RESIDENT ASSISTANT APPLICATION University of Dayton Department of residential Programs 300 College Park 206 Gosiger Hall Dayton, OH 45469-0965 (937) 229-3321 (937) 229-3290 (fax) RA Selection Information & Timeline Information Sessions There are two Resident Assistant (RA) Information Sessions where anyone interested can learn more about the RA position. These sessions are: 11/20/03 7pm-8pm, VWK 143 1/8/04 6:30pm-7:30pm, VWK 143 Application Deadline Although the application deadline is Friday, January 24, 2004, each applicant is strongly encouraged to submit his/her completed application with essay responses as early as possible. By doing so, an applicant secures his/her space in the selection process. Also, he/she is able to choose his/her interview workshop date. As the deadline approaches, you may not be able to choose your preferred interview workshop date due to limited space and availability. Therefore, please apply ASAP! Interview Workshop After submitting a completed application with essay responses (Candidate Recommendation Forms can be submitted separately), each applicant must sign up for one of the two interview workshops at the Office of Residential Programs (Gosiger, 2nd floor), or by phone, (937) 229-3321. The interview workshops are scheduled for: Friday, January 30th 3-6pm, and Saturday, January 31st 9am-12pm. One-on-One Interview with AC/AD & Group Interview with Associate Dean After the Interview Workshop, each applicant will receive an email indicating whether or not he/she moves along in the selection process. The next step is an One-on-one interview with either an Area Coordinator/Assistant Director, or the Associate Director. Also, you will undergo a group interview with the Associate Dean of Students. If instructed to do so, your email will provide details on how to proceed through this process. Placement Offers Placement decision letters will be made the week of March 1st. The letter will indicate whether you have been offered placement, no placement, or alternate status. For more information about the RA position or the Department , check out our website at or call the Office of Residential Programs at (937) 229-3321. Resident Assistant Application Please complete the application and submit it to the Office of Residential Programs, 206 Gosiger Hall, 300 College Park, Dayton OH, 454690965. Phone (937) 229-3321 Fax (937) 229-3290. Please include a photo of yourself. The deadline for participation in an interview workshop is January 24, 2002. Last Name.: First Name, M.I.: Soc. Sec. No.: Birthdate: Gender: E-Mail Address: Current St. Address: City, State, Zip: Permanent St. Address: City, State, Zip: Current Phone: Permanent Phone: Past Campus Address: Past Campus Address: Current Year at U.D.: Circle One: 1 2 3 4 5 Major/Minor: Academic School: Cumulative G.P.A.: Will you Co-Op?: If yes, circle year: 2002-03 2003 Will you intern? If yes, circle year: 2002-03 2003 List any organizations or activities in which you have been involved while in college or high school. Highlight any leadership positions, honors, awards, and social recognition you have received in these organizations. List your past work experiences below. Position, Employer, Dates employed: Position, Employer, Dates employed: Please provide the names and contact numbers of two references. These references need not be former employers, but please DO NOT use a current Residential Programs staff member as your reference. Please have each reference complete the attached Candidate Recommendation Forms Reference 1: Name, Title, Organization, Phone: Reference 2: Name, Title, Organization, Phone: Please type a few paragraphs for each one of these questions: 1. What are the most important aspects of being a Resident Assistant at the University of Dayton? Why are these aspects important to you? 2. What qualities do you possess that would benefit you as a Resident Assistant? Please share some past experiences when you had to use these qualities. I certify that I have read and understood the Resident Assistant position description. I also certify that the information I have provided on this application is correct and honest. If there are any changes, I will notify the Office of Residential Programs immediately. __________________________________ Signature and Date RESIDENT ASSITANT POSITION DESCRIPTION Qualifications and Conditions for Resident Assistants: 1. Have good academic standing (2.5 cumulative GPA). 2. Have good disciplinary standing. 3. Have demonstrated leadership ability through active participation in formal and informal community or campus organizations. 4. Successful completion of the interview process. 5. Successful completion of the Resident Assistant Course. 6. Be enrolled in no more than 17 hours a semester. 7. May not hold an outside position. The Resident Assistant (RA) is the University representative in the living group, which includes broad responsibilities extending into all aspects of the student’s physical, social, educational, and emotional well-being. The RA experience provides many opportunities to observe and correct undesirable behavior, to orient students to University life, to aid in their emotional and academic adjustment, to develop certain social skills, and to make residence hall living an integral part of the out-of-class learning experience. Resident Assistants are expected to show initiative and responsibility in addressing the following areas: 1. Counseling. The Resident Assistant establishes and maintains a close relationship with each resident in his/her area. He/she is to advise students within the limits of his/her capabilities in academic, social, personal and financial matters. The RA should be aware of student problems and concerns including adjustment, homesickness, roommate conflict, etc., and be interested in student goals and values. The RA should also be sensitive to his/her students to recognize potential areas of concern and address them appropriately. 2. Administration. The Resident Assistant fosters an atmosphere that is conducive to study and assists students in the development of community living standards. The RA must be familiar with campus policies and procedures as stated in the University Student Handbook, and direct students to the proper University office or official as necessary. Additionally, an RA must complete required paperwork related to student needs and issues as requested by his/her supervisor. 