course.
Population size, density, distribution and growth are
affected by the features of the ecosystem. Human
activities impact both negatively and positively on
population dynamics and viability.
Population dynamics
 relationships
communities and their impact on population
size and distribution including competition,
parasitism and commensalism and disease
 regulation of population by density dependent
and density independent factors including
natural disasters, disease, availability of
resources, predator control, pest species and
human activities
 carrying capacity of an ecosystem
 impact of population change on ecosystems
Reproductive processes influence the success of
populations in providing genetically diverse
individuals to survive in various environmental
Cell division—mitosis
 the cell cycle
 role of mitosis in growth, repair and asexual
Types of reproduction
 asexual reproduction
 sexual reproduction in flowering plants including
structures involved in pollination and fertilisation
 sexual reproduction in animals including an
example of
 an aquatic and
 a terrestrial animal
 compare advantages and disadvantages of
sexual and asexual reproduction for survival of
species in stable and in changing environments.
Strategies for maintaining species
 strategies for the survival of offspring including
seed dispersal, parental care, number of
 variations in life cycles including insects,
mammals and parasites.
Cell division—meiosis
 processes of meiosis for gamete production
(names of stages not required)
 roles of meiosis and fertilisation in the change of
chromosome number (haploid/diploid) in a life
Principles of genetics
 structure and function of
 genes and
 chromosomes
 the prediction of the frequencies of genotypes
and phenotypes of offspring from monohybrid
crosses for
 autosomal
 X linked conditions (as an example of sex
 test crosses
 interpretation of pedigree charts for
 patterns of inheritance
 probabilities.
Biological Sciences: Accredited March 2008 (updated October 2013)
For teaching and examination in Year 12 2015
Influence of the environment
 effect of external environment on gene
 determination of sex by chromosomes or the
Working as a biologist
Planning and conducting biological research
 formulate hypotheses and make predictions
from them
 identify the variables in a controlled experiment
 plan and carry out an investigation
 use of biological field techniques including
animal trapping and tracking, capturerecapture, transects, quadrats
 use of ethical practices in the handling of
 use of computer technology or other tools to
model population dynamics.
Evaluating and communicating as a biologist
 classify, collate and display data
 interpret and construct visual representations of
phenomena and relationships (diagrams,
graphs, flow charts, physical models)
 analyse data and draw conclusions
 evaluate the reliability and validity of
investigative procedures and the conclusions
drawn from investigations
 prepare written and oral reports
 use standard scientific techniques and
appropriate SI units
 use appropriate media to communicate
The three types of assessment in the table below
are consistent with the teaching and learning
strategies considered to be the most supportive of
student achievement of the outcomes in the
Biological Sciences course. The table provides
details of the assessment type, examples of different
ways that these assessment types can be applied
and the weighting range for each assessment type.
Stage 2
Type of assessment
Practical skills
This type of assessment is designed to develop and/or
assess a range of laboratory and data processing
skills, and the application of conceptual
understandings of biological principles.
Practical skills may include: designing an open ended
investigation; manipulating and correctly using
equipment; collecting and manipulating data; graphing
data; identifying trends in data and looking for
biological relationships; presenting clear arguments for
interpretations of the data; and identification of
appropriate procedures and issues such as safety,
ethics and choice of equipment.
Types of evidence may include: experimental design
brief; formal investigations; laboratory reports;
exercises requiring qualitative and/or quantitative
analysis of second hand data; and other laboratory
Best suited to the collection of evidence of student
achievement of course Outcomes 1, 2 and 3.
Fieldwork and environmental investigations
This form of investigation must be used in at least
one of a pair of units.
Students conduct, collect, display and analyse data
from the study of a natural or disturbed environment.
Students may plan an investigation of an open-ended
question arising from their field work.
Tasks are to develop and/or assess a range of field
techniques and report writing.
Types of evidence may include a formal field report
requiring qualitative and/or quantitative analysis of the
data and evaluation of biological information, a field
guide for an area or an annotated portfolio of the field
Best suited to the collection of evidence of student
achievement of course Outcomes 1, 2 and 3.
