EUROPEAN RESEARCH OFFICE Feedback Form Programme: FP7 Marie Curie Intra-European Fellowships Name: ________________________________________________________ Project Title (Acronym):____________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ This form is based on the official evaluation criteria for the relevant programme. It has been designed by the European Research Office to provide further feedback for applicants and is not an official evaluation form. B1 SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL QUALITY (Max 8 Pages) Scientific and technological Quality, including any interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary (Objectives) Are the scientific objectives clearly stated? (Novelty) Is the SOA clearly described? (Objectives/Novelty) Do the scientific objectives relate to the SOA? (Novelty) Is the novelty of the project, including any novel concepts, explained in terms of advances to the SOA? Are any novel approaches/methods employed? (Novelty) For any novel methods, are their advantages and disadvantages clearly proposed? (Research Methodology) For each objective, is the methodological approach clearly stated and well linked to the overall project objectives? (Timeliness/Relevance) Is the appropriateness of the research proposed against the state of the art well explained? (Impact) Is there a discernible benefit of the project at Community level? (Impact) How will the fellowship contribute to enhancing EU scientific excellence and (where relevant) reintegrate the researcher. (Quality of Host) Host scientific expertise in the field Has the host institution explained how its level of experience is suitable for the proposed research topic? (Quality of Host) Has the host institution provided information on its track record of work, including all international collaborations? For example, participation in projects, publications, patents and any other relevant results. Similar information should be provided for the scientist in charge of the supervision of the project. Are any gender issues taken into account? (Quality of Host) Has the host institution demonstrated its track record of previous training achievements especially at an advanced level within the field of research. General Comments, Section B1 (If any) B2 TRAINING (Max Pages, 2) Have the training objectives of the proposal been clearly explained, including how these will be beneficial for the development of an independent research career? How will the training provided contribute to adding different/complementary scientific competencies to the career of the fellow? Have complementary training and skills expected during the execution of the project (such as research management, presentation skills, ethics,etc.) been well presented? Is the host's expertise in mentoring/tutoring researchers adequately described? General Comments, Section B2 (If any) B3 Researcher (Max 7 Pages) Is there a comprehensive description of research experience? Is the CV well presented including details of: - academic achievements - list of other professional activities - any other relevant information Research results Have the major achievements of the researcher been outlined? For example, results in the form of funded projects, publications, patents, reports, invited participation in conferences etc.,taking into account the level of experience. Is there a short description (250 words) of a maximum of three major accomplishments mentioning the purpose, results, skills acquired, derived applications etc. Independent thinking and leadership qualities Do the activities demonstrate initiative, independent thinking, project management skills and leadership since these are qualities that will be taken into account in the evaluation. Does the project have potential for future development of the applicant? Is there a good match between the applicant’s skills and experience and the proposed project? What measures taken will help the researcher to reach professional maturity. Has the researcher demonstrated an ability to acquire new knowledge and skills. General Comments, Section B3 (If any) B4 IMPLEMENTATION (maximum 6 pages) Quality of infrastructures/facilities and international collaborations of host What available infrastructure will be made available by the Host institution? Has the host institution demonstrated previous participation in international collaborations? What practical arrangements will be made for the implementation and management of the fellowship (by the host and the fellow)? Do the arrangements demonstrate the feasibility / credibility of the project? (Work Plan) Have measurable goals been provided that will assist assessment of progress of the project? Where relevant, is there an adequate plan regarding IP that may arise during the project? What practical arrangements are in place to host a researcher coming from another Country? What support will be given to him/her to settle into their new host country (in terms of language teaching, help with local administration, obtaining permits, accommodation, schools, childcare etc.) General Comments, Section B4 (If any) Section B5 IMPACT (Max 2 Pages) Describe the fellow's potential of acquiring (complementary) competencies and skills during the fellowship and which impact this will have on the prospects of reaching and/or reinforcing a position of professional maturity, diversity and independence. How will the fellowship contribute in the medium- and long-term to the development of the Fellow’s career? In the case of a fellow returning to research, how will his/her re-establishment be helped by the fellowship? Describe the extent to which the project will increase the attractiveness of Europe for researchers, increase European competitiveness and produce long-term synergies and/or structuring effects General Comments, Section B5 (If any) Section B6 ETHICAL ISSUES: Where relevant, these should be taken into account as described in the Guide for Applicants. Overall Comments (If Any)