ABA Section of Legal Education and Admissions to the Bar 2010 Bricks, Bytes and Continuous Renovation Conference Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Presenters Wednesday, March 10: Earle Mack School of Law at Drexel University Building 101: The Planning Process Coordinator: Penny A. Hazelton Title: Associate Dean for Library and Computing Services School Affiliation: University of Washington School of Law Address: Box 323025, Seattle, WA 98195 Phone: 206-543-4089 Email: pennyh@uw.edu Speaker: Title: School Affiliation: Address: Phone: Email: Richard A. Danner Senior Associate Dean for Information Services Duke University School of Law Box 90361, Durham, NC 27708 919-613-7115 zad@law.duke.edu Speaker: Title: School Affiliation: Address: Phone: Email: Thomas B. Metzloff Professor Duke University School of Law Box 90361, Durham, NC 27708 919-613-7055 metzloff@law.duke.edu Choosing an Architect Moderator: Rayman L. Solomon Title: Dean School Affiliation: Rutgers University School of Law - Camden Address: 217 North 5th Street, Camden, NJ 08102 Phone: 856-225-6191 Email: raysol@camlaw.rutgers.edu Speaker: Title: School Affiliation: Address: Phone: Email: Thomas Ganey University Architect Marquette University 517 N. 14th Street, P.O. Box 1881, Milwaukee, WI 53201-1881 414-288-7335 thomas.ganey@marquette.edu -1- ABA Section of Legal Education and Admissions to the Bar 2010 Bricks, Bytes and Continuous Renovation Conference Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Presenters Wednesday, March 10: Earle Mack School of Law at Drexel University Choosing an Architect (cont.) Speaker: Joseph Kearney Title: Dean School Affiliation: Marquette University Law School Address: 1103 West Wisconsin Avenue, Milwaukee, WI 53201 Phone: 414-288-1955 Email: joseph.kearney@marquette.edu The Construction Process Moderator: Paul George Title: Associate Dean and Director of Biddle Law Library School Affiliation: University of Pennsylvania Law School Address: 3400 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104 Phone: 215-898-7488 Email: pmgeorge@law.upenn.edu Speaker: Daniela Voith Title: Partner Business Affiliation: Voith and Mactavish Architects LLP Address: 161 Walnut Street, 24th Floor, Philadelphia, PA 19103 Phone: 215-545-4544 Email: dhv@vma1.com -2- ABA Section of Legal Education and Admissions to the Bar 2010 Bricks, Bytes and Continuous Renovation Conference Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Presenters Thursday, March 11: University of Pennsylvania Law School Plenary: Architectural Theory and Legal Education Moderator: Rayman L. Solomon Title: Dean School Affiliation: Rutgers University School of Law – Camden Address: 217 North 5th Street, Camden, NJ 08192 Phone: 856-225-6191 Email: raysol@camlaw.rutgers.edu Speaker: Title: School Affiliation: Address: Phone: Email: Richard Matasar Dean New York Law School 185 West Broadway, New York, NY 10013 212-431-2840 rmatasar@nyls.edu Speaker: Title: School Affiliation: Address: Phone: Email: Sarah Whiting Dean Rice University School of Architecture 6100 Main Street, Houston, TX 77005 713 348-0000 sarah@wwarchitecture.com Classroom Design Moderator: Title: School Affiliation: Address: Phone: E-mail: James J. Faught Associate Dean Loyola University-Chicago, School of Law 25 E. Pearson Street, Room 1477, Chicago, IL 60611 312-915-7131 jfaught@luc.edu Speaker: Title: Business Affiliation: Address: Phone: E-Mail: James Baranski Principal Baranski, Hammer, Moretta & Sheehy 220 W. Huron Street, Suite 4006, Chicago, IL 60610 312-337-1960 info@bhms-arch.com -3- ABA Section of Legal Education and Admissions to the Bar 2010 Bricks, Bytes and Continuous Renovation Conference Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Presenters Clinical Spaces Moderator: Title: School Affiliation: Address: Phone: Email: John C. Deliso Associate Dean Suffolk University Law School 120 Tremont Street, Boston, MA 02108 617-573-8594 jdeliso@suffolk.edu Speaker : Title: School