Extended response
Students apply their understanding and skills in
biology to analyse and evaluate information, present
responses to open-ended questions and solve
problems through a combination of work that may be
done inside and outside class time.
Students draw on a variety of resources for developing
responses to situations of their choice, or that of
Types of evidence may include: exercises requiring
analysis; interpretation and evaluation of biological
information in articles from scientific journals, literature
research, popular media and/or advertising; responses
to specific questions based on individual research; and
portfolio of work addressing a specific topic.
Best suited to the collection of evidence of student
achievement of course Outcomes 2 and 3.
Tests and examinations
Students apply their understanding and skills in
biology to analyse, interpret, solve problems and
answer questions in supervised classroom settings.
These tasks require students to demonstrate use of
terminology, understanding and application of
concepts, quantitative skills, and knowledge of factual
biological information. It is expected that assessment
items would include open-ended questions to allow
students to respond at their highest level of
Types of evidence may include: diagnostic, formative
and summative tests and examinations;
comprehension and interpretation exercises; exercises
requiring analysis and evaluation of both qualitative
and quantitative biological information; and responses
to discussions and/or presentations.
Best suited to the collection of evidence of student
achievement of course Outcomes 2 and 3.
Biological Sciences: Accredited March 2008 (updated October 2013)
For teaching and examination in Year 12 2015
Unit description
The unit description provides the focus for teaching
the specific unit content.
Survival depends upon an organism’s ability to
respond to changes in external and internal
environments. In studying this unit, students develop
their understanding of cellular processes that
contribute to the survival of the organism.
Homeostasis operates to maintain stability in
response to environmental change. Ecosystems
change over time. Environmental change occurs as
a consequence of natural processes and human
Suggested learning contexts
Within the broad area of maintaining balance,
teachers are encouraged to use practical examples
and may choose one or more of the suggested
contexts (this list is not exhaustive):
 Ribbons of Green
 wetland ecology
 indigenous foods and medicines
 pest control
 arid land biology
 extreme environments.
The functioning organism
Control of cellular processes is necessary for the
survival of the organism. Control is affected by
environmental conditions and cellular contents and
mechanisms to control metabolic activity in order to
survive in changing environments.
 light dependent and light independent reactions
in terms of the sites at which they occur,
requirements and products
 factors affecting the rate of photosynthesis.
 anaerobic and aerobic respiration in terms of
sites at which they occur, requirements and
products of plants and animals
 factors affecting the rate of cellular respiration.
Surface area to volume ratio
 cellular and organism level.
Energy transfer
 importance of ATP and ADP cycles for cell
Unit content
It is recommended that students studying Stage 3
have completed Stage 2 units.
This unit includes knowledge, understandings and
skills to the degree of complexity described below.
This is the examinable content of the course.
Environmental issues and human impact
 causes and biological consequences of changes
to natural, agricultural and urban ecosystems
that result from human activity
 eutrophication
 dryland salinity
 harvesting of natural resources
 climate change
 fire
 biomagnification.
Ecosystems are dynamic and respond to variations
to maintain balance. Human use and activity alters
the productivity and stability of the ecosystem.
 biodiversity in terms of genetic, species and
 natural, agricultural and urban ecosystems
 input and outputs
 amount of recycling
 stability
 productivity
 energy flow.
Control of cellular activities
 transport of materials across the cell membrane
 active transport including carrier molecules,
endocytosis and exocytosis
 passive
osmosis and facilitated diffusion
 model for the structure and function of the cell
 enzyme action: lock and key, induced fit,
activation energy changes
 enzymes as specific catalysts
 effect of temperature and pH on enzyme action
 importance of enzymes in biological processes,
including the control of biochemical pathways.
 the principles of homeostasis and negative
 need for maintenance within limits of an
organism’s internal environment for:
 carbon dioxide
 oxygen
 wastes
 temperature
 salts
 water.
