Note to Society: This reference document contains the questions asked of respondents. The formatting of this doucment is not perfect because it was converted from the web version. Recall, the questionnaire was a webonly document. This IEEE Education Society member survey will help us understand how you perceive the value of Society activities and what types of products and services you would like us to provide. Most of the questions will ask for specific responses or choices. However, you will also have several opportunities to express your opinions in your own words. Completing this survey should take approximately 10 minutes. You can monitor your progress with the status bar at the bottom of each page. Responses are anonymous and confidential. Thank you for your help. Although you may belong to more than one IEEE Society, please respond to the following questions as they relate to your membership in IEEE Education Society. ---------------------Q. 1 Please select the main reasons why you maintain membership in the IEEE Education Society. (Select up to three that apply.) [ ] To obtain technical information and resources [ ] To meet and interact with others who share my professional interests (networking) [ ] To obtain IEEE Education Society publications (paper and/or electronic) [ ] To serve as a volunteer (for example, write or review articles, speak at conferences or serve on committees) [ ] To contribute to my profession [ ] To keep myself informed of the advancements in my field [ ] To attend local chapter activities [ ] To get access to continuing education opportunities [ ] Other, please specify [ ] Q. 2_A Please indicate how well you feel IEEE Education Society is providing opportunities and services in each of these areas. (Select one for each item.) Technical information and resources ( ) Very well1 ( ) 2 ( ) 3 ( ) 4 ( ) Very poorly5 ( ) Not aware /No opinion Opportunities to meet and interact with others whoshare my professional interests (networking) ( ) Very well1 ( ) 2 ( ) 3 ( ) 4 ( ) Very poorly5 ( ) Not aware /No opinion IEEE Education Society publications (paper and/or electronic) ( ) Very well1 ( ) 2 ( ) 3 ( ) 4 ( ) Very poorly5 ( ) Not aware /No opinion Opportunities to volunteer (for example, write or reviewarticles, speak at conferences or serve on committees) ( ) Very well1 ( ) 2 ( ) 3 ( ) 4 ( ) Very poorly5 ( ) Not aware /No opinion Ability to contribute to my profession ( ) Very well1 ( ) 2 ( ) 3 ( ) 4 ( ) Very poorly5 ( ) Not aware /No opinion Informed of the advancements in my field ( ) Very well1 ( ) 2 ( ) 3 ( ) 4 ( ) Very poorly5 ( ) Not aware /No opinion Local chapter activities ( ) Very well1 ( ) 2 ( ) 3 ( ) 4 ( ) Very poorly5 ( ) Not aware /No opinion Continuing education opportunities ( ) Very well1 ( ) 2 ( ) 3 ( ) 4 ( ) Very poorly5 ( ) Not aware /No opinion Q. 3_A Overall, how satisfied are you with your IEEE Education Society and IEEE memberships? (Choose one for each item.) IEEE Education Society Membership ( ) Highly satisfied1 ( ) 2 ( ) 3 ( ) 4 ( ) Highly dissatisfied5 IEEE Membership ( ) Highly satisfied1 ( ) 2 ( ) 3 ( ) 4 ( ) Highly dissatisfied5 Q. 4_A Would you recommend IEEE Education Society membership and IEEE membership to a colleague? (Choose one for each item.) IEEE Education Society Membership ( ) Definitely would recommend it1 ( ) 2 ( ) 3 ( ) 4 ( ) Definitely would NOT recommend it 5 IEEE Membership ( ) Definitely would recommend it1 ( ) 2 ( ) 3 ( ) 4 ( ) Definitely would NOT recommend it 5 Q. 5_A The next time your IEEE Education Society and IEEE memberships are up for renewal, do you plan to renew? (Choose one for each item.) IEEE Education Society Membership ( ) Definitely will renew1 ( ) 2 ( ) 3 ( ) 4 ( ) Definitely will NOT renew 5 IEEE