SEB Minutes - 12th November 2014

Sheffield Executive Board (SEB)
“Making the right things happen for Sheffield”
Minutes of the Open Session: Wednesday, 12 November 2014
Held at The Circle, 33 Rockingham Lane, Sheffield S1 4FW
Julie Dore (Chair, Leader of the Council, Sheffield City Council)
Neill Birchenall, Managing Director, Birchenall Howden (Vice Chair)
The Very Reverend Peter Bradley, Dean of Sheffield
Deborah Egan, Sheffield City Region LEP
Toby Hyam, Managing Director, Creative Space Management
Debbie Matthews, Chief Executive, Manor and Castle Development Trust
Tim Moorhead, Chair of Sheffield NHS Clinical Commissioning Group Committee
Sharon Squires, Director, Sheffield First
Richard Wright, Executive Director, Sheffield Chamber of Commerce & Industry
Andrew Cropley, The Sheffield College
David Hartley, District Commander, South Yorkshire Police
James Henderson, Sheffield City Council
Tracey Lancaster, Director of Corporate Affairs, Sheffield Hallam University
Linda Mayhew, Business Manager, South Yorkshire Criminal Justice Board
John Roberts, Assistant Chief Fire Officer, South Yorkshire Fire & Rescue
In Attendance:
Andi Walshaw, Performance & Research Manager, Sheffield City Council (item 4)
Professor Alan Walker, Chair, Sheffield Fairness Commission (item 5)
Matthew Borland, Sheffield City Council (item 5)
Amanda Pearce, Director, Diva (item 5)
Dan Spicer, Policy & Improvement Officer, Sheffield First
Kay Kirk, Sheffield First (minutes)
Agenda Item
Welcome and Apologies
The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting and apologies were received
Ian Atkinson, Chief Operating Officer, NHS Sheffield
Heather MacDonald, Principal & Chief Executive, The Sheffield College
John Mothersole, Chief Executive, Sheffield City Council
Ben Still, Chief Executive, Sheffield City Region LEP
Sue White, Chief Executive, Voluntary Action Sheffield
Penny Brooks, Clinical Director, STH NHS Foundation Trust
Adrian Hopgood, Pro Vice-Chancellor Dean, Sheffield Business School
Neil Riley, Assistant Chief Executive, STH NHS Foundation Trust
Julie Hurley, Head of Policy & Planning, SYPTE
Agenda Item
Declarations of Interest
There were no declarations of interest.
Minutes, Actions and Matters Arising from the Open Session
The minutes from the last meeting were agreed as an accurate record.
All outstanding matters arising covered on agenda.
State of Sheffield 2015
Andi Walshaw, Performance & Research Manager, Sheffield City Council
Dan Spicer, Policy & Performance Improvement Officer, Sheffield First
Andi Walshaw recapped the main themes for the State of Sheffield 2015
 Sheffield 2014-15 Headlines
 Sheffield as a European City
 Sheffield as a Core City
 Sheffield as a Fair and Resilient City
Key Headlines will include:
 Changes in housing market
 Underlying difficulties and new challenges in some communities
 Apprenticeships
 Economic data around financial vulnerability and SMEs
 Investments in the city
A section will be added to reflect where Sheffield sits as a European city.
The section around what makes Sheffield distinctive will be edited to bring it
up to date.
The Sheffield as a Fair and Resilient City section will contain:
 Details around the non-standard consumer credit market
 CO2 emissions
 Fuel poverty
 Exercise
Sheffield College students will provide new photography for the report.
Engaging the students is a tactic to widen ownership and interest in the
report. The report layout and design will be produced by Sheffield Institute
of Art and Design students. Sheffield Institute of Art and Design are also
looking at alternative formats in addition to the paper report (on-line version
with interactive data etc).
A half-day launch conference to be confirmed in late February/early March.
An exhibition of Sheffield College Photography work will also be linked to
the launch.
Agenda Item
Suggestions on additional data on Fairness (e.g Sheffield Money) and
interest in why some cities have been more successful than others.
Would be useful to tie in local data sets from the report to the work the
Smart City Lab is doing around new data streams.
 First draft of State of Sheffield 2015 report to be circulated to Board
members early next week for comment.