Biological Sciences: Accredited March 2008 (updated October 2013)
For teaching and examination in Year 12 2015
Homeostasis in animals
 factors affecting water balance
 water inputs
 water loss
 nitrogenous wastes from different vertebrate
groups in relation to water availability
 factors affecting salt balance
 temperature regulation
 endothermy/ectothermy
 heat transfer
o conduction
o convection
o radiation
o evaporation
 adaptations for controlling heat transfer
o structural
o behavioural
o physiological.
Water balance and temperature regulation in
vascular plants
 water balance
 water absorption
 transpiration and stomata
 temperature regulation
 adaptations.
The three types of assessment in the table below
are consistent with the teaching and learning
strategies considered to be the most supportive of
student achievement of the outcomes in the
Biological Sciences course. The table provides
details of the assessment type, examples of different
ways that these assessment types can be applied
and the weighting range for each assessment type.
Stage 3
Working as a biologist
Planning and conducting biological research
 formulate hypotheses and make predictions
from them
 identify the variables in a controlled experiment
 use of biological field techniques including
animal trapping and tracking, transects and
 use of ethical practices in the handling of
Evaluating and communicating as a biologist
 classify, collate and display data
 interpret and construct visual representations of
phenomena and relationships (diagrams,
graphs, flow charts, physical models)
 analyse data and draw conclusions
 evaluate the reliability and validity of
investigative procedures and the conclusions
drawn from investigations
 use standard scientific techniques and
appropriate SI units
 analyse current biological issues using
scientifically informed sources
 use appropriate media to communicate
Type of assessment
Practical skills
This type of assessment is designed to develop and/or
assess a range of laboratory and data processing
skills, and the application of conceptual
understandings of biological principles.
Practical skills may include: designing an open ended
investigation; manipulating and correctly using
equipment; collecting and manipulating data; graphing
data; identifying trends in data and looking for
biological relationships; presenting clear arguments for
interpretations of the data; and identification of
appropriate procedures and issues such as safety,
ethics and choice of equipment.
Types of evidence may include: experimental design
brief; formal investigations; laboratory reports;
exercises requiring qualitative and/or quantitative
analysis of second hand data; and other laboratory
Best suited to the collection of evidence of student
achievement of course Outcomes 1, 2 and 3.
Fieldwork and environmental investigations
This form of investigation must be used in at least
one of a pair of units.
Students conduct, collect, display and analyse data
from the study of a natural or disturbed environment.
Students may plan an investigation of an open-ended
question arising from their field work.
Tasks are to develop and/or assess a range of field
techniques and report writing.
Types of evidence may include a formal field report
requiring qualitative and/or quantitative analysis of the
data and evaluation of biological information, a field
guide for an area or an annotated portfolio of the field
Best suited to the collection of evidence of student
achievement of course Outcomes 1, 2 and 3.
Extended response
Students apply their understanding and skills in
biology to analyse and evaluate information, present
responses to open-ended questions and solve
problems through a combination of work that may be
done inside and outside class time.
Students draw on a variety of resources for developing
responses to situations of their choice, or that of
Types of evidence may include: exercises requiring
analysis; interpretation and evaluation of biological
information in articles from scientific journals, literature
research, popular media and/or advertising; responses
to specific questions based on individual research; and
portfolio of work addressing a specific topic.
Best suited to the collection of evidence of student
achievement of course Outcomes 2 and 3.
Tests and examinations
Students apply their understanding and skills in
biology to analyse, interpret, solve problems and
answer questions in supervised classroom settings.
These tasks require students to demonstrate use of
terminology, understanding and application of
concepts, quantitative skills, and knowledge of factual
biological information. It is expected that assessment
items would include open-ended questions to allow
students to respond at their highest level of
Types of evidence may include: diagnostic, formative
and summative tests and examinations;
comprehension and interpretation exercises; exercises
requiring analysis and evaluation of both qualitative
and quantitative biological information; and responses
to discussions and/or presentations.
