DEPARTMENT OF ANESTHESIA UNIVERSITY OF MANITOBA Airway Training Module for Para Professional Personnel Preamble The Department of Anesthesia at the University of Manitoba is committed to the promotion of patient safety and quality of care. Education of providers of airway and resuscitation support from all disciplines is a fundamental part of that mission. For this educational effort to be effective, it is important to consider and incorporate the particular needs of each group for whom skills development is contemplated. This document outlines the structure, and goals and objectives of a program designed to meet the developmental needs of paramedical personnel providing care for patients with respect to airway support. Program Outline Each trainee will be provided with a program outline, including a reference manual, orientation and contact information, and evaluation logs. At the end of the rotation, the trainee will be expected to keep evaluation logs and provide them to the Coordinator of the sponsoring program as proof of completion of the educational program. The trainee will present to the assigned hospital OR suite on the first day of the rotation, at the time and place indicated in the orientation manual. The senior resident or site coordinator will direct the trainee to a primary staff person. This primary staffperson shall Review the educational material with the trainee Provide resource discussion Evaluate the degree to which the trainee has met the knowledge objectives Record the results of that evaluation on the evaluation log Coordinate access to airway management techniques with him/herself, and other staff as available Each individual staff physician or resident who supervises airway management techniques will Observe the trainee and provide formative feedback Evaluate the trainee’s competence with the technique Record the evaluation on the provided log As applicable review and evaluate elements of the curriculum as discussed with the primary mentor Goals and Objectives By the end of this rotation, the trainee will be able to: Describe the indications for, contraindications to and complications of o Direct laryngoscopy o Endotracheal intubation o Extubation o Mask ventilation o Positive pressure ventilation Correctly assess adequacy of ventilation Correctly identify airway obstruction, and provide a differential diagnosis Describe the appropriate sequence of events required to relieve airway obstruction Describe the correct approach to a situation in which intubation is planned but fails Describe the implications of barometric pressure changes for airway management and ventilation, and appropriate interventions Describe the correct interpretation of information from a pulse oximeter, including sources of error Demonstrate the proper technique of o Mask ventilation, including jaw thrust and oral airway o Direct laryngoscopy and intubation o Confirmation of endotracheal tube placement o Securing an endotracheal tube for transport Evaluation Log for Paramedical Airway Training Module Major Omissions Minor Omissions No Omissions Complete Discussion Outstanding o Direct laryngoscopy o Endotracheal intubation o Extubation o Mask ventilation o Positive pressure ventilation Correctly assesses adequacy of ventilation Correctly identifies airway obstruction, and provides a differential diagnosis Describes the appropriate sequence of events required to relieve airway obstruction Describes the correct approach to a situation in which intubation is planned but fails Describes the implications of barometric pressure changes for airway management and ventilation, and appropriate interventions Describe the correct interpretation of information from a pulse oximeter, including sources of error Major Errors Minor Errors Competent technique Efficient technique Outstanding Mask ventilation Confirmation of endotracheal tube placement Securing an endotracheal tube for transport Laryngoscopy #1 Laryngoscopy #2 Laryngoscopy #3 Laryngoscopy #4 Laryngoscopy #5 Laryngoscopy #6 Laryngoscopy #7 Laryngoscopy #8 Laryngoscopy #9 Laryngoscopy #10 Laryngoscopy #11 Laryngoscopy #12 Laryngoscopy #13 Laryngoscopy #14 Cognitive Objectives Describes the indications for, contraindications to and complications of o Technical Skills Objectives Airway Management Gerry Bristow , MD FRCP Rob Brown, MD FRCP Proper airway management is the most fundamental step in the provision of life support. Effective respiration is necessary for any other bodily function to occur, and without it, any efforts to treat other problems will be in vain. This is well reflected in the priority placed on assessment of the airway and adequacy of respiration in the acute care protocols learned in the ACLS and ATLS courses. It is important to stress, however, that airway management is not confined to the resuscitation of critically ill or injured patients. It begins with attention to the status of the airway in any patient, in order to predict and prevent the occurrence of problems. In anesthesia, we deal with the management of airways on a daily basis. Sometimes the need for airway management comes in the form of a patient who arrives with airway pathology. More commonly, it is simply the physiologic impact of the anesthetic itself that necessitates airway management. Whatever the