ATTACHMENT 7 CL……. COMMUNITY CARE MINUTES OF THE ABORIGINAL AND TORRES STRAIT ISLANDER ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING HELD IN GROUND FLOOR MEETING ROOMS, COUNCIL CHAMBER BUILDING, CIVIC PLACE, PARRAMATTA ON TUESDAY, 27 JUNE 2006 AT 6.02 PM ___________________________________________________________________ PRESENT Bruce Gale in the Chair, Mr Phillip Bradley, Ms Anne Castles, Mr Murray Castles, Mr Doug Desjardines, Ms Marcia Donovan, Ms Sandra Kitching, Ms Lyn Leerson, Ms June Magrath. Mr Allan Merriman, Ms Linda McDonald and Ms Annie Neilson,. IN ATTENDANCE Herb Smith – Northern Sydney Region Aboriginal Community Facilitator, Lisa Giacomelli – Service Manager Community Capacity Building, Mr Kevin Thorne – Aboriginal Family Support Officer, Ms Sue Pinckham – ATSI Services & Capacity Building Project Officer, Stephen Leslie - Committee Secretary and Councillor Paul Barber ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF TRADITIONAL OWNERS THE DHARUG PEOPLE The Chairperson, Bruce Gale made reference to the fact that the land upon which the meeting was being held was previously occupied by the Dharug Aboriginal Community and asked that this acknowledgment be recorded. APOLOGIES An apology was received and accepted for the absence of Phil Russo, Jade Kelly, Vikki King – Manager Social & Community Services, Kevin Brennan – Community Capacity Building Officer and Councillor Maureen Walsh. WELCOME & INTRODUCTIONS The Chairperson Bruce Gale welcomed everyone to the meeting and thanked them for attending and everyone present introduced themselves and provided details of their involvement with the Aboriginal Community. CONFLICT OF INTEREST DECLARATIONS There were no declarations made regarding Conflict of Interest at this meeting. PRESENTATION – HERB SMITH ABORIGINAL CHILD, YOUTH & FAMILY STRATEGY – COMMUNITY FACILITATOR PROJECT Herb Smith advised that he is located at Hornsby Shire Council and was appointed 12 months ago with the aim to identify significant Aboriginal issues in the area and has developed networks with Aboriginal Communities. He also explained regarding community events that he is involved with from North Sydney to Palm Beach and mentioned Ryde City Council’s Christmas in the Bush with a black Santa Claus. The Stolen Generation issue was also raised during discussions. Attachment 1 - 1- ATTACHMENT 7 CL……. COMMUNITY CARE MINUTES 64/06 A copy of the report of the Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Advisory Committee held on Tuesday 23 May 2006 had been forwarded with the agenda prior to this meeting. Recommendation – (June Magrath/Annie Neilson) Minutes of the Meeting of the Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Advisory Committee held on 23 May 2006 be taken as read and confirmed as a true record of the Meeting. BUSINESS ARISING 65/06 Dedication of a Tree at Lake Parramatta in Memory of The Late Peter Castles Sue Pinckham advised that this matter was now finalised. Murray Castles, on behalf of his mother Anne Castles, thanked everyone involved with bringing this matter to fruition and arranging a new plaque. Refer Attachment 2 to the Agenda. 66/06 Preservation and Protection of Heritage Items at Lake Parramatta At the February meeting Senior Natural Resources Officer, Phil Murphy advised that the track had been relocated. Mention was also made of the cave with the kangaroo drawing and the canoe tree. The preservation and protection of the Canoe Tree, in particular was discussed. It was agreed that the Department of Environment be contacted for funding to preserve and protect the Canoe Tree at Lake Parramatta. It was also mentioned that Council Grant funds may be used for the above purpose and the maximum Grant to any one group is $2,000. Further PCC Annual Grants close 28 April 2006 and Sandy Kitching is the ATSI Representative on the Heritage Grants Committee. The overall concern of preserving heritage items in the Parramatta LGA / Dharug Aboriginal Land Council Area was discussed and a copy of the Aboriginal Reference Heritage Study, which lists all the known heritage items, has been provided for all Members of the Executive Committee. Sue Pinckham had previously advised that an Arborist had been engaged to report on the condition of the Canoe Tree and she added that upon inspection of the tree that it appeared to be in good health and not dead or dying as had been indicated previously. She had also advised that graffiti had been placed on the hands in the cave at Lake Parramatta and she was currently in the process of preparing an application for a Protecting Our Places grant for the heritage items at Lake Parramatta. ACTION REQUIRED – Sue Pinckham (a) That Council engage an Arborist to investigate the condition and preservation of the canoe tree and that Sue Pinckham attend with the Arborist when the inspection takes place. (b) Further, that this matter be listed on the Agenda for consideration at the next meeting. 