Best suited to the collection of evidence of student
achievement of course Outcomes 2 and 3.
Biological Sciences: Accredited March 2008 (updated October 2013)
For teaching and examination in Year 12 2015
Continuity of species
Unit description
The unit description provides the focus for teaching
the specific unit content.
Evolution is the single most unifying idea in biology.
Natural selection and the processes leading to
variation and speciation are considered the main
mechanisms of evolution. A challenge for biologists
is to maintain biodiversity through a range of
important to maintain ecosystem stability, supply
food and recycle resources as well as preserve the
aesthetic value of the natural environment.
Suggested learning contexts
Within the broad area of evolution, teachers may
choose one or more of the suggested contexts (this
list is not exhaustive):
 diseases
 genetic modification
 biotechnology applications
 cloning
 endangered species.
Unit content
It is recommended that students studying Stage 3
have completed Stage 2 units.
This unit includes knowledge, understandings and
skills to the degree of complexity described below.
This is the examinable content of the course.
management strategies including national
parks, protected zones, licences and open
Ecosystem resilience relies on maintaining
biodiversity in order to be sustainable and
productive. Conservation strategies are developed
to address environmental challenges—natural or
human induced.
 rationale for the effective conservation of
biodiversity within natural ecosystems
 conservation projects and strategies for
maintaining biodiversity and the prevention of
extinction including:
 genetic strategies including gene/seed
banks, captive breeding programs, DNA
profiling and development of new strains
 environmental
biological control, revegetation, introduced
species and pest control
DNA is a self-replicating and information-carrying
molecule. The manipulation of DNA has lead to a
range of applications of biotechnology, particularly in
Individuals within a species show variety in a range
of characteristics. Change in a species, over time, is
due to the selection of inheritable characteristics
best suited to the environment.
 replication of DNA
 protein synthesis.
Recombinant DNA technology
Technological advancements in DNA technology are
rapidly occurring. The following techniques and
processes provide important steps in this evolving
 techniques
 restriction enzymes
 ligation
 gel electrophoresis
 polymerase chain reaction (PCR)
 DNA microarrays (chips)
 processes
 gene cloning
 transgenic organisms
 DNA profiling.
Applications of DNA technologies
 recombinant DNA technology
identification technology in
 agriculture
 environmental conservation.
 significance of meiosis
 sources of variation including
 mutations
 the
 crossing over during meiosis
 random mating.
 barriers to gene flow.
 process of natural selection leading to change in
characteristics of a population
 selective pressures leading to change or
 practical application of artificial selection.
Biological Sciences: Accredited March 2008 (updated October 2013)
For teaching and examination in Year 12 2015
 inheritance
 relationships between DNA, alleles, genes
and chromosomes
 concept
heterozygous and homozygous, dominant
and recessive
 gene pools
 changes in allele frequency due to:
 natural selection
 sexual selection
 genetic drift.
Evidence for evolution
 evolutionary relationships between groups
using physiological, molecular and evidence in
phylogenetic trees
 evidence for evolution including:
 fossils
 comparative anatomy
 embryology of vertebrates
 comparative biochemistry and genetics.
Stage 3
Working as a biologist
Planning and conducting biological research
 formulate hypotheses and make predictions
from them
 identify the variables in a controlled experiment
 use of laboratory techniques including gel
Evaluating and communicating as a biologist
 classify, collate and display data
 interpret and construct visual representations of
phenomena and relationships (diagrams,
graphs, flow charts, physical models)
 analyse data and draw conclusions
 evaluate the reliability and validity of
investigative procedures and the conclusions
drawn from investigations
 use standard scientific techniques and
appropriate SI units
 analysis of current biological issues using
scientifically informed sources
 use appropriate media to communicate
The three types of assessment in the table below
are consistent with the teaching and learning
strategies considered to be the most supportive of
student achievement of the outcomes in the
Biological Sciences course. The table provides
details of the assessment type, examples of
different ways that these assessment types can be
applied and the weighting range for each
assessment type.
