Riverside Community College / City Campus – Fall 2010

Speech Communication 1
Public Speaking
Riverside Community College / City Campus – Fall 2010
Instructor: Ms. Michele Weber
Messages: 951-222-8000 x 5131
Email: Michele.weber@rcc.edu
Meeting times: Wednesdays at 6:00pm
Location: QD 110
Office Hours: by appointment
Text: Stephen E. Lucas, The Art of Public Speaking, Tenth Edition. (However, the 9th edition will
work if you want to save money. You can find it on Amazon.com or www.half.com)
Student Learning Outcomes:
This class will help you to enhance your organizational, research and speaking skills. You will also
learn some communication theory and understand the symbolic process of human interaction, both
verbal and non-verbal. You will also be able to evaluate and employ methods of managing
communication anxiety. This course is designed to help you:
Develop a deeper understanding of human communication
Improve public speaking skills by learning how to prepare, present and analyze oral
Formulate strong and valid messages to help support assertions
Identify speaking techniques and demonstrate a personal delivery style
Develop critical listening and thinking skills
Increase ability to speak in a wide variety of formats
Provide constructive feedback and evaluation of speakers
Demonstrate competence in speech preparation and presentation by ethically
achieving the proper goals for the genre and type of speech while performing
audience analysis and adaptation.
Demonstrate competence in speech preparation by appropriately synthesizing the
rhetorical conventions of speech composition in outline format with credible
evidence and sound reasoning.
Demonstrate competence in speech presentation by appropriately synthesizing the
rhetorical conventions of speaking from a brief set of notes within given time
constraints integrating credible evidence and sound reasoning.
Integrate appropriate verbal and non-verbal communication to ethically achieve the
goals of a particular speech
Demonstrate the effective management of anxiety during preparation and
presentation of speeches.
Implement ethical standards expected of an audience member by employing effective
listening skills and cultural sensitivity.
Evaluate their own and others speeches based on content, composition/organization,
delivery and implementation of ethical standards.
Policies and Procedures:
Please turn off all cell phones and Bluetooth devices upon entry into the classroom.
You are expected to provide original work. Any plagiarism will result in an automatic “F” in
this course. Plagiarism is the improper use, or failure to attribute, another person’s writing or
ideas. Please give credit where credit is due to all the sources you use. Also, keep in mind
that any cheating, or copying of another person’s exam, paper or speech will not be tolerated.
Any papers or outlines should be typed and free of grammatical, spelling, punctuation and
writing style errors. Carefully proofread all papers. I recommend using spell check if you
Examinations and speeches must occur on the day assigned. Make-ups will only be given in
the case of excused absences, such as a verifiable illness.
Attendance is Mandatory. Because of our class schedule and the amount of class
assignments we need to get through, I discourage tardiness. However, if you are late for
class, please do not walk in while a speech is being given. Please be considerate and wait
until the speaker is done. If you come to class chronically late you will be considered absent
and this will be very detrimental to your participation grade. You are also expected to show
respect for others and allow them to learn, if you are disrespectful or disruptive you may be
asked to leave for the day.
Please show courtesy and respect for others. This is especially true while someone is giving a
speech. Remember you will also have to give a speech also. While we may not always agree
with someone else’s perspective or interpretation of information, please evaluate other
speeches in the spirit of critical inquiry.
Students are responsible for communicating difficulties you might be having emotionally,
physically or otherwise. Please let me know, because I can’t help you if I am unaware of a
Personal Experience Speech
Informative Speech
Informative Outline
Persuasive Speech
Persuasive Outline
Final Speech
Final Outline
Final Exam
Total possible points
*** Possible extra credit
Grading Scale
765-850 ----A
680-764 ----B
595-679 ----C
510-594 ----D
510 or below is an F
Please keep in mind that this course is a general education requirement. Therefore, you must pass this
course with a grade of “C” or better.
Examinations: There will be two exams for this class: midterm and final. Exams will be true /
false, multiple choice.. You will need a scantron. Each exam will cover reading, in class activities
and lecture.
Speeches: There will be one minor speech, a personal experience speech. There will be three
significant speeches throughout the rest of the semester. Each speech has a specific and different
format. I will give you handouts in class to explain each format. The verbal citing of sources and use
of visual aids will vary based on the requirements of each speech, as do the point values for each
speech. The speeches are varied in time limit from 3 minutes to 10 minutes. Please remain within
the time limits or your grade will be penalized. Please do not read your speech word for word; it will
adversely affect your grade. The speeches are to be given on the day assigned and in the manner
discussed in class.
Outlines: Three substantial outlines are requires: Informative, Persuasive, and Final. The format and
structure will be described in class on handouts. These outlines must be typed and well researched.
The point value for each outline varies and is listed above. They are due the same day as the
corresponding speech. There will be a number of sources required for each outline.
Peer Evaluation: For every major speech that is given in class we as a class will evaluate the speaker
and the speech. I will hand out evaluation sheets out prior to the speeches scheduled for that day.
After your speech has been graded you will receive your evaluation sheets back. Keep in mind your
evaluations should always be done in the spirit of constructive criticism.
Participation: Participation in the course requires consistent attendance; therefore, attendance is
indirectly a part of the grading policy. Throughout the semester random assignments will be required.
You will also be required to evaluate others speeches as they give them. These peer evaluations are
also a part of your participation grade.
Impromptus: As often as we can we will break into impromptus. Impromptus are speeches with a
format, but are given with very little preparation. These can be done as teams, small groups or
individually. Evaluations will be by your peers, or me. These are challenging and fun!! Don’t worry
we will ease into these, and I promise they will be painless. At the end of the semester I will drop the
lowest impromptu score and average the rest into the 50 points allocated.
***Extra Credit Critique Paper: You can also earn some extra credit. For 20 points extra credit
you will be asked to turn in a paper 3-5 pages critiquing a speaker outside of class and evaluating the
presentation. (Please get your topic / speaker approved by me first.)
Disability Statement: If you have a documented disability requiring accommodation in class, please
contact me or the Office of Disabled Students Programs and Services. We will be happy to work with
you in determining appropriate accommodations to meet the educational limitations resulting from
your disability. The locations and phone numbers for DSPS are as follows:
Riverside: ADM 121, 951-222-8060
Class Schedule
Wed Sept 1
Orientation, Go Over Syllabus, Intros
Intro To Public Speaking
Assign Personal Experience Speech
Read Chapter 1
Read Chapter 2
Wed Sept 8
Personal Experience Speeches / Ethics
Ethics and Public Speaking / Listening
Read Chapter 3
Read Chapter 4
Wed Sept 15
Listening Exercises, Topics
Topics Exercises / Research
Read Chapter 6
Read Chapter 7
Wed Sept 22
Using Evidence
Read Chapter 8
Citation Homework
Wed Sept 29
Organizing Your Speech
Outlining the Speech Outlining Exercises
Read Chapter 10
Chapter 14
Wed Oct 6
Informative Speeches Lecture
(Assign Informative Speeches)
Introductions and Conclusions / Visual Aids
Chapter 9
Chapter 13
Wed Oct 13
Wed Oct 20
Informative Speeches
*Speech Outline Due
Wed Oct 27
Informative Speeches
*Speech Outline Due
Read Chapter 12 and 15
Wed Nov 3
Delivery Exercises / Delivery
Read Chapter 16
(Assign Persuasive Speech)
How to Create a Persuasive Speech
Wed Nov 10
Persuasive Speeches
*Speech Outline Due
Wed Nov 17
Persuasive Speeches
(Assign Final Speech)
* Speech Outline Due
Read Chapter 5 & 11
Wed Nov 24
Language / Audiences
Wed Dec 1
Final Speeches
* Speech Outline Due
Wed Dec 8
Final Speeches
* Speech Outline Due
Wed Dec 15
Final Speeches / Review Day
FINAL EXAMS Check final exam schedule for exact date and time