MPS ELA Supplemental Adoption Texts Great Books and Great Source Materials by Grade Great Books texts Grade Level Series & Other texts (Class sets of 40 for Middle School and 45 for High School) Grade 5: Grade 6: Literature and Thought Series (Class sets of 40 for MS and 45 for HS) Series 5 (both semesters with CDs) Int. Activities (both semesters) Tapes (both semesters) Field and Barton only Grade 6: From There to Here Grade 7: And Justice for All Series 6 (both semesters with CDs) Int. Activities (both semesters) Tapes (both semesters) Grade 8: The Harlem Renaissance Grade 7: Series 7 (with Reader Writes) Grade 9: Echoes from Mt. Olympus Free at Last Grade 8: Series 8 Grade 10: Voices of the Holocaust Grade 9: Series 9 Grade 11: Times of Change A House Divided Grade 10: American Poetry Grade 12: To Be a Hero Grade 11: The Civically Engaged Reader Grade 12: The Civically Engaged Reader Additional Class Sets for High School Building Use: In addition to grade level texts, each HS has 3 class sets each of American Poetry to be used in all grade levels. Each HS has 45 copies of the following texts to be shared in addition to the lists above: Citizens of the World-- Readings in Human Rights, Talking Service: Readings for Civic Reflection, & The Will of the People: Readings in American Democracy Great Source texts Perfection Learning Parallel texts (Used to support Shakespearean plays as needed) All aligned to grade levels texts: (Class sets of 40 for MS and 45 for HS) 1. Daybooks 2. Write Source 3. Reader’s Handbook with Teacher Edition materials Plays include: 1. Hamlet 2. Macbeth 3. A Midsummer Night’s Dream 4. Romeo & Juliet 5. Othello