Type of assessment
Practical skills
This type of assessment is designed to develop
and/or assess a range of laboratory and data
processing skills, and the application of conceptual
understandings of biological principles.
Practical skills may include: designing an open
ended investigation; manipulating and correctly
using equipment; collecting and manipulating data;
graphing data; identifying trends in data and looking
for biological relationships; presenting clear
arguments for interpretations of the data; and
identification of appropriate procedures and issues
such as safety, ethics and choice of equipment.
Types of evidence may include: experimental
design brief; formal investigations; laboratory
reports; exercises requiring qualitative and/or
quantitative analysis of second hand data; and other
laboratory work.
Best suited to the collection of evidence of student
achievement of course Outcomes 1, 2 and 3.
Fieldwork and environmental investigations
This form of investigation must be used in at
least one of a pair of unit.
Students conduct, collect, display and analyse data
from the study of a natural or disturbed
environment. Students may plan an investigation of
an open-ended question arising from their field
Tasks are to develop and/or assess a range of field
techniques and report writing.
Types of evidence may include a formal field report
requiring qualitative and/or quantitative analysis of
the data and evaluation of biological information, a
field guide for an area or an annotated portfolio of
the field work.
Best suited to the collection of evidence of student
achievement of course Outcomes 1, 2 and 3.
Extended response
Students apply their understanding and skills in
biology to analyse and evaluate information, present
responses to open-ended questions and solve
problems through a combination of work that may
be done inside and outside class time.
Students draw on a variety of resources for
developing responses to situations of their choice,
or that of others.
Types of evidence may include: exercises requiring
analysis; interpretation and evaluation of biological
information in articles from scientific journals,
literature research, popular media and/or
advertising; responses to specific questions based
on individual research; and portfolio of work
addressing a specific topic.
Best suited to the collection of evidence of student
achievement of course Outcomes 2 and 3.
Tests and examinations
Students apply their understanding and skills in
biology to analyse, interpret, solve problems and
answer questions in supervised classroom settings.
These tasks require students to demonstrate use of
terminology, understanding and application of
concepts, quantitative skills, and knowledge of
factual biological information. It is expected that
assessment items would include open-ended
questions to allow students to respond at their
highest level of understanding.
Types of evidence may include: diagnostic,
formative and summative tests and examinations;
comprehension and interpretation exercises;
exercises requiring analysis and evaluation of both
qualitative and quantitative biological information;
and responses to discussions and/or presentations.
Best suited to the collection of evidence of student
achievement of course Outcomes 2 and 3.
Biological Sciences: Accredited March 2008 (updated October 2013)
For teaching and examination in Year 12 2015
Examination details
Stage 2 and Stage 3
Biological Sciences: Accredited March 2008 (updated October 2013)
For teaching and examination in Year 12 2015
Biological Sciences
Examination design brief
Stage 2
Time allowed
Reading time before commencing work:
Working time for paper:
ten minutes
three hours
Permissible items
Standard items:
pens (blue/black preferred), pencils (including coloured), sharpener, correction fluid/tape,
eraser, ruler, highlighters
Special items:
non-programmable calculators approved for use in the WACE examinations
Supporting information
Section One
30% of the total examination
Stimulus materials such as diagrams, tables and graphs could be
30 questions
Suggested working time: 40 minutes
Section Two
Short answer
60% of the total examination
The candidate is required to answer at least one question on each
section of the syllabus.
4–6 questions
Each question is divided into parts. The first parts of each question
are predominantly recall, the later parts involve higher order skills.
Suggested working time: 110 minutes
Section Three
Extended answer
10% of the total examination
The candidate is required to answer two questions from a choice of
four. Each question corresponds to one of the four areas of the
syllabus. Questions are scaffolded.
Two questions from a choice of four
Suggested working time: 30 minutes
Stimulus material such as diagrams, second-hand data and recent
research material could be used.
