Kansas State University Transfer Student BRIDGE Program

Kansas State University Transfer Student BRIDGE Program
Is a program that will develop the full-semester experience for transfer students, who will be paired with a faculty
mentor (woman or minority if available, others as appropriate) in one of the College of Agriculture academic
departments for the full-semester experience (Spring) to take courses, participate in career development and
recruiting events, conduct a research / extension / teaching project, and prepare a written paper and presentation.
Develop a Transfer Student BRIDGE program whereby women and underrepresented minority students attending
Kansas community colleges who are considering transferring to the College of Agriculture at Kansas State
University would be identified and invited to apply and move to campus during the second semester of their
sophomore year for a full-semester experience
Students selected to participate in the K-State program will be paired with faculty that match a student's interests.
Faculty and other members of the research team are committed to working closely with the students to train them in
research techniques as well as assist the student in prospering in the full-semester experience. Students will attend
classes applying directly to their specific major.
Students will attend weekly seminars (e-Mentoring) with other the College of Agriculture Multicultural Undergraduate
Transfer students to learn more about the demands of the College of Agriculture at Kansas State University
experience. At the end of the program, students will be expected to present an oral presentation about activities at
the e-Mentoring and, together with their faculty sponsor, have an opportunity to evaluate their summer experience.
K-State College of Agriculture Diversity Programs Office
The Diversity Programs office serves as a catalyst within the College of Agriculture to promote diversity awareness.
It is our responsibility to help faculty, staff and students understand the value of diversity. We provide access to
pertinent resources to assist departments in developing diversity solutions. We work diligently to establish realistic
diversity goals each department can successfully meet.
The Diversity Programs Office also hosts the Kansas State Chapter of Minorities in Agriculture, Natural Resources
and Related Sciences (MANRRS). K-State MANRRS includes multicultural undergraduate and graduate students.
Opportunities and Support
 The opportunities include one on one interaction and conducting a research project with a professor in and
agricultural field. Such as crops and soils, animal science, food science, biological engineering,
horticulture, agriculture economics, environmental sciences, and biotechnology.
 An opportunity to live and learn on campus in Manhattan.
 Also the development of networks among Bridge students, faculty, local community leaders, and potential
employers is vital in having success at Kansas State University.
 The full-semester experience will consist of taking courses, participating in career development and
recruiting events.
Participating Departments
Agricultural Economics
Agricultural Education
Agricultural Communications and Journalism
Agricultural Technology Management
Animal Sciences and Industry
Bakery Science and Management
Feed Science and Management
Food Science and Industry
Horticultural Therapy
Milling Science and Management
Park Management and Conservation
Veterinary Medicine/Pre-Veterinary Medicine
Any women or underrepresented minority students are invited to apply for the Transfer Student BRIDGE Program.
Applicants must be American citizens or have legal resident alien status. Applicants should have an undergraduate
cumulative GPA of 3.0 or better on a 4.0 scale, be majoring in a field listed here or a related field, and have a career
goal that includes a B.S. or B.A. degree. Applicants must be attending a Kansas community college.
Economic Benefits
 Up to six credit hours of tuition paid for.
 One semester of room and board.
 Research stipend- wages and supplies
Application Procedure
Completed applications must be received no later than December 1st, 2013. Early applications will be reviewed on
a continuous basis beginning December 1. Application materials also can be obtained from the K-State College of
Agriculture Diversity Programs Office
The student should:
Submit a completed College of Agriculture Program application form
Submit a brief statement of purpose that includes: academic and career goals; research interests; and
Submit a current official transcript.
Have a faculty member at their home institution complete and return the Transfer Student BRIDGE
Program form and recommendation letter can be faxed to 785-532-6897
or sent as an email attachment to zwiley@ksu.edu
Send application materials to:
Dr. Zelia Wiley
College of Agriculture Diversity Programs Office
Kansas State University
139 Waters Hall
Manhattan, KS 66506-1103
Kansas State University
Kansas State is the land-grant university in the state of Kansas. During the academic year, approximately 23,000
students enroll at KSU, including more than 3,000 graduate students. Manhattan, Kansas (population 45,000), is
located in the rolling Flint Hills of Northeast Kansas, just south of Tuttle Creek Reservoir. Manhattan is two hours
west of Kansas City and about 50 minutes west of the capital city of Kansas, Topeka.
The Transfer Student BRIDGE Program Application
Personal Data
Last Name: ____________________
First Name: _____________________
Date of Birth: ___________________
Gender: M / F
Middle Initial: _________________
Street Address:
State: __________ Zip: _________________________
Main Phone: (________) ____________________________
Race/Ethnicity (Please check all that apply)
African (Black) American
Mexican American (Chicano)
Puerto Rican
Other Hispanic
US Citizen
Asian American
Native American
White, not Hispanic
Other (Specify) _____________________
Permanent Resident/Non-Resident Alien
Academic Information
Community College: _______________________________________________________________________
Major: _____________________________________
Advisor: _____________________________________
GPA (Cumulative) ___________________________
Area of Interest in research: ______________________________________________________________________
Year in School: FR SO
Expected Graduation Date : (mo/yr) ______/_________
Include with your application a copy of your transcript that includes grades for Spring 2013
A letter of recommendation from a faculty member whom you have had as an instructor for biology or chemistry
A brief statement of your academic and career goals, including your research interests
A brief statement as to why you want to participate in the Transfer Student BRIDGE Program
All materials must be received by the College of Agriculture Diversity Programs Office, Undergraduate and Graduate Summer
Research Fellowship, Kansas State University, 139 Waters Hall, Manhattan, KS 66506-1103 by December 1, 2013.
Name (signature) _________________________________________ Date ___________
Application deadline is December 1
Recommendation Form Spring 2014
Applicant must complete top portion (please type). You may photocopy this form as many times as you need.
Applicant Name
 I agree to waive my rights to the content of this recommendation
 I DO NOT agree to waive my rights to the content or this recommendation
Applicant’s Signature
To Be Completed by Recommender:
How long and in what capacity have you known the applicant?
Please rate the applicant in the following areas
Top 10%
Top 25%
Top 50%
Cannot rate
Motivation for academics
Ability to work with others
Reasoning Skills
Written communication
Oral communication
Potential for graduate school
Please provide a written evaluation of the applicant, describing your knowledge of the applicant and emphasizing his/her
potential for research and undergraduate study at a University.
Name of Recommender
Organization and title
Please return this form or a letter of recommendation to: Dr. Zelia Wiley by fax (785) 532-6897 or email zwiley@ksu.edu
Recommendation Form Spring 2014
Applicant must complete top portion (please type). You may photocopy this form as many times as you need.
Applicant Name
 I agree to waive my rights to the content of this recommendation
 I DO NOT agree to waive my rights to the content or this recommendation
Applicant’s Signature
To Be Completed by Recommender:
How long and in what capacity have you known the applicant?
Please rate the applicant in the following areas
Top 10%
Top 25%
Top 50%
Cannot rate
Motivation for academics
Ability to work with others
Reasoning Skills
Written communication
Oral communication
Potential for graduate school
Please provide a written evaluation of the applicant, describing your knowledge of the applicant and emphasizing his/her
potential for research and undergraduate study at a University.
Name of Recommender
Organization and title
Please return this form or a letter of recommendation to: Dr. Zelia Wiley by fax (785) 532-6897 or email zwiley@ksu.edu