CORPORATE POLICY AND PROCEDURES MANUAL Policy No: 143 EPW 014 Policy Name: ASSUMPTION OF PRIVATE AND UNOPENED ROADS DEVELOPED BY: DEPARTMENT: Kenneth D. Becking, P. Eng. Public Works DATE: REVIEWED BY: Directors Chief Administrative Officer DATE: DPW2006-335 CR2006-1047 EFFECTIVE: APPROVED BY: RESOLUTION NUMBER: CROSS-REFERENCE: DATE: Oct 10/06 REVISIONS: POLICY STATEMENT AND RATIONALE: It is in the public’s interest that all roadways assumed by the municipality meet a minimum municipal standard. To this end the City will, upon request only and as budget allows, assume private roads and roads on unopened road allowances which meets the city minimum standards as specified in Appendix 'A' and ‘B’ attached hereto. The costs associated with the works necessary to meet the minimum standards and administrative and legal costs associated with the assumption of the road shall be borne by the proponents. SCOPE: This policy shall apply only to the assumption of existing private roads and roads constructed on unopened road allowances as of the date of the adoption of this policy. This policy does not apply to the construction of any new roads as part of a development proposal or plan of subdivision. DEFINITIONS: Minimum Standards: Means the engineering design standards for roadways, the properties of which are specified in Appendix ‘A’ and ‘B’ attached hereto. Proponent: Means the property owner(s) requesting the assumption of a private road or unopened road allowance. City: Means Corporation of the City of Kawartha Lakes. City Engineer: Means the Director of Public Works or designate. Policy No: 143 EPW 014 Policy Title: Assumption of Private Roads Page 1 of 5 "Clerk" means the person appointed by Council to carry out the duties of the clerk described in section 228 of the Municipal Act, 2001; POLICY, PROCEDURE AND IMPLEMENTATION: 1. Petition Required: The proponents of the transfer of a road to the municipality petition requesting assumption of the roadway. The petition must contain the 100% of the property owners having frontage on the road to be assumed. supported by 100% of the property owners will not be considered. Assumption roadway less than 500 meters will not be considered unless the roadway municipal roads. will prepare a signatures of Petitions not of portions of links existing 2. Submission Requirements Documentation that will be necessary to support the application for assumption of the road will include the following: A reference plan prepared by an Ontario Land Surveyor documenting the lands affected by the proposed assumption. Original deeds and certification of title for the lands in question prepared by the proponent’s Solicitor. A plan and profile drawing prepared by a Licensed Professional Engineer to documenting the existing conditions along the road and demonstrating compliance with the city’s standards. Documentation in support of the application must be submitted with the petition. 3. A preliminary assessment of the road will be undertaken by representatives from the Operations and Engineering Divisions. On the basis of the assessment a report will be prepared. The report will document the state of the road and identify any deficiencies in the road including estimated remediation costs that would be deemed to be impediments to the assumption of the road. The draft report will be circulated to the Development Services Department. Their comments with respect to any impacts associated with assumption of the road will be incorporated into the report. 4. A copy of the draft report will be forwarded to the proponents for their review and response. The proponents will have 30 days within which to respond in writing to the findings of the report. The proponents may respond in one of several ways: I. The proponents may accept the findings and request that the matter proceed. II. The proponents may request a deferral of the matter in order to gain sufficient time to rectify any deficiencies or negotiate other arrangements prior to proceeding. In this case that matter will be deferred for an agreed upon period not to exceed one year. If the matter has not been addressed within the deferral period, the matter will be deemed to be abandoned and this will be duly noted. In the absence of any response within the time period it will be assumed that the request has been abandoned. Policy No: 143 EPW 014 Policy Title: Assumption of Private Roads Page 2 of 5 5. A public meeting to review the proposed work estimated costs and assessments will be held with the proponents. A petition pursuant to Regulation 119/03 – Local Improvement Charges shall be filed with the City prior to the work proceeding. 