cause, the goals of airway management remain the same: the provision of a patent, secure airway; protection of the lungs from aspiration; and maintenance of adequate gas exchange. Airway Assessment The first goal in assessing the upper airway is to identify any conditions that may threaten the integrity of the airway. The assessment of upper airway obstruction will be dealt with later in this chapter. Most patients presenting for elective procedures do not have airway pathology, but still need airway assessment for another reason. The second reason to assess an airway would be to predict the likelihood of difficulty with managing the airway should that become necessary. Inducing anesthesia and being unable to control the airway is a potentially life threatening event, and can usually be predicted and prevented. There is a spectrum of difficulty that ranges from easy to impossible. Moderate difficulty is relatively common, while impossible intubations are rare. As the difficulty of laryngoscopy increases, so does the likelihood of and severity of injury related to laryngoscopy. It has been estimated that ~30% of deaths attributable to anesthesia are related to airway mishaps. Table 1, Likelihood of Difficult Intubation Degree of Difficulty Successful- multiple attempts Successful- multiple attempts and laryngoscopists Not successful- ventilate by mask Can’t intubate-can’t ventilate- cricothyrotomy, TTJV or death Incidence 100-1800 100-400 5-35 .01-2 Modified from Benumof, J. “ management of the Difficult Airway”, Anesthesiology, 75(6):1087-1110, 1991 % 1-18 1-4 .05-.35 .0001-.02 The incidences above were generated from an anesthesia data base, and thus would reflect the risk with a relatively high skill level in intubation as well as assessment. It would not include those that were recognized by appropriate evaluation and managed by other means. Any patient with an obvious anatomic distortion of the airway, or with ongoing airway obstruction should be considered to have a difficult airway, and managed accordingly. This will be expanded upon later in this chapter. Many patients present with no pathology, but may be difficult to intubate simply due to their anatomy. A careful airway assessment will help you to identify the majority of those. The examination of the airway with a view to ease of intubation involves inspection of internal dimensions, external dimensions and range of motion. This has been reviewed recently, focussing on three main predictors of difficult intubation: the Malampati score; depth of the mandible; and neck extension. The Malampati Scoring System The scoring system developed by Malampati attempts to describe the size of the soft tissues in the floor of the mouth relative to the mandible. Patients with a relatively smaller submandibular space will be less able to depress the floor of the mouth to expose the tonsillar pillars. Similarly, with direct laryngoscopy, one is attempting to depress the floor of the mouth into the submandibular space to expose the glottis. Thus, inability to visualize the posterior pharynx correlates with inability to visualize the cords. To generate the Malampati score, have the patient sit upright, open his mouth and stick out his tongue, with the neck in a neutral position. Without saying ”ah” try to get him to depress the base of the tongue as much as possible. The score is based on the amount of the pharynx you can see, (Fig 1). The table 2 shows the increasing likelihood of difficulty with laryngoscopy with increasing Malampati score. Fig.1 Malampati Score From Benumof, J.,“Management of the Difficult Airway”, Anesthesiology 75:1087-1110, 1991 Table 2: Prediction of Difficult Intubation with Malampati Scoring Malampati Laryngoscopy Grade Score Visibility of Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Structures Class 1 59.5 % 14.3% ----( 73.8%) Class 2 + 3 5.7% 6.7% 4.7% 1.9% (19%) Class 4 --0.5% 4.3% 2.4% (7.14%) Modified from Malampati, S,” A Clinical Sign to Predict difficult tracheal intubation: a prospective study”, Can Anesth Soc J, 32(4):429-34, 1985 Depth of the Mandible The length of the mandible is another index of the size of the submandibular space. Patients with a small mandible are more likely to be difficult to intubate. Different approaches have been advocated to this measurement, including clinical or radiologic measurement of the distance from the hyoid to the angle of the jaw, and Fig 2 measurement of the distance from the thyroid cartilage to the mentum. The most often used is the hyo-mental distance. This is the distance from the tip of the chin (mentum) to the anterior surface of the hyoid bone. A hyomental distance of less than 5 cm correlates with an increased likelihood of difficult intubation. This has two limitations. Very few clinicians want to carry a ruler with them. More importantly, this is really intended to be a relative measurement. (A hyo-mental distance of 6cm in seven foot tall patient would certainly be inadequate!) A convenient alternative measurement is to use fingerbreadths. A hyo-mental distance of less than 3 fingers correlates with difficulty. In the case of a patient who is not an average sized adult, one can use the patients’ fingers to give an estimate relative to his own body habitus. Neck Extension The ideal position for intubating