3. Programming. Open communication is the key to successful programming and the Resident assistant shall work to maintain open communication between student, staff, and the University. By maintaining open communication, the Resident Assistant will advise, plan, and involve students in the development of programs. The RA will follow a programming model that addresses areas such as community development, Marianist, service and Faculty Relations, which will foster student development in the residential area. By establishing a working relationship with area students, the RA will involve students in the ongoing development of the community. Also, the RA can identify and encourage potential leaders within his/her area to take initiative in planning and implementing programs. 4. Discipline. A Resident Assistant will be expected to role model and help students to understand the limits and guidelines as stated in the University student Handbook and through area community standards. Resident Assistants will confront students how choose not to abide by those established rules, regulations and standards. 5. Duty and Rounds. A Resident Assistant is required to assume duty responsibilities in his/her residential area. An RA is required to be available in his/her residential area over the entire duty period assigned. More specifically, the RA must always be reachable by telephone, the ringing of building call bells, or by pager, as directed by the Area Coordinator/Resident Director of that area. Rounds of the residential area must be made several times during assigned duty hours to ensure that there are no safety/community issues and to promote positive community living. Due to the uniqueness of each residential area, duty will vary from area to area. Duty requirements are at the discretion of and will be given by the Area Coordinator/Resident Director of each area. 6. Special Coverage. A Resident Assistant may be required to provide special coverage as assigned for University holidays and recesses including Fall Opening, Labor Day and Columbus day weekends, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Martin Luther King weekend, Presidents Day, Spring Break, St. Patrick’s Day, Easter and/or Spring Closing. Also, there may be times when an area staff or the Central Staff anticipates an increased amount of activity on campus. On such occasions, staff availability or visibility may be required. 7. In addition, the RA is responsible for the following: a) To report and consult with the Area Coordinator/Resident Director and/or Residence Coordinator regarding student needs and areas of concern. b) To act as liaison between the student, Residence Coordinator, Area Coordinator/Resident Director, assistant Director, Associate Director and/or Associate Dean of students/Director of Residential Programs. c) To report any cases of long absences, sickness, accident or unusual behavior to the supervisory staff. d) To attend at least two in-service workshops/sessions per semester (check out for schedule), one staff selection workshop day, Fall Leadership Institute (August 03 training), all general staff and sub staff meetings in your area, Rejuvenation and other events as directed by AC/RD. e) To assist with the opening and closing of the residential area assigned. f) May be assigned other duties as deemed necessary by the Office of residential Programs. g) To enroll and actively participate in EDC 402: Methods for Residence hall Assistants (applicable to new RA’s only). h) To uphold the role model qualities which accompany the RA position (including roles such as student, leaders, programmer, etc.,). i) To share a Catholic perspective in discussions regarding sexuality, consequences of sexuality, and sexual orientation. *Failure to meet any of the above expectations could result in disciplinary action or termination. Candidate Recommendation Form *Return to: Department of Residential Programs,300 College Park, Dayton, OH 45469-0965 or Fax to (937) 229-3290 Candidate Name Candidate Phone Candidate Signature Date ____I waive my rights to inspect this recommendation form. ____I do not waive my rights to inspect this recommendation form. ____________________ Reference Deadline POSITION BACKGROUND The candidate listed above has applied for a Resident Assistant position on the University of Dayton campus for the 2003-04 academic year. A Resident Assistant (RA) is a person who fosters student development through community development within our residential areas on campus. An RA assists students in their transition, integration and progression through campus residential living. The RA is responsible for areas such as social, cultural, service and educational programming, peer counseling and facilitating an environment that is conducive to learning. The Department of Residential Programs seeks students who are responsible, mature and creative. In addition, we seek candidates who exercise good time management, demonstrate potential for peer leadership and act as positive role models among their peers. CANDIDATE RATING Please us the rating scale below to assess the candidate in the following areas. Personal Traits Personality (nature, disposition, character) Maturity (judgment, open-mind) Emotional Stability Acceptance/Understanding of Diversity Social Skills Team skills (ability to cooperate, +attitude, flexible) Communication (articulates well, actively listens) Assertiveness (self-expression, tact, diplomacy) Administrative Ability Time management (punctuality, ability to meet deadlines) Task management (planning, organizing, implementing) n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Poor 1 1 1 1 Fair 2 2 2 2 Good 3 3 3 3 Excellent 4 4 4 4 n/a n/a n/a 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 n/a n/a 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 How long and in what capacity have you known this candidate?_______________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ This candidate should be (please check one): _____hired, no reservations _____hired, some reservations Reference Name Title and Organization/Company (if applicable) Reference Address Phone Reference Signature and Date Please see reverse side E-mail (if applicable) _____not hired Individual Comments Please discuss this candidate’s potential for success in an employed leadership position. Please include any other information you feel would be helpful to the Selection Committee. You may submit this information on a separate sheet of paper. Please Return To: Department of Residential Programs 300 College park Dayton, OH 45469-0965 or fax to (937) 229-3290