Australian Aged Care Quality Agency Self-assessment tool Name of home: RACS ID: Australian Aged Care Quality Agency self-assessment tool Introduction You may use this self-assessment tool to assist in recording information about the performance of your residential aged care service against the Accreditation Standards. Alternatively, you may choose to record self-assessment information in some other form. For guidance in completing your self-assessment, refer to the Results and processes guide. If you wish, you may choose to provide the Quality Agency your self-assessment information with your application for re-accreditation or have the information available for assessors during the reaccreditation audit of your residential aged care home. All approved providers are required to conduct self-assessment against the Accreditation Standards and to provide written self-assessment information to the assessment team during their re-accreditation audit. Self-assessment information may be in any written form and must demonstrate the performance of your service against the Accreditation Standards. Self-assessment summary Please check either Yes or No against each expected outcome. We achieve the following: Expected outcome Yes No Expected outcome Yes 1.1 Continuous improvement 3.1 Continuous improvement 1.2 Regulatory compliance 3.2 Regulatory compliance 1.3 Education and staff 3.3 Education and staff development development 1.4 Comments and complaints 3.4 Emotional support 1.5 Planning and leadership 3.5 Independence 1.6 Human resource management 3.6 Privacy and dignity 1.7 Inventory and equipment 3.7 Leisure interests and activities 1.8 Information systems 3.8 Cultural and spiritual life 1.9 External services 3.9 Choice and decision making 2.1 Continuous improvement 3.10 Resident security of tenure and responsibilities 2.2 Regulatory compliance 4.1 Continuous improvement 2.3 Education and staff 4.2 Regulatory compliance development 2.4 Clinical care 4.3 Education and staff development 2.5 Specialised nursing care 4.4 Living environment needs 2.6 Other health and related 4.5 Occupational health and services safety 2.7 Medication management 4.6 Fire, security and other emergencies 2.8 Pain management 4.7 Infection control 2.9 Palliative care 4.8 Catering, cleaning and laundry services 2.10 Nutrition and hydration 2.11 Skin care 2.12 Continence management 2.13 Behavioural management 2.14 Mobility, dexterity and rehabilitation 2.15 Oral and dental care 2.16 Sensory loss 2.17 Sleep Australian Aged Care Quality Agency No FRM-ACC-0135 v14.2 Australian Aged Care Quality Agency self-assessment tool Standard 1: Management systems, staffing and organisations development Provide information that describes the processes used to achieve the expected outcomes in this Standard. 1.1, 2.1, 3.1 and 4.1 Continuous improvement Provide information that demonstrates what you have achieved in relation to these expected outcomes. 1.2, 2.2, 3.2 and 4.2 Regulatory compliance Provide information that demonstrates what you have achieved in relation to these expected outcomes. 1.3, 2.3, 3.3 and 4.3 Education and staff development Provide information that demonstrates what you have achieved in relation to these expected outcomes. 1.4 Comments and complaints Provide information that demonstrates what you have achieved in relation to this expected outcome. 1.5 Planning and leadership Provide a copy of your documented vision, values, philosophy, objectives and commitment to quality throughout the home. 1.6 Human resource management Provide information that demonstrates what you have achieved in relation to this expected outcome. 1.7 Inventory and equipment Provide information that demonstrates what you have achieved in relation to this expected outcome. 1.8 Information systems Provide information that demonstrates what you have achieved in relation to this expected outcome. 1.9 External services Provide information that demonstrates what you have achieved in relation to this expected outcome. Australian Aged Care Quality Agency FRM-ACC-0135 v14.2 Australian Aged Care Quality Agency self-assessment tool Standard 2: Health and personal care Provide information that describes the processes used to achieve the expected outcomes in this Standard. 2.4 Clinical care Provide information that demonstrates what you have achieved in relation to this expected outcome. 2.5 Specialised nursing care needs Provide information that demonstrates what you have achieved in relation to this expected outcome. 2.6 Other health and related services Provide information that demonstrates what you have achieved in relation to this expected outcome. 2.7 Medication management Provide information that demonstrates what you have achieved in relation to this expected outcome. 2.8 Pain management Provide information that demonstrates what you have achieved in relation to this expected outcome. 2.9 Palliative care Provide information that demonstrates what you have achieved in relation to this expected outcome. 2.10 Nutrition and hydration Provide information that demonstrates what you have achieved in relation to this expected outcome. 2.11 Skin Care Provide information that demonstrates what you have achieved in relation to this expected outcome. 2.12 Continence management Provide information that demonstrates what you have achieved in relation to this expected outcome. 2.13 Behavioural management Provide information that demonstrates what you have achieved in relation to this expected outcome. Australian Aged Care Quality Agency FRM-ACC-0135 v14.2 Australian Aged Care Quality Agency self-assessment tool 2.14 Mobility, dexterity and rehabilitation Provide information that demonstrates what you have achieved in relation to this expected outcome. 2.15 Oral and dental care Provide information that demonstrates what you have achieved in relation to this expected outcome. 2.16 Sensory loss Provide information that demonstrates what you have achieved in relation to this expected outcome. 2.17 Sleep Provide information that demonstrates what you have achieved in relation to this expected outcome. Australian Aged Care Quality Agency FRM-ACC-0135 v14.2 Australian Aged Care Quality Agency self-assessment tool Standard 3: Resident lifestyle Provide information that describes the processes used to achieve the expected outcomes in this Standard. 3.4 Emotional support Provide information that demonstrates what you have achieved in relation to this expected outcome. 3.5 Independence Provide information that demonstrates what you have achieved in relation to this expected outcome. 3.6 Privacy and dignity Provide information that demonstrates what you have achieved in relation to this expected outcome. 3.7 Leisure interests and activities Provide information that demonstrates what you have achieved in relation to this expected outcome. 3.8 Cultural and spiritual life Provide information that demonstrates what you have achieved in relation to this expected outcome. 3.9 Choice and decision-making Provide information that demonstrates what you have achieved in relation to this expected outcome. 3.10 Resident security of tenure and responsibilities Provide information that demonstrates what you have achieved in relation to this expected outcome. Australian Aged Care Quality Agency FRM-ACC-0135 v14.2 Australian Aged Care Quality Agency self-assessment tool Standard 4: Physical environment and safe systems Provide information that describes the processes used to achieve the expected outcomes in this Standard. 4.4 Living environment Provide information that demonstrates what you have achieved in relation to this expected outcome. 4.5 Occupational health and safety Provide information that demonstrates what you have achieved in relation to this expected outcome. 4.6 Fire, security and other emergencies Provide information that demonstrates what you have achieved in relation to this expected outcome. 4.7 Infection control Provide information that demonstrates what you have achieved in relation to this expected outcome. 4.8 Catering, cleaning and laundry services Provide information that demonstrates what you have achieved in relation to this expected outcome. Australian Aged Care Quality Agency FRM-ACC-0135 v14.2