is the “sniff” position (fig 2). This refers to flexion at C7-T1, combined with extension at C1-2. It is not uncommon for people to have limitations of extension at C1-2. Neck extension is a movement involving multiple joints, and it is possible to make up for the lack of mobility at C1-2 by extension at the other levels of the cervical spine. From the point of view of ease of laryngoscopy, it is, therefore, very important to examine extension at C1-2 specifically. Watch from the side while a patient extends the c-spine. The amount of extension can be measured by looking at the occlusal surface of the upper molars (see Fig 3). A normal range of motion at C1-2 is from 0-35o. Fig 3 A review of the above three airway measurements by Benumof showed that they are highly predictive of difficulty with laryngoscopy. Used in combination, they should allow the detection of 99% of difficult airways. Although important, these are not all of the characteristics of an airway that might be relevant to the ease of laryngoscopy. On examination of the oropharynx, prominent, loose, capped or missing teeth, or a narrow or cleft palette would be indicators of possible difficulty. The presence of dental prostheses should be noted. Laryngoscopy is best done with the prosthesis out, but in some cases, ventilation by face mask can be difficult in the edentulous patient, due to the loss of the normal facial contour for which the mask is designed. In these cases, it may be easier to ventilate with the prosthesis in place, keeping in mind that the prosthesis also is a foreign body, with the potential to dislodge and obstruct! Two other ranges of motion that are important are mouth opening and anterior displacement. Mouth opening can be measured in a manner similar to that described for hyo-mental distance. A patient should be able to get 2 fingers between his incisors. The inability to anteriorly displace the mandible far enough so that the lower incisors are anterior to the uppers is also a concern. Management of Upper Airway Obstruction Identification The identification of an obstructed upper airway is the first step in management. One starts with searching for signs or symptoms of ongoing airway obstruction. This may be due to structural abnormalities of the airway, or inability to maintain a structurally normal airway for any reason. The priority is to determine the patency of the airway, then deal with the underlying cause. Even with a relatively mild degree of obstruction, most patients will complain of a sensation of increased resistance to breathing, or suffocation. As the degree of obstruction increases, this gives way to air hunger. The sensation of airway obstruction is very distressing, and most patients experience fear, often to the point of panic. In an acute upper airway obstruction, such as a foreign body, the typical posture of clutching the throat and leaning forward is usually observed (fig 4). Physical findings that suggest airway compromise include: tachypnea, tachycardia, hypertension, use of accessory muscles, nasal flaring, intercostal and suprasternal indrawing, and decreased air entry. Several different sounds are associated with the obstructed airway. The classic upper airway sound is inspiratory stridor. This is a high-pitched, wheezing, which must be distinguished from the wheezing of lower airway obstruction, which occurs in expiration. Other sounds may include snoring, in the case of obstruction by the tongue. This occurs most commonly in patients with a depressed level of consciousness, although it may be found in patients with muscle weakness or a swollen pharynx. As with lower airway obstruction, sounds only occur if there is passage of air, and as obstruction worsens, any abnormal Fig 4 sounds may become attenuated. Many patients without obstruction at presentation are at risk of developing obstruction due to a progressive lesion. This would include mass lesions (tumour), edema (anaphylaxis, burns, epiglottitis), abcsess, hematoma, and airway trauma. In any patient with pathology of the upper airway, one must consider whether it is a progressive lesion, and if so, at what rate it can be expected to progress. Further investigations, such as lateral neck x-rays, CT scans, or flow-volume loops, may be undertaken if it is judged that there is no immediate risk to the airway. If, however, the airway integrity is compromised, the establishment of a secure airway takes priority over further evaluation. Mechanisms/Causes of Upper Airway Obstruction There is a myriad of causes of upper airway obstruction. The upper airway can be considered to extend from the teeth and nares to the thoracic inlet. The manifestations of all obstructions above the thoracic inlet (extrathoracic) are similar in that the obstruction worsens during inspiration, when intraluminal pressure decreases relative to extraluminal or ambient pressure. This gives rise to the characteristic inspiratory stridor. In contrast, with intrathoracic obstruction, negative intrathoracic pressure distends the airways on inspiration, and positive intrathoracic pressure compresses them on expiration. Thus, intrathoracic airway obstruction is characterized by predominantly expiratory wheeze. Both types of obstruction progress to involve both phases of respiration as they become