67/06 Naming of West End Meeting Room, Level 2, Library Building with an Aboriginal Name. This matter was previously discussed and it was agreed that the meeting room be named the Dharug Room and on the notice room board also include the Dharug word for meeting and be displayed underneath Dharug Room. - 2- ATTACHMENT 7 CL……. COMMUNITY CARE Sue Pinckham provided an update and advised that Aboriginal Artwork will be on the plaque together with the Dharug word for ‘meeting’. It was also agreed that Kevin Thorne arrange for a competition at primary / secondary schools in the LGA in respect to the plaque and artwork. ACTION REQUIRED – Sue Pinckham/Kevin Thorne (a) That appropriate action be taken to have a notice room board displayed with Dharug Room. (b) That a competition at primary / secondary schools in the LGA be organised in respect to the plaque and artwork. (c) Further, that this matter be listed on the Agenda for consideration at the next meeting. 68/06 Bush Garden at Lake Parramatta – Stage 2 Sue Pinckham advised that this is a bigger area than Stage 1 and there needs to be a reassessment of the plant species as Stage 1 is in a poor state and shrubs are dying and the area is not in a very good condition. Therefore the bush garden concept needs to be reconsidered and better watering arrangements are needed. A sub-committee for planning purposes was formed at the last meeting and the following indicated their availability – Sue Pinckham, Phil Murphy, Robin Anderson, Anne Castles, Annie Neilson, Phil Bradley, Doug Desjardines, John Robertson, Gil Saunders and David Williams. Sue Pinckham is to meet with Phil Murphy regarding this matter. The use of native plants and the need to engage a botanist to identify early plants/grasses grown in the Parramatta area was suggested. Other suggestions were put forward by members and Sue Pinckham will follow these up. ACTION REQUIRED – Sue Pinckham That arrangements be made as soon as possible to progress Stage 2 of the bush garden and the matter be listed on the Agenda for consideration at the next meeting. 69/06 Black Deaths in Custody (Refer 59/06 of 23/05/06) Committee Member Doug Desjardines handed out a newspaper article in respect to this matter at the last meeting. At that meeting it was agreed that a letter be drafted for the attention of the Prime Minister, NSW Premier and Secretary United Nations regarding this matter requesting an explanation as to what their intentions are to prevent a further occurrence of such a disturbing matter. It was also decided that the Koori Unit at Parramatta Police be contacted and, if necessary, the Ombudsman and Department of Corrective Services in an effort to obtain assurances in respect to this matter. Discussion regarding the gaol at Mt Penang – Kariong Juvenile Detention Centre where young offenders are detained at the centre which however is essentially an adult gaol. ACTION REQUIRED – Sue Pinckham That Trevor or Grant Christian be invited to explain the new Aboriginal Legal Services structure and also provide assistance regarding the proposed letters for Deaths in Custody. - 3- ATTACHMENT 7 CL……. COMMUNITY CARE 70/06 Bid to Host 2008 Local Government Aboriginal Network Conference This matter had previously been discussed at the last meeting and it was agreed that a bid should be made to Host the 2008 Conference in Parramatta at the Gunnedah Conference to be held during September 2006. Tentative attendees for the 2006 Conference are Linda McDonald, Gil Saunders, Allan Merriman, June Magrath, Doug Desjardines, John Robertson and Bruce Gale. It was agreed that Sue Pinckham co-ordinate this matter and confirm attendees and costs associated with attending the Conference. Further, it was agreed that a report should be forwarded to Council with Conference Agenda and Registration and Program details to allow Councillors to consider representation from Council and to seek their support and involvement. It was also suggested that assistance be sought from Holroyd/Fairfield Councils and that support was confirmed by David Williams who also suggested that Blacktown City Council also be contacted. Dates for the 2006 Conference are yet to be confirmed. Approximate costs are as follows: Conference Registration $700, accommodation $200, travelling $NIL (Council motor vehicle). Estimated cost per person $1,000. Lisa Giacomelli advised that the estimated cost to host a conference is $170,000 with some of the costs able to be recovered. Sue Pinckham advised that she had contacted Connie Chatfield at the Local Government and Shires Associations regarding previous conferences and she had also made contact with Gunnedah and Wagga Wagga. Conference facilitators are usually appointed for such conferences and for Parramatta a suitable venue could be an issue. Partnerships with other Western Sydney Councils particularly Blacktown and Baulkham Hills was also discussed. It was agreed that a meeting be arranged to scope a bid for the 2009 Conference and the information already obtained be utilised. Attendees at the 2009 Conference in Gunnedah was raised and there were five nominees – Linda McDonald, Bruce Gale, June Magrath, Doug Desjardines and Allan Merriman. Lisa Giacomelli as the returning officer conducted an election by secret ballot. Following voting by members only present at the meeting Bruce Gale and Doug Desjardines were declared duly elected with June Magrath and Allan Merriman as alternate delegates. ACTION REQUIRED – Sue Pinckham (a) That Parramatta City Council mount a bid to host the 2009 Aboriginal