The candidate could present their answers in a variety of ways: using
clearly labelled diagrams with explanatory notes; writing lists of points
with linking sentences; using clearly labelled tables and graphs; and
drawing annotated flow diagrams with introductory notes.
Biological Sciences: Accredited March 2008 (updated October 2013)
For teaching and examination in Year 12 2015
Biological Sciences
Examination design brief
Stage 3
Time allowed
Reading time before commencing work:
Working time for paper
ten minutes
three hours
Permissible items
Standard items:
pens (blue/black preferred), pencils (including coloured), sharpener, correction fluid/tape,
eraser, ruler, highlighters
Special items:
non-programmable calculators approved for use in the WACE examinations
Supporting information
Section One
30% of the total examination
Stimulus material such as diagrams, tables and graphs could be
30 questions
Suggested working time: 40 minutes
Section Two
Short answer
50% of the total examination
The candidate is required to answer at least one question on each of the
four sections of the syllabus.
4–6 questions
Each question is divided into parts. Generally, the parts within a question
are of increasing difficulty.
Suggested working time: 90 minutes
Stimulus material such as diagrams, second-hand data and recent
research material could be used.
Section Three
Extended answer
20% of the total examination
Part A
The candidate is required to answer two questions from a choice of three.
Part A
Two questions from a choice of three
Part B
Two questions from a choice of three
Suggested working time: 50 minutes
Part B
The candidate is required to answer two questions from a choice of three.
Questions in this part require higher order skills.
Stimulus material such as diagrams, second-hand data and recent
research findings could be used.
The candidate could present their answers in a variety of ways: using
clearly labelled diagrams with explanatory notes; writing lists of points
with linking sentences; using clearly labelled tables and graphs; and
drawing annotated flow diagrams with introductory notes.
Biological Sciences: Accredited March 2008 (updated October 2013)
For teaching and examination in Year 12 2015
Biological Sciences: Accredited March 2008 (updated October 2013)
For teaching and examination in Year 12 2015
Appendix 1: Grade descriptions
Biological Sciences: Accredited March 2008 (updated October 2013)—Appendix 1
For teaching and examination in Year 12 2015
Grade descriptions
Biological Sciences
Stage 1
Conceptual knowledge and understanding
Uses appropriate scientific terminology and scientific explanations of biological systems and processes.
Uses models to explain the interrelationships within and between biological systems.
Critical thinking
Describes patterns and trends in data observations and makes valid inferences. Evaluates the validity of
scientific information by assessing the value of the scientific evidence presented. Presents clear and
logical arguments which are supported by evidence.
Investigation and communication skills
Plans and performs scientific investigations. Selects and uses appropriate resources and equipment in a
safe and correct manner. Collects data and assesses its validity. Collects information, organises it and
presents data in a range of tables and graphs to reveal patterns. Presents and communicates ideas and
information clearly, using scientific terminology.
Conceptual knowledge and understanding
Uses scientific terminology and scientific explanations of biological systems and processes. Explains the
structure of some biological systems and their relation to function. Describes interrelationships within and
between biological systems, referring to interactions within the environment.
Critical thinking
Describes trends in data observations and makes inferences. Compares the validity of ideas with
guidance. Presents well-developed arguments or statements but these are not well-supported by
Investigation and communication skills
Plans and performs scientific investigations with guidance. Uses appropriate resources and equipment in a
safe and correct manner. Collects, organises and presents data in moderately effective tables and graphs.
Presents and communicates ideas and information using scientific terminology.
Conceptual knowledge and understanding
Explains the basic structure of some biological systems and their relation to function. Describes biological
systems in a general way.
Critical thinking
Presents statements of ideas, with some development of an argument. Makes some use of evidence.
Investigation and communication skills
Performs scientific investigations given an ‘if-then’ hypothesis. Collects and records some data and
recognises obvious trends in data observations. Uses equipment in a safe manner under supervision.
Collects information and presents data in some appropriate tables and graphs. Presents and
communicates ideas and information using a limited range of scientific terminology.