Membership ( ) Definitely will renew1 ( ) 2 ( ) 3 ( ) 4 ( ) Definitely will NOT renew 5 Only respondents who indicated they would probably not renew their Society membership (option 4 or 5) in question 5 were shown this question.Q. 5a In the previous question, you indicated you might not renew your IEEE Education Society membership. Please tell us why you feel this way. [ ] Q. 6_A Does your employer currently pay or reimburse you for your membership dues? (Choose one for each item.) IEEE Education Society Membership ( ) All ( ) Part ( ) None IEEE Membership ( ) All ( ) Part ( ) None Q. 7_A How often do you visit the following websites? (Choose one for each item.) IEEE Web site ( ) 11+ times a month ( ) 4 to 10 times a month ( ) 1 to 3 times a month ( ) of, butnever visited ( ) Notaware IEEE Education Society Web site ( ) 11+ times a month ( ) 4 to 10 times a month ( ) 1 to 3 times a month ( ) of, butnever visited ( ) Notaware IEEE Xplore® ( ) 11+ times a month ( ) 4 to 10 times a month ( ) 1 to 3 times a month ( ) of, butnever visited ( ) Notaware Other professional associations' Web sites ( ) 11+ times a month ( ) 4 to 10 times a month ( ) 1 to 3 times a month ( ) of, butnever visited ( ) Notaware General search engines(for example, Google, Yahoo, etc.) ( ) 11+ times a month ( ) 4 to 10 times a month ( ) 1 to 3 times a month ( ) of, butnever visited ( ) Notaware Less than once a month ( ) Aware Less than once a month ( ) Aware Less than once a month ( ) Aware Less than once a month ( ) Aware Less than once a month ( ) Aware Q. 8_A How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements? (Choose one for each item.) My employer provides adequate training to maintain myskills in my professional field. ( ) Completely agree1 ( ) 2 ( ) 3 ( ) 4 ( ) Completely disagree5 ( ) Noopinion The IEEE Education Society provides adequate products and services to maintainmy skills in my professional field. ( ) Completely agree1 ( ) 2 ( ) 3 ( ) 4 ( ) Completely disagree5 ( ) Noopinion I have access to enough information to maintainmy skills in my professional field from sources other thanmy employer and IEEE Education Society. ( ) Completely agree1 ( ) 2 ( ) 3 ( ) 4 ( ) Completely disagree5 ( ) Noopinion IEEE Education Society should offer more educational opportunitiesvia the Internet. ( ) Completely agree1 ( ) 2 ( ) 3 ( ) 4 ( ) Completely disagree5 ( ) Noopinion IEEE Education Society should offer more educational opportunitiesvia CD-ROM/DVD. ( ) Completely agree1 ( ) 2 ( ) 3 ( ) 4 ( ) Completely disagree5 ( ) Noopinion The next few questions are related to technical conferences. If you do not know the exact answer, your best guess is acceptable. Q. 9 How many technical or educational conferences, meetings, or workshops do you attend in a typical two-year period? (Your answer must be a number. If you have not attended, please enter 0.) [ ] Q. 10 If you attend conferences in a typical two-year period, please indicate their sponsorship. (Your answer must be a number. If you have not attended, please enter 0.) Sponsored or cosponsored by IEEE Education Society: [ ] Sponsored or cosponsored by another IEEE Society (not IEEE Education Society): [ ] Not sponsored or cosponsored by IEEE or an IEEE Society: [ ] Conferences that I am unsure who sponsors: [ ] Q. 11_A Please indicate how useful the Frontiers in Education (FIE) Conference is to you? (Choose one for each item.) Frontiers in Education (FIE) Conference ( ) Extremely useful 1 ( ) 2 ( ) 3 ( ) 4 ( ) Not at alluseful 5 ( ) I am familiar but cannot rate it ( ) I am NOT familiar with this conference Q. 12 In what ways can IEEE Education Society improve conferences to better serve you? [ ] ---------------------The next few questions are related to technical