Network Conference in conjunction with Blacktown City and Baulkham Hills Shire Councils. (b) Further, that following an election by secret ballot that Bruce Gale and Doug Desjardines be this committee’s delegates at the 2008 Conference in Gunnedah with June Magrath and Allan Merriman the alternate delegates. ACTIONS & WORKPLAN 71/06 The list of Projects and Outstanding Matters – Refer Attachment 2 to the Agenda – was received, noted and updated. - 4- ATTACHMENT 7 CL……. COMMUNITY CARE NAIDOC WEEK CELEBRATIONS FOR 2006 72/06 The 2006 NAIDOC Week Working Party consisted of Mick Darda, Sue McDermott, Lisa Giacomelli, Sue Pinckham, Doug Desjardines, Bruce Gale, Lyn Leerson, June Magrath, Allan Merriman and Linda McDonald. Committee member Allan Merriman thanked Sue Pinckham and Sue McDermott for their efforts and contribution in arranging events for the Burramatta NAIDOC Family Day and Flag Raising Ceremony for 2006. He also provided details of what is required in respect to hand outs, programs and presence at the gates and requested that all help will be welcomed. Sue Pinckham then provided an update and handed out details of the programs, events and the roles and responsibilities of committee members on Sunday 2 July 2006. NAIDOC posters were distributed/handed out at the meeting. Attachment 2 The proposed Smoking Ceremonies on 1 and 2 July at 10.10am was raised by Sue Pinckham. Following a lengthy discussion regarding the cultural / protocol of Smoking Ceremonies it was agreed that the Executive Committee should make a decision as to whether or not the Smoking Ceremonies should take place as it was suggested that the ceremonies are a “cleansing and start afresh” events. During discussion it was agreed that an explanation before each Smoking Ceremony could be displayed and if the ceremonies are not performed that Uncle Wes be paid as agreed. The Executive Committee discussed the matter and agreed unanimously that the Smoking Ceremonies not go ahead and be cancelled due to Aboriginal Cultural Protocol. ACTION REQUIRED – Sue Pinckham That this matter be listed on the Agenda for consideration at the next meeting. NATIONAL MOURNING DAY 73/06 This matter was discussed during NAIDOC Week deliberations. National Mourning Day commenced in 1957 followed by NAIDOC Week (National Sorry Day) in 1967. It was also revealed that the Aboriginal Advancement League commenced in 1938 and the names of Phil Ferguson and Will Cooper were mentioned. GENERAL BUSINESS 74/06 New Aboriginal Legal Services Bruce Gale advised that the new ALS Structure will commence on 1 July 2006. 75/06 Appointment of New Member ACTION REQUIRED – Allan Merriman/Doug Desjardines That Murray Castles be appointed as a member of the Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Advisory Committee. 76/06 Elsa Dixon Aboriginal Employment Program Doug Desjardines requested that the issue of employment of Aboriginal persons at Council be put back on the Agenda. Refer Minutes of this Committee November 2001 – 17/01. It was agreed that this matter be listed on the next Agenda for consideration. - 5- ATTACHMENT 7 CL……. COMMUNITY CARE 77/06 Dharug and their Neighbours Book Jacinta Tobin advised that a new edition of “Dharug and their Neighbours” is being printed ACTION REQUIRED – Sue Pinckham (a) That Council purchase 12 books for the Central & other Libraries and also the Heritage Centre. (b) Further, that Council forward a letter to the Department of Education requesting that they encourage all schools to purchase the above book and other books including “Mountains to the Sea”. 78/06 Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Advisory Committee–Executive Committee Elections Following elections on 13 June, Bruce Gale was re-elected as Chairperson, Allan Merriman as Deputy Chairperson and Linda McDonald as Secretary. Attachment 3 INFORMATION SHARING 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Arts Facilities & Cultural Framework – Proposal for Parramatta Colour Brochure & also Copy of Slide Show. Noted Yvonne Donovan Memorial Hoedown 8 July 2006 Tregear Community Hall Noted Klymax Art Gallery – Art Exhibition Doug Desjardines advised that there would be an Art Exhibition On Friday 30 June and Saturday 2 July at Marion St. Harris Park An invitation flyer was tabled at the meeting. Holy Family School, Mount Druitt – Upcoming Events Workshop Thursday 13 July 9am to 3pm – Self Esteem / Bullying at school Bus Trip to State Forest at Castle Hill – 4 July 2006. Harris Park Disability Service Doug Desjardines advised that this service had been running for nine months but was to close shortly. One Stop Shop Sue Pinckham advised that the Federal Government is to develop an Aboriginal One Stop Shop – details to be provided when available. Welcome to Country and Acknowledgement of Country Attachment 4 Phillip Bradley provided information regarding this matter and also tabled the guidelines and protocols booklet for NSW Public Schools and TAFE New South Wales Institutes. Reconciliation for Western Sydney Flyer Handed out and distributed at the meeting by Lyn Leerson. NEXT MEETING 5.30 pm Tuesday, 25 July 2006 Ground Floor Meeting Rooms Council Chamber Building Civic Place, Parramatta The meeting concluded at 8.25 pm. - 6-