CHOITHRAM INTERNATIONAL WORK-SHEET CLASS IX [BIOLOGY] 5/2/09 Dt. Of submission 10/2/09 Q1 Fig. shows five mammals. (a) Use the key to identify each of these mammals. Write the letter for each mammal in Table 1 tail more than half that of body length go to 2 tail less than half that of body length go to 4 2 ears at top of head, with thick tail Sciurus caroliniensis ears at side of head, with thin tail go to 3 3 nose pointed, nose length longer than its depth Sorex araneus nose blunt, nose length shorter than its depth Clethrionomys glareolus 4 front legs as wide or wider than long Talpa europaea front legs longer than wide [4] Oryctolagus cuniculus Table (b) Fig. shows a young deer feeding from its mother. Fig. State two features of the deer, visible in Fig. , that distinguish mammals from other vertebrates. [2] [Total: 6] Q2 Toads are amphibians. Only two species are native to Britain, the Common toad (Bufo bufo) and the Natterjack toad (Bufo calamita). Natterjack toads like warm sandy soil in open and sunny habitats, with shallow pools for breeding. Examples of these habitats are heathland and sand dunes. Common toads like cooler, more shady habitats, such as woodland. Many areas of sand dunes are being developed for camp sites. Heathland can easily change to woodland as trees grow on it. In the summer, woodland is colder than heathland due to the shade the trees create. These conditions suit the Common toad, but not the Natterjack. As a result of the changing habitats the Natterjack toad is becoming an endangered species. (a)(i) Name one external feature that identifies an animal as an amphibian.[1] (ii) Amphibians are a class of vertebrate. Name two other vertebrate classes.. [2] (b) State one piece of information from the passage to show that the Common toad and Natterjack toad are closely related species.[1] (c) From the information provided, state two reasons why Natterjack toads are becoming endangered. [2] (d) Suggest measures that could be taken to protect the Natterjack toad from extinction.[2] Q3 he freshwater mussel, Margaritifera margaritifera, is a mollusc which lives in rivers and streams. When the mussel reproduces, gametes are released into the water and fertilisation takes place. The embryos, in the form of larvae, attach themselves to the gills of fish and develop there for a few months. The larvae then release themselves and grow in sand in the river, feeding by filtering food from the water. The number of mussels is falling due to human predation and the species is threatened with extinction. (a) The mussel belongs to the group known as the molluscs. State two features you would expect the mussel to have. [2] (b) Explain how the species name of the freshwater mussel can be distinguished from its genus.[1] (c) State the type of reproduction shown by the mussel. Explain your answer. [2] (d) (i) Fish gills have the same function as lungs. Suggest one advantage to a mussel larva of attaching itself to fish gills.[1] (ii) The mussel develops on the fish gills. Define the term development.[1] (e) The mussel is threatened with extinction. Name another organism which is also threatened with extinction and outline how it could be conserved. I.] name of species II.] outline of conservation [3] [Total: 10] Q4 M/J 03 (a) (i) Describe the main similarities between insects and arachnids. [3] (ii) By means of a table, show the differences between insects and arachnids. [5] ANS Q1 (a) CHECK FIG. 1.1 FOR ANSWERS C (Clethrionomys glareolus) ; D (Oryctolagus cuniculus) ; E (Sciurus caroliniensis) ; A (Sorex araneus) ; B (Talpa europaea) ; max. 4 Bracket the first two answers together for the first tick (b) ref. to presence of fur / hair ; ref. to mammary gland / breast / udders / nipples / breast feeding / production of milk (to feed young) / suckling ; ref. to external ears / presence of pinna ; A description max. 2 total max. 6 Q2 (a) (i) ref. to moist skin ; [1] (ii) mammal ; bird ; fish ; reptile ; [max. 2] (b) ref. to both belonging to the same genus (or ref. to Bufo) ; [1] (ignore refs. to both animals being toads) (c) ref. to sand dunes becoming developed for + camp sites ; ref. to habitat is changing e.g. to woodland ; Ⓐ ref. to loss of habitat naterjacks cannot survive in colder habitats AW ; [max. 2] (d) ref. to some heathland or sand dunes becoming protected areas AW ; ref. to removal of trees / seedling trees AW + from heathland ; ref. to creation of more heathland / sand dunes + introduction of natterjacks ; ref. to captive breeding programmes ; [max. 2] Q3 Question 1 (a) ignore absence of feature(s) ignore slime shell ; muscular foot ; R leg / false foot (soft) unsegmented body ; tentacles ; mantle / mantle cavity ; gills ; AVP ; e.g. visceral mass R exoskeleton [max 2] (b) species name ignore refs to generic name second name / follows genus name ; begins with small letter / all small letters ; [max 1] (c) asexual = 0 marks sexual / external ; involves, gametes / fertilisation ; [2] (d) (i) current of water provides (good) source of oxygen ; A ref to obtaining oxygen R ‘from gills’ / ‘easy to breathe’ low carbon dioxide concentration ; A ref to losing carbon dioxide food source ; protection / hiding, from predators ; blood / mucus (from gills), may be food source ; [max 1] (ii) one of the following ignore growth / maturity increase in complexity differentiation / specialisation, of cells / tissues formation of, new structures / organs / tissues / different types of cells A change in, structure / form [1] (e) one mark for named species, two max for details. If no species = no marks, NB species may be identified in outline of conservation named species ; must be an endangered species R whale(s), A rhino(s) if in doubt check IUCN red list [1] nature reserve / game park / sanctuary / AW ; protection of habitat / stop habitat destruction / fenced area / restore habitat A example ; control of, predators / grazers / parasites / disease ; provide food supply ; prevent hunting / reduce poaching / reduce fishing / AW ; A wardens / rangers education (of local population) ; captive breeding / provide breeding sites ; release of captive bred organisms ; AVP ; ; e.g. dehorn rhinos, ban trade [max 2] [Total: 10]