IMMEDIATE RELEASE - Alivamax Worldwide

Salt Lake City, UT., November 2009 - In 1513, Spanish explorer Juan Ponce de León went out in search for the
Fountain of Youth. Although he was unsuccessful, the quest did not end with him. Five centuries later, millions are still in
search of this elixir of life. Today, with the advancement of modern science, baby boomers – a growing segment of about
78 million – are looking toward more sophisticated means than León’s fountain. Microdermabrasion, botox and plastic
surgery are some of today’s most popular anti-aging remedies. However, these treatments only address signs of age on the
outside. Alivamax Worldwide. acknowledges that the aging process our bodies go through occurs first on the inside. Our
potent and natural Shilajit ingredient helps to revitalize the body and mind, providing the energy and balance necessary to
stay young and active. Alivamax Fountain of Youth power starts from the inside out – at the cellular level.
We are finally acting on the common knowledge that the foods we eat can have a huge impact on how long we live and
how well we age. In ancient Indian culture, Shilajit has long been regarded as a health supplement that can revive and
balance the body. Shilajit has been used for centuries by Himalayan natives, whose life spans have been documented to be
well over 100 years of age.
The secret behind the powerful anti-aging power of Shilajit is in its prehistoric origin. Shilajit is an organo-mineral. Long
ago when our continents were drifting, the Himalayas were not the mountains we know today, but a very fertile area with
lots of vegetation next to vast oceans full of marine life. When the continents crashed into each other at geologic speed,
the massive organic matter was compressed into the mountains. As time passed, this organic matter complexed in the
mysterious ways of nature and became Shilajit. The bioactives in Shilajit have survived hundreds of millions of years of
evolution. Studies have shown that these bioactives are still present in humans and other animals as a source of energy.
These discoveries have lead many scientists to believe that the bioactives found in Shilajit may be essential for the
existence of life on earth.
The quality of Shilajit extracts on the market today, however, varies significantly with respect to origin, processing
conditions and bioactive components. The rigorous quality and control processes, along with its patented processing
technology, yields an ingredient with over 60% pure Shilajit. High in fulvic acid, the Alivamax Fountain of Youth is a
potent ingredient for anti-aging and rejuvenation, working at the cellular level and playing a direct role in the synthesis of
adenosine triphosphate (ATP, the body’s energy source) and healthy mitochondrial function. As an adaptogen, the
Alivamax Fountain of Youth helps the body increase resistance to fatigue by augmenting the activity of CoenzymeQ-10.
Besides energy and anti-aging, some of the many benefits of Alivamax Fountain of Youth include: detoxification, antistress, immunity, endurance and strength. Alivamax Fountain of Youth outstanding quality and safety makes it a superior
alternative to other highly invasive, potentially harmful, anti-aging procedures today.
Alivamax Fountain of Youth is a patented, purified and standardized Shilajit dietary supplement ingredient (protected
under US Patents and other pending US and foreign patents developed to provide energy to human body and mind. It is
the ultimate Shilajit ingredient developed by Dr. Shibnath Ghosal, who has been studying this novel compound for over
30 years.
Alivamax Fountain of Youth is an ingredient for health and dietary supplements. With US headquarters in Salt Lake City,
Utah the research center for its Alivamax Fountain of Youth is located in Kolkata, India. Alivamax Fountain of Youth
has been developed to provide pharmaceutical quality nutraceuticals, protected by intellectual property and proven by
clinical and safety studies. The research and development team includes seven Ph. D. researchers and seven Ph. D.
candidates, working under the leadership of Dr. Shibnath Ghosal, a world-renowned natural product scientist.
For more information, please contact your local distributor or visit