severe. Obstruction of the upper airway can be either mechanical, as in the case of airway pathology, or functional, as in the case of depressed level of consciousness or neurologic deficit. Different classification schemes are available, and the most important thing in the emergency situation is to have an organized approach. A useful system is to consider the possible causes at each anatomic level proceeding from intraluminal to extraluminal. Level Oropharynx Structure Involved Intraluminal Soft tissue Tongue, peritonsillar, Uvula Glottis Subglottic Cause Foreign body Tumour Laxity (paralysis, LOC) Edema Abscess Hematoma Congenital anomaly Extrinsic Abscess, Tumour, Hematoma Intraluminal Foreign body Tumour Epiglottis Edema (epiglottitis) Tumour Trauma Aryepiglottic folds, Edema Trauma Tumour Vocal Cords/arytenoids Structural (Edema, trauma) Mobility (arthritis, dislocation) Spasm Intraluminal Foreign body Tumour Web Trachea Edema Tracheomalacia Fracture/disruption Stenosis Extrinsic Tumour Hematoma Thyroid Treating Upper Airway Obstruction The basic principles governing the management of unobstructed airway are the same for all obstructed airways. The underlying cause, although important in determining ultimate definitive therapy, is not the primary concern. The initial management is determined by the degree of obstruction, with the goal of maintaining oxygenation. The first step in the management of airway obstruction is to recognize it, as discussed above. In any patient presenting with some symptoms or signs of airway obstruction, the first step is to provide oxygen. The next step is to achieve sufficient patency to allow for adequate respiration. One does this by progressing through a series of maneuvers. In an awake patient who is already making maximal attempts to open his own airway, airway resistance can be reduced by breathing a mixture of helium and oxygen. Gentle positive pressure coordinated with spontaneous breaths will counteract the negative intraluminal pressure of spontaneous breathing and thus help to distend the airway. In a patient with impaired airway control, or if the above is ineffective, proceed to try to support the airway physically. Begin with positioning in the sniff position (see above). Often, applying a face mask with gentle neck extension will relieve obstruction by the tongue. Beware, if there is any possibility of c-spine injury, the neck should not be extended! The next step is to perform a jaw thrust with one hand, then two hands if needed. If this is unsuccessful, then an oral or nasal airway may be inserted. If this fails, sometimes a two-person jaw thrust will alleviate the obstruction. This done by having a second rescuer stand at the patient’s side and augment the jaw thrust by applying anterior pressure to the angle of the jaw along with the first rescuer. If none of these techniques is successful in providing patency, it will be necessary to instrument the airway. This usually means intubation (see below), but there are other adjuncts that may be useful as bridge to intubation. It cannot be overemphasized that, in this situation, time is critical. At this point, pick the method you are best at. These other adjuncts in inexpert hands often only have the ultimate effect of delaying control. Larygeal Mask Airways (LMA) The laryngeal mask airway is a large cuffed oral airway (fig 5). It is designed to be inserted so that it sits on the glottic opening. The cuff is then blown up, lifting the glottis off the posterior pharynx. This leaves the opening of the tube directly above glottis. It is very useful in maintaining an unintubated airway while keeping your hands free. It does not, however, provide a secure airway. There is no protection from esophageal contents, nor any prevention of laryngospasm. In situations where it is impossible to intubate or ventilate, it may provide an airway until such time as definitive management can be completed. Fig 5 From Clinical Anesthesia, Barash,P., ed., 2nd Ed, Lippincott Esophageal Obturator/ Combitube The esophageal obturator airway is similar to the LMA, except that it has a cuffed extension below the pharyngeal cuff. It is designed to be blindly inserted into the esophagus until the upper cuff rests on the glottis, as with an LMA. The lower cuff is then inflated, occluding the esophagus, and the upper cuff inflated sealing the pharynx to allow for positive pressure ventilation. The advantage over a LMA is that it should provide some measure of airway protection. The disadvantage is that if it goes into the trachea instead of the esophagus, it will completely obstruct the airway. The combitube is a refinement of the obturator (fig 6). It is similar, except that the extension has a lumen, giving it a proximal and a distal lumen. It is blindly inserted, and if the distal lumen enters the esophagus, it functions exactly as an obturator. If the distal lumen enters the trachea, however, it functions as an endotracheal tube, albeit a bit bulky. The advantage is that it requires very little skill to insert. The disadvantage is that it is often difficult to tell in the emergency situation, whether the lumen is in the trachea or the esophagus, and one must be careful to differentiate Fig 5 Med, 22:10, 1573-75, Transtracheal Jet Ventilation An alternative to a