Bridleroute licence application form

Itchen Valley Country Park Bridleroute 2015/16
Notes on Applying for / Renewing a Bridleroute Licence
To apply for / renew a bridleroute licence please proceed as follows:
1. Enter your name in clause 1, sign and enter your full address (including
postcode) and telephone number, together with the names and addresses of any
other riders who may ride your horse(s), on page 3.
2. Check the table below for the relevant fee for the number of horses to be
covered by the licence and the date you are applying, and enter the licence fee in
clause 3. Please note, no more than 2 horses can be included on one licence.
If you wish to ride more than 2 horses round the route, you will need to apply
for 2 or more licences.
Number of Horses
Date of Application
1st May - 31st May
1st June – 30th June
1st July - 31st July
1st - 31st August
1st - 30th September
1st - 31st October
1st - 30th November
1st - 31st December
1st - 31st January
1st February - 28th February
1st March 2016 - 30th April 2017*
*Please note: Licences issued during this period will be valid until 30th April of the
following year. You will receive a licence disk for the current year initially, and then
a disk for the following year will be posted to you towards the end of April.
Return the licence document by post to:
Bridleroute Licences
High Wood Barn
Itchen Valley Country Park
Allington Lane
West End
SO30 3HQ
together with the following:
A cheque or postal order for the licence fee made payable to
"Eastleigh Borough Council". PLEASE DO NOT SEND CASH.
A copy of your insurance certificate, or BHS/BSJA or affiliated club
membership card. If you cannot make a copy, send the original which
will be returned to you with your new key and licence disk(s).
If you are renewing a licence after 1st May, your old key and disk(s)
will no longer be valid and should also be returned.
4. The rest of the licence will be completed by a member of staff and returned to
you with your new key(s) and licence disk(s).
Please note that we prefer applications to be made by post. We will process
licences in person only if the staff in the Visitor Centre are not busy. Please avoid
coming to renew your licence at busy times – ie weekends and school holidays.
1) Eastleigh Borough Council to grant ___________________________________ (name) of the
address given in the Licence, to use the bridle route marked in red and green on the attached
2) The licence to be for a period from _________________________________(date of signature)
until 30th April ____________.
3) The licence fee to be £___________________ payable in advance. Upon payment a licence disk
and key to access gates will be issued.
4) The Licencee to use the bridle route at the Itchen Valley Country Park solely for the riding of a
single horse by either the Licencee or by one of two (maximum) other persons who are named
at the foot of the Licence.
5) The Licencee to enter and leave the Country Park at the authorised points only.
6) The Licencee to not erect jumps on the route.
7) The Licencee to give way to all other members of the public and Itchen Valley Country Park
staff engaged in peaceful and legitimate pursuits within the Country Park.
8) The Licencee to keep proper control of any animal in his or her care and to give due regard and
consideration to the safety and comfort of all other users of the Country Park.
9) The Licencee shall pay £5 in respect of any lost Licence disk and £6 in respect of any key lost
during the period of the Licence.
10) The Licencee shall return the Licence disks and key upon the expiry of this Licence.
11) The Licencee to comply with any reasonable request given by a member of the Itchen Valley
Country Park staff.
12) The Licencee to only ride on the designated bridle way or in such other location as may be
approved from time to time by the Head of Countryside and Recreation Services. The Licencee
shall also only ride the route in a clockwise direction in accordance with the direction arrows as
shown on the attached plan.
13) The Licencee to not proceed faster than a trot, other than on a section of route marked green on
the attached plan where cantering will be permitted.
14) The Licencee to take all reasonable care not to disturb wildlife within the woodland.
15) The Licencee is to indemnify the Council against all costs, claims, demands, charges or actions
howsoever arising from the actions or inaction of persons or animals brought or allowed into the
Itchen Valley Country Park by the Licencee and in this respect to keep a valid Certificate of
Public Liability Insurance for a sum of not less than £1,000,000 in respect of any one claim and
to produce this Certificate at the Visitor Centre for inspection at any time to any Officer of the
Borough Council. Current membership of the British Horse Society and affiliated Clubs or the
British Show Jumping Association is acceptable in lieu of this insurance.
16) The Borough Council, being the owner of the Itchen Valley Country Park including the bridle
route, shall not be liable to the Licencee or any person named in this Licence or the owner of
any equine ridden by or any dog accompanied by the Licencee or any such person or to any
other person purporting to claim permission under this Licence for any injury or damage
howsoever caused, which any person or animal may suffer as a consequence of any exercise of
the rights granted, subject to the Unfair Contract Terms Act, 1977.
17) The Licencee to immediately inform the Borough Council at the Itchen Valley Country Park
Visitor Centre of damage to any tree, fence, sign, vehicle or other installation or object at the
Country Park caused by any person or animal in his or her care and to reimburse the Borough
Council for the remedy of that damage of it should so demand.
18) The Licence to be personal to the Licencee and shall not be capable of being assigned or
otherwise disposed of other than by surrender to the Borough Council.
19) Legal possession and control of the site shall at all times remain vested in the Borough Council
and the Licencee shall not acquire estate or interest therein.
20) The Licencee shall not be entitled to use the bridle way to the exclusion of the Borough Council
or others authorised by them.
21) The Licence shall not in any way confer or impose upon the Borough Council or the Licencee
any rights or obligations of a landlord or tenant save those expressed or implied by law in this
22) Use of the bridle route is by Licence only and no public right of way is expressed or implied.
23) If the Borough Council requires the whole or any part of the land for any purpose whatsoever it
shall have the right to determine this agreement and resume possession at any time of either the
whole or any part of the bridle way upon giving one month’s notice in writing to the licensee. A
proportionate part of the Licence fee shall be returned to the Licencee if this exceeds £10.
24) The Council reserves the right to close the bridle way, for maintenance or any other purpose,
upon giving 48 hours notice of its intention to do so in the form of notices placed at the official
25) If the Licencee shall fail to observe and perform any of the agreements and undertakings
contained in this Licence, then the Borough Council by its servants or agents may determine the
Licence agreement but without prejudice to the rights of the Borough Council to recover
damages in respect of such failure to perform the agreements contained in this licence.
26) Without prejudice to any of the above, the following specific acts will be considered to be
breaches to the terms of this licence:
i) Failure to display a current Licence disk when using the route.
ii) Failure to close and lock any access gate after passing through it.
iii) The loan or transfer of Licence disks and/or keys to any other person other than those
named in the Licence.
iv) Escorting non-Licence holders on the route or opening access gates to allow nonLicence holders to use the route.
v) Riding on any path or area other than the designated route.
vi) Failure to give details of name and address when reasonably requested to do so by a
member of Itchen Valley Country Park staff, on order to confirm the identity of those
using the route.
a) Any breach of the above by the Licencee or any persons using the Licence disks issued will
result in a written warning. Any further breach will result in the withdrawal of the Licence
and the Licence disk and key must be returned. In this event the Council may also refuse to
issue a Licence to the Licencee in subsequent years.
b) If a licence is with drawn due to any breach of the terms of the Licence, no refund of the
Licence fee will be payable.
27) The Licence is to rest on correspondence alone.
Additional Members:
(On behalf of Eastleigh Borough Council)