publications you read. If you do not know the exact answer, your best guess is acceptable. Q. 13_A Below are major publications sponsored or co-sponsored by IEEE or IEEE Education Society. How useful are these to you? (Choose one for each item.) IEEE Spectrum ( ) Extremelyuseful1 ( ) 2 ( ) 3 ( ) 4 ( ) Not at all useful5 ( ) I am familiar but can not rate it ( ) I am NOT familiar with this publication The Institute ( ) Extremelyuseful1 ( ) 2 ( ) 3 ( ) 4 ( ) Not at all useful5 ( ) I am familiar but can not rate it ( ) I am NOT familiar with this publication The Interface ( ) Extremelyuseful1 ( ) 2 ( ) 3 ( ) 4 ( ) Not at all useful5 ( ) I am familiar but can not rate it ( ) I am NOT familiar with this publication IEEE Transactions on Education ( ) Extremelyuseful1 ( ) 2 ( ) 3 ( ) 4 ( ) Not at all useful5 ( ) I am familiar but can not rate it ( ) I am NOT familiar with this publication Frontiers in Education (FIE) Conference Proceedings ( ) Extremelyuseful1 ( ) 2 ( ) 3 ( ) 4 ( ) Not at all useful5 ( ) I am familiar but can not rate it ( ) I am NOT familiar with this publication Q. 14a_A Have you read the following publications in the last two years? (Choose one for each item.) IEEE Spectrum ( ) Yes, I have read ( ) No, I have not read The Institute ( ) Yes, I have read ( ) No, I have not read The Interface ( ) Yes, I have read ( ) No, I have not read Q. 14b Have you read IEEE Transactions on Education in the last two years? ( ) Yes, I have read ( ) No, I have not read This question was only shown to those who indicated they read this publication in the above question. Q. 14c_A Please indicate your level of satisfaction with the following elements of the IEEE Transactions on Education. (Choose one for each item.) Relevance of content to my professional needs ( ) Highlysatisfied1 ( ) 2 ( ) 3 ( ) 4 ( ) Highly dissatisfied5 ( ) Noopinion Level of content ( ) Highlysatisfied1 ( ) 2 ( ) 3 ( ) 4 ( ) Highly dissatisfied5 ( ) Noopinion Quality of articles ( ) Highlysatisfied1 ( ) 2 ( ) 3 ( ) 4 ( ) Highly dissatisfied5 ( ) Noopinion Timeliness of content ( ) Highlysatisfied1 ( ) 2 ( ) 3 ( ) 4 ( ) Highly dissatisfied5 ( ) Noopinion Breadth of topics covered ( ) Highlysatisfied1 ( ) 2 ( ) 3 ( ) 4 ( ) Highly dissatisfied5 ( ) Noopinion Authors of the articles ( ) Highlysatisfied1 ( ) 2 ( ) 3 ( ) 4 ( ) Highly dissatisfied5 ( ) Noopinion Quality of design and layout ( ) Highlysatisfied1 ( ) 2 ( ) 3 ( ) 4 ( ) Highly dissatisfied5 ( ) Noopinion Q. 14d Have you read Frontiers in Education (FIE) Conference Proceedings in the last two years? ( ) Yes, I have read ( ) No, I have not read This question was only shown to those who indicated they read this publication in the above question. Q. 14e_A Please indicate your level of satisfaction with the following elements of the Frontiers in Education (FIE) Conference Proceedings. (Choose one for each item.) Relevance of content to my professional needs ( ) Highlysatisfied1 ( ) 2 ( ) 3 ( ) 4 ( ) Highly dissatisfied5 ( ) Noopinion Level of content ( ) Highlysatisfied1 ( ) 2 ( ) 3 ( ) 4 ( ) Highly dissatisfied5 ( ) Noopinion Quality of articles ( ) Highlysatisfied1 ( ) 2 ( ) 3 ( ) 4 ( ) Highly dissatisfied5 ( ) Noopinion Timeliness of content ( ) Highlysatisfied1 ( ) 2 ( ) 3 ( ) 4 ( ) Highly dissatisfied5 ( ) Noopinion Breadth of topics covered ( ) Highlysatisfied1 ( ) 2 ( ) 3 ( ) 4 ( ) Highly dissatisfied5 ( ) Noopinion Authors of the articles ( ) Highlysatisfied1 ( ) 2 ( ) 3 ( ) 4 ( ) Highly dissatisfied5 ( ) Noopinion Quality of design and layout ( ) Highlysatisfied1 ( ) 2 ( ) 3 ( ) 4 ( ) Highly dissatisfied5 ( ) Noopinion Q. 15 In what ways can IEEE Education Society improve publications to better serve you? [ ] ---------------------- You have completed more than half of