The financial year of the Society is from 1 July of a year to 30 June of the next year.
Subscriptions fall due on 1 July of a year. Please print the form below, complete it and send it by post/fax it OR fill it in on your computer and send it by e-mail. It should be sent to the Membership
Secretary. It is important that you submit this form with your payment otherwise the Society does not know where to send your monthly newsletter or Sky Guide Africa South to.
The Membership Secretary is: Michelle Fereira, PO Box 32532, Totiusdal, 0134. E-mail
Cell 073 1730 168.
This form should be completed by new members as well as by existing members for renewal of their membership.
Payments may be made by cheque, electronically or deposited directly into the Society’s bank account.
Cheques must be made payable to: “ Astronomical Society of SA – Pretoria Centre ” and sent by post to the Membership Secretary.
Electronic payments or direct deposits can be made to:
Astronomical Society of SA – Pretoria Centre, ABSA Bank, Rosebank branch.
Branch code: 630-805. Account number: 405 833 5681
Please note that it is extremely important that your initials and surname are very clearly indicated on the deposit slip as a reference otherwise your payment can not be identified.
Title ………… Initials …..……. Surname ………………………………………………Date: ……………………
First name by which known ……………………………………….
Tel. numbers……….….…...…..............(h)….…....…..…….….....….……(w)…….…..…..…...…….….……..(c)
E-mail address (needed for sending the newsletter and messages containing astronomical information to).
Newsletters are sent by e-mail only . Please print very clearly below:
Postal address (needed for sending a copy of Sky Guide Africa South at the end of December / beginning of January to):
…………………………………………………………………………………………… Postal code………………
Do you own a telescope? (Yes/No) ……………….
If Yes, can you take it to viewing evening s? (Yes/No) ……………..
Membership fee………... R 130 - 00 ** ( Single or family membership.)
Voluntary donation……... R …................
Total : R....................
** The fee becomes R90-00 for subscriptions after 1 January (half year fee for single or family
membership). Both fees include a copy of Sky Guide Africa South.