surgical cricothyrotomy for emergency oxygenation is needle cricothyrotomy. It is simple, fast, and relatively atraumatic. Jet ventilation is done by giving brief ~ ½ second bursts of O2 at a rate of 20-60 per minute. When connected to a high pressure (>18psi) O2 source, it will allow adeqaute oxygenation for a long period of time, with reasonable CO2 removal. Adequate ventilation cannot be achieved with low pressure O2, although it will provide some oxygenation. The important caveat when using TTJV is to ensure there is egress of air. If not, the high pressure O2 source will rapidly cause high intrathoracic pressures, leading to severe and potentially fatal barotrauma. Tracheal Intubation Indications There are many different situations in which intubation of the trachea is indicated. One could simply make an exhaustive list of the individual indications. As discussed in the section on airway obstruction, it is important in the emergency situation to have an organized approach to the question of endotracheal intubation. An endotracheal tube can perform three basic functions. It can provide airway maintenance, protection, and positive pressure ventilation. Thus, the indications for intubation would be: risk to airway patency; risk of airway contamination; or need for positive pressure ventilation. When airway patency is already compromised, the need for intubation is usually obvious. Equally important is the need to predict impending airway obstruction, as discussed above. Prophylactic intubation may be indicated in these conditions. Patients presenting obstructed due to level of consciousness are usually easily supported by mask, but it may be hours before their ability to maintain their own airway returns, if at all. It may, therefore, be expedient to intubate a patient whose airway is supportable by mask, to free yourself for other activities. Indications for endotracheal intubation Airway maintenance Obstruction Potential Obstruction Prolonged airway support Airway protection Impaired airway reflexes and Potentially aspiratable material Blood, pus, stomach contents Respiratory failure Hyperventilation ( ICP) Paralysis (anesthetized) Positive pressure ventilation An airway needs to be protected when there is some risk of contamination. Two conditions must be met for there to be such a risk. First, there must be something to contaminate the airway. Any patient presenting in an emergency situation will have a full stomach, and thus has the potential for regurgitation and aspiration. Other materials that present the potential for aspiration include blood, pus or foreign body. Secondly, there must be some impairment of airway protective reflexes. With intact reflexes, a patient should be able to prevent the contamination of the airway. Reflexes may be impaired by level of consciousness, sensory, or motor abnormalities. Positive pressure ventilation is indicated for treatment of respiratory failure. There are many underlying disease states that may ultimately end in respiratory failure. This section will not expand on these, nor the management of positive pressure ventilation, except in so far as to deal with the decision to intubate. Respiratory failure itself may be either hypercapnic, hypoxic, or a combination. The precise point in time at which intubation is required in the setting of respiratory distress is a clinical decision. Hypercapnia and/or hypoxia do not warrant intubation on their own merit unless severe. Additional factors may precipitate the decision to intubate in milder hypercapnia/hypoxia. Progressive deterioration, or signs of fatigue would suggest that the patient will ultimately fail and should likely be intubated while there is still some reserve left. Techniques of Tracheal Intubation There are many different ways to intubate the trachea. In choosing a technique, there are three basic decisions to be made. The first is whether to intubate awake, or after inducing anesthesia. The second is which route to use, oral, nasal, or transtracheal. The third is. whether to use a blind or visualized technique. This section will provide a general discussion of these choices. The mechanics of intubation will be taught during the clinical sessions in the OR. An in depth discussion of intubation techniques can be found in any basic anesthesia text. Probably the most important decision to be made is whether to intubate the patient awake or not. In elective anesthetics, by far the most common approach is to intubate after the induction of anesthesia, unless there is a reason not to. This is because intubation awake, although safer, is unpleasant. When deciding whether to intubate asleep, there are three conditions that must be satisfied. First, you must be confident that you will be able to intubate this patient. The greatest risk of inducing first is that it may prove impossible to intubate the now apneic patient. If it also proved impossible to ventilate, that would be fatal. You can be confident that you will be able to intubate if, 1) you have sufficient skill, equipment and assistance and, 2) a thorough assessment of the patient shows no reason to suspect difficulty. Secondly, the patient must be able to tolerate apnea. When an induction is done, the patient will be rendered apneic. If it is not possible to adequately oxygenate