the questionnaire. We appreciate your time. Q. 16_A Indicate the amount of content coverage in the following areas you would like to see in IEEE Education Society publications, conferences, products and services. (Choose one for each item.) Computer Science and Engineering Education ( ) Much morecontent ( ) Morecontent ( ) Same amountreceiving now ( ) Less content ( ) Nocontent ( ) Noopinion Communication Systems Engineering Education ( ) Much morecontent ( ) Morecontent ( ) Same amountreceiving now ( ) Less content ( ) Nocontent ( ) Noopinion Controls, Robotics, and Manufacturing Systems Engineering ( ) Much morecontent ( ) Morecontent ( ) Same amountreceiving now ( ) Less content ( ) Nocontent ( ) Noopinion Digital Signal and Image Processing Engineering Education ( ) Much morecontent ( ) Morecontent ( ) Same amountreceiving now ( ) Less content ( ) Nocontent ( ) Noopinion Digital Systems Engineering Education ( ) Much morecontent ( ) Morecontent ( ) Same amountreceiving now ( ) Less content ( ) Nocontent ( ) Noopinion Curriculum and Teaching Pedagogy ( ) Much morecontent ( ) Morecontent ( ) Same amountreceiving now ( ) Less content ( ) Nocontent ( ) Noopinion Electromagnetics Education ( ) Much morecontent ( ) Morecontent ( ) Same amountreceiving now ( ) Less content ( ) Nocontent ( ) Noopinion Linear Systems and Circuit Design Education ( ) Much morecontent ( ) Morecontent ( ) Same amountreceiving now ( ) Less content ( ) Nocontent ( ) Noopinion Optics and Photonics Systems Engineering Education ( ) Much morecontent ( ) Morecontent ( ) Same amountreceiving now ( ) Less content ( ) Nocontent ( ) Noopinion Power Systems and Apparatus Education ( ) Much morecontent ( ) Morecontent ( ) Same amountreceiving now ( ) Less content ( ) Nocontent ( ) Noopinion Telecommunication Engineering Education ( ) Much morecontent ( ) Morecontent ( ) Same amountreceiving now ( ) Less content ( ) Nocontent ( ) Noopinion Distance and Asynchronous Learning Education and Integrated Circuit and MEMS Education ( ) Much morecontent ( ) Morecontent ( ) Same amountreceiving now ( ) Less content ( ) Nocontent ( ) Noopinion Analog Systems Education ( ) Much morecontent ( ) Morecontent ( ) Same amountreceiving now ( ) Less content ( ) Nocontent ( ) Noopinion Electronics Education ( ) Much morecontent ( ) Morecontent ( ) Same amountreceiving now ( ) Less content ( ) Nocontent ( ) Noopinion Nanotechnology Education ( ) Much morecontent ( ) Morecontent ( ) Same amountreceiving now ( ) Less content ( ) Nocontent ( ) Noopinion Q. 16a If there are other areas you would like IEEE Education Society to provide information in, please indicate them here. [ ] ---------------------The next couple of questions are related to local EEE Education Society chapter activities. Q. 17 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) Have you participated in a local chapter of the IEEE Education Society in the past two years? Yes No, there is no local chapter. No, and I do not know if there is a local chapter No, I know a local chapter exists, but I do not attend Q. 18 In what ways can IEEE Education Society improve chapter activities to better serve you? [ ] ---------------------The next set of questions are related to volunteerism. Volunteers lead the IEEE Education Society at many levels and in many ways - including, among others, · Top-level leadership on the Executive Committee of the Society · Serving on local committees (for example, Chapter officers) · Serving on international committees · Editing or reviewing articles · Participating in standards development or balloting · Organizing conferences Q. 19 Before you read the above, how familiar were you with the different ways to volunteer for IEEE Education Society? (Please check