Supplemental Information Phylogenetic community composition changes under global change manipulation For both fungi and bacteria, the phylogenetic composition of communities subjected to drought stress differed significantly from undisturbed communities (Table S3). Nitrogen fertilization was also a significant determinant of fungal phylogenetic composition, although the effect was not significant when phylogenetic distinction was “weighted” by sequence abundance. Nitrogen fertilization did not significantly impact bacterial phylogenetic composition. Drought manipulations significantly decreased the diversity of microbes in leaf litter (Table S3). Fungal and Bacterial taxon diversity estimates (the number of taxa) as well as phylogenetic diversity (cumulative branch length of community members) estimates were significantly lower in drought treated plots compared to controls (phylogenetic diversity of bacteria only marginally so). Nitrogen fertilization significantly impacted fungal taxon diversity, but not bacterial taxon or phylogenetic diversity of either group. Phylogenetic clustering of the microbial responses Phylogenetic clustering of microbial communities has been extensively documented (e.g. 4, 5), and may be the result of normal community assembly rather than a response to disturbance per se. Indeed, even the communities of fungi and bacteria in the control plots were both significantly clustered according 1 to the nearest taxon (NTI) index, and there was no evidence that communities in the perturbed communities were more clustered than those of the controls. The depth of response traits may explain the discrepancy we found between phylogenetic community measures of microbial composition using the NTI and NRI metrics. Because NTI only measures the relatedness between sister taxa, it is more sensitive to phylogenetic clustering towards terminal nodes (tips) of a tree, whereas NRI is more sensitive to phylogenetic clustering at deeper nodes (6). So a difference between the two indexes is expected if clustering is relatively shallow. Likewise, NRI, a measure of how all taxa are related within a community, will approach zero if a community contains multiple distinct lineages of clustering and those clusters are separated by substantial distance on a phylogenetic tree such as occurs here. Differences between the consenTRAIT and Mantel metrics of phylogenetic cluster depth. To look specifically at the depth of the microbial response, we used two independent analyses that compared the relative abundance of each taxon in the treatment plots to that in the control plots. Although both consenTRAIT and Mantel tests measure depths of phylogenetic clustering, there are important differences in how they are calculated and interpreted. ConsenTRAIT, which focuses on high levels of consensus for binary characters will likely emphasize clades with responses that are farthest from neutral. Because the relative abundance of the majority of taxa in our study were not significantly impacted by 2 global change, most taxa display only slight increases or decreases resulting in phylogenetically shallow consensus clusters. The Mantel tests, in contrast, measure the correlation of the magnitude of change in relative abundance, so taxa with slight increases, slight decreases or no changes in relative abundance will be more similar to each other than to those more strongly impacted. Thus, consenTRAIT may be a better metric for identifying clades most strongly impacted by global change, whereas the Mantel metric is better for inferring the phylogenetic patterns of changes in community composition. 1. Nemergut DR et al. (2013) Patterns and Processes of Microbial Community Assembly. Microbiology and Molecular Biology Reviews 77:342–356. 2. Hanson CA, Fuhrman JA, Horner-Devine MC, Martiny JB (2012) Beyond biogeographic patterns: processes shaping the microbial landscape. Nat Rev Microbiol 10:497–506. 3. Kembel SW et al. (2010) Picante: R tools for integrating phylogenies and ecology. Bioinformatics 26:1463–1464. 