the patient prior to induction, this apnea will lead to rapid and profound hypoxia. Finally, the patient must be able to tolerate the cardiovascular impact of induction. The drugs used to induce anesthesia all have cardiovascular depressant properties. Any patient, who starts out unstable hemodynamically, is at risk of collapse with induction. Considering these principles, it is not surprising that most emergency intubations are done awake, as they usually satisfy one or all the criteria. The decision of which route to use must consider the relative advantages and disadvantages of each. The oral route is the most common, having the advantage of ease, familiarity, the ability to see and assess the glottis, and avoidance of the specific problems of the others. There are a few disadvantages of the oral route. It is sometimes impossible due to anatomic obstacles. It is very difficult in an uncooperative patient to the point of being impossible if the patient will or can not open his mouth. The nasal route allows one to bypass several of the shortcomings of the oral route, and is commonly learned as a second line method. It is less affected by cooperation. It is also possible with a closed mouth. Similarly, it allows better access to the oropharynx, and the ability to close the mouth with the tube in, which can be important in oral surgery. There are several disadvantages that limit its use as a first line method. It is more uncomfortable if done awake, causes epistaxis, predisposes to sinusitis, and is contraindicated in basal skull fracture or anatomic obstruction of the nares. It is also impossible to do entirely under direct vision, although partially visualized techniques may be used. For this reason, it is generally not advisable in management of airway abscesses. The direct transtracheal or transcricothyroid route is not commonly done, but has a very definite role. The main advantage is that it allows one to bypass any pathology above the glottis, thus allowing access in most situations of difficult intubation. It is, therefore, the backup method for the situation when other methods have failed. It should be learned by anyone who expects to intubate as part of their practice (anesthesia, ER, ICU, rural). It also has the advantage of requiring less neck movement, and in some centers is used as the first line approach to the airway in c-spine injuries. The obvious disadvantage is the need for a surgical incision and the attendant risks of bleeding, infection, and damage to local structures. It is relatively contraindicated in patients with coagulopathy, infection or tumour at the site, or anatomic distortion at the site. The contraindications are relative, in that it may be necessary anyway, if there are no other options available, to alleviate airway obstruction, which would otherwise be fatal. The decision of blind, visualized, or partially visualized will depend partly on the route chosen, as well as other factors. Direct visualization has the advantage of the best degree of certainty as to tube placement, as well as inspection of the glottis. It is also generally the fastest and easiest. The disadvantage is that it is not always possible, and, in an awake patient, is more uncomfortable. The blind or partially visualized techniques do not require the same degree of manipulation of the airway, and although more technically demanding, may be less uncomfortable. More importantly, they can often result in a successful intubation when the direct approach is impossible. Which method is ultimately selected is most often limited by the methods at which the clinician is skilled. Anesthesiologists are skilled in a wide variety, but it is uncommon for clinicians outside of anesthesia to be skilled in more than two or three different techniques. Complications The complications of intubation relate to damage during insertion, as well as damage from the presence of the tube over time. Damage that can occur during insertion includes trauma to the lips, teeth, tongue, oro- and nasopharyngeal soft tissues, cords, arytenoids, amd trachea. This may manifest as local laceration and bleeding, which is generally short-lived. Damage to the arytenoids and cords may cause premanent voice changes. It is also possible to jeopardize airway patency with an expanding hematoma, or the creation of a false lumen, as in the case of tracheal mucosal laceration. A less obvious vulnerable structure is the eyes, and corneal laceration is one of the most common injuries related to anesthesia. Complications of long-term intubation are due to the mechanical irritation of the tube in the trachea, as well as its interference with normal tracheal physiology. Tracheal stenosis is the result of local irritation and ischemia. The main contributor to risk is the duration of intubation. After several days the risk of stenosis becomes higher, and after 710 days, if it seems that the tube will not be out soon, tracheostomy is often done. Other contributors to this risk are larger tubes and high pressures in the cuff. Endotracheal tubes also interfere with normal mucociliary function, and may contribute to the development of pneumonias. This presents the clinical dilemma that they may be needed to support ventilation while at the same time contributing to the deterioration in