Affiliation: Address: Phone: Email: Jeffrey Pokorak Professor of Law and Director of Clinical Programs Suffolk University Law School 120 Tremont Street, Boston, MA 02108 617-305-1645 jpokorak@suffolk.edu Speaker : Title: School Affiliation: Address: Phone: Email: Yolanda Vazquez Clinical Supervisor University of Pennsylvania Law School 3400 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104 215-898-2314 yvazquez@law.upenn.edu Student-Centric Spaces Moderator: Bruce S. Johnson Title: Associate Dean for Information Services School Affiliation: The Ohio State University, Moritz College of Law Address: 55 W. 12th Avenue, Columbus, OH 43221-1338 Phone: 614-292-2964 Email: johnson.726@osu.edu Speaker: Title: School Affiliation: Address: Phone: Email: Jonathan A. Franklin Associate Director University of Washington School of Law, Gallagher Law Library William H. Gates Hall L156, Box 353025, Seattle, WA 98195-3025 206-543-4089 jafrank@u.washington.edu -4- ABA Section of Legal Education and Admissions to the Bar 2010 Bricks, Bytes and Continuous Renovation Conference Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Presenters Planning for Administrative Spaces Moderator: Mark Bernstein Title: Director of Legal Research Center and Professor of Law School Affiliation: Earle Mack School of Law at Drexel University Address: 3320 Market Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104 Phone: 215-571-4770 Email: mpb63@drexel.edu Speaker: Title: School Affiliation: Address: Phone: Email: Temporary Spaces Moderator : Title: Jo-Ann Verrier Vice Dean for Administrative Services University of Pennsylvania Law School 3400 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104 215-898-6746 jverrier@law.upenn.edu School Affiliation: Address: Phone: Email: Kathleen Price Associate Dean, Library and Technology and Clarence J. TeSelle Professor Law University of Florida, Fredric C. Levin College of Law 2500 SW 2d Avenue, Gainesville, FL 32607 352-273-0706 pricek@law.ufl.edu Speaker : Title: School Affiliation: Address: Phone: Email: Michael Chiorazzi Director and Professor of Law University of Arizona Law Library 1201 E. Speedway, PO Box 210176, Tucson, AZ 85721-0176 520-621-5477 michael.chiorazzi@law.arizona.edu Speaker : Title: Affiliation: Address: Phone: Email: Anne Dalesandro Law Library Director Rutgers University School of Law - Camden 217 N. 5th Street, Camden, NJ 08102 856-225-6182 dalesand@camden.rutgers.edu -5- ABA Section of Legal Education and Admissions to the Bar 2010 Bricks, Bytes and Continuous Renovation Conference Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Presenters Speaker : Title: Affiliation: Address: Phone: Email: Robert R. Myers, Jr. Manager of Serials and Collection Access/Reference Librarian Case Western Reserve University Law School Library 11075 East Boulevard, Cleveland, OH 44106 216-368-8656 rrm8@po.cwru.edu Law School Auxiliary Functions Moderator: Stephen Margeton Title: Library Director and Professor School Affiliation: The Catholic University of America Judge Kathryn J. DuFour Law Library Address: 3600 John McCormack Road NE, Washington, DC 20064 Phone: 202-319-5116 Email: margeton@law.edu Speaker: Title: Business Affiliation: Address: Phone: Email: Lee Coyle, AIA, LEED AD Principal Cannon Design, Mid Atlantic Region 250 W. Pratt Street, Suite 2100, Baltimore, MD 21201 410-234-1155 lcoyle@cannondesign.com Donor Recognition Moderator: Title: School: Address: Phone: Email: John C. Deliso Associate Dean Suffolk University Law School 120 Tremont Street, Boston, MA 02108 617-573-8594 jdeliso@suffolk.edu Speaker : Title: School: Address: Phone: Email: Kristen DeVries Director of Donor Relations Drexel University 3141 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia PA 19104 215-895-0348 kristen.devries@drexel.edu -6- ABA Section of Legal Education and Admissions to the Bar 2010 Bricks, Bytes and Continuous Renovation Conference Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Presenters