Conceptual knowledge and understanding
Attempts to explain the basic structure of some biological systems and their relation to function.
Recognises that biological systems interact with the environment.
Critical thinking
Presents statements of ideas, but with limited development of an argument. Makes limited use of
Investigation and communication skills
Performs scientific investigations in a limited manner even when given an ‘if-then’ hypothesis. Collects
simple data, representing it in tables and graphs but with frequent inaccuracies. Recognises only obvious
trends in data. Uses equipment in a safe manner under supervision. Presents and communicates ideas
and information using a limited range of basic scientific terminology.
Conceptual knowledge and understanding
Recalls some biological systems and processes.
Critical thinking
Identifies obvious errors in reasoning but with little explanation of what is wrong. Offers simplistic
comments with little or no reference to evidence.
Investigation and communication skills
Performs guided and supervised tasks. Uses equipment under supervision to collect data, and presents
data with guidance and assistance. Presents information with little use of scientific terminology.
Biological Sciences: Accredited March 2008 (updated October 2013)—Appendix 1
For teaching and examination in Year 12 2015
Grade descriptions
Biological Sciences
Stage 2
Conceptual knowledge and understanding
Uses appropriate scientific terminology and scientific explanations of biological systems and processes.
Uses models to explain, in detail, the dynamics and interrelationships within and between biological
Critical thinking
Analyses information and data to determine bias or modify a study to enhance the reliability and validity of
an original investigation. Evaluates the validity of scientific information by assessing the value of the
scientific evidence presented. Analyses issues, organises material and presents clear arguments which
are supported by evidence.
Investigation and communication skills
Analyses a problem to formulate a testable hypothesis. Plans and performs scientific investigations with
skill and initiative. Selects and uses appropriate resources and equipment efficiently and in a safe and
correct manner. Collects data, assesses its validity and accuracy, organises it logically and presents it to
reveal patterns and relationships. Clearly explains concepts and principles using appropriate scientific
Conceptual knowledge and understanding
Uses appropriate scientific terminology and scientific explanations of biological systems and processes.
Uses models to explain the interrelationships within and between biological systems.
Critical thinking
Describes patterns and trends in data observations and makes valid inferences. Evaluates the validity of
scientific information by assessing the value of the scientific evidence presented. Presents well-developed
arguments which are supported by evidence.
Investigation and communication skills
Plans and performs scientific investigations. Selects and uses appropriate resources and equipment in a
safe and correct manner. Collects data, assesses its validity, organises it and presents it in a range of
forms to reveal patterns. Presents and clearly communicates ideas and information using scientific
Conceptual knowledge and understanding
Uses scientific terminology and scientific explanations of biological systems and processes. Explains the
structure of some biological systems and their relation to function. Describes interrelationships within and
between biological systems, referring to interactions within the environment.
Critical thinking
Describes trends in data observations and makes inferences. Compares the validity of ideas with
guidance. Presents arguments or statements supported by some evidence.
Investigation and communication skills
Plans investigations with guidance. Uses appropriate resources and equipment in a safe and correct
manner. Collects data, organises and presents it in some appropriate tables and graphs. Presents and
communicates ideas and information using scientific terminology.
Conceptual knowledge and understanding
Attempts to explain the basic structure of some biological systems and their relation to function. Describes
the interdependence of biological systems in a general way.
Critical thinking
Presents statements of ideas, with limited development of an argument. Makes little use of evidence.
Investigation and communication skills
Displays a limited collection of data and recognises only obvious trends in data observations. Uses
equipment in a safe manner under supervision. Collects simple data, representing it in tables and graphs,
but with frequent inaccuracies. Presents and communicates ideas and information using a limited range of
scientific terminology.
Conceptual knowledge and understanding
Recalls some biological systems and processes.
Critical thinking
Comments on some obvious features of reasoning such as comparisons, causes and examples. Makes
superficial and inaccurate comments on the credibility of sources of evidence. Offers simplistic comments
with little or no reference to evidence.
