周志銘 - 臺北醫學大學醫學研究所

職稱 : 助理教授
學歷 : 國立臺灣大學動物所博士
E-MAIL : cmchou@tmu.edu.tw
專長 : 分子生物學、生物技術。
授課科目 : 生物化學、生物化學實驗、生化學特論、分子生物學、生化學討論、
研究計畫(三年內) :
持 補助機構
計畫編號(校內案號) 補助經費
周 行政院國 具腦部特異性表現新穎
志 家科學委 蛋白激脢基因(BSK146)
銘 員會
周 行政院國
志 家科學委
銘 員會
周 行政院國
志 家科學委
銘 員會
(zBSK146) 之選殖與功能 93-2313-B-038-002
斑馬魚 syndecan-3 基因之 NSC
1,151,000 2005/08/01~2006/07/31
(A) Reference Paper
1.Chou CM, Huang CJ, Shih CM, Chen YP, Liu TP, Chen CT(2005).Identification of Three
Mutations in the Cu, Zn-Superoxide Dismutase(Cu,Zn-SOD) Gene with Familial
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci.(1042):303-313.
2. Lin CC, Chou CM, Hsu YL, Lien JC, Wang YM, Chen ST, Tsai SC, Hsiao PW, Huang
CJ(2004).Characterization of two mosquito STATs, AaSTAT and CtSTAT: differential
regulationof tyrosine phosphorylation and DNA binding activity by LPS treatment and by
Japanese encephalitis virus infection. J. Bio. Chem.(279):3308-3317.
3. Chang MH, Chou CM, Hsieh YC, Lu IC, Devi MK, Chang JP, Kuo TF, Huang
CJ(2004).Identification of 5'-upstream region of pufferfish ribosomal protein L29 gene as a
strong constitutive promoter to drive GFP expression in zebrafish. Biochem Biophys Res
4. Tsai PL, Chen CH, Huang CJ, Chou CM, Chang GD(2004).Purification and cloning of an
endogenous protein inhibitor of carp nephrosin, an astacin metalloproteinase. J Biol
5. Chang MH, Huang CJ, Hwang SP, Lu IC, Lin CM, Kuo TF, Chou CM*(2004).Zebrafish
heparin-binding neurotrophic factor enhances neurite outgrowth during its development.
Biochem Biophys Res Commun.(321):502-509. (*: 通信作者; NSC-91-2311-B-038-005)
6. Wu HS, Hsieh YC, Su IJ, Lin TH, Chiu SC, Hsu YF, Lin JH, Wang MC, Chen JY, Hsiao PW,
Chang GD, Andrew Wang HJ, Ting HW, Chou CM, and Huang CJ (2004).Early Detection of
Antibodies against Various Structural Proteins of the SARSAssociated. J. Biomed.
7. Sung, S.G., Fan, T.J., Chou, C.M., Leu, J.H., Hsu, Y.L., Yeh, M.S., Chen, S.T. and Huang,
C.J.(2003).Genomic structure, expression and characterization of a STAT5 homologue from
pufferfish (Tetraodon fluviatilis). Eur. J. Biochem.(270):239-252.
8. Hsieh YC, Chang MS, Chen JY, Yen JJ, Lu IC, Chou CM*, Huang CJ(2003).Cloning of
zebrafish BAD, a BH3-only proapoptotic protein, whose overexpression leads to apoptosis
in COS-1 cells and zebrafish embryos. Biochem Biophys Res Commun.(304):667-675. (*:
9. Chen, L.L., Leu, J.H., Huang, C.J., Chou, C.M., Chen, S.M., Wang, C.H., Lo, C.F., and Kou,
G.H.(2002).Identification of a nucleocapsid protein (VP35) gene of shrimp white spot
syndrome virus and characterization of the motif important for targeting VP35 to the nuclei of
transfected insect cells. Virology.(293):44-53.
10.Tsai, S.C., Leu, J.H., Chou, C.M., Yeh, M.S., Huang, F.L., and Huang, C.J.(2000).Genomic
organization and the promoter region of the round-spotted pufferfish (Tetraodon fluviatilis)
CDC37 gene. Biochimi. Biophy. Acta.(1494):144-148.
11. Leu, J.H., Yan, S.J., Lee, T.F., Chou, C.M., Chen, S.T., Hwang, P.P., Chou, C.K., and
Huang, C.J.(2000).The complete genomic organizations and promoter analysis of the
round-spotted pufferfish JAK1, JAK2, JAK3 and TYK2 genes. DNA and Cell
12. Tsai, M. F., Lo, C. F., van Hulten M. C. W., Tzeng, H. F., Chou, C. M., Huang, C. J., Wang,
C. H., Lin, J. Y., Vlak, J. M. and Kou, G. H.(2000).Transcriptional analysis of the
ribonucleotide reductase genes of shrimp white spot syndrome virus. Virology.(277):92-99.