Law School as Social Venue Moderator: Paul George Title: Associate Dean and Director of Biddle Law Library School Affiliation: University of Pennsylvania Law School Address: 3460 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104 Phone: 215-898-7488 Email: pmgeorge@law.upenn.edu Speaker: Title: School Affiliation: Address: Phone: Email: Michael K. McChrystal Professor of Law Marquette University Law School P.O. Box 1881, Milwaukee, WI 53201-1881 (414) 288-5364 michael.mcchrystal@marquette.edu Public and Private Financing Moderator: Rayman L. Solomon Title: Dean School Affiliation: Rutgers University School of Law - Camden Address: 217 North 5th Street, Camden, NJ 08102 Phone: 856-225-6191 Email: raysol@camlaw.rutgers.edu Speaker: Title: School Affiliation: Address: Phone: Email: Steven Smith Dean California Western School of Law 225 Cedar Street, San Diego, CA 92101 619-525-1405 ssmith@cwsl.edu What to Look for When You Visit Speaker: William (Bill) Andersen Title: Professor School Affiliation: University of Washington School of Law Address: William H. Gates Hall, Box 353020, Seattle, WA 98195 Phone: 206-543-9385 Email: ander@uw.edu -7- ABA Section of Legal Education and Admissions to the Bar 2010 Bricks, Bytes and Continuous Renovation Conference Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Presenters Who’s Offsite Moderator : Title: School Affiliation: Address: Phone: Email: Bruce S. Johnson Associate Dean for Information Services The Ohio State University, Moritz College of Law 55 W. 12th Avenue, Columbus, OH 43221-1338 614-292-2964 johnson.726@osu.edu Designing Common Spaces Moderator: Bruce S. Johnson Title: Associate Dean for Information Services and Professor School Affiliation: The Ohio State University, Moritz College of Law Address: 55 W. 12th Avenue, Columbus, OH 43221-1338 Phone: 614-292-2964 Email: johnson.726@osu.edu Speaker: Title: Business Affiliation: Address: Phone: Email: Tom Butcavage, AIA, Leed AP Vice-President SmithGroup 1850 K Street, NW, #250, Washington, DC 20006 202-974-4523 tom.butcavage@smithgroup.com Speaker: Title: School Affiliation: Address: Joseph W. Thomas Head of Technical Services University of Notre Dame Law School, Kresge Law Library A-355AD Biolchini Hall, P.O. Box 780 Notre Dame, IN 46556 574-631-5992 jthomas@nd.edu Phone: Email: Goldilocks: Right-sizing Technology for the Law School Moderator: Pablo G. Molina Title: Chief Information Officer School Affiliation: Georgetown University Address: 600 New Jersey Avenue, NW, Washington DC, 20001 Phone: 202-662-9004 Email: molina@georgetown.edu -8- ABA Section of Legal Education and Admissions to the Bar 2010 Bricks, Bytes and Continuous Renovation Conference Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Presenters Speaker: Title: School Affiliation: Address: Phone: Email: Sydney Beckman Dean and Professor Lincoln Memorial University, Duncan School of Law 601 W. Summit Hill Drive, Knoxville, TN 37902 423-869-7768 sydney.beckman@lmunet.edu Speaker: Title: School Affiliation: Address: Phone: Email: Kay McDonnell Assistant Dean and CIO University of Pennsylvania Law School 3400 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104 kay@law.upenn.edu Feasibility Studies Moderator: Title: School: Address: Phone: Email: John C. Deliso Associate Dean Suffolk University Law School 120 Tremont Street, Boston, MA 02108 617-573-8594 jdeliso@suffolk.edu Speaker : Title: School Affiliation: Address: Phone: Email: Gordon King Senior Director of Facilities Planning and Management Suffolk University 8 Ashburton Place, Boston, MA 02108-2770 617-305-1520 gking@suffolk.edu Speaker : Title: Business Affiliation: Address: Phone: Email: David Owens, AIA Principal Tsoi Kobus & Associates, Inc., Architects 1 Brattle Square, Cambridge, MA 02138 617-475-4250 dowens@tka-architects.com -9- ABA Section of Legal Education and Admissions to the Bar 2010 Bricks, Bytes and Continuous Renovation Conference Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Presenters Library without Walls Moderator: Patricia A. Cervenka Title: Library Director and Professor of Law School Affiliation: Marquette University Law Library Address: Sensenbrenner Hall, 1103 West Wisconsin Avenue, P.O. Box 1881, Milwaukee, WI 53201 Phone: 414-288-5594 E-mail: patricia.cervenka@marquette.edu Speaker: Title: School Affiliation: Address: Phone: E-mail: Joseph D. Kearney Dean and Professor of Law Marquette University Sensenbrenner Hall, 1103 West Wisconsin Avenue, P.O. Box 1881, Milwaukee, WI 53201 414-288-1955 joseph.kearney@marquette.edu Speaker: Title: School Affiliation: Address: Phone: Email: Gordon Russell Associate Dean and Professor of Law Lincoln Memorial University, Duncan School of Law 601 W. Summit Hill Drive, Knoxville, TN 37902 423-869-7771 gordon.russell@lmunet.edu The Good, the Bad, and Practical Planning Experiences Coordinator: Penny A. Hazelton Title: Associate Dean for Library and Computing Services School Affiliation: University of Washington School of Law Address: Box 323025, Seattle, WA 98195 Phone: 206-543-4089 Email: pennyh@uw.edu Speaker: Title: School Affiliation: Address: Phone: Email: Richard A. Danner Senior Associate Dean for Information Services Duke University School of Law Box 90361, Durham, NC 27708 919-613-7115 zad@law.duke.edu - 10 - ABA Section of Legal Education and Admissions to the Bar 2010 Bricks, Bytes and Continuous Renovation Conference Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Presenters Speaker: Title: School Affiliation: Address: Phone: Email: Thomas B. Metzloff Professor Duke University School of Law Box 90361, Durham, NC 27708 919-613-7055 metzloff@law.duke.edu Emerging Technologies: Law School of the Year 2020 Moderator: Thomas Ryan Title: Director of Information Technology School Affiliation: Rutgers School of Law - Camden Address: 217 North Fifth Street, Camden, NJ 08102 Phone: 856-225-6361 Email: tomryan@camlaw.rutgers.edu Speaker: Title: School Affiliation: Address: Phone: Email: Sydney Beckman Dean and Professor Lincoln Memorial University, Duncan School of Law 601 W. Summit Hill Drive, TN 37902 423-869-7768 sydney.beckman@lmunet.edu Working with the University’s Strategic Plan Speaker: Michael Barber Title: Associate Principal Business Affiliation: Ayers/Saint/Gross Address: 1040 Hull Street, Suite 100, Baltimore, MD 21230 Phone: 410-347-8500 Email: mbarber@asg-architects.com Speaker: Title: School Affiliation: Address: Phone: Email: John Boger Dean University of North Carolina School of Law 160 Ridge Road, CB #3380, Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3380 919-962-4417 jcboger@email.unc.edu - 11 - ABA Section of Legal Education and Admissions to the Bar 2010 Bricks, Bytes and Continuous Renovation Conference Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Presenters Speaker: Title: School Affiliation: Address: Phone: Email: Steve Cassard Vice President, Facilities Management and Capital Planning University of Baltimore 1420 N. Charles Street, Baltimore, MD 21201 410-837-5069 scassard@ubalt.edu Speaker: Title: School Affiliation: Address: Phone: Email: Howard E. Katz Professor Elon University School of Law 201 North Greene Street, Greensboro, NC 27401 336-279-9283 hkatz@elon.edu Speaker: Title: Business Affiliation: Address: Phone: Email: Peter Krawchyk Speaker: Title: Business Affiliation: Address: Phone: Email: Mark Maves Associate Principal Ayers/Saint/Gross 1040 Hull Street, Suite 100, Baltimore, MD 21230 410-347-8500 mmaves@asg-architects.com Senior Associate Ayers/Saint/Gross 1040 Hull Street, Suite 100, Baltimore, MD 21230 410-347-8500 pkrawchyk@asg-architects.com To Insure Domestic Tranquility – Designing Student Spaces Speaker: Tom Butcavage, AIA, LEED AP Title: Vice President Business Affiliation: SmithGroup Address: 1850 K Street NW, Washington, DC 20006 Phone: 202-974-4523 Email: ThomasButcavage@SmithGroup.com - 12 - ABA Section of Legal Education and Admissions to the Bar 2010 Bricks, Bytes and Continuous Renovation Conference Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Presenters Speaker: Title: Business Affiliation: Address: Phone: Email: Carole Wedge, FAIA, LEED AP President Shepley Bulfinch Richardson and Abbott 2 Seaport Lane, Boston, MA 02210 617-423-1700 cwedge@sbra.com It’s Easier Being Green: Tools for Sustainability Moderator: Stephen G. Margeton Title: Library Director and Professor School Affiliation: The Catholic University of America Judge Kathryn J. DuFour Law Library, Address: 3600 John McCormack Road NE, Washington, DC 20064 Phone: 202-319-5116 Email: margeton@law.edu Speaker: Title: Business Affiliation: Address: Phone: Email: Lee Coyle, AIA, LEED AP Principal Cannon Design, Mid Atlantic Region 250 W. Pratt Street, Suite 2100, Baltimore, MD 21201 410-234-1155 lcoyle@cannondesign.com The New Building: Drexel Experience Moderator: Mark Bernstein Title: Director, Legal Research Center & Professor of Law School Affiliation: Earle Mack School of Law at Drexel University Address: 3320 Market Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104 Phone: 215-571-4770 Email: mpb63@drexel.edu Speaker: Title: School Affiliation: Address: Phone: Email: Roger Dennis Dean Earle Mack School of Law at Drexel University 3320 Market Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104 215-571-4755 roger.j.dennis@drexel.edu - 13 - ABA Section of Legal Education and Admissions to the Bar 2010 Bricks, Bytes and Continuous Renovation Conference Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Presenters Speaker: Title: School Affiliation: Address: Phone: Email: Mary K. McGovern Assistant Dean for Administration Earle Mack School of Law at Drexel University 3320 Market Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104 215-571-4815 mmcgovern@drexel.edu Library as Place and Placeholder Moderator : Stephen G. Margeton Title: Library Director and Professor School Affiliation: The Catholic University of America Judge Kathryn J. DuFour Law Library Address: 3600 John McCormack Road NE, Washington, DC 20064 Phone: 202-319-5116 Email: margeton@law.edu Speaker : Title: School Affiliation: Address: Phone: Email: Stephen Young Reference Librarian The Catholic University of America Judge Kathryn J. DuFour Law Library 3600 John McCormack Road NE, Washington, DC 20064 202-319-6252 youngs@law.edu Working with Your Architect Speaker: Title: School Affiliation: Address: Phone: Email: Rudy Hasl Dean, President and Professor of Law Thomas Jefferson School of Law 2121 San Diego Avenue, San Diego, CA 92110 619 297-9700 Ext. 1404 hasl@tjsl.edu Speaker: Title: Business Affiliation: Address: Phone: Michael LaBarre, AIA Executive Architect Fehlman LaBarre, 510 Market Street, San Diego, CA 92101 619 234-0789 - 14 - ABA Section of Legal Education and Admissions to the Bar 2010 Bricks, Bytes and Continuous Renovation Conference Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Presenters Speaker: Title: Business Affiliation: Address: Phone: David T. Symons AAA, AIBC MRAIC Design Architect S2 Architecture 1400 Kensington Road, Calgary AB T2N 3P9 403 283-6955 - 15 - ABA Section of Legal Education and Admissions to the Bar 2010 Bricks, Bytes and Continuous Renovation Conference Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Presenters Friday, March 12: Rutgers University - Camden Plenary: Planning for Flexibility Moderator: Christopher Simoni Address: 675 Lake Street #246, Oak Park, IL 60301 Phone: 708-613-4134 E-mail: chrissimoni@gmail.com Speaker: Title: School Affiliation: Address: Phone: Email: Doris DelTosto Brogan Acting Dean and Professor of Law Villanova University School of Law 299 North Spring Mill Road, Villanova, PA 19085 610-519-7007 brogan@law.villanova.edu Speaker: Title: School Affiliation: Address: Phone: Email: David Hollenberg University Architect University of Pennsylvania, Facilities and Real Estate Services 3101 Walnut Street, Philadelphia PA 19104 215-573-9005 dhollenb@upenn.edu Speaker: Title: Business Affiliation: Address: Peter Saylor, FAIA Partner SaylorGregg Architects 1100 Land Title Building, 100 South Broad Street, Philadelphia, PA 19110 215-972-0500 info@saylorgregg.com Phone: Email: Classroom Design Moderator: Title: School: Address: Phone: E-mail: Kathleen Price Associate Dean and Professor Frederic G. Levin College of Law, University of Florida Spessard L. Holland Law Center, P.O. Box 117628, Gainesville, FL 32611 865-524-5288 pricek@law.ufl.edu - 16 - ABA Section of Legal Education and Admissions to the Bar 2010 Bricks, Bytes and Continuous Renovation Conference Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Presenters Speaker: Principal: Address: Phone: E-Mail: James Baranski Baranski, Hammer, Moretta & Sheehy 220 W. Huron Street, Suite 4006, Chicago, IL 60610 312-337-1960 info@bhms-arch.com Clinical Spaces Moderator: Title: School: Address: Phone: Email: John C. Deliso Associate Dean Suffolk University Law School 120 Tremont Street, Boston, MA 02108 617-573-8594 jdeliso@suffolk.edu Speaker: Title: School: Address: Phone: Email: Jeffrey Pokorak Professor of Law and Director of Clinical Programs Suffolk University Law School 120 Tremont Street, Boston, MA 02108 617-305-1645 jpokorak@suffolk.edu Speaker: Title: School/Business: Address: Phone: Email: Yolanda Vazquez Faculty Offices Speaker: Title: School: Address: Phone: Email: Clinical Supervisor University of Pennsylvania Law School 3400 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104 215-898-2314 yvazquez@law.upenn.edu Jan Stiglitz Professor California Western School of Law 225 Cedar Street, San Diego, CA 92101 619-525-1697 js@cwsl.edu - 17 - ABA Section of Legal Education and Admissions to the Bar 2010 Bricks, Bytes and Continuous Renovation Conference Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Presenters Never Enough Space: Shrinking the Library Moderator: Anne Dalesandro Title: Director of the Law Library School Affiliation: Rutgers School of Law - Camden Address: 217 N. Fifth Street, Camden, NJ 08102 Phone: 856-225-6182 Email: dalesand@camden.rutgers.edu Speaker: Title: School Affiliation: Address: Phone: Email: John Joergensen Reference Librarian Rutgers School of Law - Camden 217 N. Fifth Street, Camden, NJ 08102 856-225-6460 jjoerg@camden.rutgers.edu Speaker: Title: School Affiliation: Address: Phone: Email: Judith Wright Associate Dean for Library & Information Services University of Chicago Law School, D’Angelo Law Library 1121 E. 60th Street, Chicago IL 60637 773 702-9616 jmwr@uchicago.edu Planning for Administrative Spaces Moderator : Mark Bernstein Title: Director of Legal Research Center and Professor of Law School Affiliation: Earle Mack School of Law at Drexel University Address: 3320 Market Street, Philadelphia, Pa 19104 Phone: 215-571-4770 Email: mpb63@drexel.edu Speaker : Title: School Affiliation: Address: Phone: Email: Jo-Ann Verrier Vice Dean for Administrative Services University of Pennsylvania Law School 3400 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104 215-898-6746 jverrier@law.upenn.edu - 18 - ABA Section of Legal Education and Admissions to the Bar 2010 Bricks, Bytes and Continuous Renovation Conference Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Presenters Student-Centric Spaces Moderator: Bruce S. Johnson Title: Associate Dean for Information Services School Affiliation: The Ohio State University, Moritz College of Law Address: 55 W. 12th Avenue, Columbus, OH 43221-1338 Phone: 614-292-2964 Email: johnson.726@osu.edu Speaker: Title: School Affiliation: Address: Phone: Email: Jonathan A. Franklin Associate Director University of Washington School of Law, Gallagher Law Library, William H. Gates Hall L156, Box 353025, Seattle, WA 98195-3025 206-543-4089 jafrank@u.washington.edu Law School Auxiliary Functions Moderator: Stephen G. Margeton Title: Library Director and Professor School Affiliation: The Catholic University of America Judge Kathryn J. DuFour Law Library Address: 3600 John McCormack Road NE, Washington, DC 20064 Phone: 202-319-5116 Email: margeton@law.edu Speaker: Title: Business Affiliation: Address: Phone: Email: Jeffrey A. Scherer, FAIA, Principal Meyer, Scherer & Rockcastle, Ltd. Architecture & Interior Design 710 South 2nd Street, 7th Floor, Minneapolis, MN 55401 612-375-0336 jeffrey@msrltd.com Courtrooms Moderator: Title: School Affiliation: Address: Phone: Email: Rayman Solomon Dean Rutgers University School of Law - Camden 217 North 5th Street, Camden, NJ 08102 856-225-6191 raysol@camlaw.rutgers.edu - 19 - ABA Section of Legal Education and Admissions to the Bar 2010 Bricks, Bytes and Continuous Renovation Conference Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Presenters Speaker: Title: School Affiliation: Address: Phone: Email: Anne Bowen Poulin Professor of Law Villanova University School of Law 299 North Spring Mill Road, Villanova, PA 19085 610-519-7082 poulin@law.villanova.edu Speaker: Title: School Affiliation: Address: Phone: Email: David S. Santee Assistant Dean for Advocacy Programs Villanova School of Law 299 North Spring Mill Road, Villanova, PA 19085 610-519-6415 santee@law.villanova.edu Donor Recognition Moderator: Title: School: Address: Phone: Email: John C. Deliso Associate Dean Suffolk University Law School 120 Tremont Street, Boston, MA 02108 617-573-8594 jdeliso@suffolk.edu Speaker: Title: School: Address: Phone: Email: Kristen DeVries Director of Donor Relations Drexel University 3141 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia PA 19104 215-895-0348 kristen.devries@drexel.edu Law School as Social Venue Moderator: Paul George Title: Associate Dean and Director of Biddle Law Library School Affiliation: University of Pennsylvania Law School Address: 3460 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104 Phone: 215-898-7488 Email: pmgeorge@law.upenn.edu - 20 - ABA Section of Legal Education and Admissions to the Bar 2010 Bricks, Bytes and Continuous Renovation Conference Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Presenters Speaker: Title: School Affiliation: Address: Phone: Email: Michael K. McChrystal Professor of Law Marquette University Law School P.O. Box 1881, Milwaukee, WI 53201-1881 414-288-5364 michael.mcchrystal@marquette.edu Public and Private Financing Moderator: Rayman L. Solomon Title: Dean School Affiliation: Rutgers University School of Law - Camden Address: 217 North 5th Street, Camden, NJ 08102 Phone: 856-225-6191 Email: raysol@camlaw.rutgers.edu Speaker: Title: School Affiliation: Address: Phone: Email: Steven Smith Dean California Western School of Law 225 Cedar Street, San Diego, CA 92101 619-525-1405 ssmith@cwsl.edu Temporary Spaces Moderator: Title: School Affiliation: Address: Phone: Email: Kathleen Price Associate Dean, Library and Technology and Professor University of Florida, Fredric G. Levin College of Law, 2500 SW Second Avenue, Gainesville, FL 32607 352-273-0706 pricek@law.ufl.edu Speaker: Title: School Affiliation: Address: Phone: Email: Michael Chiorazzi Director and Professor University of Arizona Law Library 1201 E. Speedway, PO Box 210176, Tucson, AZ 85721-0176 520-621-5477 michael.chiorazzi@law.arizona.edu - 21 - ABA Section of Legal Education and Admissions to the Bar 2010 Bricks, Bytes and Continuous Renovation Conference Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Presenters Speaker: Title: Affiliation: Address: Phone: Email: Anne Dalesandro Law Library Director Rutgers University School of Law - Camden 217 N. 5th Street, Camden, NJ 08102 856-225-6182 dalesand@camden.rutgers.edu Speaker: Title: School Affiliation: Address: Phone: Email: Robert R. Myers, Jr. Manager of Serials and Collection Access/Reference Librarian Case Western Reserve University Law School Library 11075 East Boulevard, Cleveland, OH 44106 216-368-8656 rrm8@po.cwru.edu What to Look for When You Visit Speaker : William (Bill) Andersen Title: Professor School Affiliation: University of Washington School of Law Address: William H. Gates