What are we learning in Chapter 9.4-9.7 Vectors Rating: 1. I’ve never seen this topic and wouldn’t even know how to begin. 2. I have seen this topic, but I don’t know enough to work problems on my own. 3. I know this topic and can work problems independently. 4. I am confident that I can explain my solution to others. I really know this. Section 9.4 Concepts that are new to this course, but you may have seen in physics. Objective To add, subtract, or scalar multiply vectors geometrically. To find the standard form (component form, position vector) of a vector given two points. To add, subtract, or scalar multiply vectors in algebraic form. To find the magnitude of a vector. To find a unit vector. To write a vector given is magnitude and direction. To solve applications involving vectors and static equilibrium. Problem(s) Textbook Examples Date: 1-7 Read p. 59496 8-9 p. 598 Ex 2 10-19 20-21 22-24 25-28 29-31 Rating Date: p. 600 Ex 3,4a,b p. 600 Ex 4c p. 600-601 & Ex 5 p. 601-602 & Ex 6 p. 602 Ex 7 Section 9.5 Concepts that are new to this course, but you may have seen in physics. Objective To calculate the dot product between two vectors. To find the angle between two vectors. To determine if two vectors are parallel, orthogonal (perpendicular) or neither. To calculate the projection of a vector and decompose a vector. To determine the work done by a constant force. To apply vectors involving air speed, ground speed and wind speed. Problem(s) Textbook Examples 1-2 p. 607 Ex 1 3-5 6-9 10-11 12-13 14-15 pp. 607-08 Ex 2 pp. 609-610 Ex. 4,5 p. 611 Ex 6 p. 611-12 Ex 7 p. 608 Ex. 3 Date: Rating Date: Section 9.6 & 9.7 Concepts that are new to this course, but you may have seen in physics. Objective for 3 dimensions To find the distance between two points. To find the standard form (component form, position vector) of a vector given two points. To perform operations on vectors (find magnitude, add, subtract, scalar multiply). To find the dot product and angle between two vectors. To find the cross product between two vectors. To find the triple scalar product between two vectors To find an orthogonal vector to two given vectors. To find the area of a parallelogram formed by two vectors. Problem(s) Textbook Examples 1-2 p. 616 Ex 1 3-5 p. 617 Ex 2 6-11 12-14 15-17 Pp 617 -18 Ex 3 & 4 pp. 619-20 Ex 6 & 7 p. 624 Ex 1 18-20 21-22 p. 628 Ex. 4 23-24 p. 628 Ex 5 Date: Rating Date: