1 - Cal State LA - Instructional Web Server

Facies and Sea Level
1. Create a facies diagram showing a conglomerate facies closest to shore, followed by sandstone in the
nearshore, followed by siltstone further offshore, and finally a mudstone furthest offshore.
2. Migrate facies so that a stratigraphic column is produced with conglomerate at the base, sandstone above the
conglomerate, siltstone overlying the sandstone, and finally mudstone capping the siltstone.
3. Create another facies diagram similar to the first one you drew. Migrate facies so that a stratigraphic column
is produced with mudstone at the base, siltstone above the mudstone, sandstone above the mudstone, and finally
conglomerate above the sandstone.
4. Make another facies diagram like the first one you drew. Produce a stratigraphic column the combines the
columns you drew in 2 & 3. Start with conglomerate at the base, followed by sandstone, etc.