Hall, Box 353020, Seattle, WA 98195 Phone: 206-543-9385 Email: ander@uw.edu Advanced Teaching Spaces: Integrating Technology and Teaching within and Beyond the Classroom Moderator: Pablo G. Molina Title: Chief Information Officer School Affiliation: Georgetown University Address: 600 New Jersey Avenue NW, Washington DC, 20001 Phone: 202-662-9004 Email: molina@georgetown.edu Speaker: Title: School Affiliation: Address: Phone: Email: April Mara Barton Assistant Dean for Academic Computing Villanova University School of Law 139 Law School Building, Villanova, PA 19085 610-519-5201 barton@law.villanova.edu - 22 - ABA Section of Legal Education and Admissions to the Bar 2010 Bricks, Bytes and Continuous Renovation Conference Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Presenters Speaker: Title: Business Affiliation: Address: Phone: Email: Mark Brasch Project Manager TotalVideo 414 Southgate Court, Mickleton, NJ 08056 856-423-7400 info@totalvideoproducts.com Interior Design Case Study: the Renovation and Expansion of Seattle University's Lemieux Library and McGoldrick Learning Commons Moderator: Jan Stiglitz Title: Professor School: California Western School of Law Address: 225 Cedar Street, San Diego, CA 92101 Phone: 619-525-1697 Email: js@cwsl.edu Speaker: Title: Business Affiliation Address: Phone: Email: Gili Meerovitch Partner Pfeiffer Partners 62 White Street, Suite 5-E, New York, NY 10013 212-625 3911 Landscape and Artwork Moderator: Bruce S. Johnson Title: Associate Dean for Information Services School Affiliation: The Ohio State University, Moritz College of Law Address: 55 W. 12th Avenue, Columbus, OH 43221-1338 Phone: 614-292-2964 Email: johnson.726@osu.edu Speaker: Title: School Affiliation: Address: Phone: Email: Jane P. Amidon Associate Professor and Head Landscape Architecture Section The Ohio State University, Knowlton School of Architecture. 200E Knowlton Hall, 275 West Woodruff Avenue Columbus, OH 210-1138 614-292-0081 amidon.2@osu.edu - 23 - ABA Section of Legal Education and Admissions to the Bar 2010 Bricks, Bytes and Continuous Renovation Conference Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Presenters Speaker: Title: Business Affiliation: Address: Phone: Email: Tom Moran Director of Artists’ Services and Arts Inclusion New Jersey State Council on the Arts P.O. Box 306, Trenton, NJ 08625-0306 609-984-7019 tom@arts.sos.state.nj.us See Me, Hear Me – Lighting and Acoustics in the Law Library and Law Building: New Developments and Standards Moderator: Stephen G. Margeton Title: Library Director and Professor School Affiliation: The Catholic University of America Judge Kathryn J. DuFour Law Library Address: 3600 John McCormack Road, NE Washington, DC 20064 Phone: 202-319-5116 Email: margeton@law.edu Speaker: Title: Business Affiliation: Address: Phone: Email: Jeffrey A. Scherer, FAIA, Principal Meyer, Scherer & Rockcastle, Ltd. Architecture & Interior Design 710 South 2nd Street, 7th Floor, Minneapolis, MN 55401 612-375-0336 jeffrey@msrltd.com Key Questions for Safety and Security Moderator: Paul George Title: Associate Dean and Director of Biddle Law Library School Affiliation: University of Pennsylvania Law School Address: 3400 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104 Phone: 215-898-7488 Email: pmgeorge@law.upenn.edu Speaker: Title: School Affiliation: Address: Phone: Email: Mary K. McGovern Assistant Dean for Administration Earle Mack School of Law at Drexel University 3320 Market Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104 215-571-4815 mmcgovern@drexel.edu - 24 - ABA Section of Legal Education and Admissions to the Bar 2010 Bricks, Bytes and Continuous Renovation Conference Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Presenters Speaker: Title: School Affiliation: Address: Phone: Email: Thomas J. Ryan Director of Information Technology Rutgers University School of Law - Camden 217 N. 5th Street, Camden, NJ 08102 856-225-6361 tomryan@camlaw.rutgers.edu - 25 -