Phase 2 -

Senior Project
Lloyde High School
Phase 2 – Job Interview
In phase 2, you will venture forth into the real world, talk to people who work in this career
field, and spend 5 hours on the job with a mentor. You will gain real-life, on-the-job experience.
You will find out what this career is really like!
Find a mentor
Your mentor must meet the following requirements in order to be accepted:
1. Be over the age of 25
2. Have worked in his/her field for a minimum of 5 years
3. Work for a business with an official business license – or- own his/her own business
with an official business license
4. Be able to dedicate a minimum of 5 hours to working hand-in-hand with you
5. Must NOT be a family member or a friend
BEFORE you begin your fieldwork
1. Your mentor MUST be approved by your teacher
2. You must complete and return the “Mentor Background Form” with an attached
business card. This form must be completed in blue or black ink.
Interview your mentor
a. Mentors cannot be family members or friends. They should be total strangers to you.
Ask all 23 questions verbally. DO NOT give your mentor the form to fill out. Take
notes and write his/her answers on your interview worksheets. Ask him/her how to
spell names (always get both first and last names) and any other words that you are not
sure of. If you don’t understand an answer, ask for clarification. Take good notes!
b. When the interview is finished, type the interview using MLA format (Times New
Roman, Size 12 font, 1” margins). Type each question in regular font. Type each answer
in italics and make sure all answers are in COMPLETE SENTENCES.
Keep track of your hours on the “Fieldwork Hours Verification” form
a. For each day of fieldwork, write the time you begin and end. Have your mentor sign to
verify your hours each day. Have your mentor complete the “Mentor Verification of
Senior Project Fieldwork” form once you complete all of your hours.
Take notes every day you complete fieldwork
a. Include all details about your observations. Write down what your mentor does; how
he/she interacts with co-workers, supervisors, or bosses; how he/she helps customers,
patients, clients, etc. Write down specific details of what tasks you completed each day
and what your mentor taught you each day.
Linda Lai
Adapted from Frontier High School
Senior Project
Lloyde High School
Document your fieldwork with photographs
a. You must turn in a MINIMUM of 10 photographs documenting your fieldwork from
the beginning, middle, and end of your experience. Take pictures:
a. At the fieldwork location
b. With your mentor and other co-workers
c. Your mentor working
d. You assisting/performing required duties of the job
e. One with only you and your mentor
**You must be working in 5 or more of your photographs.
**Your photographs must be available in a digital format to include in your PowerPoint
b. Insert your photographs into MS Word and create captions
c. Do NOT add MLA headings to this assignment
d. To insert photographs into MS Word:
a. Make sure all photographs are on your flash drive
b. Click the “center” button to center all text and photographs
c. Click the “insert” tab at the top of the page
d. Click the “picture” button
e. On the left hand side of the pop-up menu, find your flash drive (usually titled
“removable disk”)
f. Select your first photo. Click insert.
e. Add a one sentence caption for each photograph. Use “I” sentences
f. Include two photographs and two sentences per page (see sample)
Type your interview/fieldwork essay
a. Follow the sample. Use standard MLA format (Times New Roman, Size 12 font, 1”
margins). Double space your fieldwork essay. Use complete sentences, capital letters,
proper grammar, correct spelling, and punctuation.
Give specific examples and details. Compare and contrast the knowledge you gained in
the interviews and fieldwork to the information in your research articles and essay.
Unlike your research essay, this essay will be in First Person, as it is a reflection of your
experiences. You may use “I” sentences.
Always refer to your mentor formally by using his/her LAST name (ex: Mr. Jones, Ms.
Do not write your paragraphs stating: I asked my mentor if he…He said… It should flow
like a normal paragraph. See sample.
Linda Lai
Adapted from Frontier High School
Senior Project
Lloyde High School
Essay Checklist
Follow the order of information on the sample. Write one or more paragraphs for
each of the following:
 Paragraph 1
o Discuss your mentor
o Use the answers from your interview questions 1-6
 Paragraph 2
o Discuss your mentor
o Use the answers from your interview questions 7-11
 Paragraph 3
o Mentor answers for questions 12-15
 Paragraph 4
o Mentor answers for questions 16-20
 Paragraph 5
Mentor answers for questions 21-23
Also answer the following two questions to make it a complete paragraph:
Is this advice realistic?
Is this advice something you can follow?
 Paragraph 6
o Discuss your fieldwork experience
o Restate where you completed your fieldwork and how many hours you
o Discuss several of the tasks you completed while there
o From your notes, give specific examples of what was easy and what was difficult.
o What did you like? What didn’t you like?
 Paragraph 7
o Compare/contrast your fieldwork experience to your three research articles
from Phase 1.
o What was the same? What was different? Was it what you expected from what
you learned in the research?
 Paragraph 8
o What new things did you learn about this career by experiencing it firsthand?
o How do you feel about this career now?
o Are you more interested in it? Or were you discourages by what you learned and
o What are the chances you will actually pursue this career in the future? Why or
why not?
Linda Lai
Adapted from Frontier High School
Senior Project
Lloyde High School
Senior Project Fieldwork Notes
Lloyde High School
Please include all details about your daily fieldwork. Write about how your mentor
involves his/her knowledge, how he finds information he doesn’t know, who your mentor
assists, etc. Write down what your mentor does; how he interacts with co-workers,
supervisors, or bosses; how he helps customers, patients, clients, etc. Write down specific
details of what tasks you completed each day and what your mentor taught you each day.
Include the date, start and end time, and place for EACH DAY
Linda Lai
Adapted from Frontier High School