Special Educational Needs (SEN) Review Form 1 Keynotes: This form must be word processed For each child/young person for whom the Local Authority maintains a statement of Special Educational Needs (SEN) or Education, Health and Care (EHC) plan the education provider should gather advice, hold a meeting and complete this review form on at least an annual basis, recommended six monthly for a child under 5. Reviews must focus on the child or young person’s progress towards achieving the objectives/outcomes specified in their statement of SEN or EHC plan. This form is also used when: The transfer of a statement of SEN into an EHC plan is considered The transfer of a Learning Needs Assessment (LNA/LDA) The decision has been made to hold either an additional or an early review meeting The education provider must complete Part 1: sections 1 to 5 (boxes in orange) of this SEN review form in advance of the review meeting. Ideally three and at least two weeks before the review date. The educational setting must collate and send to all those invited to attend the review meeting copies of: The completed Part 1 of the SEN review form The child or young person’s contribution to their review The parental contribution to the review The reports provided by all the professionals invited to the review Once the review meeting has been held, the educational setting must finalise Part 2 of the SEN review form (boxes in green). A copy of the completed SEN review form must be sent to everyone invited to the review meeting within two weeks of the meeting. A copy of the completed SEN review form and a copy of all of the collated reports, contributions and supporting evidence must be sent to the SEN Assessment and Provision Team within two weeks of the meeting. Please refer to the SEN review guidance which has been sent directly to each school and is also available on School Messenger to ensure the review form contains the appropriate information for these review meetings. If you have difficulty accessing School messenger please contact the SEN Assessment and Provision Team Telephone: 01872 324242 Email: specialeducation@cornwall.gov.uk Throughout this document the word parent refers to the person with legal parental responsibility this could include carer or guardian. 2 Special Educational Needs (SEN) Review Form Part 1 Date of this meeting Date of last review Date of current statement of SEN/EHC plan Name of educational placement Meeting about transfer of statement of SEN to EHC plan Yes/No 1. Child/young person’s details Surname Forename(s) Also known as Date of Birth Year Group Home address Phone numbers and email if a young person 2. Education placement details Date of admission Attendance Is the child dual registered? Actual Possible Percentage Exclusions number of days Yes/No If yes provide details 3 3. Attainment and assessment Early Years assessments Foundation Stage Profile of current levels of attainment – Development Matters Levels and/or Early Years Foundation Stage Profile results EYFS aspect Attainment at previous review Current Assessment Predicted level or age expectations If current attainment is below age expectations please give detailed comments School assessments - up to year 11 Include P levels if appropriate Subject Attainment at previous review Current Assessment Has progress met targets? Detailed comments E.g. achieved with support, for attainments below predicted level, please give detailed information Speaking and listening Reading Writing English overall subject level Maths overall subject level Standard test results and/or entry assessment for Reading, Spelling and Numeracy Name of Test: Date of Test: Chronological Age: Result: 4 Post 16 courses Subject/name of course Level being studied Current assessment Predicted Comments Complete this box for all children and young people Key points and interpretation of attainment and academic progress since last review (Brief bullet point summary) 4. Progress and SEN provision over the last year/since last review Insert/delete Statement of SEN objective/EHC plan outcome boxes as required (EHC plan Sections E and F) Objective/Outcome (E) Provision (F) Progress made Has the objective/outcome been met? Select one below Not achieved and Not achieved and should should remain be amended Suggested amendments Objective/Outcome (E) Suggested amendments Provision (F) Achieved and should be removed Objective/Outcome (E) Provision (F) Progress made Has the objective/outcome been met? Select one below Not achieved and Not achieved and should should remain be amended 5 Achieved and should be removed Suggested amendments Objective/Outcome (E) Suggested amendments Provision (F) Objective/Outcome (E) Provision (F) Progress made Has the objective/outcome been met? Select one below Not achieved and Not achieved and should should remain be amended Suggested amendments Objective/Outcome (E) Suggested amendments Provision (F) Achieved and should be removed Objective/Outcome (E) Provision (F) Progress made Has the objective/outcome been met? Select one below Not achieved and Not achieved and should should remain be amended Suggested amendments Objective/Outcome (E) Suggested amendments Provision (F) Achieved and should be removed 5. People invited to attend the meeting Add/delete as applicable giving clear role Name Role Attended Child/young person Parent/carer SENCo Headteacher Classteacher Teaching Assistant LA Officer Educational