NAZI MEGA WEAPONS V1: Hitler’s Vengeance Missile POST PRODUCTION SCRIPT Shot Description Audio Transcript Recon WS men in forest bleed through colour CAPTION: V1 Launch site, PasDe-Calais, France SA solider in woods zoom in MS solider moves sandbag FL CU hand on gun - pull focus on ‘Esser’ with sand bag OS ‘Esser’ walking to gun post LMS sandbag placed down BCU gun - LA to ‘Esser’ V/O: In late 1943, Under pressure to deliver an operational V1 regiment Colonel Wachtel moves his men into the top secret launch 2s LA at gun post Esser VO: Throughout the autumn my job was just ‘boring’ guard duty Gun f/g to ‘Esser MS ‘ b/g WS to gun post VWS Tony walking in forest FR MS rear Tony walking down path turns FR to talk sites in Northern France In their ranks is Joseph Esser who is posted near Lille It was hardly what I signed up to... Tony Pollard: It was a site like this that Esser arrived at. The facilities were all here ready but the frustrating thing was that there were no missiles. There was a problem with supply. But once they started to arrive the plan was initially to store them in this building. Pan L to wall LA LS wall and pull out Tony jumps to floor and shines torch to camera LS torch on wall LMS Tony OOFR Tony Pollard This is an 80 metre (260ft) long bunker, and it’s function was to Page 1 of 7 NAZI MEGA WEAPONS V1: Hitler’s Vengeance Missile POST PRODUCTION SCRIPT Shot Description Audio Transcript CU ‘s of walls store the missiles. They would have been in here nose to tail. Ten of them, one end to the other, with their wings folded up before they’re assembled. WS Tony in building with torch HA as torch light falls on walls - tilt up to ceiling Rear LS Tony walks away CU legs walking away LMS Tonty OOFR LS to light at doorway - creep forward LMS Tony OOFR Tony Pollard: For most of their length these buildings are straight as a die but when you get to one end they start to curve around and it’s said that’s to protect from bomb blast if bombs are dropped on them. If you see them from above they look like skis laid on their side and they become known as ski structures. LA to doorway - mix through planes in flight FR LA to planes flying over LS British plane in flight LA MS pilot in cockpit Aerial shot flying over countryside And weapon sites HA to still aerial shot zoom in to launch site - animates Jump cut to tighter shots LA to doorway - pan L along wall V/O: By the end of 1943, the Luftwaffe has lost control of the skies over France. All the sites are now vulnerable to Allied aerial reconnaissance It doesn’t take long for the RAF to spot the strange ski shaped buildings Tony Pollard: So what we are looking at here for the Germans is a is a major design flaw - and as Page 2 of 7 NAZI MEGA WEAPONS V1: Hitler’s Vengeance Missile POST PRODUCTION SCRIPT Shot Description Audio Transcript LMS Tony Pollard OOFR soon as the Allies see these structures they know that something unusual is happening and something potentially very dangerous LA Tony walks to doorway HA Tony walks out of doorway and leaves FL Still - aerial of site Flash to tighter shot LMS Mike Pavelec OOFL CU finger points to photograph HA photo in hand tilt up to MS Mike Graphic showing launch ramp MS Mike OOFL Graphic showing launch site Recon soldiers in forests - weapons pulled down track MS ‘Esser’ stacking sand bags V/O: The distinctive missile bunkers giveaway the launch sites but the secrecy of the V1 programme means the Allies have no idea what they are for. It takes an aerial recon photo of a launch ramp at Peenemunde for them to make the connection Dr. Mike Pavelec : The place we’re standing and this photograph are very significant in the history of the V1 because this is where the Allies took a series of photographs that actually had a picture of the V1 on the launch ramp that allowed them to put two and two together. The launch ramps were for V1s aimed directly at London V/O: Allied air raids on the sites in Northern France begin in earnest… 18 year old Airman Joseph Esser is now in mortal danger BW archive planes fly FR Through ferns to man swinging axe LMS SA looking up ‘Incoming!’ Tilt up to MS ‘Esser’ looking up and running FR WS 2s running MS ‘Esser’ runs FR smoke fills screen Page 3 of 7 NAZI MEGA WEAPONS V1: Hitler’s Vengeance Missile POST PRODUCTION SCRIPT Shot Description Audio Transcript MS falls to camera looks up LA to planes in sky HA WS to plane over land - bomb explodes POV from plane as bombs explode HA explosion fills screen POV walking through forest - Tony IFR and turns FL Turns and moves FR to crater WS Tony walks into crater and looks round HA to feet on ground tilt up to tony as talks V/O: The Allies drop over 120, thousand tons (120million kg) worth of bombs on the Nazi’s V-weapon sites Tony Pollard: The impact of those Allied air raids is still plain to see in the forest which is pock marked with huge bomb craters. Look at the size of this one. And its…This must be a 500 pound bomb that’s landed here All over the site there are lumps of concrete where buildings have been hit by bombs raining down. Ariel shots to bombs exploding V/O: Nearly all of the one hundred V1 launch sites are heavily bombed long before they become operational LMS Tony Pollard OOFL Tony Pollard: The V1 programme is facing catastrophe and an entire rethink is required. The crews have to evacuate these sites and what they need to do is regroup, and rethink and come up with an entirely new strategy. Sa men at desks Caption V1 Command HQ, France, December 1943 OS to rear Wachtel standing LA SA Wachtel man hands him papers VO At his headquarters in France the pressure is building on regiment commander Max Wachtel - ….he has no idea how the Allies discovered the V1 sites. Page 4 of 7 NAZI MEGA WEAPONS V1: Hitler’s Vengeance Missile POST PRODUCTION SCRIPT Shot Description Audio Transcript OS man at desk to Wachtel standing MS Tony OOFR Tony Pollard: Wachtel realises that the secret of the V1 missile is out and he’s absolutely paranoid that the French Resistance are watching his every move so he takes some extreme measures. Graphic MAP – MODIFIED SITES V/O: Wachtel changes tactics The original launchers are abandoned And construction begins on a hundred and thirty small carefully concealed launch sites The relics of one are buried in the forest at Bois De St Remy Tilt up from grass to trees LA to trees - track under SA MS Tony moves FL Making his way behind trees BCU leaves HA walking FR tilt up as speaks and walks FL LMS moving FR tilt down to moss covered stone and clears with hand WS Tony by end of ramp HA POV to ramp end Move to 2nd Tony Pollard: I could do with a machete in some of this stuff. One, two, three, four. ….Maybe more over here. Looks as though it’s lined in the right direction. This is the end of the ramp. These concrete plinths are all that’s left of the V1 launch pad that was here. V/O: The new sites consist of two or three permanent structures heavily camouflaged in dense woodland. Page 5 of 7 NAZI MEGA WEAPONS V1: Hitler’s Vengeance Missile POST PRODUCTION SCRIPT Shot Description Audio Transcript BCU ramp end - zoom in MS Tony Pollard OOFL BC branch pull focus to structure b/g MS Tony OOFL LS to forest Tony centre frame CGI ramp built Tilt up to Tony OOFL CU branches pan R to ramp end - flash through images of complete ramp BW Archive LS men pull V1 into position AB SA LS forest - pan R through trees MS Tony OOFL Tony Pollard: This new type of site had fewer buildings, they were smaller, sometimes they were made out of wood just temporary structures on concrete bases, but there are essentials that would have had to have been here. We need a control room where the firing mechanism would be - we’d need a demagnetisation room V/O: The biggest change is the launch ramp. The plan is to deliver it in prefabricated sections that are only assembled at the last minute. This keeps the chances of the Allies detecting the site to a minimum. Tony Pollard: We’ve got the essential ramp but it’s as simple as possible, very quickly erected in the days before a launch Tony Pollard: The rest of the site is just dispersed and small scale, there’s need to be some sort of storage for the missiles. But we’re not looking at these massive long sheds where dozens of these things can be kept at one time. We’re really looking at something more akin to a mobile artillery battery here Page 6 of 7 NAZI MEGA WEAPONS V1: Hitler’s Vengeance Missile POST PRODUCTION SCRIPT Page 7 of 7