one.) ( ) Very familiar ( ) Somewhat familiar ( ) Somewhat not familiar ( ) Not at all familiar Q. 20 ( ) ( ) ( ) Do you currently volunteer for IEEE Education Society? Yes, I currently serve as a volunteer No, but I have in the past No, I have not served as a volunteer These next two questions were only shown to those who indicated, in Q20, they currently volunteer. Q. 21a In what capacity/role do you serve as a volunteer? [ ] Q. 21b Overall, how satisfied are you with your current volunteer activities? ( ) Highlysatisfied1 ( ) 2 ( ) 3 ( ) 4 ( ) Highlydissatisfied5 These next three questions were only shown to those who indicated, in Q20, they no longer volunteer but they had volunteered in the past. Q. 21c In what capacity/role did you serve as a volunteer? [ ] Q. 21d Overall how satisfied were you with your volunteer activities? ( ) Highlysatisfied1 ( ) 2 ( ) 3 ( ) 4 ( ) Highlydissatisfied5 Q. 21e Why did you stop volunteering for IEEE Education Society? [ ] This question was only shown to those who indicated, in Q20, they have never volunteered. Q. 21f Why do you not volunteer for the IEEE Education Society? [ ] These final questions are general demographic questions. Q. 22 How many years of professional experience do you have? (Your answer must be a number.) [ ] Q. 23 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) What is your age? 30 or under 31 to 40 41 to 50 51 to 60 61 to 70 Over 70 Decline to answer Q. 24 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) Identify the highest educational degree you hold. (Choose one.) Some college Vocational/technical degree/certification (less than a baccalaureate degree) Baccalaureate or equivalent Masters/graduate/professional degree Doctorate or equivalent Other, please specify [ ] Q. 25 [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] Indicate all of the fields in which you hold a degree. (Choose all that apply.) Electrical or electronics engineering Mechanical engineering Materials science/engineering Computer science/engineering Mathematics Physics Industrial engineering Systems engineering Business or Finance Medicine Other, please specify [ ] Q. 26 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) Identify the category that best describes your current employer type. (Choose one.) Private industry Public/government Educational institution (private or public) Nonprofit institution (non educational) Self-employed/consulting Retired Unemployed Full-time student Other, please specify [ ] Q. 27 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) Please indicate your IEEE Grade. (Please note that Life membership is a status of membership but not a grade.) Student Associate Member Senior Member Fellow Q. 28 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) Please indicate your IEEE Region. Regions 1 to 6 (United States) Region 7 (Canada) Region 8 (Europe, Middle East, Africa) Region 9 (Latin America) Region 10 (Asia and Pacific) Q. 29 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) Including your membership in IEEE Education Society, how many IEEE Societies do you currently belong to? 1, just IEEE Education Society 2 3 4 5 or more This question was only shown to those who indicated in the above question that they belong to two or more IEEE Societies. Q. 29a Do you consider IEEE Education Society to be your primary IEEE Society? ( ) Yes, IEEE Education Society is my primary Society ( ) No, another IEEE Society is my primary Society Q. 30 Please share any additional thoughts on how the IEEE Education Society can better serve you. [ ] Once you hit the submit button your responses will be registered. You will be automatically redirected to and you may close the window. Thank you for participating in the survey.