4. Horner-Devine MC, Bohannan BJM (2006) Phylogenetic clustering and overdispersion in bacterial communities. Ecology 87:S100–8. 5. DeAngelis KM, Firestone MK (2012) Phylogenetic Clustering of Soil Microbial Communities by 16S rRNA but Not 16S rRNA Genes. Appl Environ Microbiol 78:2459–2461. 6. Kraft NJB, Cornwell WK, Webb CO, Ackerly DD (2007) Trait Evolution, Community Assembly, and the Phylogenetic Structure of Ecological Communities. Am Nat 170:271–283. 3 Table S1. Precipitation in ambient and drought plots since 2006. Seasonal year runs from September 1August 31. Ambient Drought Seasonal Precipitation Rain Precipitation Rain Year (mm) Days (mm) Days 2006-07 72.39 7 53.34 5 2007-08 223.266 16 133.35 11 2008-09 212.344 17 115.57 9 2009-10 369.316 23 193.548 12 2010-11 540.004 36 212.598 24 2011-12 233.124 24 144.516 14 2012-13 166.116 20 109.728 15 4 Table S2. Main treatment effects on fungal and bacterial diversity. Multivariate ANOSIM and ANOVA analyses were calculated in a mixed model accounting for variance contributed by sampling date and sampling block. Because the interaction between treatments was not measured, treatments were calculated in separate statistical models. Where a statistical difference was found, the diversity in the treatment was lower. weighted unweighted UniFrac UniFrac Chao PDiv pvalue pvalue pvalue F1,31 F1,31 F1,31 pvalue F1,31 Fungi Drought 19.2 0.001 3.6 0.001 5.4 0.03 10.6 0.005 N+ 1.6 0.4 1.8 0.011 5.4 0.02 0.43 0.51 Bacteria Drought 2.8 N+ 1.6 0.023 0.155 2.5 1 0.008 0.45 5.4 0.8 0.03 0.38 3.84 0.5 0.06 0.48 5 Table S3. Results of phylogenetic clustering analysis demonstrate that nearly all replicates were significantly clustered according to the nearest taxon index (NTI), whereas only a smaller subset of fungal communities were clustered according to the net relatedness index (NRI). Proportion significant is the proportion of replicates that significantly differed from null expectations at p<0.05. Standardized effect size scores (Z; the difference between observed and expected values, divided by the SD of the expected values) are reported as means of all replicates per factor. The Z values are equivalent to -NTI or -NRI. SD of Z scores across replicates are reported. Taxon based analyses measure the relationships among taxa, abundance based analyses measure the relationships among individuals. Taxon Based Fungi Bacteria Proportion NTI Controll Nitrogen Fertilization Drought NRI Controll Nitrogen Fertilization Drought Abundance Based NTI Controll Nitrogen Fertilization Drought NRI Controll Nitrogen Fertilization Drought Significant Proportion Z SD Significant Z SD 100% 100% 100% -5.71 -5.77 -5.91 0.99 1.09 1.45 100% 100% 100% -6.23 1.23 -6.23 1.15 -5.74 1.63 28% 19% 21% -0.07 0.08 -1.02 2.06 1.80 2.07 0% 0% 0% 1.94 0.92 2.08 1.11 1.55 0.88 96% 96% 96% -1.76 -1.96 -1.89 0.26 0.31 0.23 100% 96% 100% -2.74 0.67 -2.83 0.66 -2.72 0.65 34% 29% 34% -1.33 -1.32 -1.69 0.50 0.46 0.35 0% 0% 0% 4.04 1.14 4.11 1.09 3.51 1.27 6 Table S4. Results of a linear model analysis comparing Log2fold ratios of the treatment effect size with glycoside hydrolase gene copies, binned by predicted function. Phylogenetic non-independence was accounted for using a Brownian motion trait evolutionary model as an error term. GH Standard Coefficient T value P value Treatment Function Error Nitrogen Addition Intercept Cellulose Oligos Xylan Starch Chitin Dextran Sucrose Animal Carb. Other Plant Carb. -1.199 0.789 0.116 -1.624 -0.166 -0.156 0.494 0.845 0.016 1.286 0.299 0.131 0.390 0.049 0.179 0.366 0.317 0.177 -0.932 2.634 0.886 -4.160 -3.377 -0.871 1.349 2.660 0.090 0.356 0.011 0.380 0.001 0.001 0.388 0.184 0.010 0.927 0.067 0.161 0.419 0.676 Intercept 0.566 2.028 0.279 Xylan 0.141 0.615 0.230 Cellulose -0.522 0.472 -1.105 Oligos -0.117 0.207 -0.563 Starch 0.130 0.077 1.680 Chitin 0.155 0.282 0.548 Dextran 0.256 0.577 0.444 Sucrose -0.106 0.501 -0.211 Animal Carb. 0.001 0.280 0.002 Other Plant Carb. -0.533 0.254 -2.096 Abbreviations: GH=Glycoside hydrolase; Carb.=Carbohydrate Drought 0.781 0.818 0.275 0.576 0.100 0.586 0.659 0.833 0.998 0.042 7