13. Tsai, M. F., Yu, H. T., Tzeng, H. F., Sun, S. W., Leu, J. H., Chou, C. M., Huang, C. J.,
Wang, C. H., Lin, J. Y., Kou, G. H. and Lo, C. F(2000).Identification and characterization of a
shrimp white spot syndrome virus (WSSV) gene that encodes a novel chimeric polypeptide
of cellular-type thymidine kinase and thymidylate kinase. Virology.(277):100-110.
(B) Conference Papers
Modulation of neurite outgrowth in zebrafish
1.Huang CJ, Chu CY, Lu IC, Chou CM (2005) Modulation of neurite outgrowth in zebrafish. 4th
European Zebrafish Genetics and Development Meeting, Dresden Germany July. 13-16,
2. Chou CM, Chu CY, Lu IC, Huang CJ(2004).Enhancement and inhibition of neurite
outgrowth in zebrafish. The 1st TMU Neuroscience Symposium, Sep. 17-18, 2004.
3. Chu CY, Chou CM, Lu IC, Huang CJ(2004).Enhancement and inhibition of neurite
outgrowth in zebrafish. Internation Workshop on Fish Genetics and Development-Chinese
Academy of Sciences, Wuhan China Oct.11-14, 2004.
4. Leu, J. H., Chou, C. M., Sung, S. C., Lin, Y. T., Tsai, S. C., Dei, P. J., and Huang,
C.J.(2002).Molecular cloning and characterization of JAK2b from pufferfish (Tetraodon
fluviatilis). Poster in 5th International Conference on Zebrafish Development & Genetics,
sponsored by Univeresity of Wisconsin-Madison, USA, June 12-16, 2002.
5. Hsieh, Y. C., Chou, C. M., Chu, C. Y., Lin, Y. T., Tsai, S. C., Dei, P. J., and Huang,
C.J.(2002).Overexpression of zebrafish NIP3 proteins induced apoptosis in both cultured
cells and zebrafish embryos. Oral presentation in the 4th Asian-Pacific Organization for Cell
Biology Congress, sponsored by the Asian-Pacific Organization for Cell Biology and S.
6. Leu, J. H., Sung, S. C., Yeh, M. S., Chou, C. M., Chen, S. T., and Huang, C.
J.(2001).Expression and characterization of all members of the JAK-STAT signal
transduction in pufferfish. Oral presentation in a symposium on aquatic biology:
development, growth, adaptation and defense. Sponsored by Interchange Association,
Japan and National Sc.
7. Sung, S. C., Lee, P. S., Fan, T. J., Hsu, Y. L., Chou, C. M., Yeh, M. S., Leu, J. H., and
Huang, C. J.(2001).Expression and characterization of constitutively active STAT5 from the
round-spotted pufferfish and zebrafish. Poster in the symposium of International Marine
Biotechnology, sponsored by Institute of Zoology, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC.
April 1.
8. Chou, C. M., Lin, C. C., Lin, Y. T., Wu, H. S., Leu, J. H., Chen, S. T., Tsou, A. P., Chou, C.
K., and Huang, C. J.(2000).Functional characterization of human genes by injection of
dsRNA into the zebrafish embryos. Poster in a symposium on Frontier in Genomic
Mediceine sponsered by National Science Council, Taipei, May 29-31, 2000.
9. Sung, S. C., Fan, T. J., Leu, J. H., Chou, C. M., and Huang, C. J.(2000).Expression and
characterization of six constitutively active STATs from the round-spotted pufferfish
(Tetraodon fluviatilis) Poster in “The Sixth Asian Conference on Transcription, ACT-VI”,
Beijing, China, October 23-27, 2000.
10. Leu, J. H., Chou, C. M., Lee, T. F., Lin, C. J., Sung, S. C., Fan, T. J., Yao, C. W., Chen, S. T.,
and Huang, C. J.(2000).The use of pufferfish and zebrafish as model organisms for genomic
structure analysis and identification of novel genes. Oral presentation in the eighth
symposium on recent advances in cellular and molecular biology, Ken-Din, Ping-Dong,
January 31, 2000.
11. Leu, J. H., Chou, C. M., Lee, T. F., Lin, C. J., Sung, S. C., Fan, T. J., Yao, C. W., Chen, S. T.,
and Huang, C. J.(2000).The use of pufferfish and zebrafish as model organisms for genomic
structure analysis and identification of novel genes. Abstract in the eighth symposium on
recent advances in cellular and molecular biology, Ken-Din, Ping-Dong, January 31, 2000.