Psychologist Advisory Teacher Careers South West PA 6 Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Report Received Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Part 2 All sections from this point on should be completed during or following the review meeting 6. Child/young person contribution to their review Detail of child/young person’s contribution should be attached (EHC plan Section A) What is the child/young person’s main method of communication? How has the child/young person been involved in and able to contribute to this review? Key points of child/young person ‘s views interests and aspirations (brief bullet pointed summary of views and aspirations) 7. Details of parent/s Name and title Relationship to child/young person Does this person have legal parental responsibility? Address, email and phone number/s Name and title Relationship to child/young person Does this person have legal parental responsibility? Address, email and phone number/s 7 Yes/No Yes/No Key points parent/s views and aspirations - if appropriate Parent/s contribution should be attached (EHC plan Section A) (Brief bullet pointed summary of parent/s views and aspirations) 8. Health Needs which relate to SEN (EHC plan Section C) Please comment on current health needs, including the involvement of health professionals. (Any amendments to a statement of SEN or EHC plan can only be made in response to information from an appropriate health professional that is provided in writing and attached to this SEN review form). 9. Social Care Needs which relate to SEN (EHC plan Section D) Please comment on the current social care needs, including the involvement of social care professionals. (Any amendments to a statement of SEN or EHC plan can only be made in response to information from an appropriate social care professional that is provided in writing and attached to this SEN review form). 10. Strengths and Special Educational Needs (SEN) (EHC plan Section B) This section must be completed when a statement of SEN is to be transferred to a plan. It should also be completed when significant amendments or additions to a statement of SEN or EHC plan are to be requested. If a child or young person does not have special educational needs in a particular area only complete strengths and state ‘none’ for special educational needs. Communication and Interaction Strengths: 8 Special Educational needs: Cognition and Learning Strengths: Special Educational needs: Social, Emotional and Mental Health Strengths: Special Educational needs: Sensory and/or Physical Strengths: Special Educational needs: 9 11. Suggested new objectives/outcomes if required Insert/delete statement of SEN objective/EHC plan outcome boxes as required Which area of SEN? Communication and Interaction Cognition and Learning Social, Emotional, Mental Health Sensory and/or Physical Objective/Outcome (E) Provision Required (F) Who will do what, when and how often Which area of SEN? Communication and Interaction Cognition and Learning Social, Emotional, Mental Health Sensory and/or Physical Objective/Outcome (E) Provision Required (F) Who will do what, when and how often 12. Preparing for adulthood This section must be completed for all young people Year 9 and above Issues to be considered as part of this meeting Key points discussed What are the young person’s aspirations for the next phase of their education or training? What are the young person’s aspirations for when they leave education or training? Has the young person received advice and support in order to achieve their aspirations? What steps need to be taken to support the young person as they move towards independence? 10 Preparing for adulthood outcomes Insert/delete Statement of SEN objective/EHC plan outcome boxes as required. Outcomes and provision in this section must relate to preparing for adulthood, training, work, employment and independent living. Objective/Outcome (E) Provision Required (F) Who will do what, when and how often Objective/Outcome (E) Provision Required (F) Who will do what, when and how often Objective/Outcome (E) Provision Required (F) Who will do what, when and how often 13. Placement and provision Does the current placement and provision meet the Yes/No child/young person’s needs? If the child or young person’s needs are not being met explain what different provision may be required and set out what the impact of a change in provision would be e.g. meeting specific outcomes, accelerated progress 14. Transfer between phases of education Complete summer 1 year prior to starting school, summer term year 1 for pupils in infant schools, summer term year 5 and summer term year 10. For year 5 and year 10 this needs to be completed even if the preferred placement is the same as the current one. For post 16 complete as appropriate. What is important about the next placement for the child/young person? 