overall pulmonary status. Difficult Intubations The purpose of airway assessment is to identify the likelihood of difficult intubation, as outlined above. If it is deemed likely hat an intubation will be difficult, as discussed in the section on intubation, it should be done awake if at all possible. Intubating a patient awake involves first anesthetizing the airway. The extent to which this is possible will depend on the urgency of the situation, as well as the skill of the clinician. It is a time-consuming, and technically demanding procedure. Appoaches to freezing an airway range from simple spray topicalization ( the most common, and least effective) to special topical techniques and injection techniques. The use of sedation is a very common, and potentially catastrophic practice Awake intubations with poor topicalization are unpleasant. The solution is to improve the topicalization. The all too common response of giving sedation in this situation can quickly lead to disaster. The patient will usually become disinhibited, and struggle even more. Further sedation will result in a patient who is awake enough to fight off intubation, but too sedated to breathe effectively, especially since they likely couldn’t in the first place! If sedation is to be used at all, it should be with great caution, and with reversible agents. As depicted in the algorithm on difficult intubation, there will be occasional situations when it is truly impossible to intubate awake. In these, it is better to completely induce the patient than to wander into the semi-anesthetized realm described above. Induction in this situation should only be undertaken by an expert in airway management, and with preparation for immediate surgical airway. Unfortunately, even with the most conscientious airway assessment, there will still be occasions when a patient will be induced and then turn out to be difficult to intubate. There are also situations where the patient may present already unconscious, needing intubation. Either of these is a life-threatening event. The time frame available to deal with such an event is, at best, a few minutes. After that time brain damage or death become increasingly likely. This is, obviously, a very stressful situation. The key to management, as with all emergency situations, is to have a protocol ready ahead of time. This is the same philosophy applied in ACLS and ATLS. Although this situation is incredibly intense and stressful, the problem at hand is very simple. Keeping that in mind and going through the steps in an organized manner will mean the difference between life and death. The American Society of Anesthesiologists has published a very useful algorithm for the management of the difficult airway. The theme to the whole algorithm is to maintain a focus on ventilation (see Fig 7). The entry point to the algorithm is the recognition that you have a difficult intubation. One of the most common errors is to persist with initial attempts at intubation prior to realizing or admitting that you are in trouble. If, after one attempt, you are unable to intubate, search for immediately correctable causes (too small a laryngoscope blade, poor positioning etc). If there is something obviously causing the problem, it is reasonable to correct it and try again once, providing that the patient is well saturated. If the saturation is already falling, there is no obvious correctable cause, or the second attempt fails, immediately attempt to ventilate the patient. Proceed through the series of airway maneuvers as outlined in the section on the obstructed airway. There are only two possible outcomes at this point. You will either be able to ventilate or not. If you cannot ventilate, proceed directly to airway instrumentation. For most situations, the method of choice will be cricothyrotomy. Legitimate alternatives would include needle cricothyrotomy, or LMA, with the proviso that they are immediately available. Equipment for cricothyrotomy should be available in all intubating locations, but the equipment for TTJV and LMA are rarely available outside of ORs. There is no time to look for equipment at this stage, and unless you have checked beforehand, they are not options. The second, more favourable outcome would be that you are able to ventilate. The first thing to do is to apply cricoid pressure, and to take a moment to calm down. There is no immediate threat to life, and injudicious action at this point may change that. The question at this point is how urgently intubation is required. It may be feasible to simply ventilate the patient until he is awake, and proceed with an awake intubation. This may not be a realistic option, either due to the need to proceed with a surgical procedure, or because the patient is not expected to awaken. If that is the case, try to wait for expert assistance. If that is not available proceed with whatever other techniques are available at which you are skilled. The most important thing to remember at this point is that whatever other technique is used, it must be done gently. Persistent attempts to intubate will inevitably traumatize the airway, resulting in progressive edema, bleeding and eventual obstruction. Then you’re back in the can’t intubate, can’t ventilate scenario. Fig 7: The ASA Difficult Airway Algorithm