Patterns of Inheritance - Chapter 9


Patterns of Inheritance - Chapter 9

Genetics the science of ___________________.

A distinct _______________ makeup ________________ in a distinct set of

________________ and _________________ characteristics.

History of Genetics:

Biologists in the 19 th century observed inheritance patterns in _____________ and concluded that offspring inherit traits from___________ _________________.

The favored explanation for inheritance then became the “________________” hypothesis.

This is the idea that the hereditary materials contributed by the male and female


Gregor Mendel – Father of Modern Genetics (From here on is what we know genetic to be today)

Modern genetics began in the 1860’s when a _______ named

Gregor Mendel experimented with...

With a history in____________________, his research implemented a great deal of statistics.

He stressed that the heritable factors (genes) _____________________ their individuality generation after generation. (_________________________)

He studied pea plants because they had____________ ___________________

_____________, they produced______________ ________________ of

_________________, and they came in______________ ________________.

___________________ : flower color, height, seed shape, pod color, etc.



_____) purple/white flower, tall/short height, round/wrinkled seed, green/yellow pod color.

He could strictly ________________

_______________of pea plants.

Pea plants usually

_________________________, sperm carrying pollen from a plant lands on an egg of the same plant.

He could also cross-fertilize -




He worked with plants until he was sure he has a true-breed...

Example – parent plant had purple flowers, and if self fertilized it would only produce purple flowered plants generation after generation.

Once he had a true-breed, he then investigated what would happen if he crossed truebreeding varieties with each other.

Example – what offspring would result from cross-fertilization of true-breeds? purple flowers x white flowers

This offspring of two different true-breeds is called a__________________.

(the fertilization is called______________________, or ________________ .)

P generation –



generation -

(F stands for _____________, Latin for “_______”)

 F


generation –

Mendel ___________________ and ___________________ the inheritance of

________________, & the results lead him to formulate several ideas about inheritance.

He crossed a ______________________________ flower with a

_________________________________ flower.

He observed that the _________ generation were all __________________ flowers.

______________________________ the ______ generation he found that the _______ generation had a ratio of______________.

* One __________ for every three_____________.

He concluded that the ___________________________________________________, and that they ________________________________________________ for the flower color character.

He called these alleles –

Let’s look at his monohybrid-cross (parent plants differ in only 1 character):

Homologous Chromosomes - _______________ reside at the same _______________ on homologous chromosomes

Dominant allele –

PP or Pp

Recessive allele – pp

A homozygous genotype has -

PP or pp

A heterozygous genotype has -

Law of segregation

A sperm or egg carries only ____________________ for each inherited character.

 because

_________________________________ from each other during the production of ____________________________

Genotype -

Phenotype –

Carriers – organisms that are __________________________, they carry the

__________________________ for a trait but _______________________ only the

________________________________ is expressed.

Types of hybrid crosses

______________________ – the parents differ in only _____________________.

Example: Green or Yellow seeds.

______________________ – parents differ in ____________________________.

(Round or Wrinkled) and (Green or Yellow) seeds

Law of Independent Assortment

Each pair of alleles ______________________________________ of other pairs of alleles during _______________________________.

Punnett Squares

Punnett squares are used to show the _______________________ of what genotypes the offspring could have.

Test Cross

Used to determine the _____________________________ of a unknown character.

Used to verify if organism is in fact a true-breed.

Mate organism with unknown genotype, with an organism that has a __________

_____________________________ genotype.

The appearance of the offspring reveals the ______________________________.

Picture of Test Cross