11 What is important about the next placement for the parent/carers? Please provide views about any preferred placement/s and how these would meet the child/ young person’s needs If the preferred placement is a change between mainstream and specialist provision (area resource base ARB or special school) what changes in the child/young person’s needs and the provision required to meet the needs support this recommendation 15. Personal budget statement Only complete for EHC plans or reviews to inform transfer of a statement of SEN into an EHC plan Does the young person or parent/s want more information about personal budget statements? Yes/No Has a personal budget statement already been received? Yes/No If Yes – is an updated personal budget statement requested? Yes/No 16. Transport Complete for Year 11 and below How does the child/young person get to their current educational placement? Does this meet their needs? Yes/No Have there been any changes to circumstances since travel arrangements were confirmed? Have circumstances changed so significantly that travel arrangements now need to be reconsidered? Yes/No/Not Applicable Yes/No/Not Applicable If travel arrangements need to be reconsidered please provide details and supporting evidence 12 Post 16 Transport (Information only) The local authority provides subsidised transport for all young people to access post 16 education. All young people, including those with a statement of SEN or an EHC plan must apply for Post 16 transport. Applications are considered on a case-by-case basis by the Pupil Transport Team. Further information can be found on the Cornwall Council website: https://www.cornwall.gov.uk/education-and-learning/schools-and-colleges/college-transport-for16-19-year-olds/ or by contacting the Pupil Transport Team on 0300 1234 100 or by email at pupiltransport@cornwall.gov.uk 17. Recommendations of those present at the review In line with the Local Authority’s criteria and the child/young person’s progress, does the statement of SEN/EHC plan need to: Be maintained i.e. child/young person still needs a statement of SEN/EHC plan to detail objectives/outcomes and additional support required Be maintained but amended i.e. child/young person still needs a statement of SEN/EHC plan to detail objectives/outcomes and additional support required but there are significant changes and it requires updating Be ceased i.e. the identified outcomes have been met and the child/young person’s needs can be met from the SEN support arrangements within the setting or the young person will no longer be in education or training Is any further action required? i.e. has the child/young person’s SEN changed so significantly that they require a decrease in provision, an increase in provision or should another full statutory assessment be considered? NB: This also includes any time limited additional resources/arrangements. Such arrangements will automatically cease, unless up to date evidence and information is provided for the local authority to consider. Please refer to the Review Guidelines for further information If any further action has been selected please provide additional details and attach supporting evidence: 13 Select one 18. Summary of inclusions and suggested amendments 9 9 Section D: Social Care Needs which relate to SEN suggested amendments included Copy of social care professional’s suggested amendments attached 10 Section B:Strengths and Special Educational Needs suggested amendments made 11 New objectives / outcomes suggested 12 Suggested preparing for adulthood outcomes require inclusion for first time or updating 13 Suggested changes to provision made 14 This review considered transfer between phases/types of education 15 Section J: Information about or a revised personal budget statement is required 16 A change to transport has been requested 17 The recommendation section has been completed Other inclusions, please state 14 Transfer Copy of statement of SEN/EHC plan is attached showing suggested amendments Part 1 1 Child/young person’s details require updating 2 Educational Placement details require updating 3 Attainment and assessment data attached 4 Progress and SEN Provision over the last year/since last review suggested amendments made 4 Progress and SEN Provision over the last year/since last review evidence of provision / support attached Part 2 6 Child/young person’s contribution to their review attached 6 Child/young person’s views: All about me attached (when appropriate) 7 Parent/s details require updating 7 Parental contribution to their child’s review attached 8 Section C: Health Needs relating SEN suggested amendments included 8 Copy of health professional’s suggested amendments attached Statement If no amendments or updates are required please enter NA EHC plan In the appropriate column please indicate whether you have made any suggested amendments or included copies of the required paperwork by entering Y X X X X X X X X X X X 19. Any differing recommendations Does anyone attending the review meeting not agree with the recommendations? If yes provide details Yes/No 20. Other information Any other information people attending the meeting wish to share. 21. Signature Headteacher/Principal Name please print Signature Date Circulation of this document (Part 1 and 2) This form must be copied and sent to/encrypted and emailed to all attendees of the review meeting and those who were invited, but did not attend. A hard copy of the completed form, together with all supporting records/information must be sent to the SEN Assessment and Provision team at 3W, County Hall, Truro TR13AY within two weeks of the review meeting. Or Use encrypted email to send all the documents to specialeducation@cornwall.gov.uk within two weeks of the review meeting. 15 If you would like this information in another format please contact: Cornwall Council County Hall Treyew Road Truro TR1 3AY Telephone: 0300 1234 100 Email: enquiries@cornwall.gov.uk www.cornwall.gov.uk 16