6. A report will be forwarded to the Development and Public Works Committee and City Council addressing the sufficiency of the petition and the matters pursuant to Sections 3 and 6 of Regulation 119/03. The report will include particulars of the estimated cost, the City’s share of the cost, if any, and statutory adjustments. 7. When all of the documents are deemed to be acceptable, the proponents in the case of private roads will be instructed to proceed with the transfer of the lands. The transfer will be completed between the Proponents Solicitor and the City Solicitor. Upon completion of the transfer the City Solicitor will give notice to the Clerk and the City Engineer of the completion of the transfer. 8. Upon receipt of the notice and completion of any requisite work the Clerk will arrange for the preparation of the necessary bylaw to assume the road. The bylaw will then be forwarded to Council at the next available opportunity for passage. The bylaw will include an effective date concurrent with the registration of the bylaw. 9. Upon passage of the bylaw the Clerk will amend the schedules of the various traffic bylaws to incorporate the road. The Engineering Division will amend their records to reflect the change in the legal status of the road and give notice of the change to all other Public Works Divisions, Emergency Services, the Community Services Department and the Development Services Department of the change. On the effective date of the transfer and assumption the Operations Division will remove the private road signage and make any other changes in the field necessary to complete the assumption. Until such time as the city passes the bylaw and the deeds are transferred to the city, the city will not assume liability for the maintenance of the roadway. Policy No: 143 EPW 014 Policy Title: Assumption of Private Roads Page 3 of 5 SCHEDULE ‘A’ Road Standards for Adoption of Urban Private Roads Design Criteria Minimum Standard Permitted Standard Right of Way Width Design Speed Horizontal Radius Maximum Grade Kcrest Ksag Min Stopping Sight Dist Min Number of Lanes Lane Width Parking Lane Width Curbs Sidewalks Horizontal Clearance Vertical Clearance Turn Arounds Pavement Structure (GBE) Surface Type (ADT < 400 vpd) Streetlighting Signage Drainage 18.5 17.0 m 50 kph 40 kph 80.0 m 50.0 m 10.00% 12.00% 12 5 12 7 65.0 m 45.0 m 2 2 3.5 m 3.0 m 2.5 m 1.0 m Desirable, Concrete, Barrier Type Desirable, One side concrete, 1.5 m 3.0 m 2.0 m 5.25 m 4.75 m OPSD 500.01 or equivalent 550 mm 475 mm Double Surface Treatment Hot Mix HydroOne and CKL criteria As specified in the Ontario Traffic Manual Ditching or storm sewers outletting to Municipal Drain or watercourse Notes 1 Deviations from the standard may be approved by the Director where the deviation will not result in any significant loss of safety or increased maintenance costs to the municipality. The permitted deviations do not represent the minimum standard. 2 The standards detailed above apply on to the assumption of private roads and are not the standards applicable to new construction after the date of the adoption of the standard by City Council. 3 GBE means granular base equivalent. GBE standard specified is equivalent to 50 mm hot mix over 150 mm granular A over 300 mm of granular B. Policy No: 143 EPW 014 Policy Title: Assumption of Private Roads Page 4 of 5 SCHEDULE ‘B’ Road Standards for Adoption of Rural Private Roads Design Criteria Right of Way Width Minimum Standard Permitted Standard 20.0 16.0 m *subject to adequate width for utilities and drainage ditches Design Speed Horizontal Radius Maximum Grade Kcrest Ksag Min Stopping Sight Dist Min Number of Lanes Lane Width Shoulder Width Horizontal Clearance Vertical Clearance Turn Arounds Pavement Structure (GBE) Surface Type (ADT < 400 vpd) Surface Type (ADT > 400 vpd) Signage Drainage 50 kph 80.0 m 10.00% 12 12 65.0 m 2 3.5 m 1.0 m 3.0 m 5.25 m OPSD 500.01 or equivalent 450 mm Gravel 40 kph 50.0 m 12.00% 5 7 45.0 m 2 3.0 m 0.75 m 2.0 m 4.75 m 375 mm Double Surface Treatment As specified in the Ontario Traffic Manual Ditches outletting to and adequate receiving watercourse or Municipal Drain Notes 1 Deviations from the minimum standard may be approved by the Director where the deviation will not result in any significant loss of safety or increased maintenance costs to the municipality. The permitted deviations do not represent the minimum standard. 2 The standards detailed above apply only to the assumption of private roads or roads constructed on unopened road allowances and are not the standards applicable to new construction after the date of the adoption of the standard by City Council. 3 GBE means granular base equivalent. GBE standard specified is equivalent to 150 mm granular A over 300 mm of granular B. Policy No: 143 EPW 014 Policy Title: Assumption of Private Roads Page 5 of 5