 A copy of the presentation to be circulated to Board members.
 Andi Walshaw/Gordon Dabinett to ensure that additional suggestions
are included in the report.
Sheffield Fair City Campaign
Professor Alan Walker, Chair, Sheffield Fairness Commission
Amanda Pearce, Director, Diva
Sharon Squires, Director, Sheffield First
Alan Walker recapped the achievements of the city around Fairness over
the last 12 months.
The Fairness Commission recommended a campaign which would:
 Inform people
 Promote the case for greater fairness
 Act as a call to action
 Communicate what is being done to change things for the better
Amanda Pearce gave a brief preview of the campaign Diva have been
working on:
 A Fairness Charter has been written
 The slogan of Challenge, Champion, Change has been adopted
 Poster have been produced with quotes and images of the first wave
of Fairness Champions
 The current Fairness Champions have been interviewed and their
videos will be available to watch via the website once live
 Website design well under way
 A pledge wall will be incorporated into the website – this will be
 A lapel badge and a Fairness Champion’s toolkit will be supplied to
all who sign up to become a Champion.
The launch was originally scheduled for Tuesday 18th November, however
due to the number of apologies given for that date the decision was taken to
delay. This will provide a good opportunity to re-design the launch with
more of a national/international focus to bring the spotlight to the work being
done in Sheffield. We are working to find a new date and details will be
circulated as soon as possible.
Agenda Item
Asks of Board
Before the formal launch of the campaign for Board members to sign up as
Fairness Champions and make a pledge.
We need to keep the website running and refreshed after the launch –
promoting specific initiatives such as Sheffield Money, the Living Wage,
Housing etc. How can this be paid for? To discuss at next meeting.
Will organisations as well as individuals be able to sign up as Champions
and make pledges? Diva to ensure this is possible.
Sheffield Executive Board will own the intellectual property of the campaign.
Can we trademark and encourage a wider city based our fair city
campaign? To discuss at next meeting.
Issue around access to electronic communications (digital exclusion). 25%
of people don’t have access to electronic communications. Also
issues/challenges around citizens who don’t speak English. Pledge cards
will be produced in hard copy and materials will be distributed in
New stories will be added to the website all the time from contributors
(student unions, local communities etc). In the first instance the research
undertaken by Diva demonstrated that fit was important for citizens to know
what the city leaders were doing around fairness first – this is why the initial
champions were selected.
Resource issues – how do we take forward and keep it going? If the
fairness campaign could raise revenue by other cities signing up to use the
model it could potentially generate jobs and opportunities in Sheffield. Julie
Dore to take this idea forward. The Fair City Campaign Group will also take
on this discussion.
Could we engage national media, The Guardian for example?
The Young Advisers would make excellent initial pledgees as they are
brilliant role models.
A speaker who could attract international interest at the launch event would
provide real traction to the campaign.
 Diva to share the website link with Board members before the official
launch so they can sign up as Fairness Champions and make
pledges. Sharon to collect names in the first instance and forward
information when available.
 Diva to look further at web design to ensure it is Sheffield focussed –
Agenda Item
Our Fair City, Sheffield for example.
 Launch to be re-designed and new date circulated as soon as
possible. A conference is planned to follow the launch with a
communities theme.
 Sharon Squires, Tracey Lancaster, Toby Hyam and Debbie
Matthews to meet together to discuss ways of taking the campaign
 The Fair City Campaign Group and Cllr Julie Dore to take forward
discussions around commercial opportunities for the campaign and
other city buy-in.
Sheffield City Summit – next steps
Sharon Squires, Director, Sheffield First and Peter Bradley, Dean of Sheffield
The report from the Sheffield City Summit was circulated to board members
before the meeting.
 Comments on the report to be e-mailed to Sharon Squires.
 Sharon Squires to add to next meeting.
Any Other Business
TEDx is taking place on Saturday 15th November 2014 at St George’s
Church Lecture Theatre.
Date and time of next meeting
The next SEB meeting will be held on Wednesday 10th December 2014, 9.00 am –
12.00 pm at The Cathedral Church of St Peter and St Paul, Church Street,
Sheffield S1 2HA
Please send any apologies for this meeting by contacting the Sheffield First office
on 0114 273 5822 or email