Investigation and communication skills
Performs guided and supervised tasks. Uses equipment under supervision to collect data, and presents
data with guidance and assistance. Presents information with little use of scientific terminology.
Biological Sciences: Accredited March 2008 (updated October 2013)—Appendix 1
For teaching and examination in Year 12 2015
Grade descriptions
Biological Sciences
Stage 3
Conceptual knowledge and understanding
Comprehensively explains biological systems and processes and refers to a range of highly appropriate
examples. Uses precise scientific terminology. Uses models to coherently explain the dynamics and
interrelationships within and between biological systems. Makes justified links between related ideas,
concepts, principles and theories and describes the interrelationships between them with insight.
Critical thinking
Critically analyses and evaluates information and data from a variety of sources to determine bias or
modify a study to enhance the reliability and validity of the original investigation. Analyses issues,
organises materials and presents articulate arguments which are solidly supported by scientific evidence.
Investigation and communication skills
Analyses a problem to formulate an hypothesis to be tested. Plans and performs scientific investigations
with skill and initiative. Selects and uses appropriate resources and equipment efficiently and in a safe and
correct manner. Collects data, assesses its validity and accuracy, organises it logically and presents it to
reveal patterns and relationships. Clearly explains abstract concepts and principles using appropriate
scientific terminology.
Conceptual knowledge and understanding
Explains biological systems and processes. Uses appropriate scientific terminology. Uses models to
explain the dynamics and interrelationships within and between biological systems. Makes links between
related ideas, concepts, principles and theories and recognises the interrelationships between them.
Critical thinking
Describes patterns and trends in data observations and makes valid inferences. Evaluates the validity of
scientific information by assessing the value of the scientific evidence presented. Analyses issues,
organises materials and presents well-developed arguments which are supported by evidence.
Investigation and communication skills
Plans and performs scientific investigations. Selects and uses appropriate resources and equipment in a
safe and correct manner. Collect data and assess its validity, organises and presents it in a range of forms
to reveal patterns. Presents and clearly communicates ideas and information using scientific terminology.
Conceptual knowledge and understanding
Explains the structure of some biological systems and relates this to function. Uses models to explain the
interrelationships within and between some biological systems. Makes some links between related ideas,
concepts, principles and theories and recognises interrelationships between them. Uses scientific
Critical thinking
Describes trends in data observations and makes inferences. With guidance, compares the validity of
ideas. Presents relatively clear arguments or statements which are supported by evidence in most
Investigation and communication skills
Plans investigations with guidance. Uses appropriate resources and equipment in a safe and correct
manner. Collects data, organises and presents it effectively in some forms. Presents and communicates
ideas and information using scientific terminology.
Conceptual knowledge and understanding
Attempts to explain the basic structure of some biological systems and their function.
Critical thinking
Presents statements of ideas with limited development of an argument and little use of evidence.
Investigation and communication skills
Performs limited scientific investigations. Uses equipment in a safe and correct manner under supervision.
Recognises trends in data observations and draws a conclusion. Collects data, representing it in tables
and graphs but with frequent inaccuracies. Presents and communicates ideas and information using basic
scientific terminology.
Biological Sciences: Accredited March 2008 (updated October 2013)—Appendix 1
For teaching and examination in Year 12 2015
Grade descriptions
Biological Sciences
Stage 3
Conceptual knowledge and understanding
Recalls some biological systems and processes at a basic level.
Critical thinking
Comments on some obvious features of reasoning such as comparisons, causes and examples. Identifies
obvious errors in reasoning but with little explanation of what is wrong. Makes superficial and inaccurate
comments on the credibility of sources of evidence.
Investigation and communication skills
Performs guided and supervised tasks. Uses equipment under supervision to collect data. Collects
information and presents data with guidance and assistance. Presents information using some scientific
Biological Sciences: Accredited March 2008 (updated October 2013)—Appendix 1
For teaching and examination in Year 12 2015